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over 1000

Thu Jul 09, 2009 10:03 pm
by Kumi-chan
I'm still shocked on how we could have over 1000 accounts on this place and barely 100 active members. Some of these accounts I understand, Like older members who are no longer active all that often. But still why some many?
Re: over 1000

Thu Jul 09, 2009 10:25 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
Probably because most people are accustomed to places that are much bigger, which usually means that there will be a difference to the access of content between guest and registered user accounts. (And there are plenty of places out there, big and small, where you have to pass spam safeguards for every... single... guest post. Registering an account takes care of that nuisance.) MSF doesn't have such differences, as far as its content is concerned, but people may do it out of habit.
The bigger question is: are the boobs on your avatar big enough?

Re: over 1000

Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:13 pm
by Kumi-chan
Well seems rather pointless to keep some of those accounts still.
And no. Could be bigger.
Re: over 1000

Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:11 am
by Mitera Nikkou
It depends on the way you look at it. Forums are a two-way street: you read what others write, or you write something for others to read. No one is obligated to do one or the other, since it's all dependent on where their interests lie, and to what degree their interests are expressed. A post count is easier to estimate how active a person is, but only for one end of the equation. In my opinion, I think it's a good gesture to not mind those who don't post often, or at all. I'd be more mindful of the last time the account was used, and whether a pruning of particular accounts would benefit the forums in some significant way. I mean, despite my post count, I'd understand if my account got axed because I hadn't used it for several years.
Could be bigger, huh? It already looks like backache central, so I guess backache heaven would be next. *Sends you a prayer*

Re: over 1000

Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:59 am
by Stray-chan
As I recall, just a couple weeks ago, a bunch of 0 post accounts got axed, after a glut of adbot accounts were created. Honestly, I think having ~10% of accounts active is pretty impressive.
Re: over 1000

Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:13 am
by Mitera Nikkou
It's more like under five percent; I wouldn't imagine it above that figure. And that's without considering the active accounts used by the same person. Although, if you wanted to get technical (and put a positive spin on it), most (if not all) accounts aren't inactive.

Re: over 1000

Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:11 am
by Kumi-chan
We have never had more then 30 people logged in at a signal time. Yes I know it says the most ever was 48 but that was the result of an error. but that's besides the point. There are still a number that don't even do that. I am not saying to remove the accounts that never posted. I am saying to remove the accounts that haven't had a login in years. I am sure there is some from around the time that we joined Nikkou. And I don't mind if people lurk or whatever, I do it on a couple forums, But still there are accounts that haven't been active in a very long time.
Hahaha. perhaps Nikkou.
Re: over 1000

Tue Jul 14, 2009 11:39 am
by Selena Aninikkou
I'm sorry, again.
Re: over 1000

Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:32 pm
by Kumi-chan
Huh? why? No one said a thing about you.
Re: over 1000

Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:37 pm
by Selena Aninikkou
Kumi-chan wrote:Huh? why? No one said a thing about you.
This place shouldn't be almost dead like this. The only reason it is is because I'm a lazy slacker.
BTW, Lost Wanderer, is that Pericci in your avatar? It looks a whole lot like her...
Re: over 1000

Thu Jul 16, 2009 8:22 pm
by Kumi-chan
That's not your fault. But still find it odd we have all these inactive members.
And not a clue.
Re: over 1000

Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:20 am
by AmbushCat
One of those is my fault, actually. Some months before I first signed up with my current user name, I signed up with a different one...and then chickened out. Don't know if part of it was because I didn't get a confirmation at the time or what (it was on a backup server at the time, I believe, so that may have been it). At any rate, by the time I got up the courage to try again, I had forgotten the password for it and had to choose a different name.
Re: over 1000

Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:01 am
by Ookalf
AmbushCat wrote:One of those is my fault, actually. Some months before I first signed up with my current user name, I signed up with a different one...and then chickened out. Don't know if part of it was because I didn't get a confirmation at the time or what (it was on a backup server at the time, I believe, so that may have been it). At any rate, by the time I got up the courage to try again, I had forgotten the password for it and had to choose a different name.
...Dammit, now I want to know what that other name was.
Re: over 1000

Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:58 pm
by AmbushCat
Look in the letter 'Z' section of the member list. You should know my characters well enough to recognize it on sight.
Re: over 1000

Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:18 pm
by Funny Hat + Funny Accent
Kumi-chan wrote:That's not your fault. But still find it odd we have all these inactive members.
And not a clue.
Some people go through periods of activity. Example: I have friends on another who were sent to Iraq and said they might not be that active...and only one of them has posted since then, which was about six months ago...