by Sensei Kimiko » Sat Dec 08, 2007 9:43 pm
First off I would generally differentiate between most of the TS and most of the TG crowd that I know. The former tends tobe less flashy as they care less about the wrapping and more about what's inside. Still that being said, I tend to think is lack of confidence in some cases, a regection of a masculine side, and perhaps most importantly, a strong desire to be totally unambiguous in thier adopted gender role.
When you think of lack of condfidence that really isn't that unusual for anyone taking thier first steps into anything. Many are taking thier first tentative steps into a feminine world. If you think about it, a lot of teenage genetic girls tend to dress a bit racier than always called for, and popular culture frequently talks about the young daughter getting into mom's make up case. These first efforts are usually fraught with peril as most new wearers need practice and an understanding of how make up should enhance your natural looks, not cover them. Moreover, very few Tanything people actually get help like most genetic girls do, be it from other girls, or older female relatives. While there are some fashion and make up magazines out there, how you can purchase them wiothout looking like a perv is a real challenge.
The reality for the TG/ TS crowd is that they are uncomfortable with the gender assigned to them by thier sex. I have seen the reverse of the MSF norm a few times. I have seen at least a few FtM that regected anything remotely feminine and went full bore for the gun totin beer drinkin macho man image. At MSF most of the membership is however MtF if not in reality at least in curiosity so I ask forgiveness for focusing on that. To some extent society is to blame. Most societies have tightly defined gender roles. Now some of this is inherent to the sex. How we walk is in part a function of our hip design. Regardless of how far you go with surgury, short of major bone work on the pelvis this won't change. Still a lot of the gender roles are defined by society. It might just be my opinion on the matter, but I tend to believe it is less of a 'I'm a slut' mentality as a rejection of anything masculine. It is amusing that I know a number of TG people that can come accross more feminine than a number ofthe TS people I know. The reason is they spend a huge ammount of time practicing the role as it were.Also somewhat related to this, many TG are in some ways experiencing being a teen girl. Thier actual genetic age doesn't matter and with it comes the desire to look the part. This can happen to TS, especially when HRT starts, but from my admittedly limited experiece the effect seems more pronounced in TG.
That relates to my last reasoning. One major link that TG and TS share is the desire for society as a whole to precieve them as female. The core reasons might vary as well as the length of time involved, but both desire it. That core is the key difference in the expression however. Many Tg are so determined to look female that they deliberately choose chothes, make up, and demeanor that are unabaiguously female. Granted they might go overboard, at times but the goal is to leave no doubt in the viewer's mind that they are looking at a woman. The itneresting irony of that can be that in chosing something that looks like a hooker, they attract too much attention and get outted, where toning it down might help.
Perhaps some of the problem is that the flamboyant types stand out so much. Most TG seem to be at least partially in the closet. Even a number that go out at times are shy and avoid contact. Sadly many of the sort like Stellar still are caught in a religious societal prhibition on such behavior and find themselves thinking "Why am I wrong?" I'm not saying Stellar is that way mind, you just saying that the result is you play your cards close and say little to anyone.
LorekeeperEirien: That is quite possibly the most hillariously disturbing comment I've heard all day
Kimiko (^o^)