by Mitera Nikkou » Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:28 pm
Good and evil, as well as morality, are human inventions, purely concepts of the imagination. They're just a means to justify what is seen as right and wrong, enforced not by the laws of the universe or a supernatural being (or beings), but by the people who believe in them.
In fact, these concepts can be blamed for so many innocent deaths throughout history that it isn't even funny. Because what they do is divide people into distinct groups, rather than focusing on just those responsible for whatever is seen as being "wrong" or "evil," which in turn inspires people to hate the group(s) those individuals are associated with. Both sides say they're on the side of good while the other side is on the side of evil, and how can you reason which side is right without being biased? You can't. Either neither side is right or wrong, and you're neutral, or one side is right because it happens to match your beliefs and/or interests.
Ever hear how the way to Hell is paved with good intentions? That's what these ideas are notorious for, because the very concepts themselves creates conflict, not unity or understanding: it's us and them, and we don't need them; they need to be made into us, or done away with. Both well-intentioned people, as well as the not-so-well-intentioned people, will take advantage of this innate conflict toward their own ends, driving many others to fight, kill and die for what they believe is right and good.
In reality, there's not much difference between (petty) revenge and justice. It's just "our way or the highway." The only thing that separates them is the amount of people who believe in someone's actions being right and/or justified. Justice being blind is a farce, because it's created by bias to begin with. And then it's sustained by that bias, in addition to human error (from honest mistakes to corruption). Basically, there's no force that says how we should behave other than ourselves.
Since religion is a major source of propagating the concepts of "good," "evil" and what's "moral..." Slavery was a "good" idea for most (if not all) civilizations for several millennia. Heck, did the Israelites abolish slavery, after they had escaped from being slaves themselves? No. Did god think that there was anything wrong with slavery? No; just that it was his people being enslaved. Did Jesus have anything to say against it? No. It's only recently that it has generally been decided to be seen as something "bad." To be honest, I don't know why. I'd like to think that it was inspired by sympathy: "I know I wouldn't like it if I were a slave."
So you don't like, or even hate, what other people are doing or have done. So... what? You think that you'd be justified in doing something to them, against their will, just like they did? And it wouldn't make you out to be like them, just because your reasons and methods differ? Reaching the same end with different means doesn't change what the end is. You all use force, you all vie for control, and you all use justification, for what is perceived as "good" and "evil." People who support a concept whose very nature causes conflict are all guilty of what results from it. That there are grey areas of reasoning at all should be enough evidence to show that this extreme, over-simplified way of thinking is unconscionable.
We're all animals. People who think that they can rise above others in some way, by trying to be perceived as a noble and majestic beast, will still be a beast. In many cases they're just as filthy as any other beast, except they use something to hide it.
Life isn't easy. When people you love are murdered, it's understandable that you'd want some form of misfortune to happen to whoever was responsible for it. But all it is is a negative reaction, and does little -- if anything -- to make things better. It doesn't bring back who you lost, it doesn't suddenly make other people nicer, and how would you be different from them if you take gratification for, or even enjoy, what's done to them in return to what had been done to you and those you had lost?
The cycle of receiving and returning suffering and hate has to end somewhere. You don't need to know what's good and evil to do it. The solution usually isn't easy, and no one should ever expect it to be. It's not uncommon for it to come at a price: but better to pay for it to end than for it to continue.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned because only women can give two tits for every tat.