Sharing STUFF from IRC

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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:19 pm




Nekkid1 reclaims her moon while Xia is away.

Nekkid1: That butt pirate can't take just any moon she wants!

Allen: Or can she?

Nekkid1: Not so long as she's the butt of my joke, she can't.

Allen: XD

Nekkid1: She so had her rear handed to her.

Allen: XD

Nekkid1: It was easy because I snuck up on her where the sun doesn't shine. The cover of darkness is your friend. ^_^

Allen: XD

Third XD is the charm. *_*
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Helel » Sat Jul 19, 2008 5:10 pm

(6:04:05 PM) Helel: ("Controlled Substances in Florida include: Narcotic drugs, Barbiturates, Other stimulants, taken by swallowing, sniffing, smoking, or by injection or any other means, and Model Glue" <- ...What?)
(6:04:19 PM) David: To work on something perhaps, it's odd that I took a Biomedical degree, isn't it?
(6:04:32 PM) David: (You've never heard of the glue huffers?)
(6:04:39 PM) Matt-chan: (Model glue kicks ass)
(6:04:45 PM) David: (<.>)
(6:04:51 PM) Karana: (yeah Helel, people sniff glue)
(6:05:13 PM) Karana: (and don't you remember those kids in elementary school who ate glue in art class?)
(6:05:26 PM) David: (I remember in middle school that PVA glue smelt like tropical juice.)
(6:05:30 PM) Helel: (They might as well add permanent markers, scratch and sniff stickers... :P)
(6:05:57 PM) Helel: (And no, I don't remember people eating glue in elementary school)
(6:06:14 PM) Helel: (No, play-doh, yes, because my brother is special)
(6:06:22 PM) Matt-chan: (I remember Glue Fighters)
(6:06:25 PM) Karana: (lol)
(6:06:25 PM) David: (Ahahaha.)
(6:06:31 PM) Karana: (i remember sniffing the markers)
(6:06:34 PM) Karana: (they smelled good)
(6:06:59 PM) Helel: (I was generally more interested in... you know, drawing, rather than sniffing markers. :P)
(6:07:00 PM) David: (Oh, Americans. What WON'T you do?)
(6:07:01 PM) Matt-chan: (Glue Sticks smell like Fruit Loops)
(6:07:14 PM) Karana: (well, i only sniffed the markers that said you could)
(6:07:18 PM) Helel: (...I'm going to sit down over there Matt. XD)
(6:07:23 PM) Karana: (they were like cherry flavor and stuff)
(6:07:36 PM) David: (What the hell.)
(6:07:39 PM) Helel: (Even then)
(6:07:57 PM) Helel: (That's why people invented nice smelling flowers)
(6:07:58 PM) David: (As a person who is legally reatarded, I find this retarded <.>)
(6:08:02 PM) Karana: (yeah David, americans made markers you were actually supposed to sniff)
(6:08:08 PM) Masami: (XD)
(6:08:15 PM) Helel: (I find it retarded as well, David, don't worry)
(6:08:24 PM) RYan-dinner is now known as Ryan
(6:08:25 PM) Karana: (also David, you may be legally retarded, but you're really not)
(6:08:30 PM) Karana: (you're just a bit socially inept)
(6:08:31 PM) David: (Ok, maybe not retarded but rather "Not right in the head" perhaps?)
(6:08:59 PM) Ryan: FNASJKLFSDLKAWERHLSAJKN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(6:09:05 PM) David: (being socially inept can be cured easily :O)
(6:09:07 PM) Helel: (Yes)
(6:09:14 PM) Masami: (I'm socially inept too)
(6:09:17 PM) Karana: (yes but you always sit at home, so you're not really curing it)
(6:09:20 PM) Matt-chan: Huh?
(6:09:27 PM) Matt-chan: What's wrong, Ryan?
(6:09:34 PM) Ryan: Nothing.
(6:09:40 PM) David: (I don't always sit at home :o)
(6:09:42 PM) Matt-chan: Okay!
(6:09:42 PM) Helel: (Also, I'm sorry I brought this up, since I apparently skipped a crucial step in the American upbringing)
(6:09:45 PM) Helel: (:P)
(6:09:51 PM) Karana: (lol)
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:49 pm

Nature_Spirit|Diana slaps Empyrean_Nikkou around a bit with a large trout
Empyrean_Nikkou: The trout is old, and thus ineffective!
Nature_Spirit|Diana then slaps Empyrean_Nikkou around a bit with a large boat
Empyrean_Nikkou: That's too big for you to even tote!
Nature_Spirit|Diana does it anyway
Empyrean_Nikkou is cruising for a bruising? XD
Nature_Spirit|Diana nods
Empyrean_Nikkou has a fun trip.
Nature_Spirit|Diana sees Empyrean Nikkou next fall
Empyrean_Nikkou takes Ruby along for the ride.
Ruby: (IU don't know the next line...)
Empyrean_Nikkou knows that it will be next week, like every anime baddie.
Empyrean_Nikkou: You snort the next line, dummy!
Nature_Spirit|Diana pays Emp_Nikkou to never return.
Empyrean_Nikkou can not be bought!
Nature_Spirit|Diana hires an assasin
Empyrean_Nikkou kicks the assassin's double-ass!
Nature_Spirit|Diana gives up
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned because only women can give two tits for every tat.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:51 pm

Missy: Luna's none too bright.
Lupus: <<
Kemono1: Sometimes brilliance is hidden by lunacy.

