Lin dashes forward, hopefully closing the intervening distance between himself and the Explorator, and lunges forward, attempting to pierce the Explorator's throat with a single well aimed strike.
00:38 Twist Lin! Multiple strikes!
00:38 Loa ...Nevermind, let's keep going.
00:38 Lin wouldn't hit with those.
00:38 Hunter-of-the-Wind good girl
00:39 Hunter-of-the-Wind !roll 7 wits + surv please god are we out of lion country?
00:39 Dice-tan rolls 7 dice for Hunter-of-the-Wind with a target of 7 (10 9 2 3 9 2

Successes: 4 Criticals: 1 Total Successes: 5 Botches: 0
00:40 Explorator tosses the pistols into the air as he attempts to grab the blade with his bare hands by bringing them together in an applaud of foolishness. Because, yes, he wants to break this sword.
00:41 Explorator (So, stunt bonuses?)
00:41 Lin is probably going to kill the Explorator in his sleep if he does so.
00:41 Lin (Also is that multiple actions for Explorator?)
00:41 Lin (Since he had to disarm first?)
00:41 Twist (dropping shit is probably a reflexive action, lin)
00:42 Taiko is kinda sorta watching and moving forward at the same time. He thinks shit just got real.
00:42 Explorator (I coulda done it with the pistols, but I thought you hate me too much if I broke your sword with them.)
00:42 Explorator you would*
00:42 Lin (Fair enough.)
00:42 Explorator (plus, it was awkward to figure out in my head.)
00:42 Explorator (So, lack of creativity.)
00:43 Explorator (Waiting for stunt notice.)
00:44 Lin (Yeah.)
00:44 Lin (And can the break charm be dodged?)
00:44 Explorator (Not really, since you're throwing it at me.)
00:45 Lin (Stabbing. Besides, solars are incarnations of perfection such silly things like momentum don't apply to them.)
00:45 Explorator (You gotta combo?)
00:45 Lin (No charm use.)
00:46 Explorator (ah..)
00:47 Loa *+1 Old man*
00:47 Explorator !roll 8+8+2+1
00:47 Dice-tan rolls 19 dice for Explorator with a target of 7 (1 5 4 9 10 6 5 2 7 1 1 7 2 3 4 1 2 8 6) Successes: 5 Criticals: 1 Total Successes: 6 Botches: 4
00:48 Explorator (Meh...)
00:48 Loa *that would be a shattered daiklave there, ladies and gentlemen*
00:48 Lin kills.
00:48 Explorator (Oh...)
00:48 Explorator doesn't die.
00:48 Twist Lin!
00:48 Lin (Can't seven shadow?)
00:48 Loa (Lemmie check the text, but your attack just got owned)
00:48 Hunter-of-the-Wind would probably have enjoyed that, but pressing matters say move on!
00:48 Loa (regardless)
00:49 Lin (No, not an auto disarm even if the weapon breaks.)
00:49 Taiko saw that, right?
00:49 Explorator (Yes it is.)
00:49 Lin (Weapon breaking defense technique, right?)
00:49 Explorator (It's happened to people I know. I had to get Bore to fix their weapons afterwards.)
00:50 Explorator (yep.)
00:50 Lin (Regardless of whether or not it succeeds, I roll opposed to see if I'm disarmed.)
00:50 Twist (that's still strange, a charm that can break artifacts O-o )
00:50 Lin (Yeah.)
00:50 Twist (usually, they disarm rather than shatter, if it's an artifact >_> )
00:50 Lin (It is one of the two DB charms people always complain about online as being broken.)
00:51 Loa (I never leave home without that charm, honestly)
00:51 Lin (That and the 'all your charms are mega expensive to use.')
00:51 Explorator (It's so much fun when you're the one using it though!)
00:51 Lin (Wait.)
00:51 Loa (And it's Celestial Martial Arts)
00:51 Lin (Does this errata modify it?)
00:51 Loa (Don't think so)
00:52 Loa (Actually, it does)
00:52 Loa (It's an essence roll, rather than str + MA)
00:52 Explorator (Eh?)
