
You may have noticed that my presence has been sporadic as of late. Well, maybe not. Anyway, yeah, it seems likely to continue for a while longer. I'm always depressed, though to varying degrees, and at least once a year it gets pretty bad for a week or two. It really depends on the circumstances. Well, circumstances have put me into the ringer since, oh... early September, or thereabouts? Maybe it was late August. Either way, it's been lots of fun. These days we're having a hard time affording one single-course meal a day, so hunger and a lack of energy is fairly common. To save some money somewhere, we've spent most of Fall with our heat off, so I'm usually cold in addition to being hungry. As times get more desperate, I feel worse about how useless I am as a source of income. Well, aside from collecting SSI, which, ironically, is evidence as to why I'm so useless.
So, yeah. You know how it is: if you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl. And if you can't crawl, well... then ferment? Heck if I know, but that's where I'm at: between a rock and a hard place. I've got high hopes for a turnaround, though. I think. DON'T JUDGE ME.
So, yeah. You know how it is: if you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl. And if you can't crawl, well... then ferment? Heck if I know, but that's where I'm at: between a rock and a hard place. I've got high hopes for a turnaround, though. I think. DON'T JUDGE ME.