It's only 8am and if the rest of the day was uneventful I'd be content. (it's actually 9:30am after typing everything below XD)
I worked graveyard, as usual, and at midnight my coworker was like 'Hey happy birthday Stellar' (I legally changed my name last month, so i'm not just instering my avatar name =p I really am Stellar April Hope). The girl I have a crush on (seriously, it's retarted how much I like her) was like, 'wow, it's your birthday?' I nodded and she said, 'geez, well i just got off so i'll be back real soon.'
An hour passes, with more orders then I've ever seen on a sunday night/monday morning graveyard, and Kathy returns. Thankfully I guess 1am is when people realize they have work in the morning and stop coming to Taco Bell. So Kathy and Cat (my little graveyard helper/employee/slave) tell me to go do something while Kathy brings in a bag and a 'happy birthday!' balloon. Needless to say I snagged the balloon before being shoved away cause I simply required it =p
I clean something and about five minutes later I wonder back out to the lobby, and atop a small 5 inch cake is 20 candles, and what seemed like a bonfire XD I laughed, 'you've gotta be kidding, that has to be more then 20 candles, we could roast marshmallows on that!' They both yelled at me, 'just blow it out!' It was entertaining to say the least, then we ate cake and spent about an hour and a half (on the clock ^_^ XD) playing Munchkin.
I'm still not up to telling Kathy how I feel, but it was nice to spend time with her. Honestly, right now I can say that it's one of the best gifts I could have received.
In other news, I finally saw a therapist and was told that in cases like mine where there's no doubt in my mind about becoming female, the suggested waiting time to have SRS can be bypassed. I went right to researching SRS surgeons around the globe. Just researching this makes me genuinely happy, to a degree that I've never really felt before (And that's saying alot since I was there when my baby girl was born, and because I've come close to true love) Instead of being 'about 2 years away' (in my own words to my doctor and my therapist), I could be female by the end of spring or early summer if I continue applying myself as hard as I have been to this point. It's insane how at ease that makes my mind, to physically be correct, to simply feel right, to not be.. grossed out... or reminded of what I've never cared to have (that's sort of a bad way to put it, but I can't think of any other way to describe how I feel about what really makes a male, male).
I'll shup up about that (sappy, sappy =p), through my research I think I've found the location and surgeon of my dreams, I'm just waiting for an email responce to give me any sort of estimate so I can see if I can get a loan~ Unless someone around here has 15k they don't mind sharing, as a birthday present =)