Give it up, yo! Seriously! :O
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned because only women can give two tits for every tat.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sun Jul 27, 2008 12:13 am

Karubidiumeleaux` has the following stuck in his head: Pixies - Hey.
*** Lupus joined #magicalsailorfuku
Swinging1: You have Navi stuck in your head? I feel sorry for you.
Karubidiumeleaux`: SIC.
Swinging1: No you didn't.
Karubidiumeleaux`: No, I really did.
Karubidiumeleaux`: I saw it so hard it blinded me.
Karubidiumeleaux`: Coming.
Swinging1: But I used Christian magic!
Karubidiumeleaux`: I used apathy against internet fads.
Swinging1: Doesn't stop you from using said Internet fads.
Swinging1: Which means that the Christian magic was just a ruse! For, in the end, you were blinded by science.
Karubidiumeleaux`: I'm too lazy to anything.
Karubidiumeleaux`: Eh.
Swinging1: I'm see you eh and raise you a meh.
Swinging1: *your
Karubidiumeleaux`: Hurreh.
Swinging1: I commend your efforts, but they were for naught.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned because only women can give two tits for every tat.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Sophia Anieri » Fri Sep 19, 2008 10:19 pm

[10:59:13 pm] * Cronocke is now known as _Cronocke-054
[10:59:34 pm] * Sakura has joined #magicalsailorfuku
[11:00:33 pm] <_Cronocke-054> h f vg hjuhjunhjnmj
[11:00:44 pm] * _Cronocke-054 is now known as Cronocke
[11:03:28 pm] <SophiaAnieri> I'm sorry, I don't speak Middle Old Gibberish. Can you translate that sentence and try again?
[11:07:27 pm] <Homura> AREGfhjkhjl
[11:08:06 pm] <Homura> Why can't I get that mountain dew?
[11:08:29 pm] <SophiaAnieri> Try typing GET MOUNTAIN DEW. If that doesn't work, try TAKE MOUNTAIN DEW.
[11:08:52 pm] <SophiaAnieri> Ignore me if you're not asking for help with a text adventure game.
[11:08:53 pm] <Homura> No. you doin't get it
[11:08:59 pm] <Homura> I have to FLY to get it
[11:09:11 pm] <Homura> and it's a well known fact Civics don't fly
[11:09:19 pm] <SophiaAnieri> Have you tried JUMP?
[11:10:49 pm] <Homura> YES <<
[11:10:55 pm] <SophiaAnieri> Hmm.
[11:10:57 pm] <Homura> This damn can is unreachable
[11:11:14 pm] <Homura> No. not text.
[11:11:18 pm] <Homura> Rush 2
[11:11:20 pm] <SophiaAnieri> You might need to replace the Civic with a Plymouth Voyager, strapped to a Saturn V rocket.
[11:11:54 pm] <Zeiss> INGEST FACE
[11:11:57 pm] <SophiaAnieri> But that's just a guess.
[11:11:59 pm] <Borealis> ....
[11:13:00 pm] <SophiaAnieri> Failing that, POKE MOUNTAIN DEW WITH VERY BIG STICK, REPEATEDLY.
[11:13:05 pm] <Allen> Eh.
[11:13:20 pm] <Homura> SHUT UP ALLEN YOU AREN'T KARM
[11:13:23 pm] <Homura> ; ;
[11:13:33 pm] <Borealis> I just throw Francium into water and hide somewhere.
[11:13:41 pm] <Allen> Eh.
[11:13:46 pm] <Borealis> XD
Tell me, for what price would you give up hope?
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How far?
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Helel » Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:58 pm

Because even when you're talking politics (sorta), a good joke can appear every now and then:

(3:53:04 PM) Flora: Incidentally, my father worked in the data transfer industry for a while. Everything in that original post is true. >.>
(3:53:17 PM) Zei|Drow: Exactly~
(3:53:26 PM) Zei|Drow: flora: Are you a democratic socialist?
(3:53:26 PM) Helel: Which post?
(3:53:32 PM) Zei|Drow: the one on 4chan XD
(3:53:38 PM) Zei|Drow:
(3:54:12 PM) Beyonce: <9> The US is larger than both Sweden and Japan, yes. But it also has a larger population, and thus a larger economy than either, which should be able to support that infrastructure. And the US has a higher population density that Sweden.
(3:54:16 PM) Flora: We
(3:54:25 PM) Flora: We're not allowed to call ourselves liberals in public.
(3:54:41 PM) Zei|Drow: <_<
(3:54:53 PM) Zei|Drow: What Beyonce said <_<
(3:55:20 PM) Helel: I had to scroll up for that Zei, and then when I finished reading it, I noticed you had posted it again.
(3:55:23 PM) Helel: jerk. :P
(3:55:28 PM) Zei|Drow: :P
(3:55:45 PM) Zei|Drow: government limits installation of wires.
(3:55:46 PM) Zei|Drow: limited wires gives monopoly to the few who installed and thus own the wires.
(3:56:03 PM) Helel: Flora: Call yourself progressive then. And then the conservatives will ask you what that means, and you can say "We're your friends"
(3:56:17 PM) Zei|Drow: Ahahaha
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Funny Hat + Funny Accent » Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:44 am

