Haaiiiii and short term baaiiiii (hopefully not)

Well, introductions and hellos, salutations, greetings, BLAH BLAH BLAH to you all. ^_^
Most of you will know my main character, KyuutenNoRyo (not 'Kyuu', it's KyuuTEN. That's FINAL unless you have my express permission, got it? Usually that will involve several looooooong journeys, arduous tasks, walking on lava, things like that before you earn the right to call me anything other than that! ^_^ Ok. Glad that's settled.). Her twin brother, KyuuAtamaNoRyu (Ryu for short, same applies as above) and their mother, Hikari-no-Kossori-Monoceros (Kossori) are also characters of mine, as well as the little puppy Zipp (solely from Mibbit).
OOC me, well, there's really not much to say. OOC you will most likely find me being me, Hayleigh K. M. (or HayBall as Lupus likes to call me) with headphones in my ears, writing or editing a story or poetry, but almost always with my Macintosh laptop, Triti. I live in a small town, I go to a larger college, and you can find me getting there from the bus most often. Yeah...no car, not yet. But soon...
IC me, well, there's so many sides. I love to play and talk and occasionally transform myself and other people. Problem with me is that most all of my characters (Zipp excepted) are of the Wind element, which naturally blocks most enchantments directed my characters' way, unless they have a major power advantage over me. Let's meet them, shall we?
It's best to start off with her as she is pretty much me online. Total actions and reactions, appearances and expressions are all the same. Like I told Corvus once, "she's my OOC-IC character (got all that?)." A redhead with greeny-golden eyes, she's fiery when the situation calls for it, but she is rather cool, sometimes cold if there is something she senses about you that doesn't sit well with her. Fierce and unafraid, she would rather die than surrender, and kill rather than allow betrayal. Kossori stands a little over six foot and is of modest proportions. Her favorite clothing is a, well, I call it a wrap-it's hard to explain. One day I shall model them or have someone model them for me. It's pretty flowy and is geared for free movement. Kossori only has two other forms. Her original animal form in a great Unicorn, pure white with a violet horn. Her late husband (more on him in another 'journal') gifted her with the ability to transform into a Phoenix, but she has never used the form, due to the memories attached to it. She cannot create Fire, but she is able to manipulate it through her gifts with the Wind and his beneficence.
Kossori's position is that of Wind Mage Queen of Doguen, her adopted home world. I won't go into details here, but she is also the Arising Wind Goddess, meaning she has complete control of the Wind. There is so much she can do, but I best leave it until I can actually get all the wonderful pieces of this story together.
Kyuuten No Ryo
Kyuuten is the eldest of a set of twins. She is Kossori's first- and only- daughter related by blood, next in line with her brother for the Doguenian throne and Arising Wind Goddess. She takes after her mother in that she is fierce and has no fear for herself, only a deep and unshakable love of other people. She will do anything and everything in her power to help a just cause, and will always choose to see the good in people before she is forced to see what truly lies beneath the surface. A little airheaded at times, her intentions are for the best; indeed, her stubbornness more than makes up for it.
Kyuuten stands a six foot even and is well fleshed. She is graceful, not exactly slender, but she cannot by any means be called fat either. Her light grey eyes hold many things, seen and unforeseen, which are wonderfully magnified by her shoulder-length blonde hair, banged so it frames her face, so pale it is nearly white. She wears a white toga with an extra piece of material so light blue that it too can appear white in certain lights. This is due to the influences of a "Greek Aunt" you will meet further down. Kyuuten has several animal forms; transformations are made easy with the Wind that flows inside of her, hence her very name, "Reality of Sky" (translated from the japanese), or as I like to think of it, Free Sky. Her forms, all white (albino), include a ferret, squirrel, otter, and wolf, occasionally as a sexy albino red fox. She has one special transformation in which becomes a combination of a ferret, fox and otter. Her tail is shaped like an otter's, but is covered in a bush like a fox's. Fortunately, she is all white...there's no mess of fur color. Her face is that of a ferret, ears a strange mix between the three, small with little points. She is lithe, but her muscles are slightly bulkier like an otter's.
Kyuu Atama No Ryu
Ryu is rather special. He is the second of Kossori's only set of twins, younger brother to Kyuuten and Kossori's only son. Ryu's full name translates into "Dragon of the Nine Head" (again, translated from the Japanese) and implies what he becomes when pissed off. That's right, a Dragon. Now, depending on how angry he is, is how many heads he sprouts. Ryu is a royal blue dragon with golden talons and fangs, but as a human he is just like his sister, only with close cropped white-blonde hair and the absence and presence of some…parts (he's a male, go figure…). He chooses to wear more "modern" track apparel in sky blue with a few white stripes running down the side.
Ryu is rather quiet, opting to observe rather than charge in head first. He loves being able to be with people and there isn't much that fazes him. He sets himself a little apart, but if someone or something comes under his protection, he will fight to the death to make sure it remains safe.
Miisa…is currently an unused character, due to the fact that she tried killing Kyuuten (fortunately she failed). She is the adopted daughter of Kossori, now close to being disowned, or is awaiting her death by Homura's hand.
