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The number can not be completed as dialed...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 10:55 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
Welp, I've overstayed my sojourn. It's a bust of DDD proportions: I'm too Different, too Distant, and too Detached. And now that I have nothing significant tying me to this place anymore, as indicated by the disinterest in my event and the little creativity I tried to stir up with the Constitution of Transformational Wordplay, it's time that I give up on this "you and me" thing, and this place. Even though I never really had a place here, or with you. So... Effective immediately, I will cease being social, and just keep to myself. I do plan to finish up a few more captions down the road, and notify any updates to whatever I'm writing, but I won't post beyond that. And anything I'm involved in right now I can simply drop.

It was fun while it lasted, I guess. Well, as fun as any illusion/daydream/delusion can be considered to be. In the end, any place that doesn't inspire me just isn't a place where I can thrive. And so I leave behind the last of the few social venues I ever had in my adult life, to, of course, leave you with this melodrama. Sorry; I used up the last of my funny bones with another anatomical joke at the beginning. *Whistles innocently*


Re: The number can not be completed as dialed...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 10:57 pm
by Xia
Post locked as per request

Sorry to see you go. God speed, good tides, good hunting

Re: The number can not be completed as dialed...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 5:16 am
by Mitera Nikkou
Well... If you haven't noticed already, I haven't exactly been as non-social as I had planned. It seems that I can't quit four and a half years of my life cold turkey. So, in order to stave off the questions that will never come, I just thought I'd waste everyone's time by saying: I'll be trying out a weaning period of sorts instead, and see how that works.

So you're not free from my tyranny quite yet. You might want to dig out those talismans and other warding goodies that you had thrown out or put away. :P

Re: The number can not be completed as dialed...

PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:28 pm
by Mistress Guendolen
I just wanted to let you know that if you did disappear, I'll miss you greatly. You were one of the first people to welcome me, here. I haven't forgotten that consistent friendliness. If there's anything I can do to help coax you into sticking around, even a little, just say the word.

Re: The number can not be completed as dialed...

PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:56 am
by Mitera Nikkou
I just seem friendly. But in reality... I am an evildoer! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-haaaaa!

See, you can tell with my diabolical laughter.

As for sticking around, just give me a stick and I'll see what I can do. Oh, how convenient; you already have a (mod) stick on your person. Lemme have it so I can spread my terror everywhere. :P

Re: The number can not be completed as dialed...

PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:30 am
by AshK
So Crescent will you be sticking around a bit longer? If not as Mistress Guendolen said we would all miss you.

Re: The number can not be completed as dialed...

PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:45 am
by Mitera Nikkou
The point of trying to keep someone around is not to miss them. So you better work on your nabbing aim. :P

Anyway, I'm trying to stick around in a fashion, but it's not looking good so far, so even if I did manage to leave the social scene, as I'd like... I might go completely. I honestly don't know since I don't have much else outside of MSF, even though I was never really inside of MSF to begin with. It's a complicated issue, really; nothing I can really explain.

Whatever happens, happens, I guess. Either way I doubt I'd truly be missed, since my kind is a replenishable resource, or easily replaced by something else. Not that my kind is in much demand these days, anyway.

Re: The number can not be completed as dialed...

PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:54 pm
by AshK
Any ideas on how I could get you to stay? Do you want to join the MDA? There is a Karaoke party going on right now. Nya!

If you go, you go, if you stay, you stay. That decision my friend is upto you and only you.

Re: The number can not be completed as dialed...

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:26 pm
by Rowan

That is all- ^_~

Re: The number can not be completed as dialed...

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 4:10 pm
by Tiffany Grimm
DON'T LEAVE US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd miss you....

Re: The number can not be completed as dialed...

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 9:23 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
Angie wrote:I'd miss you....

Then of course I'd escape. ;p

Well, let me put it like this, without so much of my own personal problems. A lot of the places of substance are next to dead, so that leaves me with little to do. I rarely roleplay because they're usually not up to the standard that I can roll with. (Take that pun! Nyeh-heh-heeeeeh!) So roleplaying's out. I just pop in here and there in the Muffin room because I'm easily ignored and denied any significant role in whatever's happening. Feeling like a third wheel isn't fun, so Muffin is out, too. Games has lost its attraction because I'd like to play most of the games while others don't, so... Playing some of the games only some of the time (or after long whiles) dulled my interest, and that's why Games is out. Polls has always been a favorite of mine, but the response I get has become more disappointing than not these days. Seen the last poll I made? Over four days and no response and only one vote... Mine, of course. So Polls is tossed out, too. General, Tea and Soap is out because there's no one who shares the same interests as I do, and I got tired of all of the misunderstandings. Besides which, I can't say that I'm in a frame of mind to partake in serious topics with a muzzle. Welcome Matthew's out since I got tired of pretending to be friendly. Event is out because no one's interested in whatever I have planned. (My last attempt case in point.) Entertainment and Video Games are out because there aren't many around that share my tastes, and nowadays there's not much left that I'm interested in due to being jaded/desensitized/detached. That, and I don't really have the money to be up-to-date with a lot of other people, and those kind of topics are better left in the grave by the time I have a chance to get around to them. Stories is out because no one's interested. I just write on a whim, or perhaps to spite you, and to torment you. Whichever way works for me. Art's out simply because the second coming of Christ is more likely to happen before I actually start (and finish!) something with serious effort put into it. And last, but not least, Captions. Yeah; that's out, too. For the most part I need encouragement to do things, or I may otherwise never get around to it, even if it's something important or something I actually like. I'm screwed up in the head like that. The only reason I'm still making captions is because I actually want to try and finish something that I started, and I concluded that my finish line was at five-hundred captions (a batch away, now). There's just not a lot of interest in my captions. When I made my best effort to make real captions, and tying them all together as a series to make them more dynamic than they would have been individually, I got worse than nothing for a response, I got "cute." And the batch after that has yet to attract a response after three days.

And that's pretty much it. Did you enjoy an emoticonless wall of text?


Oh, I'm so funny.

But, yeah, your answer is right there, without having to go into any of the problems that I have beyond MSF. And I don't mean to sound like a **** when I say this, but actions speak louder than words. I may hear (well, read) positive things from some of you, but the majority, "MSF", "tells" me that there's no place for me here, by the actions made (or not made... which are actions in themselves but I doubt anyone wants to hear my philosophical nonsense). But MSF isn't supposed to be anyone's nanny, and I'd most definitely hate to have one, so... There you have it. I'm just around partly out of habit and partly as a whim, now. And, admittedly, I may be clinging a bit to the only place I've ever felt "comfortable" at for the last four-plus years of fourteen. But that's going into things beyond MSF, so... Over and out.

Re: The number can not be completed as dialed...

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 9:42 pm
by Haylie
Why haven't I posted here yet? Am I a heartless jerk...?


Ahem. Sorry.

But if you must leave, I understand. I'd rather you didn't, but still. You're one of the funny people around here. While I try to be funny, I just don't cut it quite like you do. Funny is a hard thing to be, especially if you're trying. I know that's sort of a paradox, but still.

Peace, brother, and stay awhile before facing a cold world.

See? Not funny.

Re: The number can not be completed as dialed...

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 9:57 pm
by Tiffany Grimm
If that's how you feel, then farewell, and good luck. *Hugs*

Re: The number can not be completed as dialed...

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 10:05 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
<-- Gets the impression that they've been laid to rest on a boat and shipped off, with fiery arrows imminent. XD

Re: The number can not be completed as dialed...

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 10:12 pm
by Ookalf
*strings his bow* Just kidding. Well, bye, I guess. Have fun with whatever you do after this.