<Kisaki> how's that laundry basket been holding up Helel?
*** Jacob is now known as _Jacob-027
<Helel> It's still working
[Aires] It's dead, right?
<Kisaki> the old one died
<Helel> I actually use one of my travelling bags to carry laundry around, cause the new one is the poop
<Helel> And has probably been stolen by a resident about seven times.
<Kisaki> haha
<Kisaki> oh well
<Kisaki> target sucks
[Aires] ...Hmm...I could say something there...
*** _Jacob-027 is now known as Lupus
<Helel> Though lately, my residents are more interested in stealing my door stop.
<Lupus> Who's Aires?
[Aires] Huh
* Lupus whois's.
[Aires] Me.
<Lupus> ...
[Aires] XD
<Lupus> Newbie.
<Kisaki> no
[Aires] ...Really now?
<Helel> Try an oldie.
<Kisaki> that's Helel's bro
<Helel> Older than you.
*** Aires is now known as Tiberius
<Helel> :o
<Lupus> ...
*** Tiberius is now known as Borealis
<Lupus> I feel owned.
<Kisaki> haha
*** Borealis is now known as AiresDrake
<Lupus> Like majorly.
<Kisaki> poor Lupus
*** AiresDrake is now known as Aires
[Aires] XD
[Aires] Nick roulette.
<Helel> jesuslol
<Lupus> T__T

Silly Lupus.
Bore: Ah, comrade Yozis! I have been meaning to have bear wrestling match with you! Let me show you what your rear end looks like! *turns them into a demon-pretzel*
I just dropped a Tactical Nuke on a Blood Ape.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Helel » Fri Dec 05, 2008 4:27 pm

(12:40:16 PM) Helel: Wow, there are weapon freaks... and then there are weapon freaks that sleep in rooms chock full of weapons.
(12:41:53 PM) Lupusman left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 180 seconds).
(12:42:16 PM) Helel: That would probably be considered an armory if it weren't for the bed in said room.
(12:43:19 PM) Allen: XD
(12:43:36 PM) Helel: ...Borealis would probably be like that, actually.
(12:44:12 PM) Helel: And he'd probably confuse his underwear drawn with his hand grenade stock.
(12:44:17 PM) Helel: drawer*
(12:46:11 PM) Allen: Ahahaha
(12:46:54 PM) Lupusman [] entered the room.
(12:46:56 PM) Helel: That would be funny for me if it weren't true, unfortunately. XD
(12:48:06 PM) Allen: "Why are you wearing a handgrenade instead of underwear?"
(12:49:31 PM) Helel: '...I knew it was a little breezy compared to the norm. I'll have to adjust my calculations then.' Everyone else: "..."
(12:50:12 PM) Ginny left the room (quit: Q: <Solquinn> Everyone's picking on Sio. Harri liked her dress! <Calliope> ...look at what harri wears...).
(12:51:00 PM) Helel: And finally, at the end of this series, a person finally calls the antagonist disturbed. Finally.
(12:51:44 PM) Helel: After the guy hunted down women with blue eyes so he could kill them, slept with weapons, tried to kill a Princess with blue eyes and got stabbed instead, and then decided he loved the Princess.
(12:52:06 PM) Allen: Ahahaha
(12:52:19 PM) Allen: What is this?
(12:52:41 PM) Helel: Wellber no Monogatari
(12:54:02 PM) Allen: Wow
(12:55:30 PM) Helel: I have literally only watched this series because it's given me terrible ideas to put to use with the Sages. XD
(12:55:46 PM) Allen: XDXD
(12:55:50 PM) Allen: It sounds like Exalted
(12:56:15 PM) Zzzeiss: <_<
(12:57:07 PM) Helel: There's also a tank with an AI personality of a count that gets sleepy when he shoots his main cannon.
(12:57:14 PM) Allen: Yeah
(1:00:16 PM) Allen: Sounds like something your brother might make.
(1:03:16 PM) Lupusman left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 180 seconds).
(1:08:22 PM) Lupusman [] entered the room.
(1:20:48 PM) Helel: And then there's scenes like this, that I can't help but laugh:
(1:31:54 PM) Allen: XD
(1:31:55 PM) Allen: Ahaha
(1:32:04 PM) Allen: Is that what the Sages are like?
(1:32:17 PM) Allen: "You children need to take care of your own messes."
(1:32:29 PM) Tabitha [] entered the room.
(1:32:38 PM) Helel: Basically.