00:52 Explorator (So what should I be rolling?)
00:52 Lin (hopefully just essence.)
00:52 Loa (The old man's essence, + the stunt die)
00:53 Lin (/me is very thankful of that.)
00:53 Explorator !roll 9
00:53 Lin (Err..)
00:53 Dice-tan rolls 9 dice for Explorator with a target of 7 (4 6 10 3 8 8 9 3 6) Successes: 4 Criticals: 1 Total Successes: 5 Botches: 0
00:53 Lin is very thankful o...
00:53 Explorator (Booyah.)
00:53 Lin (Essence 8 db?)
00:53 Loa *...yeah, still broken*
00:53 Explorator (Still got threshold.)
00:53 Lin (Shouldn't he be dead somewhere?)
00:54 Twist (DB is a big assumption)
00:54 Loa (You assume incorrectly about the old man)
00:54 Loa (But yeah)
00:54 Explorator (That would be my luck raising its head. And, look at Empress.)
00:54 Explorator (she would be Essence 8.)
00:54 Lin (Saying look at the best of your kind in history, she pulled it off is not a valid reasoning for 'random guy we met somewhere')
00:55 Explorator (He's from the North. He's inherently awesome.)
00:55 Loa *Lin's weapon shatters into several pieces of Orichalcum shards, which fortunately don't strike either of the combatants, but still... he's down one weapon*
00:55 Lin (You mean communist.)
00:55 Explorator (Only on Tuesday..)
00:55 Taiko totally saw that. And lets out a string of curses in forest-tongue.
00:56 Twist !
00:56 Lin !roll 10 wits+melee+specialty does he hold on to it though?
00:56 Dice-tan rolls 10 dice for Lin with a target of 7 (10 9 5 6 7 2 10 9 9 7) Successes: 7 Criticals: 2 Total Successes: 9 Botches: 0
00:56 Loa stops, looking back at Taiko. "What is it?"
00:56 Hunter-of-the-Wind Taiko wasn't running with Loa and I and Rufia the lesbo?
00:56 Hunter-of-the-Wind stops as well
00:56 Lin isn't disarmed despite having his weapon broken unless he's really misreading the text.
00:56 Hunter-of-the-Wind sighs "what happened?"
00:56 Loa *a pommel and a shard of orichalcum as long as some kitchen knives, Lin*
00:57 Taiko was watching, since he's slow anyway.
00:57 Lin which is stabbing the old man.
00:57 Explorator (Improvised weapon now?)
00:57 Taiko He... Holy... He broke Lin's sword.
00:57 Loa How?
00:57 Taiko His HANDS.
00:57 Lin (Wait, it says when he parries.)
00:58 Hunter-of-the-Wind things happen
00:58 Lin (Should Lin roll attack first?)
00:58 Loa *Sure*
00:58 Lin (Since it isn't a perfect defense)
00:58 Lin !roll 16 come on ten tens
00:58 Dice-tan rolls 16 dice for Lin with a target of 7 (5 1 9 10 10 8 6 3 4 6 3 8 1 6 10 1) Successes: 6 Criticals: 3 Total Successes: 9 Botches: 3
00:58 Loa *and we can compare that against the old man's parry.*
00:58 Lin hopefully cleared threshold.
00:58 Lin somehow.
00:58 Loa *using his bare hands, even*
00:58 Explorator *The attack failed, by a lot.*
00:58 Twist searches for a weapon on the boat, that isn't one of hers.
00:59 Explorator *5+ more successes needed.*
00:59 Loa *Needless the say, the old man managed to deflect even the shard away from him*
00:59 Twist !roll 5 SEARCH perception+awareness
00:59 Dice-tan rolls 5 dice for Twist with a target of 7 (5 9 5 5 2) Successes: 1 Criticals: 0 Total Successes: 1 Botches: 0
00:59 Taiko It's hard ta break this stuff, ain't it?
00:59 Hunter-of-the-Wind very
00:59 Loa ...yeah
00:59 Lin pokes the old man, didn't an 8 success attack hit you earlier. What did you equip in the ten seconds between then and now.
