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Tentitive Hello

Fri May 30, 2008 9:33 am
by Desumo
Uh... hello, everyone! Not that I expect anyone to be reading this, but... I suppose one never knows. This is the most active forum I have ever seen, let alone about something this cool!
So... I guess I'm just asking for advise, really. Are there any threads anyone would recomend I drop in on? Anything else to keep in mind? I've read the rules and everything... at least, I think I have. But there are so many, it's hard to keep track! The gist of it I basically got was that if I stayed polite and Pg-13 or below, I'd be safe... and I'm hoping that's the case, because all these rules seem so hard to remember!
If a newbie wanted to start roleplaying (TG/TF type stuff, naturally) here, how would one go about it? Are there any new RPs of that nature starting up that could use new members? Roleplaying and writing I understand, and I like to think I understand it well... but as to doing it here, I am currently clueless. That may change someday, but for now... I guess that's why I'm asking. What about characters... do I have to post a description of mine on that board before I can use them?
Sorry about the bother... I guess you can go ahead and ignore me, if you want. I don't mean to waste anyone's time... maybe I'll just slink back into the shadows...
Re: Tentitive Hello

Fri May 30, 2008 10:06 am
by Dark Scout Cyclondia
Whoa calm down Newbie! Don't worry about it. You can start your own RP in the RP Rooms. There are two of them one for GM's and specific Rules is the Regular Roleplaying Room. The other one that doesn't require Specific Rules or a GM, which is a good idea to have whether it's regular RP'ing(Heavy) or Free Form. Just click on over to the Roleplaying Section. As for characters, that's really upto you whether you want to post them or not. Anyway this is only one of my accounts. I am also known as Dark Scout Cyclondia, Minako Aino/Venus, and Ashley Elaine Tyler. I am posting as Erin the Espeon right now. Welcome to MSF Newcomer! Enjoy your stay and have fun stay away from Tomapples and anything that contains Tomapples in it. Tomapples whether they are fresh or part of something else, should not be consumed by anybody especially males, because it will not only turn males ditzy, but also female and all of your intellect will go bye bye. Anyway welcome to MSF! Enjoy your stay because there is no escape Muhahahahahahahahaha!
Why would you want to escape such a fun place as MSF? Truthfully, I have no idea! Welcome!
Re: Tentitive Hello

Fri May 30, 2008 10:38 am
by Tiffany Grimm
NO! Don't slink away, you're one of us now! We want to welcome you and make sure you have fun! Please do so!
Re: Tentitive Hello

Fri May 30, 2008 10:40 am
by Dark Scout Cyclondia
Good point Angie!
Re: Tentitive Hello

Fri May 30, 2008 11:39 am
by Haylie
Now now, nobody's ignoring anybody, got it? I will greet you if I have to twist your arm to make you hold still.
That being said, hello, welcome to MSF, hope you have a good time and all that fun stuff. I never was very good at meeting new people. But I hope you make many friends and have plenty to do here over the summer. Peace.
Re: Tentitive Hello

Fri May 30, 2008 11:41 am
by Sam
Don't go away, we're glad that you decided to come here. I hope you get to have a fun time here
Re: Tentitive Hello

Fri May 30, 2008 12:04 pm
by Mistress Guendolen
Welcome! You're not a bother, for certain. We like new members! Fresh victims and all that.... **taps fingertips together, cackling evilly, then trails off into a self-conscious cough** But seriously, I mean, the more the merrier. No particular recommendations, other than to cruise the forums, see what strikes your fancy, and try to get involved from there. We don't bite- mostly. So you should be okay!
Re: Tentitive Hello

Fri May 30, 2008 12:18 pm
by Lanzerus
*shackles his/her legs to the MSF main forum board* YOU CANNOT ESCAPE!
other than that Hey! *smiles lowering his white hood revealing his jet black hair and his white medical eye patch over his right eye*
oh btw, Guen Redblades wish to see you...soon.
Re: Tentitive Hello

Fri May 30, 2008 12:29 pm
by Haylie
Uh... usually I dictate who the Redblades would like to see.
Re: Tentitive Hello

Fri May 30, 2008 12:33 pm
by Lanzerus
someone on the redblades hq said we were looking for Guen for some reason or another...just thought i would do what i was told....
Re: Tentitive Hello

Fri May 30, 2008 12:34 pm
by Haylie
And who told you to tell her? And why didn't I know about it, hmmmmm?
Re: Tentitive Hello

Fri May 30, 2008 12:35 pm
by Lanzerus
would a sorry work here?
Re: Tentitive Hello

Fri May 30, 2008 12:37 pm
by Haylie
For now.

Re: Tentitive Hello

Fri May 30, 2008 4:19 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
Greetings, newling!
Oh, it brings back memories. I didn't know what to do when I first came here as well. It happens to so few of us. We must be related. ;p
Anyway, I wouldn't worry about all those rules. There's just so much of it so the main enforcer of those rules can have more time to feel good about themselves as they toot their little horn. Just keep the PG-13 rule in mind and the rest is common courtesy and consideration. We're not going to burn you at the stake for learning, after all. I think. *Whistles*
My suggestion is to hang loose in the Muffin room, where you can fool around without much care and get to know some people. Then, if you don't feel like learning, you can ask some of your new friends questions. Or you can just call upon a friendly neighborhood administrator, such as myself, and I'll be more than willing to answer your questions.
That aside, watch, listen, learn, and then kick the conventions like it's nobody's business. XD
Re: Tentitive Hello

Fri May 30, 2008 4:33 pm
by Musashi
Howdy thar new person! *Blocks your escape with the official Welcome Ostrich* Here, hug this large bird instead of running awaaaay~
Really, don't stress about the rules. If you feel unsure about something, just ask an admin/mod, or your new friends. :3 Basically it's like... yeah, just keep it within PG-13. All kinds of TFs are welcome within that limit. You don't have to accept any TFs you don't want. Be polite and considerate of others. You should do fine. XD
RP-wise, I shall concur that it's a good idea to cruise around the Muffin Room, and also check out the Freeform and Regular RP rooms. You can post a character bio if you want, but it's not a requirement. But it is handy for those who want to know more about you character/s, and it's a good way to keep track of what's been happening with them. ^^ Also, we have an IRC chat, and you can find people to RP with there, both in silly ways and in more serious ways.
So, I hope you have a nice tiiiime! :D