There are some crazy people out there...
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Funny Hat + Funny Accent » Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:04 pm

*** Topic is: Behold the National Forest | A vast stretch of forest that extends toward the northern mountains, and out to the seas on the west and east | (A Free Form RP Channel for Generic RPing and Blowing Stuff Up. It'll grow back.)
*** Topic set by Whisper on Sun Dec 14 5:22 PM
[Borealis] Grahhhhh!
[Borealis] SHINY!~
*** Shadell ( has joined #forest
* Shadell begins using the chainsword to cut down trees.
<Shadell> Oh I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK!
*** Roara ( has joined #Forest
* Borealis is igniting said trees or blowing them apart.
* Borealis decides he needs something more effective than a shotgun....
* Borealis discards the shotgun.
* Shadell offers Borealis one of the suitcase nukes Russia lost.
* Borealis pulls a 1500mm howitzer with his right hand and levels it at Shadell. It is noticeably shiny and it's current shell is inscribbed with, "UP YOURS!!!" and a smiley face.
[Borealis] 150mm* (Whoops.)
[Borealis] (That's would be overly massiv and require two arms, plus full power armor.)
* Shadell begins to run away. The suitcase nuke is beeping.
* Borealis shots Shadell in the back. He also engages his power armor.
* Shadell is shot in the back by a howitzer. Soon stands up, turns, grabs a minigun and opens fire on Borealis.
<Shadell> Undead have ridiculous soak and hp!
* Borealis lets the shells plink off his armor. "AND SHINY ALWAYS WINS!! FOR SCIENCE AND THE SHINY!"
<Aeris> Oh look, a penny :o
* Borealis grabs it.
* Borealis also replaces the flamethrower with plasma-torcher and the chainsaw with one made out of composite materials and platinum.
[Borealis] with a*
* Shadell begins to dualwield twin monomolecular chainswords.
* Shadell charges Borealis.
* Borealis fires bursts of 150mm shells and plasma at Shadell as the counter continues to tick down.
[Borealis] *The howitzer has shitfed into rapid-fire mode.*
* Borealis waits for Shadell to get closer as he continues to fire.
* Shadell spends most of her time running side to side, waiting for the howitzer to run out of ammo.
[Borealis] *The howitzer won't run out any time soon.*
* Shadell has plenty of time.
[Borealis] *Nor will the plasma. That's what you get for fighting Bore. Most people prepare to fight a battle or a campaign. He always carries enough to last ten years of constant fire. It's why he never really runs anywhere.*
* Shadell is willing to wait.
* Borealis also willing for his airstrike in the form of AiresDrake to arrive.
* Shadell knows weapons jam eventually.
[Borealis] (Problem for undead: They can't call in reinforcements.)
* Shadell also knows that airstrikes don't work well when the enemies are within a few dozen yards of one another.
* Borealis carries extras of everything.
<Shadell> (Why can't we? Actually zombies are considered the best at numbers games.)
[Borealis] (EVERYTHING!!!)
* Shadell is only waiting for a lull in the fire to charge in. Switching weapons would provide that lul.
<Shadell> lull*
[Borealis] (At raw numbers, yes. But not in reinforcements. Humanity has nukes, zombies don't.)
<Shadell> (If intelligent zombies can just take nukes.)
<Shadell> (Besides, that means nuking humans.)
[Borealis] *Aires Drake arrives on the scene, blasting out streams of destructive light from his maw at Shadell.*
[Borealis] (And why do we have war? Because someone out doesn't care for human life.)
[Borealis] out there*
<Shadell> (Not necassarily. War can serve purposes that increase the standard of living for a group. For example, war over natural resources when there aren't enough to go around.)
[Borealis] *Aires Drake departs the battlefield after a dozen strafing runs.)
*** Roara ( has quit IRC [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
[Borealis] (Or when people are greedy. I call to the stand Adolf Hitler who wanted 'Living Space" for Germans.)
[Borealis] (War is hell. It was never intended to be something good for the common person.)
<Shadell> ((Its niave to postulate that there is always a 'good' route to take. People will do anything to survive. Of course, most wars are perpetuated by powerful countries, so such examples are in the minority.)
[Borealis] (Not always...How did we go from "EXPLOSIONS!!" to debating the instracies of war and politics and diplomacy?)
<Shadell> ((Quite easily.))
<Shadell> ((*Is an international relations major.*))
*** Roara ( has joined #Forest
[Borealis] (Figures. Let's just say the SHINY won, okay? XD)
<Shadell> Yes it is lovely tea.
<Shadell> ((Drat. Wanted to confuse him.))
<Shadell> ((And no.))
[Borealis] (And Then I'll post this on the forum because it amuses me. I was also almost a history major because I have an AMAZING background knowledge in that field. History deals a lot with interactions between nations, so I wasn't going to be caught easily.)
[Borealis] (We'll call it a draw then.)