00:59 Loa *no luck, Twist*
00:59 Taiko I vote fer gettin' the hell away from 'im, as fast as we can.
00:59 Hunter-of-the-Wind why did you stop?
00:59 Lin is curious and angry.
00:59 Loa ...That's more than a bit scary, yeah.
00:59 Hunter-of-the-Wind Kon your logic astounds me
01:00 Explorator equipped blood of gattai, Russia, communism, Stlain, and awesome.
01:00 Loa ...Kon?
01:00 Lin is actually just livid. His player is curious too.
01:00 Loa gives Hunter a curious look.
01:00 Hunter-of-the-Wind doesn't believe in you so don't believe in her believing in you
01:00 Hunter-of-the-Wind waves a hand at Taiko "lets resume moving?"
01:01 Lin !roll 5
01:01 Dice-tan rolls 5 dice for Lin with a target of 7 (6 7 5 1 7) Successes: 2 Criticals: 0 Total Successes: 2 Botches: 1
01:01 Lin ...
01:01 Lin twitches.
01:01 Taiko I got a little... I dunno what it is. *he takes off again, with renewed VIGOR.*
01:01 Twist !roll 8 int+occult how powerful would a typical celestial exalt, we'll say, have to be, essence-wise, to break artifacts like that?
01:01 Dice-tan rolls 8 dice for Twist with a target of 7 (9 3 4 5 10 7 6 4) Successes: 3 Criticals: 1 Total Successes: 4 Botches: 0
01:01 Lin twitches more.
01:01 Lin You.
01:01 Lin Die.
01:01 Lin Now.
01:01 Explorator I think not.
01:01 Loa *Lin, let's just say the old man was holding back before. and got less bored than he was. Lin kinda picked a fight with someone... who is quite powerful. Even frighteningly so*
01:01 Hunter-of-the-Wind moves slightly faster. tongue slipped too
01:02 Loa ...Right.
01:02 Explorator catches his pistols.
01:02 Lin didn't start the fight.
01:02 Loa looks back hesitantly, before running on.
01:02 Lin probably won't end it either.
01:02 Lin isn't going to stop though.
01:02 Loa *XD*
01:02 Hunter-of-the-Wind could also be blushing somewhat, for actually having a tongue slip. And I think Lin had alot to do with the fight

01:02 Lin seems to be rather manic at the moment in fact.
01:02 Lin is grinning widely.
01:03 Lin seems to be shaking with something resembling laughter.
01:03 Taiko will probably confront her about it later, more than likely.
01:03 Hunter-of-the-Wind will probably kill you later for confronting her
01:03 Loa seems just curious about why Hunter called Taiko that...
01:03 Twist dashes to Explorator from the boat, running to stab at him... expecting him to catch her blade, she twists it at the last second, which either should slice through his hands when he tries to grab it, or at least make the stab all that more painful. Worse yet, if he DOESN'T try to catch it, he'll be dodging into orichalcum shards. "Lin!"
01:04 Twist This guy's an elder exalt too, so don't hold back!
01:04 Lin doesn't answer.
01:04 Lin slowly rocks back and forth.
01:04 Explorator You seem to be breaking the terms...
01:04 Explorator One on One.
01:04 Lin seems to be gripping his blade with white intensity.
01:04 Explorator sidesteps the strike.
01:04 Hunter-of-the-Wind smells a limit break
01:04 Lin is gribbing his blades so hard his hands are turning white.
01:05 Lin doesn't seem to be particularly rational at the moment.
01:05 Twist pulls her sword back, jumping back. From there, she kicks some of the shards in his face, before dashing forward again, her anima into darkness and blood, her visage suddenly quite horrifying although not YET totemic as she slashes, a trail of black and red essence behind her slice.
01:05 Lin did indeed manage to take 7 limit in one session.
01:05 Taiko won't die. Just be horribly mangled. "So, what can I call YA, 'unter?"
01:05 Explorator is not amused.
01:05 Twist finishes the attack, spinning around, slashing horizonally at the man. (Three attacks, second excellency)
01:05 Hunter-of-the-Wind >_> Hunter
01:05 Hunter-of-the-Wind moves faster
01:06 Lin isn't moving as Twist attacks.
