Sharing STUFF from IRC

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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Funny Hat + Funny Accent » Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:55 pm

This is how you get something to work:

20:24 AiresDrake (So, I take it that the forums aren't working again....)
20:24 Mary ((Yep. Haven't been working for 4 and a half hours at the very least.))
20:25 AiresDrake (*bashes skull against his desk.)
20:25 Matty Figures
20:25 AiresDrake *)*
20:26 Mary ((And I think it's probably been longer, seeing there was not much of a reaction when I asked about it.))
20:26 Matty I think it's been down since I left.
20:27 AiresDrake (It's all your fault then.)]
20:27 Mary (( XD ))
20:28 Calandra pinches matty oocly and bites
20:28 Matty Ow. OW!
20:35 *** Calandra is now known as Light`Yagami
20:38 Corvus Just as planned?
20:38 Matty Not the best Yagami.
20:39 Light`Yagami I see so you doubt natural ability.
20:40 Matty You don't know my full true name, Light.
20:40 AiresDrake smashes Light with a tree. "Hammer time!"
20:40 AiresDrake (XD)
20:40 Matty Wood Hammer
20:41 AiresDrake Don't follow that train of thought...
20:41 *** NurseYolanda joined #Magicalsailorfuku
20:41 Light`Yagami I'm not ic i said earlier oh now I can go icly
20:41 *** Light`Yagami is now known as Crimson
20:41 Matty Yo-landa
20:41 NurseYolanda (*Wavez)
20:42 AiresDrake (Yo.)
20:42 Crimson but yeah I got fed up with the channel earlier. So said will only go icly when Yolanda is with Crimson
20:43 Mary ((I see.))
20:43 Matty patpats Crim
20:43 Crimson oh yeah there is one think
20:43 Crimson thing
20:44 *** Crimson is now known as Misa`Amani
20:44 Misa`Amani I know your true name
20:44 *** Misa`Amani is now known as Crimson
20:44 AiresDrake gives Crimson a hug OOCly if it is pleasing.
20:44 Crimson huggles and licks Drakey
20:45 AiresDrake is licked? 'Tis a silly thing.
20:45 Mary ((Be right back, again.))
20:50 Mary ((Back.))
20:50 AiresDrake (Yay~!)
20:51 Crimson wibbies
20:51 Mary ((Thanks.))
20:51 *** SaDreck joined #Magicalsailorfuku
20:51 Mary stabs the server.
20:51 Mary *correction*
20:51 Mary shoots the server.
20:51 Matty Bad forums!
20:52 AiresDrake nukes the forums with a roll of paper towels.
20:52 Mary That worked?!
20:53 AiresDrake BWAHAHAAHHAAHAHA!!!!!
Bore: Ah, comrade Yozis! I have been meaning to have bear wrestling match with you! Let me show you what your rear end looks like! *turns them into a demon-pretzel*
I just dropped a Tactical Nuke on a Blood Ape.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Dracos » Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:41 am

I hope this is post worthy... I like it...

=-= YOU are now known as It
* It is indeed true.
* K shrugs and killed the T anyways
<OOCaprice> ^_^
<It> woot, forum's back up
<Matt> Indeed
<Xia> sorry about that, I was sitting on it
* Mendokusee glances at Caprice's fist. O_O
* It takes offense to being sat on.
<Xia> it keeps my butt warm~
<Mary> Well, I'm off for the night, anyways.
* It does not!
<Matt> Xia's usually got a cold butt.
<Matt> Do your job, It!
* It refuses!
* It runs away!
* Mary catches it on the way out and drags it back here.
* It is very angry...
* It pouts.
* Mary smiles and leave it at Matt's feet.
* Matt picks it up
<Matt> It can be...
* Matt puts it on "A hat"
* It attacks Matt with sound and fury, signifying nothing!
<Mary> ((And now I'm out for sure this time. See ya.))
<It> night
|<-- Mary has left (Q: Goodbye for now!)
* Matt pets it
* It bites him!
* Matt puts it back under Xia's butt "Then stay there."
* It becomes ice cold, no doubt causing much discomfort!
* Matt gives random people and Xia hotfoots
* Matt in other words, a lit match in their shoe
* It feels very awkward...
* Mendokusee wonders why Awkward is being felt.
=-= Matt is now known as Awkward
<Awkward> EEEEK!
=-= Awkward is now known as Matt
<Matt> You shouldn't feel her up.
<Matt> Poor Very.
* MischaPoster eeps?
* Mendokusee looks over to the poster. "Um... Mischa?"
<MischaPoster> Yes?
* It uses mystical 'it' powers to escape, feeling up Matt afterwards!
<Mendokusee> Ah, it tis' you! Hiya. ^_^
<It> No, It is me.
<Mendokusee> It is you?
<It> I can tell because I dings at me every time...
<It> It is.
<Tako> IT is everyone
<Tako> It is here, it is there
<It> No, I am It!
<Tako> It is everywhere, but It is also only in one place.
<It> It is me and me alone.
<Tako> But It is a lot of things
* Tako points to a taco
<Tako> This is It.
<It> No, I am It!
<It> That is taco.
<Tako> ...
* Tako adds an "a" between the "is" and "taco."
<Tako> ..
* Tako thinks for a moment.
* Matt eats the taco
* MischaPoster would smile at Mendo if she wasn't already doing so. She looks like her normal self, dressed in a red and black one piece swimsuit, but is just a picture on a poster, liek a pin-up girl.
<It> You is tako, too
<MischaPoster> How're you Mendo? Sorry I don't look like Mid-Boss anymore.
* Tako stabs Matt with a taco wave
<Tako> Hm?
<Tako> What is It, It?
* Matt devours the wave
<It> It is It.
<It> that is all
* Tako points to the first It.
<Tako> That's It, too
<It> Exactly!
<Tako> ...
<Tako> The first one
<Tako> Not the second
<It> I is It!
<Mendokusee> Ah, tis' quite alright. How'd you end up like this?
* Tako grabs a dictionary
* It grabs Tako!
* Tako gives the dictionary to It. It is flipped over to this page:
<Tako> See?
=-= Crimson is now known as Lollipop-nightmares
<Tako> You are a lot of things, It
<It> What are you flipping over me
<It> That is very uncomfortable
<MischaPoster> Blair noticed me in the cardboard cutout form, and took me to her lab. She restored me, but then I asked to try this form out. ^_^;
<Tako> It is a dictionary.
* It is it. Nothing more.
<Mendokusee> Ah, I see. Is it going well for you thus far?
<Tako> It gives you definitions for words. Like It.
<It> We've been through this
<Tako> :o
<Tako> (This is fun)
<Helel> Ni
<It> Of course it is it
<It> that's what I've been saying!
<Tako> (Underlining every time I use the word It)
* K takes Mischa and makes a copy
* Tako turns to Matt
* MischaPoster acks?
<MischaPoster> What just happened?
<Tako> I don't understand Its point
<It> Of course it is a word.
<Matt> Can I have a Mischa?
<It> Its is something else
<Mendokusee> You... copied Mischa?
<Mendokusee> Is that healty?
* K stores the copy and puts Mischa back where it was
<Matt> What Tako?
* K gives Matt a copy too
* MischaPoster is pinned back up on the wall... although a copy of herself feels herself stored away.
* Matt makes her own copy of Mischa
<Tako> I don't understand the point that It is making. *points to It*
* Tako is a sad tacotako.
* MischaPoster eeps.
* It is making a simple point.
* It is it. That is all it is.
* Tako doesn't understand the point that it is making
* Tako it is making her very uncomfortable
* It doesn't understand how Tako doesn't understand it.
<Matt> Tako
* Tako and worried. It is making her worried
<Matt> It is that thing's name
<Tako> ...
* It is making Taco worried
<Tako> But it is also everything else
* Tako points to Matt
<Tako> You are an it
<Matt> I'm a girl right now!
* Tako points to the poster on the wall
<Matt> Wait.
* It is it, which is also everything else.
<Tako> That's an it, also
* It it is nothing
* Tako points to the taco she holds in her hand
* It is also everything.
* It is nothing more.
<Tako> This taco I hold which is burning red is also an it.
<Tako> ... Speaking of which, it tells me to serve it to someone
* Tako chucks it at Matt's head
* It is indeed a taco.
* Tako just chucked It at Matt's head
* It is chucked at Matt's head
<It> Do you still not understand what it is saying?
|<-- Kasu has left (Q: Kasu)
<Tako> Not... really
<Tako> >:
* Tako is just a taco-<3ing loli
* Tako forgive her for her childishness. D|
<Karubidiumeleaux`> It's it!
* It is simple. It can be anything, but might be nothing.
<Karubidiumeleaux`> What is it?
<Tako> ...
<Tako> I don't know what it is.
* It is It!
<Tako> o.@
<Karubidiumeleaux`> No.
<Karubidiumeleaux`> That's ruining the reference.
<It> Don't you get it?
<Karubidiumeleaux`> Go study Epic by Faith No More.
<Tako> No
<Tako> I don't get it.
<Matt> Eh.
<It> Just think about it more.
<It> Contemplate it.
* Matt puts the copy of mischa up and pockets the real Mischa
* It will come to you.
<Tako> ... What's contemplate?
<Tako> D:
<Tako> ...
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Funny Hat + Funny Accent » Thu Apr 23, 2009 1:21 pm

Okay, the following is a basic explanation of C^2 Mines/Warheads and how they work. This is the post I will reference when it happens again.
12:41 Tiberius I am not a nutjob, because I am not a squirrel.
12:41 Erek snickers.
12:41 Helel Tiberius is however a frozen ice weasel
12:41 Tiberius >.>
12:42 Tiberius Only on Sol-day.
12:42 Helel Right
12:42 Tiberius (That could be worked into the actually character, now that I think about it...)
12:45 Erek ...
12:46 Tiberius unholsters his sidearm again.
12:46 SaDreckChan New rule. You dance. For everything you do thats not dancing, I replace an item of your clothing wiht an ill fitting and embarrassing item of female clothing
12:47 K lays back watching
12:47 K sweet minion of nothingness
12:47 Tiberius brings the pistol-analogue up to point at the sky. "Dreck, lay off him."
12:47 SaDreckChan Um. . . .no
12:48 Tiberius Helel, permission please?
12:48 SaDreckChan chants slightly her eyes already going silver
12:48 Erek Uh... Um...
12:48 Erek meeps...
12:48 Helel Party.
12:49 SaDreckChan weaves her hands through the air, replacing Erek's underwear with a tight, hot pink thong with a big heart on the front
12:49 Tiberius grins like a maniac as he tosses of his helmet. "MARVELOUS!!!"
12:49 Tiberius Dreck, stand down. *Point the weapon at Dreck's torso."
12:49 Tiberius Points*
12:49 SaDreckChan Thats not gonna work kid
12:50 Erek meeps...
12:50 Tiberius looks at his pistol. "You know, you might be on to something with that." He holsters the pistol and ponders for a moment.
12:51 Tiberius Now, what weapon should I use? The 105 howitzer or the Medium Essence Cannon?
12:51 SaDreckChan weaves her hands through the air and Erek is now wearing a frilly white training bra about two sizes too small
12:51 SaDreckChan Like I said. . . not gonna work
12:51 Helel The howitzer, Tiber
12:52 Tiberius pulls out the 105mm howitzer and sends a fin-stablized and guided projectile at Dreck. "YOU GOT IT!!"
12:52 SaDreckChan Let me let you in on a little secret Tigger. I am remarakably easy to hit, TG etc. . .
12:52 SaDreckChan is seemingly hit, in fact the projectile goes straight through
12:52 Tiberius Tigger is my pet Siberian Tiger, not me.
12:52 SaDreckChan As long as I have no idea you're going to do something to me.
12:53 Tiberius Oh, you're dematerialized?
12:53 SaDreckChan No
12:53 Tiberius What then?
12:53 Erek blushes brightly... I suppose he's lucky that the clothes are covering it up...
12:53 SaDreckChan You fire a howitzer at me, and expect me to explain how I'm protecting myself?
12:53 Helel Sa Dreck is clearly made of fog. Use a wind blowing machine to blow her away. :P
12:53 Tiberius Yes.
12:54 SaDreckChan No Tibberian
12:54 Helel SaDreck: Uh, yes? Whether by ducking and covering, hiding behind cover, or summoning up some shield, dur.
12:54 SaDreckChan Erek. . . just dance
12:54 Tiberius Because otherwise, I'll use weapons that tear and distort the very fabric of reality at the sub-atomic level.
12:54 Helel Or you can explode, which is always fun.
12:54 Helel Tiber: Please don't break reality.
12:55 SaDreckChan That doesnt seem like a good idea
12:55 Tiberius I think it would be fun.
12:55 Helel You warp luck enough as well.
12:55 Helel as is*
12:55 Erek starts to do a little jig. It's obviously embarrasing and awkward.
12:55 Tiberius Besides, the old man wanted me to test some new rounds.
12:55 Tiberius (Yes old man=Borealis.)
12:55 Helel Test them on a tank. <_<
12:56 K yeah, guess I'm actually no minion
12:56 Tiberius opens the breech of the gun and loads a "special" round. It gives off VERY BAD vibes to anyone who can feel those sorts of things.
12:57 Tiberius Why test on something I can hit, when I can test on something I can't and show how they interact with the fibers of reality?
12:57 Tiberius The Old Man would be pleased with me finally following in his footsteps.
12:58 SaDreckChan claps for Erek
12:59 Tiberius shoots at Dreck. I would SERIOUSLY recommend dodging it since Tiberius dives for cover immediately following the shot.
12:59 SaDreckChan turns to Tiberius
12:59 Erek stops dancing and just stands there.
12:59 SaDreckChan is hit
12:59 Tiberius *Dreck feels the urge to do the Hokey-Pokey.*
13:00 SaDreckChan *theres no mind there to feel urges*
13:00 K come on Sa
13:00 K disco!
13:00 SaDreckChan Ok
13:00 SaDreckChan disco dances
13:01 Tiberius (You know, I was just trying to be nice there...The punishment fits the crime and all that..)
13:01 K laughs ar SaDreckChan
13:01 Helel nunc aget: Graeme Norgate (Timesplitters: Future Perfect) - Disco A GoGo
13:01 Tiberius realizes that he hasn't heard an explosion yet.....
13:01 SaDreckChan (I have no problem with what you did. I'm not doing anything I haven't showcased several times in the past)
13:01 Tiberius Oh ****.
13:02 Erek wanders over to the changing rooms...
13:02 SaDreckChan ((In fact if you were to ask OOC I have problem telling you whats going on))
13:02 CLAMP Connection to FUKU1 acquired. Searching for target...
13:02 CLAMP Target acquired. Locked onto DitzByNight's unique signature. Hold release until hit is confirmed.
13:02 CLAMP * Orbiting in space, FUKU1 fires a beam which changes DitzByNight's clothes into a complete rubber shrine maiden's outfit with orange bikini briefs, bra, and pantyhose. *
13:03 Helel Ahahaha, serves you right, Caprice.
13:03 Tiberius just starts running away as fast as he can as the round finally collides with the ground and activates the Controlled-Chaos warhead.
13:03 Erek (XD)
13:03 DitzByNight ((XD.))
13:03 Tiberius C-2 Mine!
13:03 Helel ...Crap, one those Tiber? Great gods...
13:03 Erek Eh? o.o
13:04 Erek What's going on?
13:04 Tiberius *Reality begins to fall apart within the expanding dome of chaos.* Not my fault! Master Borealis didn't tell me that he had one of those in the group!
13:04 SaDreckChan How's the Clamp updates coming Helel?
13:04 SaDreckChan seems to disipate
13:05 Helel We haven't done anything with it since Xia and I stopped screwing around with it a couple of weeks ago. Finals are next week and everything.
13:05 Erek wonders if the changing rooms would be affected. o.o
13:05 SaDreckChan ((Makes sense))
13:05 Tiberius (C^2 Mines basically have the effect range of a one-megaton nuclear warhead, but they completely de-stabilize reality instead releasing radiation.
13:05 Tiberius )*
13:05 SaDreckChan ((Oh good. So I did guess to correct result))
13:05 K jumps on Sa's back
13:05 K getty up pony!
13:05 SaDreckChan *K falls through
13:06 Helel twists her hands as a magic circle spontaneously appearing around her feet. Glowing sigils float in the air before her as she gathers essence and channels it into the expanding region of chaotic energies. "Wyld Shaping Technique!"
13:06 Tiberius (So, anything within 20 miles of the blast is going to be affected in some manner. This includes anything connected.)
13:06 K growls and brings the real Sa here the repeats
13:06 Helel appears around her feet*
13:06 SaDreckChan is brought here
13:06 SaDreckChan Hey no fair!
13:07 Tiberius skids to a stop.
13:07 Tiberius Uh, right...I can help with that....
13:07 *** Lupu joined #Magicalsailorfuku
13:08 SaDreckChan ((I gotta go. Be back in about an hour. Defenses are down, so just let me know what the heck happened to me when I get back. Thanks! ))
13:08 Helel rotates one of her hands as the chaotic energies rapidly begin to flow towards her, her eyes glowing red brilliantly as shapes the raw untapped energies and bends it to her will... the oncoming chaotic energies halt immediately and begin to collapse inward while taking a single solid shape that's vaguely beginning to emerge from the implosion...
13:08 Lupu ...The blast screwed up my net...
13:08 Helel as she shapes the raw untapped energies*
13:08 Tiberius kneels and bows his head to the earth beneath him, calling up the energy from the land to contain the dome's effects.
13:08 K hits SaDreckChan's butt with a riding crop while sitting on her back
13:08 Helel *Lupu: yes*
13:09 SaDreckChan Ow!
13:09 *** SaDreckChan quit (Q: ajax IRC Client)
13:09 Lupu (Also. What did you mean by anything connected?)
13:10 *** Erek quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
13:10 Helel gestures with her other hand as blue sparkles of light emerge from the haze of her glowing red eyes... she winces, though briefly as some of the chaotic energies 'escape' flowing into her very body... but the rest collapse into a building of some sort that seems hazy for a moment before shimmering and remaining in place, as though it were constructed via mundane means.
13:10 K aww
13:10 Helel *Rather than being shaped through sheer will out of an explosion of chaotic energies. Woo*
13:11 *** Lupu is now known as Erek
13:11 Tiberius (The Wyld energy is essentially a virus, I guess, and thus the fibers of reality are its vector....This means that any connection, spiritual or whatever, is also affected by the C^2 warhead.)
13:11 Erek (It's the Mad HOuse!)
13:11 Tiberius (Anything you might want to add Helel?)
13:12 Helel (Not at the moment)
13:12 Tiberius (Sound good to you then?)
13:12 Lexa o_O
13:12 Erek (Quick! What could happen to Erek while in the changing rooms?)
13:13 Lexa goes back to reading her paper
13:13 Helel Erek: Nothing in particular.
13:13 Tiberius (Umm...spontaneous mutation, addition of new limbs, changing of gender...Anything really. The Wyld is unrealized possibility.)
13:14 Erek (Hmmmmmm...)
13:16 Tiberius (Um, I'm gonna post this on the IRC thread for future reference and as a warning.)
13:16 DitzByNight ((A warning to not...get shot at? @_@))
13:17 Helel (Good advice)
13:18 DitzByNight ((Man. No wonder I've got all these bullet holes. Wish you'd told me not to do that earlier.,))
13:18 Tiberius (Also a warning for not agitating Tiber IC and making him use a "Borealis Special.")
13:19 Helel (If on accident :P)
Bore: Ah, comrade Yozis! I have been meaning to have bear wrestling match with you! Let me show you what your rear end looks like! *turns them into a demon-pretzel*
I just dropped a Tactical Nuke on a Blood Ape.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Funny Hat + Funny Accent » Sat May 02, 2009 9:54 pm