Undead versus SHINY.
Bore: Ah, comrade Yozis! I have been meaning to have bear wrestling match with you! Let me show you what your rear end looks like! *turns them into a demon-pretzel*
I just dropped a Tactical Nuke on a Blood Ape.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Helel » Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:00 am

Do not, under ANY circumstances, challenge Aires Drake/Borealis to a game of luck. Ever. He will crush you.

(11:45:24 PM) Whisper: (Or elsewhere)
(11:45:24 PM) Borealis: (Waiting there.)
(11:45:27 PM) Roara: (let's go to)
(11:45:29 PM) Roara: ( #Russia )
(11:45:36 PM) Borealis: (YESS!!!!!!)
(11:45:40 PM) Mischa: (( XD ))
(11:45:43 PM) Whisper: (That place is too damn cold.)
(11:45:45 PM) Whisper: (But sure)
(11:45:55 PM) Cronocke: ( I recommend #Nigeria_In_The_Springtime but what do I know? ))
(11:46:09 PM) PocketCaprice: ((XD))
(11:46:10 PM) You are now known as Helel
(11:46:24 PM) Borealis: (Not much about Russia.)]

(11:46:04 PM) Borealis: (YESS!!!!)
(11:46:10 PM) You are now known as Helel
(11:46:40 PM) Roara: Ready?
(11:46:52 PM) ***Borealis grasps the revolver. "Da, Comrade."
(11:47:26 PM) Borealis: (I will a D-10, I only get to surivve on a 10.)
(11:47:46 PM) Roara: (even though the chances of survival are actually 2/6? >__> )
(11:47:53 PM) Borealis: (Yes..)
(11:47:53 PM) Roara: (I suppose with your luck, that properly simulates those odds!)
(11:47:54 PM) Roara: ( @_@ )
(11:48:11 PM) Roara: (*watches Borealis somehow roll an 11*)
(11:48:21 PM) Helel: (...he's a dirty, cheating, sunovabitch bastard, what the hell)
(11:48:28 PM) Helel: (He got a ten)
(11:48:28 PM) ***Borealis pulls the trigger to blow his head off....and gets a click.
(11:48:33 PM) Roara: (actually, rolling an 11 on a d10, or a 7 on a d6, etc..)
(11:48:39 PM) Roara: (can be done through an extremely awesome act)
(11:48:46 PM) Borealis: (It was the only fair way.)
(11:48:48 PM) Roara: (of cutting the dice in half after throwing them in the air.)
(11:49:08 PM) Roara: Alright.
(11:49:16 PM) Helel: (Still, what the hell, Bore)
(11:49:21 PM) Roara: My turn.
(11:49:26 PM) Helel: (I hate your luck so much)
(11:49:28 PM) Roara: (I forget, in russian roulette)
(11:49:35 PM) Borealis: Da. *Hands over the revolver.*
(11:49:44 PM) Borealis: (Hm?)
(11:49:44 PM) Roara: (do you respin or whatever, to freshen your odds back to x/6, or do you pull the trigger, reducing your odds as time goes along etc.?)
(11:49:55 PM) Borealis: (You respin.)
(11:49:59 PM) Roara: (k)
(11:50:22 PM) ***Roara spins the trigger again. I'll roll this first time too, but the second time Roara will die for sure. Since draws are allowed, that's guaranteed! :D
(11:50:31 PM) Borealis: (Cool.)
(11:50:31 PM) Roara: (1 or 6 are survival)
(11:50:33 PM) ***Roara rolls 1d6 (6) and gets 6
(11:50:36 PM) ***Roara click.
(11:50:39 PM) Borealis: (Nice.)
(11:50:42 PM) Mischa: (( Mmmm... I remember one anime, where a guy would load two revolvers with one bullet, spin both barrels, and then point both at his head, pulling each trigger five times. XD ))
(11:51:03 PM) ***Borealis takes back the revolver and spin the chamber again. ^_^
(11:51:05 PM) Roara: (that's stretching the luck stat. :o
(11:51:14 PM) Roara: (you gotta do that infront of the big bad)
(11:51:19 PM) Roara: (then the sixth shot, shoot them twice)
(11:51:21 PM) Roara: (Vash could do it!)
(11:52:12 PM) ***Borealis pulls the trigger hard, almost breaking it and gets a click. "DAMN THIS PIECE OF AMERICAN CAPATAILISM!!"
(11:52:30 PM) Roara: I think that was made in korea, actually.
(11:52:35 PM) Mischa: (( ... ))
(11:52:56 PM) Roara: ..hey, Koreans need to shoot people too. '-'
(11:52:57 PM) Borealis: ..American capatialists...
(11:53:07 PM) Roara: just to heat this up...
(11:53:08 PM) Borealis: (Typo intentional.)
(11:53:13 PM) Roara: I'm an American citizen.
(11:53:24 PM) ***Roara watches Borealis with creepy red eyes.
(11:53:47 PM) ***Roara takes the revolver again. I'll roll again, but I won't stop until it's not a 1 or a 6. because I'm mean like that.
(11:53:51 PM) ***Borealis suddenly GLARES through the goggles with the RUSSIAN UNGODLY GOD OF MALICE backing him at Roara.
(11:53:54 PM) ***Roara rolls 1d6 (3) and gets 3
(11:53:59 PM) ***Roara head explodes.
(11:54:24 PM) ***Roara it was antimatter so his body and a small country may have too.
(11:54:26 PM) Borealis: BWAHAAHAHAHAH! Foolish Capitalists! Russia triumphs once more!
(11:54:27 PM) ***Roara the ant king is not pleased.

