by Mitera Nikkou » Mon Dec 31, 2007 3:12 am
Oh, yes... But whatever I have makes lying down worse than sitting upright. Laying down is usually an idea I'm ready to implement first-thing, 'cause it tends to help, but this time... God, I don't want to try getting out of bed any time soon; and I thought I had it bad getting in and out of a sitting position. Heck, just reaching out to type on the keyboard had hurt like Hell before I figured out that transferring weight through my arms (like I do when I get in and out of chairs) to support my torso would help.
The funny thing is, is that this started when I stood up from the toilet. ;/ So I have no idea what this is. I just wonder if the discomfort that I had in the lower-left half of my back was a precursor to this, since that had popped up suddenly, too, although while I slept. I figured that I had pulled a muscle, or had a kidney problem, but either way it's strange that that's gone within hours of this starting. Ah, well...
Knowing my luck it'll be temporary and I'll come out of it alive. And I've learned what not to do to avoid the breath-taking kind of pangs, so there's that, too. It's just annoying to feel achy (by default) within half of my torso and not really knowing the cause.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned because only women can give two tits for every tat.