(3/2/2009 12:01:42 AM) Mayako: what case would you think Xia to be?
(12:01:47 AM) Mayako: her base attritbutes are this:
(12:02:10 AM) Mayako: str 2, dex 3, sta 2, cha 3, man 2, app 4, per 3, int 4, wit 4
(12:02:14 AM) Mayako: before anything
(12:04:22 AM) The_Director: case?
(12:04:26 AM) Mayako: I plan to make her a bad ass sorc/z0mg SWORD
(12:04:27 AM) Mayako: c aste
(12:04:29 AM) Mayako: caste
(12:04:33 AM) Mayako: **** YOU KEYBOARD
(12:04:36 AM) The_Director: Hahahaha
(12:04:37 AM) Caprice: XD
(12:05:07 AM) The_Director: Since you're not specifying an Exalt type... I'd say Twilight

(12:05:08 AM) Mayako: I don't see alot going into Dawn
(12:05:15 AM) Mayako: yeah
(12:05:25 AM) Mayako: 5 Melee, 5 War
(12:05:38 AM) Mayako: will be the priories
(12:06:11 AM) The_Director: *Nods*
(12:09:15 AM) The_Director: I could see either integrity and/or resistance being favored as well; probably athletics as well, maybe
(12:09:34 AM) The_Director: Since she can move around so damn fast and then hit like a tank buster.
(12:11:30 AM) Mayako: wait a minute
(12:11:41 AM) Mayako: char creation for solars says they only get 7 backgrounds
(12:11:45 AM) Mayako: just like Lunars
(12:13:29 AM) The_Director: yeah?
(12:14:02 AM) Mayako: I thought you said they had 11
(12:14:05 AM) Mayako: for some reason
(12:14:21 AM) The_Director: Ah
(12:14:28 AM) Mayako: Melee, War, Athletics, Presence, Resistance
(12:16:56 AM) ***Mayako spends most of cc bonus points on backgrounds, cause you cant buy them with xp

(12:17:24 AM) The_Director: generally, that's correct, yes

(12:21:08 AM) Mayako: Xia will have an influence 5
(12:21:24 AM) Mayako: when she's done, I'm giving the char sheet to you, same with Six Paths (who will be done sooner)
(12:22:20 AM) The_Director: Hahahahaha
(12:24:23 AM) Mayako: what kind of armor...
(12:24:31 AM) The_Director: For Xia?
(12:24:35 AM) Mayako: yeah
(12:24:52 AM) Mayako: she's not Lunar, so I have mobility penalties XD
(12:24:53 AM) Caprice: Xia is exalted~?
(12:25:03 AM) Mayako: Caprice: they think so
(12:25:10 AM) Mayako: but she's actually a Primordial in disguise
(12:25:13 AM) Caprice: XD
(12:25:15 AM) Caprice: I seeee.
(12:25:20 AM) Mayako: she thought the whole war thing was silly and ignored it
(12:25:22 AM) The_Director: Articulated or Lamellar, I think. I don't remember her ever wearing really serious armor.
(12:25:42 AM) Mayako: Articulated is 4...
(12:25:48 AM) Mayako: Lamellar is 2
(12:25:57 AM) Mayako: wait, errata, errata
(12:26:05 AM) The_Director: 1 and 3
(12:26:15 AM) The_Director: Oh, maybe reinforced breastplate
(12:26:19 AM) The_Director: screw articulated
(12:26:31 AM) Mayako: I was thinking that
(12:26:40 AM) The_Director: and since you have resistance, you could easily ignore mob penalties
(12:27:57 AM) The_Director: Caprice and Mayako: Just for the record, Helel is basically a Solar and Third Circle Demon hybrid

(12:28:09 AM) Mayako: mmhmm
(12:28:23 AM) ***Caprice records this. On vinyl.
(12:28:25 AM) Mayako: did you give me more xp than Helel? :O
(12:28:39 AM) The_Director: I would give you a lot more. XD
(12:28:59 AM) The_Director: That and not worry about that silly age-essence restriction

