by Lanzerus » Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:41 pm
*throws a set of Knives at the Ex-Lurker)
*Lands ontop of random nearby NPC with a steamroller*
Oh wait...wrong entrance....
*Spins around and is in fromal business attiar*
Hello My good sir to MSF, its always nice to see a lurker...unlurkering....>_> Alright, who is supposed to be writing these down? I thought we agreed that words would only be used if they were in a topic...AGAIN?
Anywho, nice to see you, welcome to MSF, avoid cookies, cake, men, women offering cookies or cakes, candy, fruit, children, children offering fruit, portals, anti-portals, lasers, armor, cursed swords, cursed water....>_> alot of stuff....
Self-proclaimed, Lord and Creator of the Inactivity void.