*Ambush Cat strolls into the middle of a random neighborhood. Manipulating his tail like a crane, he pulls a generator-powered stereo system out of his back and places it on the sidewalk.*
"The only constant is change", you say. That's something all y'all have been proud of. You know what else is a constant? Neither do I, and neither does Curtis. He hates change. And when he found out that the forums were going to be placed in read-only mode and emphasis shifted elsewhere, he was angry. Of course this shifted to weariness after things were explained to him, but still... yeah. Not in the best of moods right now.
So I'm giving the forums a send-off as only I can. *smacks the stereo, causing music to start playing* Good-night, sleep tight... *face turns nightmarish* ...AND DON'T LET THE BEDBUGS BITE! YA-HAHAHAHAAA!
*As the music roars around the neighborhood, Ambush shrinks into himself and vanishes from reality with a snap. His cackles can be faintly heard for minutes afterward*