Shy Shay's Characters!

Gah! It's a high-powered metamorphing green gelatinous blob! Or maybe it's something else. Who's your character? Post here!

Shy Shay's Characters!

Postby Shy Shay » Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:59 am

Herre are my four main characters!


A somewhat mad scientist type, or would be if he wasn't so shy around new people. Those that know him, however, are prone to various experaments. Experaments that make them very uncomfortable.
Shay currently doesn't have any fighting cababilites, but he learns things very quickly.
His latest experaments have inculded dimensional travels, and due to a recent explosion (caused by David) they both ended up in muffinville. With all of these new colors to experament with, who knows what his friends will have to deal with!
He has fought and trapped a genie called Luna.
He has also been recruited by the god Fred.

Due to an encounter with Raleigh, he now has an evil side, Female Shay. She's Shay without morals. She creeps ME out, and I'm the one typeing her words!

He currently has:
A miniature black hole, granted by Kazuya
A pair of cheopo 3D glasses
A good luck spell on him
He also has two kinds of every envention. One that is normal, and is faulty, and one that is colorfull, and causes him to randomly transform upon use, but works perfectly.


The typical 'Oh my god, what are doing!' kind of character. He tries to stay around Shay to keep his experaments on a somewhat managble position. Unfortunatly, that means that he is the one Shay most experaments with.
David can only really dodge grasps, as Shay often tries to trap in strange chairs.
Due to the latest experement that David tried to shut down, they both ended up in a strange dimension. David hopes that nothing bad will happen, and that he will eventually leave with his sanity in tact.
Of course, that is only a hope.


A powerfull genie who resides in this lamp. Not much is known about her, but she currently has a servant, Shinji, who was the first fool to touch the lamp. She also now has a daughter, Simone, who was the second one to grap the lamp. She also has a wife, Lilian.
She really doesn't like Shay, and for a good reason.
Current master: Kazuya, though he already used up his wishes


A powerful god, though his domain is rather limited. He is a god of recruitment, and can't use his powers for anything else. He is the third most powerful god of recruitment, however, and as such in his domain he can do pretty much anything he wants.
He doesn't appear to be a god, and is instead rather dissgusting looking. He looks like he hasn't bathed in weeks, he smells, and his clothes are covered in grease stains. Those few that can look past that can tell that his personality is that like a dirty santa.


A recent orginazation that has entered Muffinville. They are out looking for those of pure heat to increase in strength.
They are empowering: Dactylos

(If anyone has good pictures for David, Shay or Fred, let me know!]
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
Do you know the muffin man, who's now the muffin girl?

Corruption is fun.

The power of Shy compels you!

The one TF I don't like is inanimate. Otherwise, go wild.
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Shy Shay
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