Dreams: strange but awesome

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Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:29 am

I tend to dream a lot. I seem to lucid dream more commenly then most too.

As for how weird? Well...

I once had a dream where I could skate grind like in Jet Set Radio, and I was going around this big hill like 'zone' set up so you could 'grind' everywhere.

With me was Ron Stoppable and we were trying to defeat this evil soccerous and her robot minion (kind looked like that big robot thing from Robocop.) so we could save the Care Bears she had captured...

No I'm NOT just making that up. I can actually fish out the link to when I posted it to my LJ if I needed to. (It'd just take me a while)

I've found it very surpising how much my dreams have changed over the years. I never use to dream of being a girl, though I had wanted to at times. Then it happened really often, and now every now and then.

I also always wanted to dream about being Garath but never did.

Now I'm almost ALWAYS Garath in my dreams.

I remember once having this one dream with a Dragon half type girl who had short blond hair. Eliane (of LJ fame if anyone still remebers her) said there was something 'about' that girl but couldn't tell me what.

Ever since then that girl has randomly shown up in a few of my dreams.
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Re: Dreams: strange but awesome

Postby Lanzerus » Fri Dec 28, 2007 7:30 pm

i remember a dream i had awhile ago....it was weird....

it was about how my parents decided to move to a new city and i was just entering High school and this one for some reason had uniforms, i went to the schools office on the first day of school and asked for my uniform...they looked down at my sheet looked up and the woman turned back around and ignored me. i asked what was going on and she went and siad
"We didn't know you where a male student...."

the next moment im getting back home and my YOUNGER brother is in the kitchen and my parents are at work and he is suddenly older than me and he managed to demolish a wall/cabinet storage FULL of wine....so he was drunk and he was trying to hit on me. I REALLY didn't enjoy that. my other youngest brother came down from his room, and he was wearing robes brandishing a staff and he had a deamon at his command, and he got my other brother to leave me alone...

it continued like that for what seemed like ever....
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Re: Dreams: strange but awesome

Postby Lucky » Mon Dec 31, 2007 5:00 pm

My dreams are horror stories. The one last night that I can't even post here.
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