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Postby Gee-chan » Sun Dec 23, 2007 3:00 pm

So whats the origin and meaning to you're screen name?

Mine turned up at school years ago. We all used to go on this online game and at the time my name was Git. During that time I became known in the computer club for my 'hard and fast' tactics. I then randomly came across the world blitskreig and its meaning and put Git on the front. Hence was Gitskreig kinda sucks doesn't it.
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Re: names

Postby Haylie » Sun Dec 23, 2007 3:04 pm

Despite what people may think, I was NOT thinking of the actual Ultraman when I thought up my first name. I was thinking MegaMan, but I wanted it to be better. (I was playing Runescape at the time) It needed numbers, and I chose at random, which is where the 950 came from, and it's easy for me to remember.

Dante is from Devil May Cry. He's awesome. 'Nuff said.

Hay-chan is a play off Hayata, which is my bounty hunter off here, and nickname given me by BD. It's the female version, or a different person altogether, however you like to think of it.
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Re: names

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sun Dec 23, 2007 4:34 pm

Many years ago, in a galaxy far, far away... Well, not really. But it was way back when all there was for Internet access was Webtv. At first I had tried "Cosmic Distortion" (go ahead; have a good chuckle ;/), but it just seemed silly and I realized that it didn't really match the kind of person that I was. So, I thought about some of my favorite things, wondered how I could make something unique, and viola! Crescent Pulsar was born. And since then and forever it will be the name that I use for whatever creative works that I do. Because it is me. Empyrean Nikkou's just a front. ;p
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Re: names

Postby Raleigh » Sun Dec 23, 2007 4:34 pm

The current screen name I use is simply me using my middle name.

My real overall screen name, the one I use on nearly some 20 or so sites as well as the one I'm famous as an rper playing under is DragonLW. Dragon stands for my character's name since the naming convention for the Inidrasil are based on animals for reasons I won't get into here. LW stands for Lone Wolf, one of my alternate forms/personas. I tack the LW on the end to differentiate myself from the some 20 or so other Dragons that were around back in the day.
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Re: names

Postby Gee-chan » Sun Dec 23, 2007 4:45 pm

hmm, if I used my middle name I would have to use either James or Colin, neither of which sound that cool. As for you nikkou, chances are your real life is probably a front for some personified insanity beast...or something
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Re: names

Postby Kyunji » Sun Dec 23, 2007 10:47 pm

Well, the story goes something like this:

One day, I was sitting in my house, innocently drinking a bottle of Coca-Cola. But this -- this was no ordinary bottle! This was a truly special bottle, created as part of Coke's old "CokeMusic" advertising scheme. Under this brilliant marketing strategy, consumers, upon purchasing a bottle of "delightful" Coca-Cola, would find a unique fifteen-digit code hidden under the bottle's cap! This code, when entered into the CokeMusic web site, would present the user with FREE (virtual) MONEY, which would allow them to purchase amazing items for use in a liscenced version of Habbo Hotel that was quite possibly better than the original.

At any rate, as I unscrewed the bottle's cap and took a sip, I happened to glance at the cap's underside, and there it was...


Strike the last ten characters. Change the V to a U, because the Coca-Cola corporation uses crappy printing. Add an I, and what do you get?


... Long, not-so-dramatic story short, "Kyunji" came from the bottom of a Coke cap.

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Re: names

Postby Rowan » Mon Dec 24, 2007 12:20 am

CaptRory- Because I was a trekkie hehe.

Capt- Shortened form of CaptRory :p

Rowan is similar to my own name and I liked the meaning so it made a good feminized alter ego name.

Felina, I liked the meaning behind it and used it for the catgirl form 'cause it fit.
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Re: names

Postby Mistress Guendolen » Mon Dec 24, 2007 11:23 am

This is my first-ever screen name, and has been my default for a while. The idea is that it's an alternate spelling of the Welsh/English "Gwendolyn," which my real name is sometimes used as a nickname for. I liked the idea of a screen name that was different but not still associated. I spelled it the way I did simply to make sure that it wasn't previously spoken for when I signed up for my first e-mail account- first time I ever used it- and it stuck.
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Re: names

Postby Musashi » Mon Dec 24, 2007 12:31 pm

Well, in the past for a while I went by Bunny, Bunny-chan, that sort of thing. That was because of some Sailor Moon manga I had which had translated her name as Bunny. I thought it was cute. X3

So then I played Brave Fencer Musashi and thought it was just a spifftastic game, and so on ICQ, where I usually hung out back then, I changed my name to Brave Bunny Musashi.