01:06 Hunter-of-the-Wind of the Wind
01:06 Twist (stunt dice, helel?<3)
01:06 Lin almost seems to have forgotten how to move.
01:06 Explorator (Moves are: Sidesstep, flip over, and land on ground some distance away. In other words, distance.)'
01:06 Loa *+3 dice to Twist. She's gonna need it*
01:06 Twist (yay)
01:07 Twist does, for the third attack, dash at him if he moves away. >_> <_<
01:07 Twist if it's only two yards <_< >_>
01:08 Explorator will be not be there if he can afford it.)
01:08 Taiko Oh, c'mon, ya just revealed MY secret identity! *he laughs while they're running, trying to forget about the terrible events behind them*
01:08 Loa *roll your first attack, Twist*
01:08 Twist (ok :3 )
01:08 Loa Your secret identity, Taiko?
01:08 Hunter-of-the-Wind is playing the I cant hear you because she's faster than you game
01:08 Twist !roll 3+5+6-3+3 ORA 1
01:08 Dice-tan rolls 14 dice for Twist with a target of 7 (7 8 4 8 3 6 4 8 6 6 3 8 2 1) Successes: 5 Criticals: 0 Total Successes: 5 Botches: 1
01:09 Loa *that first attack misses the Old Man... roll the next one*
01:09 Twist !roll 3+5+6-3+3-1 ORA 2
01:09 Dice-tan rolls 13 dice for Twist with a target of 7 (4 7 10 4 1 9 9 4 5 2 10 1

Successes: 6 Criticals: 2 Total Successes: 8 Botches: 2
01:09 Loa *What's the word, on that one, old man?*
01:10 Loa hey, come back here! Hunter!
01:10 Taiko Ya can't just slip like that an' run off!
01:10 Explorator *He swings; STRIKE TWO!*
01:10 Loa She*
01:10 Explorator She*
01:10 Hunter-of-the-Wind thinks she did

01:11 Loa *Immediately as Twist makes her next swing, the old man indeed has jumped away.... so she can run up to him if she'd like... but he lands something like 75 yards away. Just who the hell IS this guy, anyways?*
01:11 Explorator (~You got the Touch~!)
01:11 Twist (so automiss?)
01:11 Explorator (For third? yes.)
01:12 Twist (kay...)
01:12 Loa (Yeah, leaping dodge/flurry breaker)
01:12 Twist (although if it's that "I evade by jumping," doesn't that not automiss the first? but I guess he used that on the SECOND instead of the third)
01:12 Lin (Well, maybe not for Scourges...)
01:12 Twist (in THAT case)
01:12 Twist (then can I not attack with the third?)
01:12 Explorator (It occurred to me second.)
01:12 Twist (aka pull it baack?)
01:12 Lin (Given that they seem to reflexively dash and have crazy speed.)
01:13 Taiko Dammit! *he shakes his head* I guess 'er mentor didn't teach 'er manners at all...
01:14 Loa *Your action basically aborted to a dash/nothing since you have nothing to swing at Twist, sure*
01:14 Twist (k)
01:14 Twist grabs Lin. "Time to run!"
01:14 Loa *Also, the old man landed fairly close to his raft. Sorta*
01:14 Lin ignores Twist's grab, charging head long at the man.
01:14 Hunter-of-the-Wind isn't exactly a conversationalist

01:14 Twist Kya! Not in that direction, Lin!
01:14 Lin even though it probably isn't his turn to act yet.
01:14 Loa We can press her later, now's not a good time...
01:14 Lin drags Twist along with him if necessary.
01:14 Loa *Lin can go now, sure*
01:15 Twist tries to stop Lin.
01:15 Twist fails miserably.
01:15 Loa *and if there's a drag contest, contested str+athletics roll, for Twist and Lin*
01:15 Explorator tosses his two pistols aside and reaches into the destroying chest to reveal a MASSIVE cannon that, yes, he is holding.