(11:48:56 PM) Shadell [] entered the room.
(11:49:18 PM) ***Borealis is still alive right now.
(11:49:49 PM) Mischa: Did you really roll a 10?
(11:49:55 PM) Shadell is now known as _Shadell-132
(11:49:56 PM) _Shadell-132 is now known as Shadell
(11:50:56 PM) Shadell is now known as _Shadell-133
(11:53:07 PM) Helel: Twice.
(11:53:09 PM) Alexander [] entered the room.
(11:53:30 PM) Helel: Borealis is lucky to the point you cannot begin to imagine.
(11:53:41 PM) Helel: And unfortunately, we haven't cashed in on that at Vegas yet.
(11:53:48 PM) Granola: XD
(11:53:56 PM) _Shadell-133 is now known as Shadell
(11:53:56 PM) Alexander is now known as _Alexander-134
(11:53:57 PM) Granola: Russia is too yandere
(11:54:01 PM) Helel: That too.
(11:54:07 PM) Granola: He also likes messing around with America
(11:54:32 PM) _Alexander-134: ...
(11:54:37 PM) _Alexander-134: Russia
(11:54:39 PM) _Alexander-134: Is awesome
(11:54:41 PM) _Alexander-134: Period
(11:54:45 PM) _Alexander-134 is now known as Aisere
(11:54:45 PM) SDHero left the room (quit: Q: ).
(11:54:48 PM) Aisere is now known as Alexander
(11:54:56 PM) ***Borealis survived his second trigger pull as well.
(11:55:13 PM) ***Roara survived his first, but then (WITHOUT DIVINE INTERVENTION) his head asploded on the second pull.
(11:55:42 PM) ***Roara considering I was rolling fair odds and Borealis was giving himself a 10% chance each time... wtf.
(11:56:23 PM) Helel: Bore had a 1% chance of surviving. And he did it. Of-freaking-course.
(11:56:34 PM) ***Helel is thoroughly disgusted, honestly. <_____<
(11:56:40 PM) Granola: XD
(11:57:32 PM) ***Borealis grins.
(11:57:36 PM) ***Roara another Roara appears, wearing blue pajamas.
(11:57:39 PM) Roara: what's going on here?
(11:57:51 PM) ***Roara rubs eyes. "I was sleeping peacefully with Violet and something happened here, that's not fair."
(11:57:59 PM) Borealis: I Survived American Capitalism.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Helel » Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:07 pm

And some more silliness.

(10:05:41 PM) Xia: you know, alot of those Exalted Motivational pictures could be applied to Final Fantasy, haha
(10:06:09 PM) Helel: They could, but they're funnier with Exalted. For me anyways, since I've actually played it.
(10:06:18 PM) Helel: Though, I do have FF4 for DS now.
(10:06:43 PM) Xia: and the Lady I'm talking about is Lady Luck
(10:06:50 PM) Xia: using Discworld terms for her
(10:06:58 PM) Xia: the one god who only comes when you don't invoke her
(10:07:03 PM) Xia: saying her name makes her go away
(10:07:45 PM) Xia: glee, a Dresden Codak poster
(10:08:00 PM) Helel: Hahaha
(10:08:25 PM) Helel: Yeah, I figured it'd be Lady Luck, since Helel, like me, lacks any form of luck. At all.
(10:10:38 PM) Xia: I keep wanting to play Exalted
(10:11:03 PM) Helel: I'm not letting you into my games.
(10:11:14 PM) Xia: why not? :O
(10:12:07 PM) Helel: Knowing you, you and my brother will break the already twisted, spinny, what the Bob luck that my groups already seem to have. And take it into a fourth dimensional... blob.
(10:13:11 PM) Helel: The much disparity of luck is not allowed in one game.
(10:13:23 PM) Xia: but I'm not flashy at all
(10:14:17 PM) Helel: Yeah, your luck just sucks- more than mine. While my brother's is awesome- that difference will destroy the game, a lot.
(10:14:33 PM) Helel: Even if I were to use Roara's dicebot- which Aires has already made his bitch.
(10:14:53 PM) Xia: my luck doesn't suck
(10:15:17 PM) Xia: every time I crit with a character who has a x3 multiplier, its always max damage
(10:15:36 PM) Helel: Well shit. There's no max damage in Exalted.
(10:16:00 PM) Jemma: Simple then. Make your brother roll for Xia. :p
(10:16:00 PM) Helel: So that'll mean you'll do about four thousand damage, and make the Neverborn explode.
(10:16:08 PM) Helel: ABSOLUTELY NOT.
(10:16:19 PM) Helel: I have to but a 'success cap' on my brother's rolls usually.
(10:16:20 PM) Helel: XD
(10:16:26 PM) Jemma: Wow
(10:16:37 PM) Xia: well, I'm getting myself some Exalted rulebooks
(10:16:44 PM) Jemma: Then make Xia roll for your brother?
(10:16:47 PM) Helel: ...Sure.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Funny Hat + Funny Accent » Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:13 pm

