Inspired by the bible, inspired by God... *Coughs*
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 3:39 pm
I've been delving into the bible lately, a King James version, and I suddenly realized, with my trouble to understand what in the Hell it's saying so often, that a lot of the bad writers, that I come across out there, could possibly be a result of them being inspired by the bible. I mean, dialogue without quotes? I understand that the bible has been translated from both the original language as well as other languages in the region, but I expect proper grammar when it's written in English.
The Olde English is one thing, but the excessive use of semi-colons and colons makes me wonder if all of the butt-pirating priests are a result of being bombarded by so many colons in their reading of the bible.
Sorry, I couldn't help making that joke. I take every opportunity I get. ;/
Seriously, though... It does make me wonder. It's hard for me to imagine someone coming out of school who writes as badly as those who had written the King James bible. Even I, with only one (somewhat) significant English class behind me (aside from the primary lessons learned in the beginning years of school), have managed to come out a decent writer: I'm not a professional, but I can convey well enough.
Although, honestly, some of my confusion over what's going on in the bible might be attributed to what I'm wondering about here. One part I read about was when David conducted a census, and how even he saw himself as a sinner afterward and God gave him three choices as punishment. Not upon him, but upon the innocent people of Israel. And thus... What was it... Seventy-thousand of the Israelites were killed by a plague?
David Letterman: "What?"
No wonder the world is so screwed up, with such screwy writing as this around. -_-
The Olde English is one thing, but the excessive use of semi-colons and colons makes me wonder if all of the butt-pirating priests are a result of being bombarded by so many colons in their reading of the bible.
Sorry, I couldn't help making that joke. I take every opportunity I get. ;/
Seriously, though... It does make me wonder. It's hard for me to imagine someone coming out of school who writes as badly as those who had written the King James bible. Even I, with only one (somewhat) significant English class behind me (aside from the primary lessons learned in the beginning years of school), have managed to come out a decent writer: I'm not a professional, but I can convey well enough.
Although, honestly, some of my confusion over what's going on in the bible might be attributed to what I'm wondering about here. One part I read about was when David conducted a census, and how even he saw himself as a sinner afterward and God gave him three choices as punishment. Not upon him, but upon the innocent people of Israel. And thus... What was it... Seventy-thousand of the Israelites were killed by a plague?
David Letterman: "What?"
No wonder the world is so screwed up, with such screwy writing as this around. -_-