01:15 Twist !roll 2 STRENGTH
01:15 Dice-tan rolls 2 dice for Twist with a target of 7 (1

Successes: 1 Criticals: 0 Total Successes: 1 Botches: 1
01:15 Lin seems to have started laughing hysterically as he charges.
01:15 Explorator destroyed*
01:15 Lin !roll 7
01:15 Dice-tan rolls 7 dice for Lin with a target of 7 (5 10 2 7 1 4 5) Successes: 2 Criticals: 1 Total Successes: 3 Botches: 1
01:15 Twist fails miserably.
01:15 Twist (wait)
01:15 Twist (Helel, if he's like)
01:15 Twist (only on the boat)
01:15 Loa *And now... well, crap the old man now has a very, very large cannon*
01:15 Twist (I ran from the boat to him)
01:15 Twist (that was NOT 75 yards)
01:15 Twist ( >__> )
01:16 Twist (that's more like... two)
01:16 Explorator (He runs fast.)
01:16 Lin (Yeah we jumped off the boat and he moved twenty yards away.)
01:16 Twist (oh. okay.)
01:16 Loa (<_<; Sure, he runs fast)
01:16 Explorator (It's true!)
01:16 Lin (So he wouldn't have moved 75 yards to get back to the boat.)
01:16 Lin (Regardless of how fast.)
01:16 Twist (sigh though. going up against elder exalted. @_@ )
01:16 Loa *actually, roll percep + aware, Lin and twist*
01:16 Explorator (Maybe closer to 40, since he had that other dodge earlier..)
01:16 Twist (this is Exalted's problem)
01:16 Lin !roll 6
01:16 Dice-tan rolls 6 dice for Lin with a target of 7 (7 5 8 2 7 6) Successes: 3 Criticals: 0 Total Successes: 3 Botches: 0
01:16 Twist (that people like Explorator exist. >_> )
01:17 Loa *To notice the old man flash stepping, basically*
01:17 Lin oh, in that direction.
01:17 Twist !roll 5 perception + awareness
01:17 Dice-tan rolls 5 dice for Twist with a target of 7 (5 10 5 3 7) Successes: 2 Criticals: 1 Total Successes: 3 Botches: 0
01:17 Twist ...
01:17 Loa *Yeah, so both notice him back at the raft... with what's probably a medium essence cannon.*
01:17 Twist gods damn it...
01:17 Lin as a note never told Twist to interfere. In fact he didn't seem to acknowledge that at all.
01:17 Explorator levels the massive cannon at his charging foe. "I would step away if I were you."
01:17 Loa *That he's holding in his bare hands. wtf*
01:18 Lin is running quite fast, virtually as if he wasn't injured at all.
01:18 Lin doesn't divert to either side.
01:18 Lin just charges the man with murder in his eyes.
01:18 Explorator pulls the trigger, only once yet the recoil pushes him back.
01:18 Lin (How big is the essence bolt?)
01:19 Twist foolllowws Lin because she's not about to let her bodyguard diieee
01:19 Explorator (Hang on, lemme find stats..big enough enough to toss people away within 3 yards of the impact point.)
01:19 Loa *It's a blob of essence, I think about a foot across... but there's no AoE*
01:19 Lin (Page 131 if it's a normal essence cannon.)
01:19 Explorator (Oh, my bad that's Large.)
01:20 Loa *So Lin could dodge it... well, if he uses a charm anyway*
01:20 Explorator (Any bonus for leveling and firinf at someone as he pulls it out of a destroyed chest?)
01:21 Explorator firing*
01:21 Loa (I don't think you need it right now XD Let's continue)
01:21 Explorator (Hey, I just thought, my dice pool refreshed!)
01:21 Twist (he could totally use the essence, I bet >__> <__< )
01:21 Explorator (Yes, gimme the essence.)
01:22 Twist (if it hits.)
01:22 Explorator (I like the way you think!)
01:22 Explorator (But not move..)
01:22 Twist (with a brain?

01:22 Lin doesn't even attempt to dodge. He's far too far gone to conceptualize such things as evading blows. Rather, Lin charges headlong into the blast. This was a horrible time to limit break.
