Gender: Male
Height: 7' 4"
Weight: approx. 240 lbs (w/equipment)
Age: 72, looks about 21
Hair: Red and spiky.
Skin tone: Caucasian
Frame: Fairly average, though very tall.
Species: Biological weapon.
Text: Default
Distinguishing features: Several large/long scars on hands and arms, arms hidden in black trench coat sleeves, some on his chest and back; also, on his front is the tattoo of a cougar's head, and its claw on his left arm; on his back is a dragon, with flames on his right arm.
Clothes: Black is the dominant color: Black trench coat, black jeans, black shirt, black belt, black boots... You know what? Just see the pictures below.
Weapons: 1 sawn-off one-handed shotgun named Revo; 2 6-foot nodachi (Japanese feild sword) named Kame (kah-mee) and Kazi (ka-zee); 1 anti-armor rifle named Brackio; several concealed smaller weapons, such as throwing knives and stars; special anti-TF bracelet given by Angie; Astral Blade charm; also trained in bo staff and hand-to-hand.
Powers: Steel-strong skin despite all his scars. He can switch his vision between normal and infra-red. His sense of smell is greater than that of a dog's. His body strength is that of a construction crane's times 10. His mental discipline is so strong he can't get drunk or poisoned, even if his immune system wasn't strong enough to defend against poisons. He really isn't even affected by tomapples. His knowledge of weapons, especially his own, are unparalleled.
PsychEval: The anti-hero. He likes having his way and will curse his way out if he doesn't get it. Often sticks his foot in his mouth, refusing to work, unless someone pays him. To keep things short, we'll just say he doesn't care. Not to say he's apathetic, that sounds too whimsy; he just doesn't give a damn. Unless you're a buddy, you can die or not, he DOESN'T CARE. If you're a buddy, he'll let you live and might even help you out; enemies beware.
Modus Operandi: Depends on the job, time, and his mood. He always charges the equivalent of US$5000 per body up front, or no deal. After the job is done, he might charge more, depending on the difficulty of the job and supplies used, and occasionally who the target is. Mob Dons are generally high-price, while civilians are the written price.
Birthplace: Area-51.
History: He was created in a lab in Area 51 as a bio-weapon. We know he was responsible for the destruction of various world-power armies, including the French, as well as another, shadier army, as that was what he was created for. He escaped the lab, because he was about to be executed for "unruly and violent behavior". After that, he went on to become an effective (if a bit loud) bounty hunter, which he remains to this day.
Likes: Food, music, his weapons (he's constantly cleaning/sharpening them) a good fight, anyone he's fought, vengeance, killing his enemies (not necessarily in that order)
Dislikes: People ignoring him, being insulted, his weapons breaking/being vandalized in any way, the people that have done the aforementioned, not getting his way
Strengths: Thick-skinned and hard to kill even if you do pierce it, great swordsman/melee fighter, not too bad with guns, either. Knows a few things about explosives, not that much about healing (he's a soldier).
Weaknesses: Not too good with words or people.
Haylie: Nothing serious. No commitment. Strictly business.
Mike: Strictly a house guest. Nothing else.
Chealse/Nike: Rather annoying house guests.
Angie: Something sort of approaching an acquaintance.
Alissa: Liked very much.
Mendo: Sort of a buddy.
Theme: Apocalyptica (feat. Adam Gontier of Three Day's Grace): I Don't Care
(Subject to change at any time; Pictures courtesy of Dollwizard: