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Sharing STUFF from IRC

Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:22 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
Well, since I realized that the control+V wasn't the best place for them, I decided that I could have a topic to share stuff here. Whenever I'm in IRC and manage to do anything I find amusing, I feel like sharing it. Feel free to add your own IRC stuff here as well.
(Note: Please keep this topic focused on what is shared from IRC.)
Here's my first entry, and I hope that MoS sees this one. ;p
[12:46] <Nekkid1> You're Allen, not Thanatos. :O
[12:46] <Allen> Yes, even just a small sample.
[12:46] <Phoebe> Allen is one of MoS' children.
[12:47] * Kasu_The_Drifter is now known as Kasu|Out
[12:47] <Phoebe> The horseman of death.
[12:47] * Allen nods
[12:47] <Allen> Horseman of the Apocalypse, Death.
[12:47] <Allen> There's Set, my older brother, Tyr, my younger brother, and Nila, my younger sister.
[12:47] <Nekkid1> You're a spore of Moss? *Covers a giggle*
[12:47] <Phoebe> of course..Allen is to nice.
[12:47] <Allen> But Set and Nila don't come by often..
[12:48] <Phoebe> He prefers hugging over killing.
[12:48] * Allen nods
[12:48] <Allen> Want something to eat, Mr. Bladeron?
[12:48] <Nekkid1> Well, if he's from Moss, it's no surprise that he's a tree hugger.

Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:49 pm
by Rowan
Hehe. That's pretty good

Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:02 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
Decided to pay another visit today. A moment of silence for those who had been there. I feel their pain.
[19:01] * Reyn takes one of David's kidneys.
[19:01] * Reyn walks off.
[19:01] <Nekkid1> Good thing that he's still got his two adult knees left.

Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:19 pm
by Rowan

Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:43 pm
by Anamnesis
That was lame. So, very lame

Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:37 am
by Mitera Nikkou
But lame in a good way, surely. ;p Oh, and I changed the topic name so it's truly inclusive. Share some stuffs, peoples! Here some more that I nabbed. :O
[00:25] <Nekkid_1> >_> hmm, what kind of powers does Nekkid have?
[00:25] <Shard> <Shadow> The Nekkid kind.
[00:25] * Oblivion would say that Shard is wrong, but is gone beyond all Beyond.
[00:26] * Shard is almost never wrong. Shadow, however, is.
[00:27] * Oblivion is now known as BeyondZ
[00:27] <Helel> *it's just Shard has been wrong a lot today in particular XD*
[00:27] <Nekkid_1> :9 (brb)
[00:27] <BeyondZ> I kid. I can never die!
[00:27] <BeyondZ> Of course Shard would be wrong. He can only piece together a fragment of the whole. ;p
[00:32] <Nekkid_1> D: Shard, you musts help Beyond.
[00:32] <Shard> Beyond. I'm in a HORRIBLE mood.
[00:32] <Shard> Do you really think this wist?
[00:32] <Shard> *wise
[00:33] <Shard> (Blaghe. I'm getting tired. X_x)
[00:33] <Tyr> (NO YER NOT(
[00:33] <Tyr> )
[00:33] <Helel> (XD)
[00:33] <BeyondZ> I am beyond, and thus I shall answer! I think it WISE, yes! Give me your potato chips! Make your time!
[00:34] <Allen> (BLARGH, I SLEEP SOON)
[00:34] <Shard> No, you're a crazy person who comes here from time to time.
[00:34] <Tyr> (NO YOU DON'T)
[00:34] <Shard> (That and Puzzle Quest is calling me. XD)
[00:34] <BeyondZ> You're the crazy person!
[00:34] <Allen> (Class at 10:15)
[00:34] <Tyr> (NO)
[00:34] <Shard> Quite possibly.
[00:34] <Allen> (I need breakfast. And time to get to class)
[00:34] <Allen> (And sleep)
[00:34] <Tyr> (Well.. breakfast is worth it, I guess.)
[00:34] <BeyondZ> I am completely and otterly sane. ^_^
[00:35] <Allen> (I can stay a bit longer, maybe...)
[00:35] <Jayme> (Everyone is leaving Tyr :o its a conspiracy to see him lonely!)
[00:35] <Allen> You aren't Beyond!
[00:35] <Nekkid_1> :3 Yes I am, I mean X3 I am the crazy person~
[00:35] <Allen> You're Nekkid!
[00:35] * Shard sighs.
[00:35] <Allen> And you're Beyond!
[00:35] <BeyondZ> Correction! I am a nekkid Beyond!
[00:36] <Tyr> (Nah, ya'll sleep if you need to. I'm tired too. I'm just dying of hilarity is all. XD)
[00:36] <BeyondZ> Right! Nekkid is the crazy person and I'm sane.
[00:36] <Allen> (XD)
[00:36] * Allen hugs Tyr!
[00:36] <X> hello there Nekkid
[00:36] * Allen gives him love.
[00:36] <BeyondZ> (But aren't you the horsemen of death?)
[00:36] <Allen> I love you brother.
[00:36] <Allen> (Yes)
[00:36] * Tyr is knocked out X___o
[00:36] * Tyr is gushing noseblood
[00:36] <BeyondZ> (And you're Tyr's brother?)
[00:37] * Helel is off raving on a couch somewhere.
[00:37] <BeyondZ> (So that would mean that hilarity will force you to kill him? Hmmmm...)
[00:39] <Tyr> I'm... I'm an... I'M AN UKE. ;____;
[00:39] <Allen> Oh?
[00:40] <Allen> Shard, you win.
[00:40] <BeyondZ> An Uke? isn't that a noise that an ape makes?
[00:40] <Tyr> (Oo-kay.)
[00:40] * Allen hands Shard his scythe. Temporarily.
[00:40] <Nekkid_1> >_>? what's an uke?
[00:40] <Allen> The underdog.
[00:40] <Tyr> (Submissive yaoi-receiver!)
[00:40] <BeyondZ> Maybe it's short for ukelele?
[00:40] <Allen> Tyr is the underdog.
[00:40] * Allen nods
[00:40] <BeyondZ> That's a Syr!
[00:40] <Nekkid_1> We found no English translation for 'uke' in our Spanish to English Dictionary.
[00:40] <Tyr> So Omega-kun, you have to be the seme now!
[00:40] <BeyondZ> Tyr is a Syr!
[00:40] <Allen> Uke is japanese
[00:40] <Helel> HUG ME! *slashes in the air as the top part of Tyr's hair is cut off by a daiklave, and HUGS Tyr, dances a bit- then promptly passes out*
[00:41] <Nekkid_1> o_o hmm, I remember Jean mentioning that word.
[00:41] <Shard> ...
[00:41] <Tyr> @_____x
[00:41] <BeyondZ> But I use English!
[00:41] <Nekkid_1> D: uwaa~ it's true.
[00:41] <Helel> (Today's experiment.......... FAILED)
[00:41] <Helel> (:D)
[00:41] <Shard> (XD)
[00:41] * Tyr cannot stand the insanity of the situation, and EXPLODES and splatters blood everywhere, and may not even recall tonight's happenings. Who knows? :o
[00:41] * Tyr is now known as Exploded
[00:42] <Shard> ...
[00:42] <Shard> I'm going to go and rest now.
[00:42] <Exploded> (Well, that was fun :D)
[00:42] <Allen> (Uke is the submissive in a malexmale relationship)
[00:42] * Helel is still male, unless the washer wears off after a certain period. otherwise, a horrific repeat is assured. XD
[00:42] <Allen> (Seme is the agressive one)
[00:42] <Exploded> (It can wear off whenever you like, Mousey :D)
[00:42] <Helel> (I'll find some incredibly inconvenient time for it to wear off XD)
[00:43] <Exploded> (YES. FOR THE LULZ. :D)
[00:43] <Shard> When Nokel's horrific illusions wear off on me, please, alert me.
[00:43] <BeyondZ> (SPEAK ENGLISH, DAMN IT ALL! Layman's terms! Layman's! Although I guess a layman would be a submissive, so that's not general enough... Hmmmm...)
[00:48] <Nekkid1> Hey, whenever I agree with Tyr, I can just say, "yes, syr." And it would be appropriate!
[00:48] <Beyond> Peruvian º3º
[00:49] <Nekkid1> I love the punz. :3
[00:49] <Exploded> (What, so syr sounds like sir? o_O)
[00:49] <Allen> (What's Syr?)
[00:49] * Beyond rides a llama towards victory.
[00:49] <Nekkid1> (Yush! Y is a transitive vowel of DOOM.)
[00:52] <Nekkid1> Say, if we implode the exploded, does that mean that they reform? :O
[00:53] <Beyond> D: what if we implode the universe?
[00:54] <Allen> XD
[00:54] <Allen> The big implosion?
[00:54] * Reyn has quit IRC (Q: ...*sigh*)
[00:54] <Nekkid1> I don't know. But I did notice that we have male pregnancy! Congratulations, Eploded!
[00:54] <Allen> Male pregnancy?
[00:54] <Exploded> (...Wha? o_o)
[00:54] <Nekkid1> Exploded has a positive sign.
[00:54] <Exploded> (XD)
[00:55] <Exploded> (OHNOES MPREG)
[00:55] <Nekkid1> (Don't worry! It could happen to anyone!)
[00:55] * Allen congrats Exploded
[00:55] <Nekkid1> (The news just takes time to digest. or is that the other way around? O.o)
[00:56] <Exploded> (The digest takes time to news?)
[00:56] <Helel> (Time for me to crash, peoples. To bed!)
[00:56] <Helel> (To victory!)
[00:56] <Nekkid1> (Well, considering where it comes out, it's not where it goes in, is it? But I guess it's better out than in, huh? Imagine regurgiting a baby instead.)
[00:57] <Nekkid1> (Night-night, helel! Have pleasant dreams. ;p)
[00:57] <Kira> (You people scare me sometimes >.>; )
[00:57] <Helel> (of dead people, sure thing. :P)
[00:57] <Kira> (XD)
[00:57] * Helel is now known as Angel-Dreaming
[00:58] <Jayme> is it sad.. that when I look back and see the nick "Exploded" I immediately know its Musa?
[00:58] <Exploded> (XD)
[00:58] <Nekkid1> (But I'm just stating fact. The two orifices are actually connected and, coincidentally, both surrounded by cheeks.)
[00:58] <Kira> (XD)
[00:58] <Exploded> (... *Dies* XD)
[00:59] <Nekkid1> Okay, I'll stop being cheeky, now.

Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:19 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
More must share! I command it! :O
[16:06] <Naga-Bladeron> So then. What shall we do today?
[16:06] <Nekkid1> What is it that we do every day?
[16:06] <Alice> Try to take over the world?
[16:06] * Jean[gone] is now known as Jean_the_snakefox
[16:06] <Nekkid1> No, no, no... We wait until night to do that.
[16:07] <Alice> Oh.
[16:07] <Alice> My bad.
[16:07] <Nekkid1> In the cover of night where all things fail!
[16:07] <Shard> Then you should take over the world during the day.
[16:07] <Alice> MoS! :D
[16:08] <Nekkid1> But there's a reason for why no one does it during the day.
[16:08] <Naga-Bladeron> And how would we take over the world during the day?
[16:08] <Nekkid1> Is Shard MoS, IC? if so, I can see that he's not even half the man that he used to be... ;p
[16:08] <Naga-Bladeron> (( *Plaques and mounts 9, 10, and 11!* ))
[16:09] <Nekkid1> The enemy must have the sun in their eyes!
[16:10] <Nekkid1> But I prefer the night because I, a nekkid person, can easily moon people. ^_^
[16:10] <Naga-Bladeron> XD
[16:10] <Alice> XD
[16:10] <Naga-Bladeron> No. Bad Nikkou.
[16:10] <Nekkid1> Why is that bad? You're not complaining now. :O
[16:11] * Kumi-Chan steals Nikkou's nakedness
[16:11] * Nekkid1 is now known as Gutsy1
[16:11] * Shard isn't MoS ICly. Kinda. Shard's just a title. Raven would be a better name, really.
[16:11] <Gutsy1> Hmmmm... *Looks down*
[16:11] * Gutsy1 doesn't believe shard because he's Raven mad.
[16:11] <Alice> ...Does that mean Kumi is naked now?
[16:12] <Gutsy1> No one ask me any questions!
[16:13] * Gutsy1 waits for it...
[16:13] <Cronocke> Either that, Alice, or that N lacks skin.
[16:14] <Alice> Sou ka.
[16:14] * Gutsy1 waits for it a bit more...
[16:14] <Naga-Bladeron> ...that's strange.
[16:15] * Kumi-Chan waits too
[16:15] * Gutsy1 waits to be asked a question just a little bit longer than a bit longer...
[16:16] * Naga-Bladeron isn't going to ask anybody any questions.
[16:16] * Gutsy1 is very patient about this... <.<;
[16:16] * Alice isn't, either.
[16:16] <Naga-Bladeron> Alright, I think we can pull this off. We just need to invent a gun that shoots sunlight or moonlight.
[16:16] * Gutsy1 can shoot moonlight from where the sun doesn't shine. Geddit?
[16:17] <Alice> XD
[16:17] <Naga-Bladeron> XD
[16:18] * Gutsy1 continues with her grueling mission to wait out the questioners...
[16:18] <Cronocke> Pandas.
[16:18] * Gutsy1 begs you to ask a question. XD
[16:19] <Naga-Bladeron> Alright, so this'll be the battleplan... *She poofs a map into existence and begins drawing outlines.* And yes, there will be pandas.
[16:19] * Cronocke watches hundreds of pandas rain from the sky.
[16:19] * Gutsy1 notes that pandas' afflict people with a sad nap.
[16:20] * DigiChan is now known as Digi
[16:21] <Gutsy1> OK, I give up. Want to know why?
[16:21] * Cronocke watches the pandas land safely, and the males and females start to flirt... awkwardly... in panda. It's not exactly going well. Just when it seems like two are really getting together, one growls something SO awkward that the other panda would NEVER want to sleep with them.
[16:21] <Alice> I thought you were patient. XD
[16:22] <Gutsy1> Who says that this is not an act of patience?
[16:22] <Alice> You, appearantly.
[16:22] <Naga-Bladeron> Go ahead, Gusty. We're waiting to see why. *She sits patiently.*
[16:22] <Gutsy1> Are you really waiting to see why? I don't believe you.
[16:23] <Gutsy1> But if you're sure...
[16:24] <Naga-Bladeron> It's your call. We can't make you say anything. ^_^
[16:24] * Gutsy1 spills her guts.
[16:24] * Gutsy1 dies.
[16:24] <Gutsy1> X_X
[16:24] <Naga-Bladeron> O.o
[16:24] * Gutsy1 shakes a fist at Kumi for taking away her skin!
[16:24] <Alice> ...
[16:25] <Alice> Way to go, Kumi. You killed Nikkou.
[16:25] * Gutsy1 has to tell the truth when without skin. *rimshot*
[16:37] * David has joined #Magicalsailorfuku
[16:37] * Alice has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
[16:37] <Phoebe> Hi Nikkou. *hugs*
[16:38] * Nekkid1 is now known as Goliath
[16:38] * Goliath hugs back.
[16:38] * David gets a slingshot and stone ball ready :o
[16:38] * Goliath confronts David. "You shall not pass." *_*
[16:39] <David> I think you'll find I'm a stubborn person... Stubborn klike this STONE!
[16:39] * David throws it at Goliath.
[16:39] * [Kohaku] is now known as Alice
[16:39] * Goliath gets stoned. "Like, wow, dude... I totally meant that I would be the one to pass... ON, that is."
[16:39] * Goliath collapses and dies.
[16:40] * Goliath becomes one with the cosmos or something.
[16:40] <David> I win! Thank god for stones.
[16:40] * David eats the slingshot.
[16:40] * Goliath sent a curse with his dying breath... David is afflicted with kidney stones! @_@
[16:40] * Goliath reincarnates.
[16:41] * Goliath is now known as Nekkid1
[16:41] <David> Aye! It burns when I pee...
[16:41] <Nekkid1> Well, thank god for stones, then. ^_^

Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:31 pm
by Rowan
Hehehe, that's bad XD

Thu Aug 23, 2007 5:19 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
Mooning people at night is not bad, I tell ya! It should come naturally, anyway! :O

Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:33 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
You no share? Y.Y
[15:55] <Jayme> you people are crazy.. why am I saying that? because Crazy is good.. and I like you people.. except for the Corner Trolls.. *glares at the Corner Trolls*
[15:56] <B-chan> >_> poor corner trolls, they must feel so unloved.
[15:56] <Nekkid1> If I've said it a gajillion-manillion times, I'm not crazy! The great and powerful Oz has spoken! :O
[15:56] <Nekkid1> I bet they wouldn't be unloved if they actually stood at a corner. XD
[15:57] <Nekkid1> <.<
[15:57] <Nekkid1> >.>
[15:57] <Jayme> booo! bad joke.. bad joke!
[15:57] * Nekkid1 picks one up.
[15:58] <Nekkid1> So bad that it's goooooooood! *_*
[16:18] <Nekkid1> I am a June bug. I'm only three years old in MSF time. ;/
[16:18] <B-chan> o.o wow, Nekkid is loli.
[16:18] <B-chan> >_> but I didn't know she was three.
[16:18] <Jayme> No
[16:19] <Jayme> this is a Lolli *holds up a Lollipop*
[16:19] <Nekkid1> Don't take that lolli! It's a trap!
[16:19] <B-chan> >_>? that's not loli.
[16:20] <Nekkid1> Exactly. <.<;
[16:22] * Nekkid1 claims the head of this channel. "I am... VICTORIOUSSSSSS~!"
[16:22] * Ent-Kumi claims Nikkou's head
[16:23] <B-chan> o.o
[16:24] * Nekkid1 replaces her head with that of the channel's. "I have... THE POWERRRRRRRRR~!"
[16:24] <Allen> ....
[16:24] <Allen> XDXD
[16:24] <Allen> Vecna's head
[16:24] <B-chan>
[16:25] <B-chan> <_<?
[16:25] <Nekkid1> Well, I hope you all have fun being in my head. XD
[16:25] <Allen> XDXD
[16:25] <Ent-Kumi> hehe

Sat Aug 25, 2007 6:44 pm
by Rowan
I have got to get into IRC more often haha.

Mon Aug 27, 2007 8:50 pm
by Funny Hat + Funny Accent
Here's my first contribution:
[21:42][Tiberius] ...
[21:42] <Reyn> Tiberius!
[21:42] * Genie_Kumi sits next to Sakura
[21:43] <Reyn> How goes?
[21:43] [Tiberius] hey Reyn...
[21:43] [Tiberius] Alright, I got drenched on my first day driving to school in my newly-obtained car
[21:43] [Tiberius] This is not a good sign.
[21:44] <Reyn> How so?
[21:44] [Tiberius] If it's anything like Boy Scouts, I am DOOMED for the rest of my life.
[21:44] <ZeroForever> that's good
[21:45] [Tiberius] ....
[21:45] * Tiberius wants to cry in a corner, and he's already seen a psychologist today....
[21:46] * Reyn gives Tiberius a scores of cluster grenades.
[21:46] [Tiberius] ^_^
[21:46] [Tiberius] YAY~~!
The answer for eternal happiness therefore is explosives...

Mon Aug 27, 2007 8:56 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
Didn't have all that good of a Monday either, huh? :O

Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:01 pm
by Rowan
That's my philosophy.

Tue Aug 28, 2007 5:38 am
by AnimaVex
Yay, Cluster Grenades!~
Oh, I should get on more. Weekends ain't enough, now. x.x There are tense moments... and funny moments. My character likes funny moments.