22:28 Beige can you guess mine? :o
22:28 Corvus Borealis?
22:28 Tiberius Purple
22:28 Beige that would be caprice's
22:28 Beige not mine.
22:28 Tiberius And your password is "Swordfish."
22:28 Helel facepalms
22:28 Beige close.
22:29 Beige only off by...
22:29 Beige I think every single character.
22:29 Tiberius But it began with the bloody 'S!'
22:29 Helel ...
22:29 Helel Ahahahaha
22:29 Tiberius XD
22:33 Beige Tiberius :o~
22:34 Tiberius Yesh?
22:34 Beige I am a social outcast in MMORPGs
22:34 Beige and billy vs snakeman is an MMORPG, if not a totally awesome one
22:35 Tiberius True...
22:35 Beige can I lik
22:35 Beige e
22:35 Beige mooch off of you? :D
22:35 Tiberius ...What do you mean by that?
22:35 Beige or at least have you as a sparring partner even though I am guaranteed to fail since I just got back into it three days ago
22:35 Beige ;o
22:35 Beige nothing like actual mooching ;o
22:36 Beige just like ...
22:36 Beige mooch socially off of you or something :D
22:36 Tiberius I'm not exactly as active as I used to be...
22:36 Beige :o
22:36 Tiberius I did know ET, Millenium, sorta the game's creator though...
22:37 Tiberius ET and Mill were/are my past/current village leaders...
22:37 Tiberius and sorta*
22:37 Tiberius I guess you could say I'm well-connected without meaning to be...
22:38 Beige :o
22:38 Beige can I add you to my sparing list? :D
22:38 Beige sparring.
22:39 Tiberius Sure, if you send me a message on BvsS.
22:40 Tiberius So that way I know who you are.
22:40 Beige Tiberius, you are?
22:41 Tiberius Also, I pop on usually at the beginning of the week and then I don't really do anything, so don't surprised if it says that I'm not playing or something like that...
22:41 Tiberius Ja, Herr Roara.
22:41 Beige ;o
22:41 Beige pending :D
22:48 Tiberius Fun, I might remember to check it tomorrow when I get back to my main compy....
22:49 Beige :o
22:49 Beige but Tiberius
22:49 Beige you can play it anywhere :D
22:49 Beige shot for referencing BvS's... slogan... thing.
22:49 OOCaprice O_O Is that how the internet works?
22:49 Beige it is now!
22:51 Tiberius ..So? I don't have my password information on my lappy.
22:51 Tiberius I use almost entirely for course-work.