She is able to transform into a tortoiseshell cat with blue eyes, but remains human for most of the time, wearing a black and orange flowy dress, perhaps a middle ages lower level of upper class (still working on the design). Sometimes, under interesting circumstances, she is able to mix and match her forms, becoming part cat, part human or vice versa.
Miisa's story is simple. She was found in the countryside during a hunt when she was three or four years old. She was brought to the castle before the Queen, and Kossori had pity on her and took her to be raised within the royal household. At ten, she was apprenticed to a good friend of Kossori's, a sorceress named Laurelin. She was taken away from the city to train in sorcery under Laurelin's watchful eye. However, the student sometimes surpassed the mistress and occasionally had to keep an eye on her as she was sure Laurelin would find a way to blow herself up, so enthusiastic was she about her experiments. It was on one such occasion that Miisa (at this time fifteen years old), trying to protect Laurelin from herself, became caught in the crossfires of a charm gone awry and became a cat. Laurelin decided to take Miisa as her familiar, and thus was the bond born.
Miisa is now sixteen and a half, and somewhat freed from her bond to Laurelin. She has become playful and arrogant, never very serious since her "accident" and has somehow developed a penchant for fighting for no reason at all.
Rhyiah is a "cousin" and very nearly a sister to Kossori, but no one is for sure of which relation they are. Rhyiah is a healer under the order of Asclepius. She is a blind temple maiden, but her condition does not hinder her from successfully treating and healing. Her demeanor is a rather stern one, not much given to laughter and joking, but she genuinely cares about the people she treats.
Her hair is of a raven's wing, long and curly. She stands equal to Kossori's height and slightly favors her features.
Not much more is known about her.
Cute little puppy, a frost shepherd (?) to be exact! Needs a good loving owner and/or family. She is a few months old, abandoned…she wanders in and out of MSF, curious as any little animal would be. She somehow knows Kossori, but Kossori has little time and attentions for the poor little girl.
These are my characters, as much as I can tell you. I myself am Hayleigh`, sometimes know as Kaem. These too are my OOC-ICs…Kaem being a mix of the Human Hayleigh and Goddess Kossori…Hayleigh just being…Hayleigh, dragged from an alternate dimension when Kossori tires of being in public…
On an unrelated note, most likely starting Thursday night, I will not be making any appearances in MSF for a week and a few days, due to my being ousted from my house. If I am lucky, the place I will be staying will have a wireless signal floating through the house, but if not, I shall be sure to check the forums and keep in touch that way if the college will grace me with its wireless signal and WORK properly. Wish me luck... ^^
Most of you will know my main character, KyuutenNoRyo (not 'Kyuu', it's KyuuTEN. That's FINAL unless you have my express permission, got it? Usually that will involve several looooooong journeys, arduous tasks, walking on lava, things like that before you earn the right to call me anything other than that! ^_^ Ok. Glad that's settled.). Her twin brother, KyuuAtamaNoRyu (Ryu for short, same applies as above) and their mother, Hikari-no-Kossori-Monoceros (Kossori) are also characters of mine, as well as the little puppy Zipp (solely from Mibbit).
OOC me, well, there's really not much to say. OOC you will most likely find me being me, Hayleigh K. M. (or HayBall as Lupus likes to call me) with headphones in my ears, writing or editing a story or poetry, but almost always with my Macintosh laptop, Triti. I live in a small town, I go to a larger college, and you can find me getting there from the bus most often. Yeah...no car, not yet. But soon...
IC me, well, there's so many sides. I love to play and talk and occasionally transform myself and other people. Problem with me is that most all of my characters (Zipp excepted) are of the Wind element, which naturally blocks most enchantments directed my characters' way, unless they have a major power advantage over me. Let's meet them, shall we?
It's best to start off with her as she is pretty much me online. Total actions and reactions, appearances and expressions are all the same. Like I told Corvus once, "she's my OOC-IC character (got all that?)." A redhead with greeny-golden eyes, she's fiery when the situation calls for it, but she is rather cool, sometimes cold if there is something she senses about you that doesn't sit well with her. Fierce and unafraid, she would rather die than surrender, and kill rather than allow betrayal. Kossori stands a little over six foot and is of modest proportions. Her favorite clothing is a, well, I call it a wrap-it's hard to explain. One day I shall model them or have someone model them for me. It's pretty flowy and is geared for free movement. Kossori only has two other forms. Her original animal form in a great Unicorn, pure white with a violet horn. Her late husband (more on him in another 'journal') gifted her with the ability to transform into a Phoenix, but she has never used the form, due to the memories attached to it. She cannot create Fire, but she is able to manipulate it through her gifts with the Wind and his beneficence.
Kossori's position is that of Wind Mage Queen of Doguen, her adopted home world. I won't go into details here, but she is also the Arising Wind Goddess, meaning she has complete control of the Wind. There is so much she can do, but I best leave it until I can actually get all the wonderful pieces of this story together.