(12:29:30 AM) Xia: how much xp would you say Helel is?
(12:31:36 AM) The_Director: probably 500 to 1000 exp. Xia is likely up on par with the Sage, who I think is sitting on a lump of about 4500 exp right now.
(12:31:47 AM) The_Director: And at least essence 8
(12:32:43 AM) Xia: and you only gave me 2500 to spend

(12:32:52 AM) Xia: haha
(12:32:57 AM) The_Director: I changed my mind.
(12:33:00 AM) The_Director: :p
(12:33:00 AM) Xia: 750 xp go go for Helel
(12:33:10 AM) Xia: she's on par with Six Paths
(12:33:25 AM) Xia: 4500 to spend...
(12:33:26 AM) Xia: hehe
(12:35:14 AM) Xia: jeebus XD
(12:35:26 AM) Xia: it will be worth it
(12:35:30 AM) Xia: for her awesome
(12:35:55 AM) ***The_Director could totally use bp to efficiently skip a ton of exp raising certain things, in making an official-ish Helel sheet. But that's for another time.
(12:36:26 AM) ***Xia is so making an official Xia
(12:36:33 AM) The_Director: I seriously need to get to bed. Damnable 9am class that will surely be cold as Dis and then the professor won't show up and I'll cry manly tears.
(12:36:37 AM) The_Director: XD
(12:36:42 AM) Xia: are you scared yet?
(12:36:49 AM) Caprice: Sleeeeeep well~!
(12:36:59 AM) Xia: Xia would totally beat Desus to a pulp, too XD
(12:37:11 AM) Xia: then make sweet sweet charm love to Lilith's head to fix her XD
(12:37:13 AM) The_Director: And this is why I swear, at one point, it seemed like everyone's characters were becoming Exalted-ified. Cause it's fun.

(12:37:14 AM) Caprice: What is Desus~?
(12:37:24 AM) Xia: I'm beyond Exalted
(12:37:28 AM) Xia: this is just my fallen form
(12:37:35 AM) The_Director: Caprice: A total monster, magnificient bastard, and all around ass hole.
(12:37:53 AM) Caprice: Aha--I seee.
(12:37:57 AM) The_Director: Oh, and one of the greatest heros Creation ever knew in the Exalted setting.
(12:38:03 AM) ***Caprice was wondering what it was Lian was going on about.
(12:38:07 AM) Xia: The_Director: Slide versus Desus GOGO
(12:38:08 AM) Caprice: XD
(12:38:24 AM) The_Director: That would be such a beasting match, I have to say. XD
(12:38:44 AM) The_Director: Oh look, my email, I can stay awake now.
(12:38:58 AM) Xia: well, Slide is on par with Xia
(12:39:03 AM) Xia: is Desus on par with the Sage?
(12:39:52 AM) The_Director: Desus is the Sage +2 permanent essence. He's rather scary when you take that into consideration, but then, I also kinda optimized the Sage in many aspects, so he could probably trash Desus in combat.
(12:40:35 AM) The_Director: That and for some reason Desus doesn't have much in the way of extra peripheral essence, while the Sage has tons and tons of it.
(12:41:07 AM) ***The_Director is comparing stats right now, actually.

(12:42:32 AM) The_Director: Hahaha, Desus has a specialty in athletics for absurd stunts XD
(12:42:51 AM) Caprice: XD
(12:46:13 AM) Xia: 7 cha, 7 man, 7 ap
(12:46:15 AM) Xia: app
(12:46:17 AM) Xia: haha
(12:49:46 AM) The_Director: Yeah, I can steadfastly say the Sage would tear Desus apart- both verbally and martially. A lot.
(12:58:12 AM) The_Director: Especially with the combo's either would have available to them.
(1:11:18 AM) The_Director: Agh, noooo. My group has run out of things for me to do.
(1:12:33 AM) ***Caprice patpats
(1:13:35 AM) The_Director: ...Still haven't heard back from research or the webmaster, of course.
(1:13:46 AM) Caprice: Awwwwww.
(1:15:19 AM) The_Director: And Lian is trying to stat out Helel on the boards. Do you have something to do with this, Xia?

(1:15:31 AM) Caprice: XD