This is also contingent upon IRC deciding to work at Auburn. I'm thinking it's an issue from a patch that they apparently did over the holidays.

Worse case scenario, I go to GT to visit and to use IRC.

Then the world is DOOMED.
Bore: Ah, comrade Yozis! I have been meaning to have bear wrestling match with you! Let me show you what your rear end looks like! *turns them into a demon-pretzel*
I just dropped a Tactical Nuke on a Blood Ape.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Helel » Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:06 pm

There's some minor uh... editing that I did with this... But here's an idea of what the state of the IRC Mods is right now. And the forums, probably.

(3/2/2009 12:01:42 AM) Mayako: what case would you think Xia to be?
(12:01:47 AM) Mayako: her base attritbutes are this:
(12:02:10 AM) Mayako: str 2, dex 3, sta 2, cha 3, man 2, app 4, per 3, int 4, wit 4
(12:02:14 AM) Mayako: before anything
(12:04:22 AM) The_Director: case?
(12:04:26 AM) Mayako: I plan to make her a bad ass sorc/z0mg SWORD
(12:04:27 AM) Mayako: c aste
(12:04:29 AM) Mayako: caste
(12:04:33 AM) Mayako: **** YOU KEYBOARD
(12:04:36 AM) The_Director: Hahahaha
(12:04:37 AM) Caprice: XD
(12:05:07 AM) The_Director: Since you're not specifying an Exalt type... I'd say Twilight :o
(12:05:08 AM) Mayako: I don't see alot going into Dawn
(12:05:15 AM) Mayako: yeah
(12:05:25 AM) Mayako: 5 Melee, 5 War
(12:05:38 AM) Mayako: will be the priories
(12:06:11 AM) The_Director: *Nods*
(12:09:15 AM) The_Director: I could see either integrity and/or resistance being favored as well; probably athletics as well, maybe
(12:09:34 AM) The_Director: Since she can move around so damn fast and then hit like a tank buster.
(12:11:30 AM) Mayako: wait a minute
(12:11:41 AM) Mayako: char creation for solars says they only get 7 backgrounds
(12:11:45 AM) Mayako: just like Lunars
(12:13:29 AM) The_Director: yeah?
(12:14:02 AM) Mayako: I thought you said they had 11
(12:14:05 AM) Mayako: for some reason
(12:14:21 AM) The_Director: Ah
(12:14:28 AM) Mayako: Melee, War, Athletics, Presence, Resistance
(12:16:56 AM) ***Mayako spends most of cc bonus points on backgrounds, cause you cant buy them with xp :o
(12:17:24 AM) The_Director: generally, that's correct, yes :o
(12:21:08 AM) Mayako: Xia will have an influence 5
(12:21:24 AM) Mayako: when she's done, I'm giving the char sheet to you, same with Six Paths (who will be done sooner)
(12:22:20 AM) The_Director: Hahahahaha
(12:24:23 AM) Mayako: what kind of armor...
(12:24:31 AM) The_Director: For Xia?
(12:24:35 AM) Mayako: yeah
(12:24:52 AM) Mayako: she's not Lunar, so I have mobility penalties XD
(12:24:53 AM) Caprice: Xia is exalted~?
(12:25:03 AM) Mayako: Caprice: they think so
(12:25:10 AM) Mayako: but she's actually a Primordial in disguise
(12:25:13 AM) Caprice: XD
(12:25:15 AM) Caprice: I seeee.
(12:25:20 AM) Mayako: she thought the whole war thing was silly and ignored it
(12:25:22 AM) The_Director: Articulated or Lamellar, I think. I don't remember her ever wearing really serious armor.
(12:25:42 AM) Mayako: Articulated is 4...
(12:25:48 AM) Mayako: Lamellar is 2
(12:25:57 AM) Mayako: wait, errata, errata
(12:26:05 AM) The_Director: 1 and 3
(12:26:15 AM) The_Director: Oh, maybe reinforced breastplate
(12:26:19 AM) The_Director: screw articulated
(12:26:31 AM) Mayako: I was thinking that
(12:26:40 AM) The_Director: and since you have resistance, you could easily ignore mob penalties
(12:27:57 AM) The_Director: Caprice and Mayako: Just for the record, Helel is basically a Solar and Third Circle Demon hybrid :o
(12:28:09 AM) Mayako: mmhmm
(12:28:23 AM) ***Caprice records this. On vinyl.
(12:28:25 AM) Mayako: did you give me more xp than Helel? :O
(12:28:39 AM) The_Director: I would give you a lot more. XD
(12:28:59 AM) The_Director: That and not worry about that silly age-essence restriction :P
(12:29:30 AM) Xia: how much xp would you say Helel is?
