DISCLAIMER: Please do not take anything I'm about to say personally. I do not mean to implicate anyone I don't name directly. This is complaining about the general community mindset, not the behavior of any ONE individual in it (though I will volunteer blame where it's attributable to me). Please... PLEASE no drama. Please.
Note that this isn't stuff I'm saying WILL be changed. Merely stuff I personally would like to see changed about the general "mindset" of the MSF community as a personal desire, or just things I don't like that I wish were different. It's a personal wish, not anything more. If there was to be anything hard-set about this, I wouldn't be posting about it. It'd be in the News forum or something, and probably with a lot more pretension. These are my personal griefs, no more or less.
Guilt trips: If you wronged someone once, they'd never let you forget it. Remember that one time you forced a TF they didn't want, and you made up? But then they mentioned it again or every time you ever do something they don't like? That sort of crap has no place among mature people, I feel. I'm not going to go more into this one, except I'm willing to blame a lot of the mess the IRC channel became on it. My complete abhorrence for guilt tripping is also why I refuse to let anyone wag a finger about me regarding my past in this community and expect me to look up at them with puppy eyes and a trembling lip. I did stupid crap, I admit it, and I wouldn't mind learning from it -- but if you expect to be able to hold it over my head, or expect apologies that I'm not already freely giving to you then you're in for a rude awakening, especially if the below factor is being taken advantage of. I propose people make up once and then get over it, and hopefully themselves.
You're special because you're you, and everything you do is good: I don't know who's more guilty of perpetuating this mindset -- Sakura or myself. I'm going to say Sakura for this one and myself for the next one, but I do share the guilt in this one. Essentially there is this belief that people are respectable just because they're people. This is a geek social fallacy (number 1 in fact!) that ostracizing anyone makes you a bad guy. MSF I feel took it even to the next level where not praising someone who does inferior work to the same degree as someone who did clearly superior work amounted to ostracizing. I'd be willing to bet that the resulting mindset has something to do with why no one ever felt truly motivated to contribute something of worth. What's the point if there is no observation of quality or communal respect gained for it? It's also why nobody can ever really bring change because everyone's opinions are equal to the point there can be no leaders or followers, project organizers and executors.
Power to the people! I AM the people!: This one? My fault. Totally. You can even look up old posts of mine and look at what kind of asshat I've been with this kind of talk. Basically, this involves a lot of talk about what the "community really wants" when said by a non-moderator, or what a moderator does to defend decisions. The "royal we" gets invoked a lot during this time. It's stupid, and I'm the one who really set the trend off once I retired and still tried to insert my foot in every door and decision. I'm sorry I did this, I'm sorry it became a trend to haunt us. From now on I speak only for myself, and if anyone agrees with me or wants to empower what I'm saying, it'll be on them to do so.
Mod mod mod mod mod mod mod: This is a topic that used to be talked about all the time, and flares up sometimes. Who is a mod? Who isn't a mod? Can I be mod? Is he/she/ferret becoming a mod? What can a mod do? Hey, I'm a mod! I deserve respect! Mod mod mod! Gah. Shut up! Just shut up! The problem with a community which isn't based on contributions or merit is that social status then falls almost entirely on which people are elevated to Mt. Olympus to rule over a forum they finally realize never really was going anywhere (not living or dying, or even just being interesting outside of goofy RPing and randomness). It's like becoming the king of a mountain surrounded by desert wastes. GRAY-colored desert wastes. Is it any wonder why some of the mods wandered off like a jaded/bored max level World of Warcraft player? Funny thing is, I think railing against this one is what lead me to helping start the trend of the above. What a nice mess. Moderators do a job, no more or less, and should try their best to be professional when speaking as a mod and act as a normal user at all other times . Again, thank Sakura for trying to propose the opposite.
And no, I've NOT been reading Ayn Rand. If Eirien, I, or anyone else wind up turning MSF into the underwater city of Rapture then I'll personally serve time as lingerie. Well, whenever we find time after evading crazy TG weeaboo Splicers that is.