A Fond Farewell

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A Fond Farewell

Postby Just some lady » Fri Aug 04, 2017 1:06 am

A figure walks through the quiet streets of Muffinville, her gait lackadaisical. Occasionally she stops, and picks up some litter--stray potions, busted rayguns, used-up magic wands; the usual--and carefully bags it up and deposits in a trash can. Or, she straightens a long run-down plushie and kisses it gently, it on the forehead. Or, she gently coaxes closed an errant dimensional rift, with matronly care.

Occasionally, she sees something that seems to touch her--an old photo, a mothbitten old copy of the Codex, a long-expired flier--and she will smile and hug it to her chest, and then tuck it away gently into her pack.
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Re: a hum and a skip

Postby AmbushCat » Fri Aug 04, 2017 7:50 am

*The streets don't stay quiet for long, as one Callista Wilson-Metallium passes through on her way to her next shop. As soon as she spots her...*

CAPRICE! *insta-glomp* Great to see you here again!
It's a trifle, if ever was.
SpamLady Supreme -- By Caprice, 8/16/2017
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Re: a hum and a skip

Postby Just some lady » Fri Aug 04, 2017 9:48 am

Caprice smiles, reacting instinctivelcatching have Callista in a soft hug and use the force of her glomp to spiiin her around playfully.

"^^ Heeeeey~~~"

Beaming, she releases the girl, and motions for her to follow as she continues her stroll.

"I won't be here for long, but it's nice to seeeee you!"
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Re: a hum and a skip

Postby AmbushCat » Fri Aug 04, 2017 10:53 am

Callista: *smiles and follows after her* Thanks. How's life been treating you?
It's a trifle, if ever was.
SpamLady Supreme -- By Caprice, 8/16/2017
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Re: a hum and a skip

Postby xGoggles » Fri Aug 04, 2017 1:49 pm

A bit in the distance, a young man with a pair of goggles on his head, looks over an old flier, in front of an abandoned hotel, "Hmm, out of business too..."
Noticing the girls pass by, he walks over to them and asks "Umm, excuse me... I'm new here, do any of you two know a place where I can rent a room for the night? Well, one that is still open at least..."

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Re: a hum and a skip

Postby Just some lady » Fri Aug 04, 2017 2:16 pm

The girl pauses for a moment at Callista's question, then smiles after a moment.

"Oh, you know, I've been...collecting myself. ^__^"

She pauses again, stopping to gently straighten street sign that had gradually started to lose its grip in the pavement over the years.

"And what about you--oh!"

There is a shimmer and the girl suddenly flickers into view in front of the boy, before vanishing from Callista's side.

"You are new, aren't you? Oh my!"
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Re: a hum and a skip

Postby xGoggles » Fri Aug 04, 2017 3:11 pm

He takes a small step back getting a bit timid, as the girl flickers and reappears; this got him a bit off-guard, "Y-yeah.. hi there... N-Nice to meet you?"

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Re: a hum and a skip

Postby Just some lady » Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:29 pm

The woman leeeeeeans into the boy, grinning like a wolf. "You don't need a hotel, hotels are for squares! And you..."

She shifts her weight from one foot to the other, tracing his outline in the air.

"...you're person-shaped! Not a square at all!"

Shaking her head, Caprice clamps her hand over his wrist.

"But...yes! We'll find you something, little one. Come on, come on!"
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Re: a hum and a skip

Postby xGoggles » Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:51 pm

Feeling somewhat uneasy as the woman looks around him, "W-What?..Squares.. uh-umm?"
"Ahh, thanks I guess?", perplexed by the strange girl, she seemed nice but still...

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Re: a hum and a skip

Postby AmbushCat » Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:54 pm

Caprice wrote:The girl pauses for a moment at Callista's question, then smiles after a moment.

"Oh, you know, I've been...collecting myself. ^__^"

She pauses again, stopping to gently push a street sign that had gradually started to lose its grip in the pavement over the years.

"And what about you--oh!"

There is a shimmer and the girl suddenly flickers into view in front of the boy, before vanishing from Calista's side.

"You are new, aren't you? Oh my!"

Well, Ambush Cat took over Muffinville a year or two ago, then gave up when no one cared--- *Caprice warps over to goggle-boy at this point* ---aaaand low attention span. *rolls her eyes, but smiles* Didn't expect anything less.
It's a trifle, if ever was.
SpamLady Supreme -- By Caprice, 8/16/2017
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Re: a hum and a skip

Postby Just some lady » Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:10 pm

The woman looks back at the boy quizzically. "You don't have to thank me for squares, silly, they're just a shape!"

Before he can answer she raises her voice, shouting back to Callista.

"Calli, C'mon,you're gonna be laaaate! We're going ~shopping~!"
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Re: a hum and a skip

Postby AmbushCat » Fri Aug 04, 2017 9:01 pm

Callista: ...! *picks up her pace and catches up* You got my attention!
It's a trifle, if ever was.
SpamLady Supreme -- By Caprice, 8/16/2017
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Re: a hum and a skip

Postby xGoggles » Fri Aug 04, 2017 9:15 pm

"W-wait, what shopping?? I.. I'm just looking for a place to stay, not to buy one?", he becomes even more bewildered on what was going on.

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Re: a hum and a skip

Postby Just some lady » Fri Aug 04, 2017 9:46 pm

Caprice gives the boy a nonplussed look.

"^^ Don't silly, Mr. Goof! You're looking for a shop right now, and I am being a helper!"

She pauses, coming gradually to a halt as they arrive at Black Dragon memorial square, which if anything is emptied than where they're been--just an empty swath of concrete.

"Oh, but this should do~"
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Re: a hum and a skip

Postby xGoggles » Fri Aug 04, 2017 10:25 pm

"But I.. wasn't looking for a shop..?", this was going nowhere, was she mishearing him or just putting words in his mouth? Honestly not knowing anymore what was going on, he gave the girl, he heard was Calli , a look from distress, hoping she be able to make this situation a little more clear.
He was about to open his mouth again, trying to ask the random woman what they were doing at an empty square.. though decides to hold it in, knowing he'll likely get more question than answers.

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