Oh, and more characters (if I get pics, I'll post them)
An Arch Angel straight from Heaven. Why she's here, however, is still in question. In her human form (Amy), she wears a purple T-shirt with a line-drawn fish on and a necklace with a cross charm, and a set of bandages around her eyes so she can't see. In angel mode, she's got armor everywhere except her head, where rests a halo, and her eyes are visible, but only the whites; no iris or pupil, and of course a pair of large wings. Both ways she's blond and blind. A stereotypical angel, with white robes and armor with purple trim and crosses everywhere, wings and halo, and a broadsword that could cut anything in half. She tries her best to be nice and find a solution to everything without the use of her blade. Which is a shame, she kicks butt with it.
Cerie/Cerberus (no speech):
Amy's seeing-eye dog/Amethyst's attack spirit-wolf. In normal dog form he's a Golden Retriever with nothing really special about him except the cross design in his fur on his forehead. In spirit form, he's taller than Amethyst herself (who tops off at about 10 feet in angel form, not counting the tops of her wings), still golden but glowingly so, and willing to either swallow a man whole or affectionately lick him on his masters command. In both forms he's playful and outgoing, unafraid of anything short of a demon from Hell, and then he'll act how he was trained: Seek and destroy.
As a human, she's got black hair and purple eyes, and wears Gothic clothing (which is sort of ironic). As a demon, she wears armor not dissimilar to Amethyst, but more revealing. She has a very devilish appearance, complete with dragon-like wings, horns, and arrow tip-tail, plus a serrated blade that causes much pain not only physically, but spiritually, before it kills. Needless to say, she's a jerk.
She's in charge for the holidays, more specifically Christmas. She has a special talent for finding the 'naughty' people, and once she does, she pounces on them like a puma and stuffs them in a box. I'll let you guess what happens next. She's cheery most of the time, unless you're being naughty, then she... wait, I already told you that.