01:23 Lin is probably dead.
01:24 Lin come on botched attack roll.
01:24 Twist (that would be so hilarious)
01:24 Explorator !roll 18
01:24 Dice-tan rolls 18 dice for Explorator with a target of 7 (6 6 3 7 6 7 3 2 10 10 4 8 6 2 3 6 5 10) Successes: 6 Criticals: 3 Total Successes: 9 Botches: 0
01:24 Loa *Okay then roll it Old man*
01:24 Explorator (Hit?)
01:24 Lin (No dv.)
01:24 Loa *Yeah, a hit*
01:24 Twist (hit by 9 <_< )
01:24 Lin (Since he didn't try to dodge or parry at all.)
01:25 Explorator (There's the natural DV from being a moving target...)
01:25 Explorator (What's the DV?)
01:25 Lin (Straight at the attack.)
01:25 Lin (Not side to side.)
01:25 Loa (Nothing)
01:25 Lin is so dead.
01:25 Lin should have been named Swan with this luck.
01:26 Explorator (Um, do we want me to roll damage dice, or are we satisfied on why you don't anger old men?)
01:26 Hunter-of-the-Wind (damage dice
01:26 Hunter-of-the-Wind (damage damage damage dice

01:26 Lin (The character is probably a smoking crater right now.)
01:26 Loa (Go ahead and roll... lessee, 23 damage dice, I think)01:26 Loa (No, 21)
01:26 Lin (29)
01:26 Lin (Oh wait, soak.)
01:26 Loa (Yeah)
01:26 Lin is thankful for that at least.
01:26 Explorator (20+9-8...)
01:27 Lin (Wait!)
01:27 Loa hates piercing, by the way, even if it is awesome
01:27 Lin (Don't let Bore roll it.)
01:27 Twist (let ME roll it?)
01:27 Explorator !roll 21 Come on, just 4 successes.
01:27 Dice-tan rolls 21 dice for Explorator with a target of 7 (10 8 2 10 5 2 10 6 4 1 8 2 3 2 5 9 2 5 6 7 9) Successes: 8 Criticals: 3 Total Successes: 11 Botches: 1
01:27 Twist (eight successes lol)
01:27 Explorator (Whoops.)
01:27 Explorator (Well, you're not dead.)
01:27 Twist (lin, relax. Borealis is no more or less lucky than anyone else with Dice-tan. :3 )
01:27 Lin (One sec. Checking rules for when bashing goes over.)
01:27 Twist (you're ko'd)
01:28 Twist (and each additional bashing damage turns one bashing damage into lethal)
01:28 Explorator (It converts into Lethal.)
01:28 Loa *they roll over and are converted into lethal after the incap level, but yes, Lin is unconscious*
01:28 Lin (Yeah.)
01:28 Lin (Lin is at dying.)
01:28 Lin (I think one is filled.)
01:28 Lin (Nope.)
01:28 Explorator (Nope. It starts over.)
01:28 Lin (Not filled.)
01:28 Loa (So how many HLs does Lin have, and how many has he taken thus far?)
01:28 Twist (he took 6 so far, I believe)
01:28 Lin (7 HL)
01:28 Twist (so he'd be at)
01:28 Lin (Took 14 total.)
01:28 Twist (incapacitated but not yet dying)
01:29 Lin just.
01:29 Explorator (Double Incap.)
01:29 Lin is bleeding to death though.
01:29 Lin presumably.
01:29 Twist (nah)
01:29 Twist (roll stamina + resistance

01:29 Loa (Yeah, stamina + resistance, diff 4, Lin)
01:29 Twist (at -4 or whatever but still)
01:29 Loa (Err, at -4)
01:29 Twist (internal penalty, of course.)
01:29 Loa (Yeah)
01:29 Twist (do you still roll one if your internal penalty brings it down to 0?)
01:29 Lin (Internal so -4 successes?)
01:30 Loa (You roll 1)
01:30 Lin (Err..)
01:30 Lin !roll 1
01:30 Dice-tan rolls 1 dice for Lin with a target of 7 (4) Successes: 0 Criticals: 0 Total Successes: 0 Botches: 0
01:30 Loa (No, internal removes dice from the roll)
01:30 Lin is dying.