Shame about my lappy policy...
Bore: Ah, comrade Yozis! I have been meaning to have bear wrestling match with you! Let me show you what your rear end looks like! *turns them into a demon-pretzel*
I just dropped a Tactical Nuke on a Blood Ape.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Helel » Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:29 am

This was a rather amusing conversation, albeit short:

(3:27:45 AM) Shadell: Helel.
(3:28:08 AM) Helel: Yes?
(3:28:23 AM) Shadell: How high are the odds that someone is planning to destroy Lookshy by getting the secret broken factory cathedral to detonate?
(3:28:43 AM) Corvus: ....Why would you think he would tell you?
(3:28:44 AM) Helel: Until you gave me that idea just now... zero.
(3:28:45 AM) Shadell: The one that needs a sacrifice of solar essence to not blow up.
(3:28:48 AM) Shadell: Oh.
(3:28:49 AM) Caprice: XD
(3:28:49 AM) Shadell: Damn.
(3:28:54 AM) Corvus: ...Way to win.
(3:29:01 AM) Helel: ^_^
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Funny Hat + Funny Accent » Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:46 pm

Two short(?) quotes from today. Also, this is now the Anti-Tanker color...

* Anti-Tanker runs over Beyonce in an ATVV.
[Anti-Tanker] AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
<Beyonce> o.o
* Beyonce isn't.
<Tracy> (ATVV?)
[Anti-Tanker] (Something Caprice just came up with: Anti-Tanker Vehicle's Vehicle.)
*** Nos ( has quit IRC [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
[Anti-Tanker] (I'm running with the idea.)
*** Nos ( has joined #magicalsailorfuku
<Matt> Beyonce!
* Matt hugs Beyonce
<Beyonce> ^^ Hello Matt kun.
* Beyonce patpats him.
<Caprice> (XD)
* Matt pets Beyonce
* Anti-Tanker runs over Niagra Falls in the ATVV!
*** Nos ( has quit IRC [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
* Anti-Tanker runs over Peer! "TAKE THAT!!!"
* Tako sets AT up the bomb
* Anti-Tanker ramps the explosion from the bomb.
* Tako ... it was on the vehicle
* Anti-Tanker ramps the explosion.
* Tako ... man, you don't stop
* Anti-Tanker only stops to kill tank...water tanks, ground tanks, septic name the tank, and he'll kill it!
* Tracy prays for divine (clamp) intervention

<Eve> Anyways, enough whining. I need to acquire some means of nourishment. Mainly in the form of food.
* Caprice offers a Tako
<Tako> ...
<Tako> I'm not food
<Tako> I make food
<Caprice> Oh riiiiight
* Caprice offers a Tiberius Steak
[Anti-Tanker] ....
<Caprice> ^_^
<Caprice> I'm a helper!
[Anti-Tanker] ....
<Tako> So
<Tako> The ATV is the Anti-Tanker Vehicle
[Anti-Tanker] ...
[Anti-Tanker] MY vehicle of choice....When not in anything else.
<Caprice> Oooh! ^^ You could have an ATVV~!
[Anti-Tanker] Eh?
<Tako> XD
<Caprice> A vehicle for your anti-tanker vehicle. ^^
<Caprice> So it doesn't get worn oooouut
[Anti-Tanker] ....Not a bad idea....
<Caprice> ^_^
[Anti-Tanker] Well done!
<Tako> How about a vehicle for that vehicle carrying a vehicle?
* Caprice beeeaaam
<Caprice> =D Wow~!
<Caprice> *Beams
[Anti-Tanker] Nah.....
[Anti-Tanker] Cappy has it right!
<Caprice> ^^
<Caprice> How sweeet~
<Tako> >:
<Tako> I'll stick with my food
<Tako> Fact
[Anti-Tanker] XD
[Anti-Tanker] I am amzed how my BF2 nickname has become a character...
[Anti-Tanker] amazed*
<Caprice> BF2~?
<Tako> Not so much a character as a personality
<Tako> A collective for random stuff you do
Bore: Ah, comrade Yozis! I have been meaning to have bear wrestling match with you! Let me show you what your rear end looks like! *turns them into a demon-pretzel*
I just dropped a Tactical Nuke on a Blood Ape.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Just some lady » Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:03 pm

^^ Exalted makes me laugh now~

[21:58] <.Storyteller> *the guards shout out as Hunter bolts* Halt you mongrels!
06[22:01] * @Shikaku stays still, and quiet, and waits.
06[22:01] * @Hunter skids to a halt, turning on a dime "what?"
06[22:02] * @Caprice looks around
01[22:02] <@Caprice> ^^ Oh, don't worry! We stopped them from getting awaaay~
[22:03] <.Storyteller> *the guards come to a halt (6 of them in total, all in blue lamellar armor, with spears in their hands and slashing swords sheathed at their hips- a couple gape at the carnage on the street* Wh-what the hell happened here?!
[22:03] <@Hunter> what did you call me? *is splattered in blood, stalking towards them*
01[22:04] <@Caprice> "We~ll, we are waaaalking, and theh assasin said that he would go behind them, and then there were arrows, and Runey got to come out an' plaaaay~!"
06[22:04] * @Caprice smiles sincerely
[22:06] <.Storyteller> *the guards look utterly aghast- the leader motions to one soldier that's hanging about and he quickly runs off* We're going to need to get your names and take you two into custody for now ladies... *the man speaks with an authoritative voice- and seems to ignore Hunter's question*
[22:06] <.Storyteller> !exalt 9 Leader commanding the ladies!
[22:06] <CLAMP> Failure: 6/9 Botch: 0 Success: 3/9 Critical: 1 Total success: 4
03[22:07] * Dracos ( has joined #exalted
06[22:07] * @Caprice blinkblinkus "I'm still using my naaaame. ^^ I think Unter is too~"
[22:07] <@Hunter> I asked you a question. answer me now boy...*seems intensely irritated, face spattered in blood, mouth set, eyes glaring like a hawk down on a poor poor mouse, body language that of deeeeeeeeeath~! (stunt, first cha ex)
01[22:08] <@Caprice> (^^ Exalted OOC is in #exalted2 , Dracos~)
[22:08] <.Storyteller> (+2, Hunter)
[22:08] <@Hunter> (essence~)
[22:09] <@Hunter> !exalt 10 3 extra dice~! INSOLENT FOOL...I'm doooomed
[22:09] <CLAMP> Failure: 8/10 Botch: 1 Success: 2/10 Critical: 1 Total success: 3
[22:09] <.Storyteller> *As for Aires, Saber, and Taiko, they soon return to his apartment... which seems to be abandoned.*
[22:09] <.Storyteller> *or least, Aires' roommates aren't around*
[22:10] <.Storyteller> *the man ignores Hunter* Now then, what are your names?
06[22:11] * @Caprice smiiiles "^^ Well, before it was Caprice~. I think it is now tooooo."
06[22:11] * @Caprice flicks some blood off of her skirt, humming
01[22:11] <@Caprice> "What are your naaames? ^_^"
06[22:11] * @Hunter stands mute~ amazing for her, glaring death at the man
[22:12] <.Storyteller> And yours? *looks at Hunter, apparently unconcerned with the glare*
06[22:13] * @Hunter stands silent, splattered in lots of blood~
[22:14] <CaptainLibertas> ...
06[22:14] * @Caprice waves her hand at the guys, frowning
[22:14] <@Saber> I wonder where they are.
01[22:14] <@Caprice> "Hellooooooo?"
13[22:14] <CaptainLibertas> Hmm...With Caprice and Hunter...they probably caught doing something...
[22:14] <@Saber> That is unfortunate
13[22:15] <.Storyteller> Not now Miss Caprice, I'd like this young lady's name first before we continue *frowns at Hunter*
06[22:15] * @Caprice raises an eyebrow.
01[22:15] <@Caprice> "You don't like your own name? @__@"
06[22:15] * @Hunter bares her sharp teeth at the man
06[22:16] * @Shikaku hearing as how the guards seem to be busy, slowly begins to crawl away across the rooftops.
13[22:19] <.Storyteller> *the leader frowns at Hunter* Look miss, if you don't cooperate, we're going to to have to take you to the Security Directorate by force. Now, please tell me your name- I don't want to hurt you or Miss Caprice here.
[22:19] <@Hunter> just try it
01[22:19] <@Caprice> "Awwww. ^^ How sweet.~ I dun wanna hurt you either!"
[22:22] <.Storyteller> I'm going to take that as a sign that you cooperate. *he nods and the guards point their spears at Hunter in a coordinated fashion...*
[22:22] <CaptainLibertas> At this rate...They're going to be locked up...
[22:22] <.Storyteller> you won't cooperate*
06[22:22] * @Hunter crouches low...
[22:22] <CaptainLibertas> I'm turning in for the night. (IRL too.)
01[22:23] <@Caprice> (Sleep well~)
[22:23] <@Saber> (Night)
02[22:25] * CaptainLibertas (Tiberius@ Quit (Q: There goes the neighborhood!)
06[22:28] * @Caprice smilles widely to the lot of the, seeming to almost light up the darkness of the evening, her eyes wide and sparkling. "^^ Aww--No need for weapons, 'kay? We can all be friiiiieeeends, here....<3"
01[22:29] <@Caprice> *As she says this, her essence flares slightly, as she tries to gather teh congregation into a friendly group~
13[22:30] <.Storyteller> *Roll whichever pool you prefer to use, Caprice +2 dice*
01[22:30] <@Caprice> *Would the naivette bonus be applicable here?*
[22:31] <@Hunter> (I'd imagine so~)
06[22:31] * @Shikaku assuming he makes it to the other side of the roof, slips off, lands silently and begins making his way to the barracks district to meet up with the others.
[22:31] <.Storyteller> (Yeah)
[22:31] <.Storyteller> *No one seems to notice Shikaku at this point- lucky him :D*
01[22:31] <@Caprice> !exalt 15 Let's be good friends~!
[22:31] <CLAMP> Failure: 6/15 Botch: 2 Success: 9/15 Critical: 3 Total success: 12
[22:32] <.Storyteller> *Oh lordy*
13[22:32] <.Storyteller> *Yeah, I think Caprice succeeded there*
06[22:32] * @Caprice mwahahahahah
13[22:32] <.Storyteller> *The guards blink at Caprice, lowering their spears* We... can be friends?
[22:33] <.Storyteller> *that roll probably applied to a Hunter as well, unless she resists&
01[22:33] <@Caprice> *XD*
13[22:33] * @Hunter oh lord, haha. she probably wouldn't pay enough attention to Caprice to resist her XD
[22:34] <.Storyteller> *so the whole bunch are friends*
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Funny Hat + Funny Accent » Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:36 pm

