by Helel » Mon Dec 24, 2007 9:51 pm
My original screen name around here was "Adam" which many, many people still know me as. It originally developed out of my avatar at the time actually being 'Adam' from Neon Genesis Evangelion, which was and still is my major anime shtick of expertise. The whole mouse thing is something that appeared completely out of nowhere due to Musashi and X's combined efforts. I don't even remember how it stuck, but it did. Another side note is that Adam isn't even close to what my real name is, though some have believed that was the case in the past.
My second major alias around here was 'Aeris', which was imparted unto me via zee Original Lady Sakara in IRC after she did a TF on Adam which stuck significantly longer than expected. At this point in history, I had never played Final Fantasy Seven, so I had no idea of the infamy of the name. I later found out.
Helel, my current and most modern screen name, is entirely Coruscate/Kougetsu's fault, as he made note that Adam, the Giant of Light was of 'Helel' in a RP done years ago when the FFRP room first started. RPing happened, and my new character Helel, was born from Adam and that RP years ago.
Another screen name I've used, is the dark 'mirror' of Helel, Nokel, his name meaning 'Night of God' or 'Darkness of God' which says enough of him. I mainly used Nokel as a name on various other sites, where any of the previous have existed, as I kinda created the name Nokel from my knowledge of Greek and Hebrew that I learned in High School.