Of Insanity, Remorse, and Rebirth. The Kaba Characters.

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Of Insanity, Remorse, and Rebirth. The Kaba Characters.

Postby Albedo » Sat May 08, 2010 10:53 am

<Even as information begins to appear, this post remains in flux and is incomplete. Beware of dragons, pitfalls (blame Tortimer), and coding comments.>

The Mad Researcher
Age: Pretty sure she doesn't even remember at this point.
Species: Chaos Demon
Gender: Entirely Female.
Morality: Chaotic Evil (though she insists she's at worst Chaotic Neutral)
Theme (because why not?): //insert theme as a link to the word theme

Kaba is.... well let's just say she's not the most together person you'll meet in your travels around the myriad of lands in Emesseff (name non-canon). Actually, let's just go ahead and say you don't want her to be your first encounter. As without proper training, it may be your last.... at least as what you are now.

She isn't known as the Mad Researcher for nothing. It's what she does. She's the one that's likely to throw you in the shark tank not for a business loan, but to see how sharks react to a Zora in their midst. Or turn you into an android so she can download your soul and examine it as if it were a copy of Winding XO. Or just decide to turn you into a cute kittyboy "just because."

Also known to resell Demonic Artifacts in her spare time. Has the death penalty in at least 3 dimensions.

After having the "secretary" outfit chosen during Choose the Costume 2012, Kaba has become Roman's secretary until Halloween 2013.

Albedo Diamond
Psychic Pokemon Master of the Future
Age: 13 (can't remember what it used to be, so sue me)
Species: Psychic Human
Gender: Male
Morality: Childish Innocence
Theme (because why not?): //insert theme as a link to the word theme

Albedo is what happens when a Sinnoh League Champion and a Psychic Gym Leader have a son. He's fully dedicated to being a Psychic Pokemon Master, yet excels neither at Pokemon or being a Psychic. But hey, at least he's trying.

Generally the easily distracted one, he's also been known to not use common sense (or psychic forethought) when coming up with plans. Pokemorphs beware, he doesn't know the full difference between morphs and the real thing, and may try to capture you.

Which does beg the question. What were his parents thinking letting him come to Emesseff? He's already been turned into a girl at least once!
Last edited by Albedo on Thu Dec 13, 2012 4:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Of Insanity, Remorse, and Rebirth. The Kaba Characters.

Postby Albedo » Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:22 am

Last edited by Albedo on Thu Dec 13, 2012 4:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Of Insanity, Remorse, and Rebirth. The Kaba Characters.

Postby Albedo » Fri Dec 14, 2012 4:05 am

IRC Characters

Michiko "Kaba" Yoshida
Lvl 3 Lordling

Appearance: Kaba is a 6 year old, 5.6 inch tall, male spider fairy hybrid. He has 6 spider leg protrusions from his back, and his human legs look like they can fill out the remaining pair of 8 legs. He has 8 jade eyes on his head, highly pale skin and pink hair cut at about shoulder-length. His wings are a blue color, and have a web-like pattern to them.
This image I drew heavy influence from.

Age: 6
Species: Spider Fairy
Gender: Male, strange as it can be.
Morality: Helpful with a dash of Yandere
Theme (because why not?)

Michiko wasn't always a Kaba, and Kaba wasn't always Michiko. But as far as either is concerned, Kaba and Michiko are the same thing. Michiko being a fake identity created to replace Kaba's identity following a transformation into a Japanese Schoolgirl. When Blaze attempted to revive the Kaba identity, the two fused into one.

Michiko was born on... an earth, in a place called "Japan." During her High School years she found her way originally to MSF. Somewhere during this time she decided to take up the name "Kaba" when of the masculine gender. Eventually she took a break from MSF for personal reasons. When she returned, she was eager to start a new life in MSF.

... Until a run-in with the TF Spire, that is. It regressed her back to the age of ten and sealed her memories. Until Blaze saved her.... by turning her into a male fairy. But hey, at least she got Blaze to agree to teach her how to Lead and Fight!

Recently Michiko has had a run-in with a regressing doll, and a machine designed to combine the DNA of two creatures. This has resulted in him becoming a spider-fairy hybrid. He's taking it in stride, though, and has even learned how to spin his own webs.

Michiko easily fits the stereotype of a hotblooded male. Which probably explains why, of all the birth-females in MSF, she has the trend of ending up male as often as some birth-males end up female. Get between Michiko and her goals, and you may wind up with a scar to prove you did.
Of course, there's the matter of Michiko's species. She was born a human, but after repeatedly becoming various sizes under 1 foot, she's started to find the positives in such a thing. At this rate, she may one day decide to stay small.
Michiko also has a deep running desire to help people. Be that help in the form of transformations, creating something using her paintbrush, maiding for someone, or working for Sky. She even harbors some desire to get into political life after Blaze said she does it to help people.
Beware, for Michiko can also be random, brutally honest, and can sometimes lack control over those male thoughts and spider instincts....

Contrary to popular belief, Michiko has no personal magic to speak of. Right now. All magic she performs is done via a magical paintbrush. However, she does have basic knowledge of how to fight, and a saber to fight with. Not that it does much in a place where high-powered fighting is common.

Delphine Babineau
Only so Human


Age: ?
Species: Cursed Human
Gender: Female
Morality: Helpfully Independent
[url]Theme[/url] (because why not?)

Delphine is a curious case. Originally a maid to MSF, she found herself with a curious hook on being transformed, almost an addiction.

Last bumped by Albedo on Fri Dec 14, 2012 4:05 am.
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