Eventually the Musashi part just stuck, and I started using it when I signed up to forums. And so, here I am! :O
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Re: names

Postby Stellar » Mon Dec 24, 2007 1:10 pm

I joined the forums as Stellar Hope. It was the first time I used the name Stellar, but Hope had come from previous online games I played where my avatars names were Hopeisnowhere (it's pessimistically optimistic ^_^). I used Stellar because of Incubus. Anyone who hasn't heard Stellar in a while should. And I decided then that I want to make someone feel as special as the lyrics suggest (it's somewhat sexually suggestive, but no one said you have to translate it that way. And I know I was in a relationship at the time, but it was falling appart because she wasn't quite understanding the wars in my head over 'who i really am' plus she wasn't holding her weight in our living situation..).

And MSF had been such a big part of my life since then (has it been almost two or three years now?) that Stellar was a natural option when I went to change my name =)
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Re: names

Postby Anamnesis » Mon Dec 24, 2007 3:19 pm

I joined as One With Shadows, mostly because I've been a rather dark, pessimistic person most of my life. from there, barring the RP based names, I can't quite remember what I was. Now, Esoteric Reverie...A dream understood by so few :O I've become a shadow of what I once was, caring little for any physically around me, though I have utmost trust in people here...It can be rather hard to understand...
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Re: names

Postby Helel » Mon Dec 24, 2007 9:51 pm

My original screen name around here was "Adam" which many, many people still know me as. It originally developed out of my avatar at the time actually being 'Adam' from Neon Genesis Evangelion, which was and still is my major anime shtick of expertise. The whole mouse thing is something that appeared completely out of nowhere due to Musashi and X's combined efforts. I don't even remember how it stuck, but it did. Another side note is that Adam isn't even close to what my real name is, though some have believed that was the case in the past.

My second major alias around here was 'Aeris', which was imparted unto me via zee Original Lady Sakara in IRC after she did a TF on Adam which stuck significantly longer than expected. At this point in history, I had never played Final Fantasy Seven, so I had no idea of the infamy of the name. I later found out.

Helel, my current and most modern screen name, is entirely Coruscate/Kougetsu's fault, as he made note that Adam, the Giant of Light was of 'Helel' in a RP done years ago when the FFRP room first started. RPing happened, and my new character Helel, was born from Adam and that RP years ago.

Another screen name I've used, is the dark 'mirror' of Helel, Nokel, his name meaning 'Night of God' or 'Darkness of God' which says enough of him. I mainly used Nokel as a name on various other sites, where any of the previous have existed, as I kinda created the name Nokel from my knowledge of Greek and Hebrew that I learned in High School.
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Re: names

Postby Tiaiel » Tue Dec 25, 2007 11:54 am

Tiaiel is my favourite screenname and my name-mother is Tiaiel- or Tiara- who is in the manga "Angel Sanctuaray" `food´ for Katan when he is a monster and she tries to find paradise for both of them. She impressed me, becouse she was just a child, but still filled with hope. She died anyway and I cried, but I like sad scenes, they seem to refelct something inside of me-but hope is still there, even if death is destiny.
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Re: names

Postby scarplo » Tue Dec 25, 2007 9:55 pm

Scarplo was actually a college assigned user name from my days of being a lazy college student (as opposed to a lazy college graduate,) using the first five letters of my last name and my first and middle initials respectively.

Sca was just an abbreviation of the above, and certainly has never warranted her own user name. Zalabar on the other hand enjoys frequent use as Scarplo has turned out to be surprisingly common. Zal himself comes from my spectacularly unsuccessful Diablo 1 mage who succeeded in slaying the final boss thanks more to a game glitch than his underwhelming assortment of spells.

Janitor comes entirely out of a logic puzzle where one tries to equate angels with everyday people. I got custodians, servants, maintenance staff, and the like; ie janitors.

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Re: names

Postby Metroidvania » Wed Dec 26, 2007 1:45 pm


Mine originated from when I had played my first Castlevania game, Circle of the Moon.

Interested in further spelunking, I researched the series online.

And on the wikipedia page on the main Castlevania article, I read that the series had incorporated the basic premise of Metroid, where you go around collecting power ups and killing sub-bosses in order to beat the final boss.

The games had been dubbed Metroidvania, or Castleroid.

The first stuck out to me, as it a) reminds me of two series I'm fond of, and b) is much better a screenname, IMO, than Castleroid.

I originally used it for, and it just spread to Fukufics, here, and various other sites where I'm a member. I don't think I've ever found someone else with it, and it's not really similar to any other screen name I've ever seen.
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