Kyuuten No Ryo
Kyuuten is the eldest of a set of twins. She is Kossori's first- and only- daughter related by blood, next in line with her brother for the Doguenian throne and Arising Wind Goddess. She takes after her mother in that she is fierce and has no fear for herself, only a deep and unshakable love of other people. She will do anything and everything in her power to help a just cause, and will always choose to see the good in people before she is forced to see what truly lies beneath the surface. A little airheaded at times, her intentions are for the best; indeed, her stubbornness more than makes up for it.
Kyuuten stands a six foot even and is well fleshed. She is graceful, not exactly slender, but she cannot by any means be called fat either. Her light grey eyes hold many things, seen and unforeseen, which are wonderfully magnified by her shoulder-length blonde hair, banged so it frames her face, so pale it is nearly white. She wears a white toga with an extra piece of material so light blue that it too can appear white in certain lights. This is due to the influences of a "Greek Aunt" you will meet further down. Kyuuten has several animal forms; transformations are made easy with the Wind that flows inside of her, hence her very name, "Reality of Sky" (translated from the japanese), or as I like to think of it, Free Sky. Her forms, all white (albino), include a ferret, squirrel, otter, and wolf, occasionally as a sexy albino red fox. She has one special transformation in which becomes a combination of a ferret, fox and otter. Her tail is shaped like an otter's, but is covered in a bush like a fox's. Fortunately, she is all white...there's no mess of fur color. Her face is that of a ferret, ears a strange mix between the three, small with little points. She is lithe, but her muscles are slightly bulkier like an otter's.
Kyuu Atama No Ryu
Ryu is rather special. He is the second of Kossori's only set of twins, younger brother to Kyuuten and Kossori's only son. Ryu's full name translates into "Dragon of the Nine Head" (again, translated from the Japanese) and implies what he becomes when pissed off. That's right, a Dragon. Now, depending on how angry he is, is how many heads he sprouts. Ryu is a royal blue dragon with golden talons and fangs, but as a human he is just like his sister, only with close cropped white-blonde hair and the absence and presence of some…parts (he's a male, go figure…). He chooses to wear more "modern" track apparel in sky blue with a few white stripes running down the side.
Ryu is rather quiet, opting to observe rather than charge in head first. He loves being able to be with people and there isn't much that fazes him. He sets himself a little apart, but if someone or something comes under his protection, he will fight to the death to make sure it remains safe.
Miisa…is currently an unused character, due to the fact that she tried killing Kyuuten (fortunately she failed). She is the adopted daughter of Kossori, now close to being disowned, or is awaiting her death by Homura's hand.
She is able to transform into a tortoiseshell cat with blue eyes, but remains human for most of the time, wearing a black and orange flowy dress, perhaps a middle ages lower level of upper class (still working on the design). Sometimes, under interesting circumstances, she is able to mix and match her forms, becoming part cat, part human or vice versa.
Miisa's story is simple. She was found in the countryside during a hunt when she was three or four years old. She was brought to the castle before the Queen, and Kossori had pity on her and took her to be raised within the royal household. At ten, she was apprenticed to a good friend of Kossori's, a sorceress named Laurelin. She was taken away from the city to train in sorcery under Laurelin's watchful eye. However, the student sometimes surpassed the mistress and occasionally had to keep an eye on her as she was sure Laurelin would find a way to blow herself up, so enthusiastic was she about her experiments. It was on one such occasion that Miisa (at this time fifteen years old), trying to protect Laurelin from herself, became caught in the crossfires of a charm gone awry and became a cat. Laurelin decided to take Miisa as her familiar, and thus was the bond born.
Miisa is now sixteen and a half, and somewhat freed from her bond to Laurelin. She has become playful and arrogant, never very serious since her "accident" and has somehow developed a penchant for fighting for no reason at all.
Rhyiah is a "cousin" and very nearly a sister to Kossori, but no one is for sure of which relation they are. Rhyiah is a healer under the order of Asclepius. She is a blind temple maiden, but her condition does not hinder her from successfully treating and healing. Her demeanor is a rather stern one, not much given to laughter and joking, but she genuinely cares about the people she treats.
Her hair is of a raven's wing, long and curly. She stands equal to Kossori's height and slightly favors her features.
Not much more is known about her.
Cute little puppy, a frost shepherd (?) to be exact! Needs a good loving owner and/or family. She is a few months old, abandoned…she wanders in and out of MSF, curious as any little animal would be. She somehow knows Kossori, but Kossori has little time and attentions for the poor little girl.
These are my characters, as much as I can tell you. I myself am Hayleigh`, sometimes know as Kaem. These too are my OOC-ICs…Kaem being a mix of the Human Hayleigh and Goddess Kossori…Hayleigh just being…Hayleigh, dragged from an alternate dimension when Kossori tires of being in public…
On an unrelated note, most likely starting Thursday night, I will not be making any appearances in MSF for a week and a few days, due to my being ousted from my house. If I am lucky, the place I will be staying will have a wireless signal floating through the house, but if not, I shall be sure to check the forums and keep in touch that way if the college will grace me with its wireless signal and WORK properly. Wish me luck... ^^