To preface me and religion have a love hate relationship. I want so many of the things religion in general has to offer. I would like something more than base materialism and feel that there is... but each time I look I come back burned by hypocracy or telling me to believe things that are patantly untrue. The second has always been what burns me on wicca and Paganism no matter how close I circle on the outside.
Of course this isn't a rant about Wicca, or Neopagan practices this is about how I am a horrible human being when exposed to things I find silly and others respect.
It began with a pre Yule celebration, I am not entirely sure what it was for or if it was just a general get together. My friend was trying to do something around Yule. I sort of feel the same way so I come along. I think if we had gotten along better we probably would have come back on Yule proper.
So the first bout that puts me in a properly cynical mood, is what I refer to as "The quest for fire" Or the hour in which I could not convince a group of pagan who go camping regularly that fire can be started by anyone but this one particular woman. This is not a sacred fire this is a cooking fire. eventually she came and set it, it was a lousy fire, but not worth arguing at the point.
So one of the things on the menu was a seminar.. and well I use it losely since it was a small gathering, on shapeshifting. Now I knew I wasn't going to learn the awesome shapeshifting power...(however part of me kind of hoped its a small part surrounded on all sides by the burnt out cyncism of my soul). So I go and the first five minutes are explaining the dangers cumulating in explaining how when she was in wolf form she attacked her husband and he ended up at the hopsital with 15 stiches.
So as she begins lecturing how to do the proper meditations I raise my hand and keeping down the cynicism in my voice, I say simply, "I am a visual learner, I am going to need a visual demonstration, Lecture is no good for me". Suffice to say she did not shapeshift. Suffice to say she did not respect my prefered method of learning, and for the next 5 minutes we argued.
Its at that point things really sort of fell a part. She gets on all fours and starts growling(perhaps this is her way of showing my poor visual learner brain) and proceeds to try and bite me. I am not taking that sort of crap and since I am wearing a fairly thick pair of jeans proceed to kick her in the face screaming "Wolf Wolf" a bunch of people pull her off me.
So after this I get a lecture on the value of visualization, on the problems with taking things too litteral and about finding my totem animal. I loudly proclaim my totem animal is the Velociraptor. I like dinosaurs. I always have. I always will. Dinosaurs are awesome. But I said it out of snark.. someone says I am disrespecting the whole idea(which is kind of true) at this point i was broadly sick of the group as was my friend.. so I decide to go out with a bang.
I do my impression of "shapeshifting" and Go around kicking over tents screaming "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR" stomping around all godzilla style. this cumulates in me kicking over the bucket of water by the lousy cooking fire I talked about earlier putting it out. I was then banned from their location and probably cursed..