True transgender ops coming one step closer

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True transgender ops coming one step closer

Postby Coruscate » Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:11 pm

Mind you, this isn't about transgender, just transplant from one genetic woman to another. But I think most of you understand the implications of making this work. In time men that want to become women and have fully functional genitilia, instead of... and well, sorry but this is the truth, mangled and re-shaped skin... can do so. Now... the amount of work and operations to go from reproductive man to reproductive woman? Will be a nightmare, but it is in the future. A full decade at minimum.

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Postby Cow Belle » Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:31 pm

I know people that can’t bare children when they tried to. It is devastation to them that they can not perform one of the most basic human functions. birth. It looks hopeful. Time will tell.

I hope this just doesn’t get out of hand you know. >_>
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Postby May-chan » Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:39 pm

but there are more issues than the organ itself. There is always the fact that unless they started at the time of puberty, the majority of MtFs won't have ample pelvis space, also if one has a longer ribcage that can cause issues, as well as the surrounding organs which have to stretch smoosh and make way for a baby. Plus there'd have to be a way to transplant a whole vagina and all since neo-vaginas don't have all of the specific muscles and capabilities, because like you said... the neo-vagina is just inverted and reshaped genital flesh... so all births would have to be cessarian. However at least a transplant would bring added realism to the neo-vagina and increase depth, but... I imagine dialation for that might be a huge pain (literally)..

And FtMs are still at a big loss with their genital issues, since already as it is it is very difficult for their GRS to be as realistic as a MtF's, but then it seems like it would be very dangerous to get the male glands and stuff in there as they all straddle the urinary tract...
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Postby Coruscate » Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:29 pm

Oh it'll be a surgical nightmare alright, but then, wasn't the original transgender operation anyway?

I figure in time they'll figure out a way, but it'll take a long time, be very expensive, uncomfortable and the person going through it will have to have rock hard determination and excellent self esteem or they might not make it through.
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Postby Lucky » Tue Jan 16, 2007 7:55 pm

Did you hear about the baby that grew out side the womb? Doctors had to C section it out and ect. But what was so amazing about it was that becaues of the birth, it showed doctors that it ment men chould have test tube babies.


Thow it whould be very dangerues and chould have side affects. It chould be possible.
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Postby Coruscate » Wed Jan 17, 2007 1:26 am

I didn't hear about that one in particular, but I have heard of cases like that.
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Postby Raijin » Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:07 am

So we are one step closer to not needing any gender xD, close to self reproducing o.o hmmmmm kinda of odd imo
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Postby Lucky » Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:01 pm

Coruscate wrote:I didn't hear about that one in particular, but I have heard of cases like that.

It was spoess to be very odd indeed. I can't rember all the details. But I rember there was some very importent ones that bassicly proved men may be able to have test tube babbies. I found it kinda interesting.

It was on discory helth channle awhile ago.

On History the other day was modern marvels and they had "modern marvels of sex", in it they talked about how they are working on makeing regrowable body parts. They said Genetalies are probly the easyest body part to bassicly regrow since there so soft.

So tecnicly when this tecnoligy gettes of the ground, it chould tie into the surgry thing to.

Man, I watch thows sort of chanles too much.

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Postby Stellar » Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:04 pm

I voulenteer to be a test subject. I'm friggen determined to be fully female before I die. I don't expect to have any children, I just want regular cycles like naturally born females.

Yes. Determined I am.

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Postby Funny Hat + Funny Accent » Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:32 pm

Good luck then. Right now you probably need it....

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