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The Chibi Express [Feng]

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:46 pm
by Feng
Dossier on Fey/Feng

Name: Fey
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8"
Hair color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Occupation: Circe's Little Sister
Main Weapons:
Whatever is available at the time!
-Must 'emulate' her sister Circe thanks to a wish
Treasure Hunting
Spelunking [Good ol' fashioned cave exploration!]
'Shifty Activities '
Personality:Fey is a big fan of her big sister Circe. She is so devoted to her sibling that she feels compelled to mirror her big sister whenever she has the chance. She is also an aspiring criminal mastermind but, given certain circumstances, has limited resources.
Fey, once an oddball named Feng, became Circe's sister due to a wish mishap. She eventually managed to return to being Feng, but then became M.I.A due to an incident involving shady individuals in colored robes.
Name: 'Doc'
Gender: Male
Height: 2'8"
Hair color: Light grey
Eye Color: black
-Tribal Witchdoctor
-Steward of the Chibi Express
Main Weapons:
-Hunter Instincts
-Vast knowledge of alternative medicines
-Access to Mystic Lore
-Degree in Marketing!
-Small Stature
-Somewhat old
-Really cranky sometimes if he is deprived of sleep
Personality: Kinda cranky but mostly because he's getting on in years... He does like to help out those who ask though and is a generally nice guy once you get to know him.
History: 'Doc' is Second in Command of the Chibi Express and usually accompanies Feng to protect her and such. Although he doesn't much speak English yet, he is able to communicate via signs [Think Genma Saotome]. Although getting on in years he still assists his tribe in battle through his support skills. Supposedly he claims to be working on his Ph.D via online. He was last seen working at a Sandwich shop near the park

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:01 pm
by Dani
Wanna be on my dueling team? >.> its under Rose V. New Characters i the RP dueling thread

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 3:57 pm
by Feng
Sure. I wasn't aware there was an open spot.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:40 pm
by Feng
Minor Characters [Brief personalities preserved here for posterity]
Name: Fena
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4"
Hair color: Red
Eye Color: Red
Occupation: Vampiress
Main Weapon[s]:
Kunai [Still a valued multipurpose weapon]
-Typical weaknesses [Garlic, Sunlight ECT.]

While out hunting vampires Feng had the misfortune of coming across Clone # 16. Now 'Fena' joins her sisters, stalking the night looking for new people to convert to their cause. While she dedicates most of her time serving her new family she still seems to have some interest in the strange and unknown. She has recently severed this link with her sisters. Was healed of her vampirism due to Syllinia's actions.... Or was she? o.o

Name: Feng-Chan
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3"
Hair color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Occupation: Unemployed
Main Weapons:
None Known Yet
-Has the collective intelligence of a brick apparently

Feng Chan is what you get when you cross Feng with violet energies. The first time this happened involved a tomapple, vodka and kidney surgery. The most recent case however involved a mix of violet and green energies and a inability to remember the last time he accepted shifty medical treatment from violet individuals... With the curious disappearance of Feng, is is rather unlikely that Feng-Chan will be seen ever again. Time will only tell...


Re: The Chibi Express [Feng]

PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 1:50 pm
by Tiffany Grimm
Well, the bit on how Feng-Chan came to be was..eye-opening... (Vodka, really?) But all in all, this sheets rock! Lots of details, and nice bios really compliment your characters, good on ya!

Re: The Chibi Express [Feng]

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 3:09 pm
by Feng
(Right then. It's been a while since I updated this bio page to include recent events so...)

Name: Tashira
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4"
Hair color: Purple
Eye Color: Brown
Occupation: Ninja Meido
Main Weapon[s]:
-Feather Duster
-Other assorted cleaning supplies!
-Meido Ninja Senses! [Allows her to detect the slightest hint of dust with the vicinity]
-Ninja reflexes
-Ability to clean filthy infidels, turning them into young women, mostly maids, with an obsession for cleanliness!
-Filth! It drives her up the walls!

Once a former employee of Feng called Toshiro, until he attacked his boss in an unfortunate accident, Tashira got a job as a ninja maid thanks to a job finding service run by Lian. Tashira has taken in a few disciples under her wing, the most notable being Dact, although due to a bunch of untimely interruptions she has not really taught them anything. Currently she is in hiding, plotting revenge against the filthy infidels!


If you think I need to update this any further feel free to let me know!

Re: The Chibi Express [Feng]

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 7:20 pm
by Alexis
You left out how she can clean people up!

Re: The Chibi Express [Feng]

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:27 pm
by Feng
Did I now? Must fix this grievous error!

Re: The Chibi Express [Feng]

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:18 am
by Feng
Name: Lord Bones
Alias: Mr. Bones, Bones
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8"
Hair color: Black
Eye Color: Red
Occupation: Aspiring Criminal Mastermind
Main Weapons:
-Concealed wrist mounted revolvers.
-Cane with built in tazer
Hobbies: Plotting World Conquest, Getting involved with the Occult, Watching the Cooking Channel
Likes: World Domination, Chaos, Chocolate, Maids
Dislikes: Authority, Goody-Goody two shoes, Tofu

-The might of the Chibiwanbanshu
-Plenty of resources
-Is weak to EMP grenades due to mysterious cyborg implants.


The Burning One
Alias: 'Pepper'
Height: 4'6"
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Gender: Female [Formerly 'Male']
Occupation: Chibi Avatar of Warfare
Hobbies: Cooking, Leading the Chibi Tribes, Chess
Likes: Cooking with Burnt Toast, Blood, Vengeance
Dislikes: Being trapped in this cute feminine form
History: Burnt Toast is one of the many Guardians of the Chibi tribes in particular the warlike Puffin Tribe. Due to an encounter with Caprice though the guardian has found himself getting in touch with 'his' corporal side.
Blue Mage
Alias: 'Unknown'
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Gender: Male
Occupation: Blue Mage
Hobbies: Scanning Various Females, Maid Watching, Studying Magic
Likes: Meido Cafes, Reading
Dislikes: Being mauled by rampaging monsters, Potatoes
Goblin Punch
Indigo Comet Punch-Learned from Megan

Name: Raoul
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Hobbies: Kitbashing, Rave Dancing
Likes: Collecting figurines, Gaming
Dislikes: Dr. Augustine, Term Papers, Beans