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A lecture on dreams

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:57 am
by Sensei Kimiko
I found the link on another site. It is a video from a professor talking about dreams. I found it very interesting. He is doing VR work, but he keeps his computer stuff to a minimum.

A warning though, it's about an hour and a half long so don't expect to watching during a commerical break. ... &plindex=0

[quote=Randy Pausch]This talk will discuss how I achieved my childhood dreams (being in zero gravity, designing theme park rides for Disney, and a few others), and will contain realistic advice on how *you* can live your life so that you can make your childhood dreams come true, too[/quote]

For those wanting the after speech accolades: ... &plindex=1

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:34 am
by Stellar
Made me think back to some of the discussions my honors teachers presented about life, dreams and acheivement. There's nothing better then an intellectual sharing parts of their life and connecting it with common things that everyone should take note of.

The end with his 'second head fake' made me wish my dad was that caring. I guess though.. He taught me one thing, i'm just not exactly sure how to put it to words.

The crazy thing though, I don't really remember any of my old dreams. I've always been too lost in fantasy to really considder real life.