If this is the wrong place to put this, feel free to move it. :o
But I thought I should post this cause there's lotsa people here, and it only takes a couple seconds to help. It's totally safe, virus-free, no giving any money, nothing but a quick download. The more often you can do it (though I think you need to wait 24 hours between each download for it to count), the better. :D
So here's the infooooo:
"There is a LJ/IJ user, Redscorner, who is very ill. She needs some serious surgeries. While her life isn't in danger from the illness RIGHT NOW, that could change. She needs help. Megaupload is offering $10k to users who manage to get 5 million downloads.
She has uploaded a very small, virus-free text file here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5QBOA940
If you wish to help out, please download the file. She's not asking for any monetary contributions, only for help reaching that 5,000,000 download mark.
For details, check out her community, which can be found at http://community.livejournal.com/projectdownload/ "
Please help? ;___; *Pawpawpaws and makes the big watery kitty eyes*
As you can see, I changed the subject line, cause I just learned about this:
Play a word game, it generates ads on the page, which generate money to donate rice! It's free and educational for you, and feeds people in need! Go for it, doods! :D