Don't mess with the butterflies:
21:19 CaptainLibertas Fun, i have this week off unless enrollment increases at the camp...
21:19 CaptainLibertas I*
21:19 Eve Huh
21:20 CaptainLibertas So now, I have plenty of time to get my other obligations taken care of.
21:20 CaptainLibertas And to play Exalted.
21:21 Eve Sounds like a plan to me.
21:22 Caprice ^^ How terribly stressful~
21:23 CaptainLibertas Actually, Cparice, it is..
21:23 CaptainLibertas Because I have A LOT of other obligations...
21:23 CaptainLibertas Caprice*
21:23 Caprice pats
21:23 CaptainLibertas Like Jamboree stuff....
21:23 CaptainLibertas headdesks.
21:24 Caprice Awwww~Poor steak
21:24 CaptainLibertas ....
21:24 CaptainLibertas headdesks again.
21:24 Tako :D
21:24 Tako Can I put him in the (warm) bath yet?
21:25 CaptainLibertas ...I already had a shower.'
21:25 Caprice It'll be relaaaaxing~
21:25 Tako ...
21:25 Tako What Caprice said..!
21:25 CaptainLibertas edges away from those two.
21:25 Tako :D
21:25 Tako ... D:?
21:25 Tako What's wrong?
21:25 Caprice =D
21:26 CaptainLibertas Uhhh....nothing...Look! A butterfly!
21:26 CaptainLibertas points.
21:26 Caprice @__@ Where!?
21:26 Caprice spins around in the wrong direction
21:26 CaptainLibertas runs.
21:27 Tako ...
21:27 Tako chases Aires
21:27 Tako because she doesn't care about insects when food is discussed
21:28 CaptainLibertas Look! A termite hill! They're a delicacy food in some regions! *points.*
21:28 Tako ...
21:29 Tako looks. "Really! Awesome!"
21:29 Caprice (XD)
21:29 Tako looks around.
21:29 Tako (Funny thing is, she'd totally look, regardless of that last bit.)
21:29 CaptainLibertas runs like the wind rushes! OMFG!! GTFO!!
21:30 Tako ...
21:30 Tako Hey, waaaait..!
21:30 Tako There is no termite hill around he- Hey
21:30 Tako look left look right
21:30 Tako ... Where'dhe go? '__'
21:31 Tako >:
21:31 CaptainLibertas has disappeared into a nearby snowdrift....How convenient.
21:31 Caprice @___@ I dunno!
21:31 Tako Aiii-reeeeees~
21:31 Tako Come baaaack
21:31 Caprice ^^ Maybe he turned into a butterflyyyyy~
21:31 Tako I won't cook you. >: I just like to say that.
21:31 CaptainLibertas *A swarm of butterflies float by the pair.*
21:31 Tako ...
21:32 Tako poke.
21:32 Caprice Preeeeeeettty<3
21:32 CaptainLibertas *The butterflies scatter into different directions.*
21:32 Tako ...
21:32 Tako Aiii-reeeeeeeeeees!
21:33 CaptainLibertas *The butterflies reform the swarm to spell out: "What?"*
21:33 Tako ...
21:33 Tako I... was just kidding. I like to say I'll cook you.
21:33 Tako It's fun to see you run like that, but... D:
21:33 Tako Don't leave me alone here!
21:33 Caprice Awwww
21:33 CaptainLibertas *Butterflies: "Oh. Don't you have Caprice?"*
21:33 Caprice Is teh steak running awaaay?
21:34 Tako ...
21:34 Tako whispers to the butterflies: "Too much pink."
21:36 CaptainLibertas *Butterflies: "We understand entirely."*
Bore: Ah, comrade Yozis! I have been meaning to have bear wrestling match with you! Let me show you what your rear end looks like! *turns them into a demon-pretzel*
I just dropped a Tactical Nuke on a Blood Ape.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Funny Hat + Funny Accent » Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:04 am

There are times when I think we should set aside a thread just for Exalted stuff....

This is one of those times.

