12:41 Tiberius I am not a nutjob, because I am not a squirrel.
12:41 Erek snickers.
12:41 Helel Tiberius is however a frozen ice weasel
12:41 Tiberius >.>
12:42 Tiberius Only on Sol-day.
12:42 Helel Right
12:42 Tiberius (That could be worked into the actually character, now that I think about it...)
12:45 Erek ...
12:46 Tiberius unholsters his sidearm again.
12:46 SaDreckChan New rule. You dance. For everything you do thats not dancing, I replace an item of your clothing wiht an ill fitting and embarrassing item of female clothing
12:47 K lays back watching
12:47 K sweet minion of nothingness
12:47 Tiberius brings the pistol-analogue up to point at the sky. "Dreck, lay off him."
12:47 SaDreckChan Um. . . .no
12:48 Tiberius Helel, permission please?
12:48 SaDreckChan chants slightly her eyes already going silver
12:48 Erek Uh... Um...
12:48 Erek meeps...
12:48 Helel Party.
12:49 SaDreckChan weaves her hands through the air, replacing Erek's underwear with a tight, hot pink thong with a big heart on the front
12:49 Tiberius grins like a maniac as he tosses of his helmet. "MARVELOUS!!!"
12:49 Tiberius Dreck, stand down. *Point the weapon at Dreck's torso."
12:49 Tiberius Points*
12:49 SaDreckChan Thats not gonna work kid
12:50 Erek meeps...
12:50 Tiberius looks at his pistol. "You know, you might be on to something with that." He holsters the pistol and ponders for a moment.
12:51 Tiberius Now, what weapon should I use? The 105 howitzer or the Medium Essence Cannon?
12:51 SaDreckChan weaves her hands through the air and Erek is now wearing a frilly white training bra about two sizes too small
12:51 SaDreckChan Like I said. . . not gonna work
12:51 Helel The howitzer, Tiber
12:52 Tiberius pulls out the 105mm howitzer and sends a fin-stablized and guided projectile at Dreck. "YOU GOT IT!!"
12:52 SaDreckChan Let me let you in on a little secret Tigger. I am remarakably easy to hit, TG etc. . .
12:52 SaDreckChan is seemingly hit, in fact the projectile goes straight through
12:52 Tiberius Tigger is my pet Siberian Tiger, not me.
12:52 SaDreckChan As long as I have no idea you're going to do something to me.
12:53 Tiberius Oh, you're dematerialized?
12:53 SaDreckChan No
12:53 Tiberius What then?
12:53 Erek blushes brightly... I suppose he's lucky that the clothes are covering it up...
12:53 SaDreckChan You fire a howitzer at me, and expect me to explain how I'm protecting myself?
12:53 Helel Sa Dreck is clearly made of fog. Use a wind blowing machine to blow her away.

12:53 Tiberius Yes.
12:54 SaDreckChan No Tibberian
12:54 Helel SaDreck: Uh, yes? Whether by ducking and covering, hiding behind cover, or summoning up some shield, dur.
12:54 SaDreckChan Erek. . . just dance
12:54 Tiberius Because otherwise, I'll use weapons that tear and distort the very fabric of reality at the sub-atomic level.
12:54 Helel Or you can explode, which is always fun.
12:54 Helel Tiber: Please don't break reality.
12:55 SaDreckChan That doesnt seem like a good idea
12:55 Tiberius I think it would be fun.
12:55 Helel You warp luck enough as well.
12:55 Helel as is*
12:55 Erek starts to do a little jig. It's obviously embarrasing and awkward.
12:55 Tiberius Besides, the old man wanted me to test some new rounds.
12:55 Tiberius (Yes old man=Borealis.)
12:55 Helel Test them on a tank. <_<
12:56 K yeah, guess I'm actually no minion
12:56 Tiberius opens the breech of the gun and loads a "special" round. It gives off VERY BAD vibes to anyone who can feel those sorts of things.
12:57 Tiberius Why test on something I can hit, when I can test on something I can't and show how they interact with the fibers of reality?
12:57 Tiberius The Old Man would be pleased with me finally following in his footsteps.
12:58 SaDreckChan claps for Erek
12:59 Tiberius shoots at Dreck. I would SERIOUSLY recommend dodging it since Tiberius dives for cover immediately following the shot.
12:59 SaDreckChan turns to Tiberius
12:59 Erek stops dancing and just stands there.
12:59 SaDreckChan is hit
12:59 Tiberius *Dreck feels the urge to do the Hokey-Pokey.*
13:00 SaDreckChan *theres no mind there to feel urges*
13:00 K come on Sa
13:00 K disco!
13:00 SaDreckChan Ok
13:00 SaDreckChan disco dances
13:01 Tiberius (You know, I was just trying to be nice there...The punishment fits the crime and all that..)
13:01 K laughs ar SaDreckChan
13:01 Helel nunc aget: Graeme Norgate (Timesplitters: Future Perfect) - Disco A GoGo
13:01 Tiberius realizes that he hasn't heard an explosion yet.....
13:01 SaDreckChan (I have no problem with what you did. I'm not doing anything I haven't showcased several times in the past)
13:01 Tiberius Oh ****.
13:02 Erek wanders over to the changing rooms...
