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Just a girl ... ^_^;; Well, not really ...

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:43 am
by Flux
Back before this cycle of the multiverse started, and before the one before it, and before the one before that, and ... (ah, heck, it was a really, really, really, really long time ago, okay?) there was the first of what we will call, for lack of a better term, kernel of a multiverse. This kernel, in it preexpansion state, resembled nothing so much as an unimaginably massive rotating black hole. And just outside of the event horizon of this black hole, the quantum foam bubbled and churned. Every once in a while, one of the particle-antiparticle pairs that created and annihilated themselves would be aligned such that the annihilation never took place because one of the pair was close enough to the event horizon to be sucked in by the black hole. Many of the orphaned particles were later annihilated by a later encounter with an orphaned antiparticle. But not all. For some reason, not germane to this narrative, the normal matter (as it is now known) particles predominated in their survival. The particles thus left drifted in an orbital torus that created collisions resulting in the creation of atoms and molecules. The resulting complex matter gathered in density irregularities in the torus, bathed in exotic radiations and particle streams, and subject to the vagaries of the twisted space-time close to the black hole. This took place for the equivalent of many epochs.

Finally, a sentience arose in this unlikely place. It was a vast intellect, and not describable by current languages. It partook of the strained and weird nature of its environment. It observed everything, the black hole, the rest of the torus, the quantum foam, and itself for several epochs more. It finally developed what could be described as a bored curiosity. It reached out and caused a massive stream of particles and antiparticles to appear from the quantum foam on the far side of the torus from itself, with the antiparticles being aimed at the black hole to test a theory it had formulated.

The result was that the black hole went from a slow evaporation, such as it had been doing since its inception, to a massive and cataclysmic explosion. The Entity (such it shall be called for now) was barely able to react in time to ""curl up" tightly and form a warped shield of space-time between itself and the explosion front. The Entity had seriously miscalculated. Not feeling fear, it observed the unfurling of the very first of the Big Bangs.

The Entity survived and studied throughout the "life" of that multiverse, moving around and observing all that it could. Although not omnipresent, the Entity could observe a very wide volume of multiverse at a time. Finally, that multiverse started to collapse back in on itself. The Entity used its nature and what it had learned to separate itself from that multiverse and observed the collapse and subsequent birth of a new multiverse.

The Entity lived through each multiverse that followed, learning and growing even more in power. Then came the period at the end of the multiverse immediately before this one and the birth of this one. The Entity observed another much lesser being than itself survive from the old multiverse into the new one. It watched as this being became a devourer of planets and started traveling between stars with the power of cosmic forces.

The Entity turned its attention to the beings native to this newest multiverse that most resembled (at least superficially) the other that had survived the last collapse-expansion cataclysm, trying to understand that sort of being. It spent the first about 13.7 billion years studying these beings, and even absorbed some that had wandered far out into space. It learned of reason and emotions. The emotions part aroused the one emotion that it had developed long ago, curiosity.

Finally, the Entity decided that it must study this emotion phenomenon. It crafted a body that looked like one of the beings that it had observed seemed to feel emotions in the greatest depth, variety, and detail. It invested part of its vast self into that being, and gave that form access to control of the quantum foam, the ability to summon things from the different universes that made up this multiverse, and local warping of space-time. The Entity then placed that being in a place where it had observed difference was expected, and let it come to.

Thus was born Flux.


Flux appears to be a 18 year old girl, 5' 6"