(12:31:36 AM) The_Director: probably 500 to 1000 exp. Xia is likely up on par with the Sage, who I think is sitting on a lump of about 4500 exp right now.
(12:31:47 AM) The_Director: And at least essence 8
(12:32:43 AM) Xia: and you only gave me 2500 to spend :(
(12:32:52 AM) Xia: haha
(12:32:57 AM) The_Director: I changed my mind.
(12:33:00 AM) The_Director: :p
(12:33:00 AM) Xia: 750 xp go go for Helel
(12:33:10 AM) Xia: she's on par with Six Paths
(12:33:25 AM) Xia: 4500 to spend...
(12:33:26 AM) Xia: hehe
(12:35:14 AM) Xia: jeebus XD
(12:35:26 AM) Xia: it will be worth it
(12:35:30 AM) Xia: for her awesome
(12:35:55 AM) ***The_Director could totally use bp to efficiently skip a ton of exp raising certain things, in making an official-ish Helel sheet. But that's for another time.
(12:36:26 AM) ***Xia is so making an official Xia
(12:36:33 AM) The_Director: I seriously need to get to bed. Damnable 9am class that will surely be cold as Dis and then the professor won't show up and I'll cry manly tears.
(12:36:37 AM) The_Director: XD
(12:36:42 AM) Xia: are you scared yet?
(12:36:49 AM) Caprice: Sleeeeeep well~!
(12:36:59 AM) Xia: Xia would totally beat Desus to a pulp, too XD
(12:37:11 AM) Xia: then make sweet sweet charm love to Lilith's head to fix her XD
(12:37:13 AM) The_Director: And this is why I swear, at one point, it seemed like everyone's characters were becoming Exalted-ified. Cause it's fun. :P
(12:37:14 AM) Caprice: What is Desus~?
(12:37:24 AM) Xia: I'm beyond Exalted
(12:37:28 AM) Xia: this is just my fallen form
(12:37:35 AM) The_Director: Caprice: A total monster, magnificient bastard, and all around ass hole.
(12:37:53 AM) Caprice: Aha--I seee.
(12:37:57 AM) The_Director: Oh, and one of the greatest heros Creation ever knew in the Exalted setting.
(12:38:03 AM) ***Caprice was wondering what it was Lian was going on about.
(12:38:07 AM) Xia: The_Director: Slide versus Desus GOGO
(12:38:08 AM) Caprice: XD
(12:38:24 AM) The_Director: That would be such a beasting match, I have to say. XD
(12:38:44 AM) The_Director: Oh look, my email, I can stay awake now.
(12:38:58 AM) Xia: well, Slide is on par with Xia
(12:39:03 AM) Xia: is Desus on par with the Sage?
(12:39:52 AM) The_Director: Desus is the Sage +2 permanent essence. He's rather scary when you take that into consideration, but then, I also kinda optimized the Sage in many aspects, so he could probably trash Desus in combat.
(12:40:35 AM) The_Director: That and for some reason Desus doesn't have much in the way of extra peripheral essence, while the Sage has tons and tons of it.
(12:41:07 AM) ***The_Director is comparing stats right now, actually. :D
(12:42:32 AM) The_Director: Hahaha, Desus has a specialty in athletics for absurd stunts XD
(12:42:51 AM) Caprice: XD
(12:46:13 AM) Xia: 7 cha, 7 man, 7 ap
(12:46:15 AM) Xia: app
(12:46:17 AM) Xia: haha
(12:49:46 AM) The_Director: Yeah, I can steadfastly say the Sage would tear Desus apart- both verbally and martially. A lot.
(12:58:12 AM) The_Director: Especially with the combo's either would have available to them.
(1:11:18 AM) The_Director: Agh, noooo. My group has run out of things for me to do.
(1:12:33 AM) ***Caprice patpats
(1:13:35 AM) The_Director: ...Still haven't heard back from research or the webmaster, of course.
(1:13:46 AM) Caprice: Awwwwww.
(1:15:19 AM) The_Director: And Lian is trying to stat out Helel on the boards. Do you have something to do with this, Xia? :P
(1:15:31 AM) Caprice: XD

That is to say Exalted is coming to a forums and IRC near you. Probably.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Funny Hat + Funny Accent » Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:22 pm

Wait, it's already here....

Bore: Ah, comrade Yozis! I have been meaning to have bear wrestling match with you! Let me show you what your rear end looks like! *turns them into a demon-pretzel*
I just dropped a Tactical Nuke on a Blood Ape.
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