01:51 Taiko Oh, good.
01:52 Tako Delicious 3m
01:52 Tako :d
01:55 Tako At any rate
01:55 Tako I think I'm done for the night
01:55 Tako Later~!
01:55 Saber Aires is just embarrassed that he feels for this dead girl.
01:55 *** Tako quit (Quit: BWAHAHAHAHAHA)
01:56 CaptainLibertas XD
01:56 Helel And doomed, because the only person that can make the dead girl an alive girl again is the dumb zenith.
01:57 Saber XD
01:57 CaptainLibertas Damnations! Wait, who's that again?
01:57 Caprice I can? @__@
01:57 CaptainLibertas Oh, Caprice.
01:57 CaptainLibertas Yes, you can.
01:57 Caprice XD
01:57 Caprice How?
01:58 CaptainLibertas You just have to make offerings and pray to the Unconquered Sun reeeeeaaaaaaallly hard ....And few other things too.
01:58 Saber You need to give her a new name and bless her and such
01:58 Helel It's detailed in the Abyssals book- but basically, it first involves finding out that it can even be done.
01:58 Saber Taiko found that out during his week, remember?
01:58 CaptainLibertas Oh snap!
01:58 Helel After that, it requires some solar sorcery, and as the other two mentioned prayers to the unconquered sun by a zenith, namely Caprice
01:59 Caprice I seeeeeeee
01:59 Saber We don't have Sorcery though
01:59 Saber ;-;
01:59 Caprice is intrigued~
01:59 CaptainLibertas Solar sorcery....
01:59 CaptainLibertas I can A
01:59 Helel Ehehehehe
01:59 Taiko The problem is, we will never learn Solar Sorcery.
01:59 CaptainLibertas Get some.
01:59 CaptainLibertas B) Ask Tiberius.
01:59 CaptainLibertas Yay Occult favored.
02:00 Saber B
02:00 Helel Or the Boss
02:01 Saber Ask Tiberius to participate in Aires and Saber's wedding
02:01 Helel Big Boss.
02:01 Helel XD
02:01 Saber Where Saber will be turned into a Solar.
02:01 Caprice Heheheh
02:01 Helel Caprice has to be the minister
02:01 Caprice wansta' make Saber into a Solar noooow
02:01 Saber Caprice as a minister
02:01 Saber This can only be awesome
02:01 Caprice thinks it would be cute~
02:01 Caprice Heeheehee~
02:02 CaptainLibertas XD
02:02 CaptainLibertas Has anyone posted this on the boards yet?
02:02 Helel ...Nope.
Bore: Ah, comrade Yozis! I have been meaning to have bear wrestling match with you! Let me show you what your rear end looks like! *turns them into a demon-pretzel*
I just dropped a Tactical Nuke on a Blood Ape.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Funny Hat + Funny Accent » Sat Aug 01, 2009 12:06 am

What is this food you speak of?

01:04 Vagrant Come on Iron. No point sleeping or working on an empty stomache eh?
01:04 IronWolf ...Possibly.
01:04 IronWolf Just remember, I have all of our money right now...
01:04 Vagrant I remember.
01:04 IronWolf Going hungry for a day or week isn't so bad.
Bore: Ah, comrade Yozis! I have been meaning to have bear wrestling match with you! Let me show you what your rear end looks like! *turns them into a demon-pretzel*
I just dropped a Tactical Nuke on a Blood Ape.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Helel » Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:03 pm

(7:44:56 PM) Xia: plus I wanted to go to darker themes anyways
(7:46:34 PM) Helel: Darker Themes?
(7:46:46 PM) Helel: After you turned Helel into a magical girl? XD
(7:55:22 PM) Xia: yes ^_^
(7:55:36 PM) Xia: so that I might reveal more of what Xia is
(7:57:02 PM) Corvus: Oh boy.
(7:58:27 PM) Helel: ...This RP really has nothing to do with setting Helel free but is all about your character, isn't it? :P
(7:58:49 PM) Xia: oh yes
(7:59:00 PM) Xia: I've never once used Helel for anything other than my own devices
(8:00:07 PM) Helel: Ahahahaha
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Funny Hat + Funny Accent » Fri Nov 13, 2009 2:51 pm

Silly stuff and the return of ADAM!
13:25 *** Eve is now known as Adam
13:25 Tiberius looks for cover from Second Impact!
13:26 Adam Ahaha, silly creature, there is no cover from second impact.
13:26 *** Lupus quit (Ping timeout)
13:27 Tiberius was actually searching for Borealis....Maybe he's hiding behind this pebble....possibly by Tactical Genius.
13:27 Tiberius (Time for some food.)
13:28 Xia has maximum cover. Therefore you cant hit me
13:28 *** Lupus joined #MagicalSailorFuku
13:29 Adam ignores cover, obviously.
13:31 Xia ignores your ignorance of cover. obviously this tower shield protects him. its holy
13:32 Adam steps on Xia regardless. Helps to be the size of a continent.
13:32 Ami Hooray!
13:33 *** Allen joined #MagicalSailorFuku
13:33 Adam eats Allen while he's at it.
13:33 Kira pounces Ami! Regardless of form XD
13:33 Ami Ah!
13:33 Ami was human.
13:33 Kira Hello ^_^
13:33 Ami ...What are you up to?
13:33 Kira Nothing o.o
13:34 Adam otherwise appears as an albino mouse with red eyes. And is chilling on Xia's head.
13:34 Kira Can't i pounce for no reason?
13:34 Ami Considering what you've done tot me in the past...
13:35 Kira I've only trapped you in a jar >.>
13:35 Adam squeakbarks, demanding cheese.
13:35 *** CetainlyNotCaprice is now known as Caorice
13:36 Tiberius (Back.)
13:36 *** Caorice is now known as Caprice
13:36 Ami You trapped me in a jar
13:36 Kira uh...huh
13:37 Kira I don't see how that terrible considering you were altering my body to rediculous shapes >>;;
13:37 Kira Had to stop you somehow
13:38 Lupus NATTOU!
13:38 Tiberius just found Borealis, the Steel Talons, and all of their associated equipment hidden behind a pebble. A PEBBLE! "Sir, what are you doing?"
13:39 Tiberius (Borealis:) I was teaching frozen *******s how to use land to ambush and kill many enemies!
13:39 Ami ...
13:39 Allen is devoured by the MAW
13:39 Ami I was defending myself
13:39 Kira from what?
13:39 Adam Hmm, not quite cheese. But close.
13:40 Kira I had no intentions of harming you >.>
13:40 Adam spits out Allen's clothes.
13:40 Allen places Cheese within Adam.
13:40 *** Lupus is now known as Kohaku
13:40 *** Kohaku is now known as Kohaku-chan
13:40 Adam Yummy
13:40 Tiberius (Bore: ) Now I attack worthy, frozen enemy who kill many easily, on my own! Would you like to enjoy me in battle, Comrade Colonel?
13:40 Tiberius enjoy=join*
13:41 Ami How do I know?
13:41 Kira Exactly
13:41 Kira You ASSUMED i would harm you >.>
13:43 Tiberius sweatdrops. "If you answer one question...." (Bore: ) "I could do that!" Tiberius speaks up, "How in Creation's grand embrace with Gaia did you hide twenty thousand soldiers, over five thousand vehicles, fifty thousand crates of combat equipment, and all four of the MARV command centers BEHIND A PEBBLE?!?"
13:43 Ami It's kinda hard to trust big things when you're only 8 inchs tall
13:44 Kira gives Ami a peacebloom ^_^
13:45 Kairi yawns
13:45 Ami ?
13:45 Ami What's this?
13:45 Kira its a flower >.>
13:46 Kira signifies peace
13:46 Kira '-'
13:46 Tiberius *Borealis grins broadly, if you can see behind the mass of white-ish-silver hair he calls a beard.* Simple, Comrade Rommel. I push them into corner and threaten them with months without frozen ice weasel dueling!
13:46 Ami takes it.
13:46 Allen He must be some kind of tactical genius.
13:47 Ami ...Alright...
13:47 Ami have pollen
13:47 Kira covers Ami's nose
13:47 Kira <.<;
13:47 Ami ...
13:48 *** Caprice is now known as DitzPatrol
13:48 Ami Alright
13:48 Ami I believe me
13:48 Ami you
13:48 Tiberius punches himself in the face to make sure he's not dreaming. He's not dreaming as he knocks himself flat onto his back. "Comrade Rommel, why you punch self when not fighting enemy?"
13:48 Kira ^^
Bore: Ah, comrade Yozis! I have been meaning to have bear wrestling match with you! Let me show you what your rear end looks like! *turns them into a demon-pretzel*
I just dropped a Tactical Nuke on a Blood Ape.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Helel » Mon Apr 12, 2010 9:30 pm

