by Kara-chan » Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:26 pm
I posted this on the permanant RP thing but I thought it would be better here so...
Name: Josh Andrew Cohen/Kara Esther Cohen/Kara of the Endless Pits
Age: 17
Height: 5'9 as Josh, 5'4 as Kara
Weight: 170 as Josh, 115 as Kara
Hair Color: Brown/Auburn as human-form Andrew/Kara, Green as demon-form Kara
Eye Color: Green as human-form Andrew/Kara, Red as demon-form Kara
Gender: Male as Andrew, Female as Kara
Species: Human then demon (though as a demon, variable due to shape changing skills)
Abouts: Josh was originally hired by hell due to his m4d l337 data entry skillz. Changed into a female demon by a lonely co-worker, he has begrudgingly embraced his identity as Kara (thanks to some convenient brainwashing by said lonely co-worker) and has gained a sister (again the lonely co-worker) in the process. Both Kara and Josh are quite intelligent and a little neurotic (though Josh is much more so) and yet at the same time they can be very carefree (Kara is more so). Kara is quite good at her job (keeping records of the souls that enter and exit hell) and has fit into hell quite nicely. She even contributes regularly to staff meetings instead of playing minesweeper on her laptop like almost everyone else there does.
Notable Abilities: Josh is a normal human, slightly slower and clumsier than most, but still quite normal. Kara on the other hand, has many of the abilities that one would expect a high level divine being to have; flight, creation of matter and energy, a moderate degree of control over humans, and the ability to generally screw with the laws that govern the universe that her boss (god) put in place.
Notable Weaknesses: Kara's quite unsure of what she can do and becomes quite panicked when she uses a new ability that she hasn't been taught yet. She's also slightly lacking in self-confidence and will worry needlessly. She has an irrational fear of needles (but not other pointy things) and deep water (even though if she wanted to, she could breathe in it) and will never hurt a friend, even if it doing so would save her life.
Other Things: Josh is (sorta, kinda) based off me and both Kara and Josh are characters from my story Hells Bells, read it! It's good! I swear!
Last edited by
Kara-chan on Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Offically married to Neige by Rabbi Musa.