Yeah, I play Alexis Fong, Pudding Fong's oldest daughter in Tokyo Mew Mew RPG 2. It's hosted by Arya, and Lavender plays Mint's daughter Erika, and also my character's little "sister" Mai Fong, the Red Panda Mew.
Ask Lavender, or Hira (Keiko/Berry's daughter), for more info.
Oh, Berry is a character in Tokyo Mew Mew a la Mode (the manga).
Beware...this isn't the best of news, but my grandmother passed away. I'm moving in with my aunt so i will have net every day now so i should be on more. As of the moment though and probably for a few days...i will likely be too busy planning funeral dates and grieving my arse off. To all my friends i wish you all a good night and don't worry too much about me. I'll find a way to cope, i'm good at it.
I can honestly say I know what you're going through, so not only would I be making a complete a-hole out of myself, I would also be a hypocrit for telling you off, so... I won't... tell you off... I guess.
But, it does get better as life goes on. You can count on that at least.