by Ninian » Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:42 am
Hah, caught your attention.
Actually, truthfully, I wanted to confess something. Transformation itself doesn't do anything for me anymore. When I read a caption or story or something where the transformation is meant to be the showcase, I don't feel anything. You know what I mean. Nudge nudge, wink wink. But yeah, nothing. Reading about how X or Y is now a girl/boy/tree/cat/violin/etc. alone doesn't cut it for me anymore, which is part of why I've stopped posting. MSF seems to cater to that crowd mostly, and I figured perhaps I just outgrew the place. Ironically that would become the "real" reason I left, over all of the childish tantrums I've ever thrown here.
So, what do I like now? Well, transformation is a crux in it, and those of you who've been here long enough have seen my evolution of interest. Nowadays I crave a certain degree of feeling and romantic zeal ("romantic" being a situation that engenders a rush of emotion, not necessarily a couple or whatnot). I love sensation created by situation now, albeit exclusively transformation-centric. And most often my favorite flavor is dark fear . The sense of being overwhelmed by a powerful entity, running futilely, hiding and watching and hoping you'll not be found. And of course, the sensation one feels when one is taken, overpowered -- and the burning dread that comes from knowing you're about to become a giggly maid for a sorceress or part of the silent multitude in an enchantress' underwear drawer. Or, yes, avoiding the blasts of a nekofication gun (no doubt inspired by Sanada and her gun). Part of why I tended towards almost exclusively second person content was because they were all about describing those exhilarating feelings, or the necessity to describe those feelings was there inherently. The lack of an ego barrier helped put one in the situation too.
As you can see, it's a bit... risque. Not nearly enough to reach the R-rating (I've never been crazy about sex) but definitely an interest that, when it's expressed, attracts negative attention at MSF. While it's silly to hold out for universal approval in any given community, I felt that support for this sort of thing which makes crucial USE of transformation for something admittedly darker wasn't stable here. I wouldn't say I felt unwelcome exactly so much that my style wasn't welcome as -- pardon the bash -- yet another piece about how "(random male name) is now (female name) because of (object) and has an altered relationship with (another male/female name)", which aren't criticized or questioned with anywhere near as much regularity as when I or those like me attempt to show our colors.
So, why am I bothering to rant about all this? Why am I taking up yours and my valuable time and energy? Well, I wanted to see what people thought. Anyone else like that, moving beyond just transformation but instead craving the feelings and emotion brought on by transformation?
Anyone crave... the fear? The fear of having your very identity permanently taken from you by the will of another? The struggle as you're changing into her's , something she's going to have you be, literally or metaphorically?
If support for this is overwhelming, I might consider doing something on a lark, as it would show that I was mistaken in my assumptions about the nature of the community. But then again, it'd be just as easy to stay in the small circle of friends I made. Dunno, but I'm glad I was able to say "hi!" and doubly glad that I was able to convey a lot of why I haven't posted in a long time.
I want to make clear that I don't blame any of you for this, nor the community as a whole, and that you're still interesting and neat people and you're blessed to have each other.