Well, you don't really need to create characters with motifs in mind. My characters, completely without my meaning, could have different Tarot cards as their motifs. For example:
Blaze could be represented by The Chariot. She brought together opposites, four people of different beliefs to create a team that works well together, and the Chariot is about bringing together opposites and making them work together to achieve a goal. It can symbolize determination and leadership, traits Blaze has in spades.
Jean could be represented by The Star. It can represent the combining of two natures, (in Jean's case, the physical and spiritual for her powers,) as well as unbridled hope and optimism.
Lucy could be represented by Strength. It symbolized restraining out primal desires, in Lucy's case, her demonic side. It can represent combining strengths to overcome weakness, some thing Lucy has yet to do however.
Okuni could be represented by Justice. A card that represents balance in all things, logic and objectivity. It's not nice, but it is wise and fair, like Okuni.
Logos could be represented by The Hermit. A wise person who has much to teach, but who is isolated from other people for whatever reason.
Alex could be represented by the Wheel of Fortune. Taking things as they come, not being terribly upset when they go. It indicated happiness and luck.
Felix could be represented by The Magician. He is willful and driven, but smarmy and a smooth talker. It also helps that The Magician is usually shown with the four symbols of the Minor Arcana and Felix has swords named after those four suits

Nova could be represented by the Hanged Man. She tends to see things differently to others, especially Blaze and Felix to whom she is technically related to. While they believe that a weapon should be efficient, she woulds a large unwieldy axe. While they believe that a person should be free, she is happy to be a servant to the Hasanos. While others would see her fire abilities as something special, she is overly modest and thinks she's not all that great.
Fimbulvetr could be represented by Death. Death represents endings, which Fimbulvetr brings about. She ends people's time as an organic being when they join Niflheim, she joins planet's to her empire, ending their time as either an opponent to her, or just neutral or unknowing of aliens. Even her ultimate goal is an ending in one way.
Of course, I could just be reading too deep into things. >.>;;