01:30 Explorator (No botch.)
01:30 Twist (five seconds later, roll it again

01:30 Loa *Okay, so Lin is still bleeding, but not totally dead yet*
01:30 Lin uses body mending meditation while unconscious.
01:30 Loa *And sure, roll again*
01:30 Explorator (Actually, with 7 health levels, plus Incap...)
01:30 Loa *A wise decision*
01:31 Explorator (That means 8 are filled by bashing and then 6 are crossed.)
01:31 Loa (the 7 includes incap?)
01:31 Lin (Yeah it does.)
01:31 Twist (yes.)
01:31 Loa (I don't think Lin doesn't have ox body, Old man)
01:31 Loa (Kay)
01:31 Twist (one -0, two -1, two -2, one -4, and one inc.)
01:31 Loa (Roll again, Lin)
01:31 Lin !roll 4
01:31 Dice-tan rolls 4 dice for Lin with a target of 7 (5 5 3 4) Successes: 0 Criticals: 0 Total Successes: 0 Botches: 0
01:31 Lin Err..
01:31 Loa (Unless, you know, someone is helping him)
01:31 Explorator (-0,-1,-1,-2,-2,-4,...Guess not..Hopeful thinking.)
01:31 Lin (No successes so no luck.)
01:31 Lin (Only SW has medicine.)
01:32 Lin begins to glow while unconscious.
01:32 Loa (Her pool still sucks though XD)
01:32 Explorator drops the cannon back onto the raft and walks over to Lin.
01:32 Loa (I mean, wits at around 4 is better than what she has)
01:32 Explorator pulls out a roll of bandages.
01:32 Lin 's night mark lights up if that even happens while dying and KOed.
01:32 Twist isn't far behind Lin.
01:33 Twist is glaring at Explorator.
01:33 Twist !roll 2 perception+medicine is Lin still alive?
01:33 Dice-tan rolls 2 dice for Twist with a target of 7 (2 2) Successes: 0 Criticals: 0 Total Successes: 0 Botches: 0
01:33 Explorator begins bandaging the wounds...."I do not wish for death out of this. Merely answers."
01:33 Explorator !roll 16
01:33 Lin failed at body mending...
01:33 Hunter-of-the-Wind !roll 7 wits + surv Are we in bat country yet?
01:33 Dice-tan rolls 16 dice for Explorator with a target of 7 (2 6 7 7 7 4 5 10 8 6 5 2 1 3 1 1) Successes: 5 Criticals: 1 Total Successes: 6 Botches: 3
01:33 Dice-tan rolls 7 dice for Hunter-of-the-Wind with a target of 7 (6 5 5 7 2 5 9) Successes: 2 Criticals: 0 Total Successes: 2 Botches: 0
01:33 Loa *'fraid not, Hunter*
01:34 Explorator He is young and foolish, but he can be taught to reject the ways of the unfrozen panzies....
01:34 Loa and Hunter are having a nice run though, with Taiko, Rufia, and SW
01:34 Lin wonders if he can retroactively have raised resistance while traveling to great forks?
01:34 Explorator (Is the mdeic duty working?)
01:34 Explorator medic*
01:34 Twist starts to try to resist wanting to kill Explorator, but then she doesn't because her temperance is cursed to failure.
01:34 Hunter-of-the-Wind thinks Loa, Taiko, Rufia, and SW are not having a nice run, since they are following Hunter

01:35 Loa *The old man seems to have dealt with the bleeding... so yeah, he's not gonna be dying. yet*
01:35 Loa *Not yet Lin, but we'll do that later. yeah*01:35 Taiko hates running. With his armor, at least.
01:35 Lin (Aww.)
01:36 Loa is keeping pace with Mayako unless she cheats with charms, or if they run really, really far. Damn that low resistance
01:36 Lin (Try body mending again?)
01:36 Loa (Yeah)
01:36 Lin (Can I somehow stunt it?)
01:36 Loa (Go nuts)
01:37 Explorator (...How?)