(10:18:17 PM) Helel: ...wait, where's the brat?
(10:18:37 PM) CLAMP [amarythia@bot.msf] entered the room.
(10:18:38 PM) mode (+o CLAMP) by ChanServ
(10:18:43 PM) Helel: There we go.
(10:18:47 PM) Helel: We have a brat now.
(10:19:25 PM) Uzuko-Hasano: [Wha? A brat?]
(10:20:35 PM) Kaba [] entered the room.
(10:20:37 PM) Kaba left the room (quit: Client exited).
(10:21:04 PM) Kaba [] entered the room.
(10:21:22 PM) Mary: ((As far as I know, they've always called Clamp 'the brat' or so. XD ))
(10:22:05 PM) Uzuko-Hasano: [Oh]
(10:23:44 PM) Kaba: (back)
(10:24:44 PM) ***Mary sighs a little bit from the couch as she glances around. "Guess it's just been another dull day..."
(10:24:57 PM) Kaba: Hasn't been too dull for me.
(10:25:06 PM) Uzuko-Hasano: <Eiko> Sits down next to Mary.
(10:25:14 PM) Kaba: Go ou and talk to people.
(10:25:30 PM) ***Eyes peer at Mary from the bushes.. they're barely visible though, just two glowing red dots in the darkness
(10:25:51 PM) Uzuko-Hasano: <Usagi> Bends down and looks at the eyes in the bushes.
(10:26:04 PM) Kaba: *a stick falls onto the eyes*
(10:26:26 PM) ***Mana reappears with a book. 'Lern2MagicalGirl' as well as 'Lern2Internet'))
(10:26:27 PM) ***Mary glances over at Eiko. "Hey, Eiko." *At the same time she doesn't notice the Eyes, at least not until Usagi looks over at the bushes* "What the...?"
(10:26:40 PM) ***Eyes stare back at Usagi.. they appear to be attached to someone but it's hard to make out who.... a little scurrying later and the eyes avoid the stick :o
(10:26:40 PM) Kaba: (heh)
(10:26:55 PM) Kaba: Hey Mana.
(10:26:58 PM) Karubidiumeleaux`: (Also, going back a few minutes, I called it the brat, Helel just ripped me off because Helel's a biter.)
(10:27:52 PM) Uzuko-Hasano: <Usagi> Uses some magic and causes the person to get tangled in leaves and vines.
(10:28:00 PM) Uzuko-Hasano: <Eiko> "Hi, Mary."
(10:28:18 PM) Eyes: <lots of thrashing occurs at this.. lots of it in fact..>
(10:28:25 PM) Kaba: Hey wait, no one explained how I can make ice with my powere.
(10:28:39 PM) ***Mary keeps one eye on Usagi and the bushes, and one eye on Eiko. "Um, hey, Eiko. How'"
(10:29:03 PM) Mana: You know nothing of Athena!
(10:29:05 PM) ***Mana runs!
(10:29:11 PM) Kaba: Who?
(10:29:21 PM) ***Mana ran away and was a shiny too.
(10:29:22 PM) Mary: ((Ignore the hey part, again. Distractions. >.< ))
(10:29:23 PM) Karubidiumeleaux`: (It really didn't need elaboration, but I saw my chance to call Helel a biter and I took it.)
(10:29:27 PM) Kaba: (hmm... )
(10:29:32 PM) Eyes: <THomas> Athena was a Geek Goddess... wait not Geek.. greek..)
(10:29:39 PM) Kaba: Wow...
(10:29:40 PM) Helel: (Yeah, karm started it, Xia and I liked it, and CLAMP has been the brat ever since)
(10:29:49 PM) Helel: (Also)
(10:29:49 PM) Kaba: Why is she sparkling?
(10:29:58 PM) Helel: !kick Karubidiumeleaux` Because I can.
(10:29:58 PM) Karubidiumeleaux` left the room (Kicked by CLAMP (Because I can.)).
(10:30:11 PM) Mary: (( XD ))
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Funny Hat + Funny Accent » Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:39 pm

Beware of Turtle.

