What would you do as a deity?

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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Thu Dec 28, 2006 6:48 pm

But everything matters... Except stuff in quantum physics. ;p
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Postby Xia » Thu Dec 28, 2006 9:56 pm

There would be a house, in a town, where, in ones or twos, people would stumble upon it.

in this house, the most impossible things would happen, things that even the word fantasy cant begin to describe, things that would push the envelope between entire worlds of imagination, the course of one night would be a lifetime...several lifetimes...

the next morning they would awake, neither here nor there in relation to the house they thought they were at, wondering where the line between dreams and reality are...

course, they may or may not leave the same as they entered... ^_^
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Postby AnimaVex » Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:16 pm

I would leave Earth. It's way too horrible to even work with these types of humans. I would bring anyone who would be actually a decent person (not including racist people. Sexist, I can work with TGing.) and make a new Earth, molding it to be a better society. I would have a bit more leniency than Naiad had with religion, save for the crusade-type stuff. I'd include you guys, as well, to be VIPs too, if you wish. :D I mean, I can't imagine not having a world without some of you. It would be too boring... And LONELY. Especially Musa. I'd have Musa become a demigod or something. So that Musa's will be mostly done. Except the uber bishie stuff. Too much bishie irritates my eyes. Especially the sparkles. <.<

Other than that, not much. The main thing would be to make a very similar world to the one we're in right now. And I'd make sure to figure out the Afterlife thing that goes on in the universe, and make it so that people would die and then be reborn, creating past lives, making sure that they would be sent on an even better path.

I'd also destroy any concept of currency and most of the law system and make a new one based upon the concept of doing good for others. And being rewarded for it.

Ooh. And I'd make Beyond into SUPER Beyond, with powers no regular Beyond could EVER have! (Emphasis on the eyebrows, flying, increased succeptibility to TFs... especially by Musa and the rest of us... XD I'm evil that way. )

Oh, and for that other world? I'd bring all the good people to the new Earth constantly, and let the rest of 'em rot in their own mud. >.> Serves them right for being so selfish and arrogant in their desires. *mumbles something like "It all starts from the top and corrupts the base..."*
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Postby Princess Shiko » Mon Jan 01, 2007 4:21 pm

... what do you mean 'if' I was a deity?

Hmm.. alright. Playing the hypothetical card, I would probably promote a handful of people up to nigh-deity status. These people would not necessarily like one another. In fact, they probably wouldn't like one another at all. I'd do some environmental cleaning up, and make sure that nuclear proliferation didn't get too far.

After all, I do need a planet to screw with.

While my demi-deities (both gods and goddesses; I think that a little polytheism would do people a world of good, although as a Roman Catholic I'm not supposed to. Then again, if I were God, I'd just have to believe strongly in myself, right?) duked it out, for my entertainment, I'd probably do a little mucking about on Earth for my own entertainment. I have to say that while I wouldn't smite overmuch, I'd let my sense of poetic justice go a little haywire.

Then I'd read every book that Robert Heinlein has ever written. It's been something I've been meaning to do.
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Postby Lucky » Mon Jan 01, 2007 10:54 pm

If I ever wanted something to happen it whouldn't be a "miracle". More like a butterfly effect. It's us as humans who needs to clean things up, I whould just help people get the right idea.
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