The Mad Researcher

Age: Pretty sure she doesn't even remember at this point.
Species: Chaos Demon
Gender: Entirely Female.
Morality: Chaotic Evil (though she insists she's at worst Chaotic Neutral)
Theme (because why not?): //insert theme as a link to the word theme
Kaba is.... well let's just say she's not the most together person you'll meet in your travels around the myriad of lands in Emesseff (name non-canon). Actually, let's just go ahead and say you don't want her to be your first encounter. As without proper training, it may be your last.... at least as what you are now.
She isn't known as the Mad Researcher for nothing. It's what she does. She's the one that's likely to throw you in the shark tank not for a business loan, but to see how sharks react to a Zora in their midst. Or turn you into an android so she can download your soul and examine it as if it were a copy of Winding XO. Or just decide to turn you into a cute kittyboy "just because."
Also known to resell Demonic Artifacts in her spare time. Has the death penalty in at least 3 dimensions.
After having the "secretary" outfit chosen during Choose the Costume 2012, Kaba has become Roman's secretary until Halloween 2013.
Albedo Diamond
Psychic Pokemon Master of the Future

Age: 13 (can't remember what it used to be, so sue me)
Species: Psychic Human
Gender: Male
Morality: Childish Innocence
Theme (because why not?): //insert theme as a link to the word theme
Albedo is what happens when a Sinnoh League Champion and a Psychic Gym Leader have a son. He's fully dedicated to being a Psychic Pokemon Master, yet excels neither at Pokemon or being a Psychic. But hey, at least he's trying.
Generally the easily distracted one, he's also been known to not use common sense (or psychic forethought) when coming up with plans. Pokemorphs beware, he doesn't know the full difference between morphs and the real thing, and may try to capture you.
Which does beg the question. What were his parents thinking letting him come to Emesseff? He's already been turned into a girl at least once!