13:02 SaDreckChan ((In fact if you were to ask OOC I have problem telling you whats going on))
13:02 CLAMP Connection to FUKU1 acquired. Searching for target...
13:02 CLAMP Target acquired. Locked onto DitzByNight's unique signature. Hold release until hit is confirmed.
13:02 CLAMP * Orbiting in space, FUKU1 fires a beam which changes DitzByNight's clothes into a complete rubber shrine maiden's outfit with orange bikini briefs, bra, and pantyhose. *
13:03 Helel Ahahaha, serves you right, Caprice.
13:03 Tiberius just starts running away as fast as he can as the round finally collides with the ground and activates the Controlled-Chaos warhead.
13:03 Erek (XD)
13:03 DitzByNight ((XD.))
13:03 Tiberius C-2 Mine!
13:03 Helel ...Crap, one those Tiber? Great gods...
13:03 Erek Eh? o.o
13:04 Erek What's going on?
13:04 Tiberius *Reality begins to fall apart within the expanding dome of chaos.* Not my fault! Master Borealis didn't tell me that he had one of those in the group!
13:04 SaDreckChan How's the Clamp updates coming Helel?
13:04 SaDreckChan seems to disipate
13:05 Helel We haven't done anything with it since Xia and I stopped screwing around with it a couple of weeks ago. Finals are next week and everything.
13:05 Erek wonders if the changing rooms would be affected. o.o
13:05 SaDreckChan ((Makes sense))
13:05 Tiberius (C^2 Mines basically have the effect range of a one-megaton nuclear warhead, but they completely de-stabilize reality instead releasing radiation.
13:05 Tiberius )*
13:05 SaDreckChan ((Oh good. So I did guess to correct result))
13:05 K jumps on Sa's back
13:05 K getty up pony!
13:05 SaDreckChan *K falls through
13:06 Helel twists her hands as a magic circle spontaneously appearing around her feet. Glowing sigils float in the air before her as she gathers essence and channels it into the expanding region of chaotic energies. "Wyld Shaping Technique!"
13:06 Tiberius (So, anything within 20 miles of the blast is going to be affected in some manner. This includes anything connected.)
13:06 K growls and brings the real Sa here the repeats
13:06 Helel appears around her feet*
13:06 SaDreckChan is brought here
13:06 SaDreckChan Hey no fair!
13:07 Tiberius skids to a stop.
13:07 Tiberius Uh, right...I can help with that....
13:07 *** Lupu joined #Magicalsailorfuku
13:08 SaDreckChan ((I gotta go. Be back in about an hour. Defenses are down, so just let me know what the heck happened to me when I get back. Thanks! ))
13:08 Helel rotates one of her hands as the chaotic energies rapidly begin to flow towards her, her eyes glowing red brilliantly as shapes the raw untapped energies and bends it to her will... the oncoming chaotic energies halt immediately and begin to collapse inward while taking a single solid shape that's vaguely beginning to emerge from the implosion...
13:08 Lupu ...The blast screwed up my net...
13:08 Helel as she shapes the raw untapped energies*
13:08 Tiberius kneels and bows his head to the earth beneath him, calling up the energy from the land to contain the dome's effects.
13:08 K hits SaDreckChan's butt with a riding crop while sitting on her back
13:08 Helel *Lupu: yes*
13:09 SaDreckChan Ow!
13:09 *** SaDreckChan quit (Q:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
13:09 Lupu (Also. What did you mean by anything connected?)
13:10 *** Erek quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
13:10 Helel gestures with her other hand as blue sparkles of light emerge from the haze of her glowing red eyes... she winces, though briefly as some of the chaotic energies 'escape' flowing into her very body... but the rest collapse into a building of some sort that seems hazy for a moment before shimmering and remaining in place, as though it were constructed via mundane means.
13:10 K aww
13:10 Helel *Rather than being shaped through sheer will out of an explosion of chaotic energies. Woo*
13:11 *** Lupu is now known as Erek
13:11 Tiberius (The Wyld energy is essentially a virus, I guess, and thus the fibers of reality are its vector....This means that any connection, spiritual or whatever, is also affected by the C^2 warhead.)
13:11 Erek (It's the Mad HOuse!)
13:11 Tiberius (Anything you might want to add Helel?)
13:12 Helel (Not at the moment)
13:12 Tiberius (Sound good to you then?)
13:12 Lexa o_O
13:12 Erek (Quick! What could happen to Erek while in the changing rooms?)
13:13 Lexa goes back to reading her paper
13:13 Helel Erek: Nothing in particular.
13:13 Tiberius (Umm...spontaneous mutation, addition of new limbs, changing of gender...Anything really. The Wyld is unrealized possibility.)
13:14 Erek (Hmmmmmm...)
13:16 Tiberius (Um, I'm gonna post this on the IRC thread for future reference and as a warning.)
13:16 DitzByNight ((A warning to not...get shot at? @_@))
13:17 Helel (Good advice)
13:18 DitzByNight ((Man. No wonder I've got all these bullet holes. Wish you'd told me not to do that earlier.,))
13:18 Tiberius (Also a warning for not agitating Tiber IC and making him use a "Borealis Special.")
13:19 Helel (If on accident
