This may be the best con experience I've ever had. I've been to quite a few. My previous top-con was Anime Detour in Minneapolis, a smaller but high-energy con with a con suite and really fun and active people.
One of the first people I saw was Okabe Rintaro, from Steins;Gate. <3!! I also saw two pairs of Panty and Stocking. The first thing I did was hitting up the dealer's room, and I got a copy of Ehrgeiz!! I've been looking for that game for years!

It did cost $37 and was disc-only; no official case or instruction booklet. But I got it!

I also signed up to donate $10 a month to an organization that helps fight anti-gay bullying in schools by both introducing kids to the message of tolerance before they get enmeshed in hatred, and challenging laws that prevent teachers from even mentioning anything LGBT related. I'm really stingy with my money, and I kinda waffle back and forth on that commitment since I don't really like recurring fees... ^^; Still, it's a very noble cause. They definitely deserve support.
I watched a short, hilarious film called Coffee Samurai, about a samurai who is reincarnated as a vending machine. He's somehow able to return to human form for brief periods of time, but after a while, he turns back into this really cute human-faced coffee vending machine, which he can also become a plain "Mr. Coffee" machine. He falls in love with a girl, but this conflicts with his fighting lifestyle, where he must take on evil playground bouncy-zebras and stuffed polar bears.
I staffed the Rock Band stage from 8PM to 2AM, and that was a blast. I really liked helping people out with settings and equipment, and finding bandmates (or filling in if nobody wanted to). It felt REALLY good, helping these people have a blast! My ears are ringing though... ^^; I sang a few songs and now my voice is going out. ^^;;
I'll still be there today and tomorrow. I'm a bit surprised at the lack of replies on the thread, but I did kinda post it last minute and I suppose if anyone's going, they're not checking MSF 'cause they probably can't go to the con from home like I can.

When it's over, I hope this thread can serve as a collection of our stories! This is my fourth year at SakuraCon, and it is so far the best con I've been to!