22:00 *** AiresDrake is now known as Awkward_Turtle
22:02 Corvus *The same thing happens, but... there's a little bit more of an impact.* "Hard it is then~"
22:02 Awkward_Turtle SWIMS
22:03 Skyblue @_@
22:03 *** Blaze quit (Client exited)
22:03 Skyblue what an awesome turtle..
22:03 Skyblue lookit swim!
22:03 Skyblue !
22:04 Helel *THIRD IMPACT*
22:04 Awkward_Turtle XD
22:04 Allen watches
22:04 Usagi-Hasano <Sagi> "RAH!" Puts a lot of force into it this time as she PUNCHES at Shadow!
22:04 Awkward_Turtle keeps on SWIMMING
22:04 Usagi-Hasano <Usa> "Oooo, turtle!"
22:04 Awkward_Turtle (To Troll, or not to Troll, that is the question.)
22:04 Allen An awkward turtle!
22:05 Skyblue @o@ the turtle looks so happy..
22:05 Albedo So many names...
22:06 Awkward_Turtle leers at Skyblue as only a turtle can.
22:06 Awkward_Turtle leers at Skyblue as only a turtle can.*
22:06 Awkward_Turtle (DERP!)
22:06 Albedo Oooh, I like turtles
22:07 Skyblue leers back @o@
22:07 Skyblue @o@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22:07 Corvus *Shadow is hit in the face!*
22:07 Albedo Go Turtle!
22:07 Usagi-Hasano <Sagi> "SWEET!"
22:07 Allen Go father!
22:07 Skyblue maybe its a ninja turtle?
22:08 Skyblue @O@
22:08 Skyblue quick someone get me some pizza!
22:08 Allen offers Sky a demon pizza
22:08 Usagi-Hasano <Usa> Gets pizza!
22:08 Awkward_Turtle rams towards Skyblue with a skullbash maneuver, arcing out the water at incredible speeds! For a turtle, at least.
22:09 Skyblue avoids the obvious demonic pizza trying to bite his fingers...and offers the turtle NONE demonic pizza
22:09 Albedo Woah....
22:09 Awkward_Turtle (Awkward turtle used 'Skullbash?")
22:09 Albedo *It's not very effective*
22:09 Skyblue is skullbashed!!! the skull!!!....luckily his head is the hardest part of his body probably woulda injured the turtle as much as it did Sky
22:09 Skyblue ....
22:09 Skyblue Owww.....
22:09 Skyblue :C
22:09 Corvus *Shadow then brings a hand up in a small gesture, with a light slap against Usagi's gut.*
22:10 Albedo *Awkward Turtle is hit by recoil*
22:10 Awkward_Turtle (*IT HAS NO EFFECT!*)
22:10 Skyblue @_@
22:10 Skyblue the turtle is a SQUIRTLE!!
22:10 Usagi-Hasano <Sagi> Blinks at the light slap.
22:10 *** Caprice is now known as AbsenceOfCaprice
22:10 Skyblue @O@
22:10 Dorian_ Pokemon! I will catch it!
22:10 Dorian_ (bloit)
22:10 Dorian_ (that was al)
22:11 Albedo (yep)
22:11 Awkward_Turtle CHOMPS at onto either of Skyblue's hands.
22:11 Skyblue OWWW HEY!!!
22:11 Skyblue WHAT THE HECK?!?!
22:11 Skyblue @O@
22:11 Skyblue flings his arm trying to get it off
22:11 Awkward_Turtle OM NOM NOM NOM NOM'
22:11 Skyblue XO!
22:11 Albedo *pokeballs rain down on the turtle*
22:11 Skyblue its carnivorous!!
22:11 Allen Awkward Turtle uses Bite!
22:12 Albedo *Skyblue flinched*
22:12 Skyblue @O@!!!
22:12 Corvus *As it hits, there's a spark of a sickly green light... and then a force exploding against Sagi, probably to create distance~*
22:12 Awkward_Turtle continues munching on Sb's hand as the pokeballs continue to ricochet off of its shell. It's not very effective, it seems.
22:13 Albedo That's no Pokemon.
22:13 Albedo *aww man, well I'm out*
22:13 Skyblue >.<!!
22:13 Skyblue GRRRR!!
22:13 Albedo Bye announcer:
22:13 Skyblue holds the turtle up to his mouth and...BITES DOWN ON ITS LEG!!
22:14 Awkward_Turtle retracts its legs into its shell! Skyblue's attack missed!
22:14 Skyblue @_@
22:14 Skyblue ...
22:14 Skyblue @VVVVV@
22:14 Usagi-Hasano <Sagi> Yelps as she is pushed back aways. "Whoa, what was that?!" O.O
22:15 Awkward_Turtle retracts its head into its shell as it finally releases its toothy grip on Sb's hand.
22:15 Awkward_Turtle (Or is it beaky? I forget....)
22:15 Helel (Yes)
22:15 Corvus *There's also a feeling of.. Poison? It's getting hard to see...* "Ooo. I'll tell my brother~ You're not suited for anything I might know~"
22:15 Skyblue @_@
22:15 Corvus (Depends on the turtle!)
22:15 Skyblue v.v
22:15 Skyblue @_@
22:15 Skyblue I think I like this has SPUNK!
22:16 Albedo Make it a war mount?
22:16 Usagi-Hasano <Sagi> Winces as she shakes her head at the poison. "I-- I'm not going to lose to some s-- stupid poison."
22:16 Awkward_Turtle (AHAHAHA)
22:16 Skyblue ....EXCELLENT IDEA!!
22:16 Skyblue hops atop the turtle
22:16 Skyblue @O@
22:16 Awkward_Turtle remains in its shell.
22:16 Skyblue @O@
22:17 Awkward_Turtle remains in its shell.
22:17 Albedo (heh. Zzz)
22:17 *** Albedo quit (Quit: Flynn: "Oh... oh no... where is my satchel?" Rapunzel: "I've hidden it. Somewhere you'll never find it." Flynn: *Looks around the room for 2 seconds* "It's in that pot, isn't it?" *Rapunzel hits him with her frying pan*)
22:17 *** Dorian_ quit (Quit: Turtle. Turtle.)
22:17 Awkward_Turtle (lol)
22:17 Skyblue hold spizza in front of the turtle
22:17 Skyblue @O@
22:17 Skyblue RIDE!!!
22:18 Corvus <Shadow> It's not that bad. Really it's to make you weak enough to hit with other things~ *The weakness IS clearing up! It's probably just not a good idea to attack Shadow. Probably.*
22:18 Awkward_Turtle *the shell resonates with malevolent cackling.*
22:18 Skyblue @_@
22:18 Skyblue ....
22:18 Skyblue I GOTS AN IDEA!!
22:18 Skyblue pulls out several rocket motors and ductape
22:19 Awkward_Turtle ("AND I CAN MAKE IT ***TTIER!!!")
22:20 Skyblue proceeds to tape the tubes ontop of the shell with several wraps of ductape
22:20 Awkward_Turtle sticks its head out of its shell to stare at Sb.
22:20 Skyblue smiles and hops on opening a lighter
22:20 Skyblue @o@
22:21 Skyblue let us go TURTALEMEW!
22:21 Awkward_Turtle burrows its head into the ground.
22:21 Usagi-Hasano <Sagi> Whews a bit. "Man... that was weird."
22:21 Skyblue lights the fuses
22:21 Skyblue uh oh....!
22:21 Awkward_Turtle *the fuses go out due to a light wind kicking up.*
22:21 Skyblue @_@
22:22 Skyblue ..
22:22 Skyblue must be duds
22:22 Skyblue
22:22 Awkward_Turtle (XD)
22:22 Skyblue shrugs and picks up the turtle and considers what to do
22:22 Skyblue
22:23 Awkward_Turtle is reluctantly picked up. it might try snapping at any body part exposed to the reach of its beak.
22:23 Skyblue holds it at arms length
22:23 Skyblue @_@
22:24 Skyblue gets another idea!~!!
22:24 Skyblue @O@
22:24 Skyblue places the turtle in a mini castle..over a mini pit of lava....atop a mini bridge with a mini axe behind it
22:26 Awkward_Turtle ... *It stares at Skyblue.*
22:26 Corvus "Sorry~ I'm used to fighting big scary people, so I have to be trickier than they are! I can't overpower people with these arms~"
22:26 Skyblue pats himself on the back over a job well done
22:26 Usagi-Hasano <Sagi> "Makes sense. Use whatever tricks you can, huh?"
22:27 Awkward_Turtle burrows into the ground
22:27 Corvus "It might work for your brother, but I don't think you have the patience, ma'm~"
22:28 Skyblue aww...there he went
22:28 Skyblue
22:28 Skyblue sits down beside Usa
22:28 Awkward_Turtle appears from the ground behind Skyblue and CHOMPS at his ankle!
22:29 Skyblue soo...whats your.....ACK!
22:29 Skyblue hops outta the way!
22:29 Skyblue @O@
22:29 Awkward_Turtle then DIVES!
22:29 Usagi-Hasano <Usa> Blinks before giggling.
22:29 Skyblue v.v
22:29 Skyblue @O@
22:29 Skyblue hops ontop of the couch
22:29 Awkward_Turtle peeks its head out of the hole. (PERISCOPE DEPTH!)
22:30 Usagi-Hasano <Sagi> "Yeah. Though I could probably use my magic in my fighting, but it's probably best to learn without it."
22:30 Usagi-Hasano <Usa> "Um... are you alright, Sky?"
22:30 Skyblue just fine..
22:30 Skyblue @_@ just having some fun with my new turtle friend
22:30 Awkward_Turtle DIVES AGAIN
22:30 Usagi-Hasano <Usa> "It certainly is energetic."
22:31 Skyblue stands atop the couch with a silly pirates hat and a harpoon
22:31 Corvus "Oh, no~ That's always the best to use."
22:31 Skyblue these be MER...err..SNAPPY TURTLE WATERS ARRRR
22:32 Usagi-Hasano <Sagi> "Good, then."
22:33 Becca [...I swear my dog does not understand that just because the blanket blocks his view of the floor does not mean it won't give way and drop him if he tries to step on it]
22:33 Awkward_Turtle (lol)
22:33 Usagi-Hasano [He's adventurous!]
22:34 Corvus (Anti-adventurous, sounds like.)
22:36 Skyblue welp me seems a chore be a callin, me pirate skivvies shall not wash themselves...
22:37 Awkward_Turtle pops out of its hole to breathe fireballs at Skyblue.
22:37 Skyblue (laters folks!)
22:37 Awkward_Turtle (XD)
22:37 Awkward_Turtle (Later!)
22:37 Skyblue ducks the fireballs!...and sails off...ontop of the a couch...on land...somehow..
22:37 Awkward_Turtle DIVES!
22:37 *** Skyblue quit (Quit: -=SysReset 2.55=-)

Because Turtles can SNAP! Did I mention that I'm not dead yet?
Bore: Ah, comrade Yozis! I have been meaning to have bear wrestling match with you! Let me show you what your rear end looks like! *turns them into a demon-pretzel*
I just dropped a Tactical Nuke on a Blood Ape.
Eagle Scout since 9/18/2007
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