- Ambush Cat, Eebon Harrison, Echo Harrison
- The Shadow Gang
- Callista O. Wilson-Metallium
- Risk, Psycho Kitten
- Zapana Zquor
- Aldonza Karate, Teasy Melika
- Maria Kathleen
- Goldie, alias L-Sama
- Kaoru Matsubara, a.k.a. Buttercup
- Sarah Kerrigan, Light Copy and Dark Copy
- Saturn Eunice
- Crystal Hartt
- Ivankov Blowupski
- Elk Harrison, Ellen Harrison
- Thaddea Vincent, a.k.a. Thunderball Visello
- Claire de Loon
- Ezekiel Harrison
- Lisa Coldsmith
- Cynth, Nobee
- Carlos Cosmos, Callous
- Curtis, Callista analogues
- Locations of Note
- Maids of Honor
- Ida
- Ann C. Archi
- Lorin Snacfia
Ambush Cat

"I'm here to make life just a little more surreal."
Personal theme: "Monster Dance", from Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest
Battle theme: "The Vital Vitriol", by Jake Kaufman (Plague Knight Battle)
Alias: Ambush, Amber Harrison (as a human), Gengreavus (when transformed)
Real Name: Aaron Baseheart
Age: Around 30 in human years
Species: Black Maine Coon (75%), Kittenoan felinoid (24%), Masu (1%)
Physical Description: Basically an oversized Black Maine Coon with a purple gem in his forehead.
Occupation: Does occasional recon work for a shopaholic; part-time work at Raleigh/Rei's shop, depending on which universe he finds it in. Is also the manager (although not the owner) of the Mungojerrie and everything within, but most days will find him doing whatever he wants instead of using his office for its intended purpose.
General Description: A mischevious trickster from a secluded section of the multiverse; has made multiple stops, learning new abilities and tricks along the way. Has shown a gentler side as a human, although he/she retains most of A. C.'s personality. Goes insane when exposed to catnip. Might pull a Hobbes right when you least expect it.

WARNING: Becomes as close to an eldritch abomination that a mortal can get if he feels that she or her family is threatened. Seriously, do not make her angry.
History: Was known in his kittenhood as a major brat. Accidentally turned into a 3/4ths Earth cat while traveling there for the first time. Almost drowned in a Masu tank after experimenting with newfound teleportation abilities, and was saved only by swallowing some of the Masu in question. Has been experimenting with his powers and expanding his adaptability ever since.
Phase-Shifting --- About what you'd expect; Ambush can freely shift his form a step outside the physical plane, bypassing any obstacle (outside of iron). In sanctioned battles, this means that anything used against him starts off with only a 50% chance of hitting him.
Face-Shifting --- A step beyond the above, in which Ambush walks away and leaves his face behind. His eyes, nose, whiskers and mouth all become able to act on their own, with or without input, and can use parts of Ambush's powerset to accomplish tasks. If he's feeling particularly playful, he can extend this ability to the rest of his body.
Darkness Manipulation --- Plays a heavy role in Ambush's offensive capabilities. Extends a bit to shadows as well.
Matter Absorption --- Anything swallowed by him takes one of three paths: standard digestion, storage in a dimensional pocket (complete with corridors and rooms), or a direct merge with his body. This is what allows him to transform into Gengreavus.
Scotty, Give Me More Power --- Ambush keeps a variety of power sources stashed away in the aforementioned pocket, ranging from an analogue of a Chaos Emerald clear up to the Death Star's hypermatter reactor. He can use any of these to increase his energy levels, but using them all at once would likely spell an end to both him and all life in the solar system.
Because I'm A Cat --- In darkened hallways. From the tops of stairwells. From inside envelopes, or telephone receivers, or even in the very clothes you've been wearing for hours. You never know where Ambush Cat will turn up or how; and if he lives up to his name in doing so, that's a bonus.
Superspeed --- Has it. Just prefers not to use it.
More than can be counted. Due to the above, he can potentially do anything that the mortal mind can perceive and a bunch of stuff that it can't. As such, his Techniques list only reflects what he is allowed to use in sanctioned battles.
Phoenix Gate --- Swallowed the aforementioned artifact at some point. Ambush can use it not only for time travel but for spacial travel as well, teleporting between universes.
Transformation (Gengreavus) --- By merging with the Shadow Gang, Ambush can assume a more humanoid form and use any of his Pokemon's attacks or abilities. Defining characteristics include red jewel shards embedded in his neck, yellow stripes on his tail, limbs and ears, and a large toothy smile that will never go away. Ambush can use this transformation as Amber, but her powerset is much more restricted to begin with.
Transformation (Amber Harrison) --- Initially a human form that Ambush Cat decided to use temporarily to spend time at a beach out of boredom; while in this form, she was victimized by a combination of Himitsu-plushie's love potion and her own feline instincts, and shenanigans led to her marrying a lifeguard and keeping this form whenever Ambush needs to turn human. Most of Ambush's powerset is gone in this form; Amber is limited to a set of cat's claws (which hurt to use) and some low-level fairy spells that she learned as part of her training under Puck, and as such is not authorized to partake in sanctioned battles. Has gray skin and hair just past shoulder-length.
Transformation (others) --- Not too long after first arriving in Muffinville, Ambush ate an experimental TF gun designed to turn others into anything (well, anything humanoid). With his internal staff having worked out the kinks since then, he can freely change those around him at will, whether with Color Energy or otherwise.
Can't handle electricity or high voltage of any kind. Static is about all he can handle, at least to a degree.
Iron, cold or otherwise, is the only physical substance that can do lasting damage to Ambush. It's also the only substance that he can't phase through, absorb or replicate, although he can touch and handle it just fine. This weakness is believed to be a side effect of his training under the Gargoyles-verse analogue of Puck.
Can only handle chaotic energies by transforming into Gengreavus.
While he can swim, Ambush is still highly averse to water.
Gamma Burst --- Essentially condensed gamma rays used as a weapon.
Laughing Kitten Bomb --- Much like the Moko Takabisha or the Shi Shi Hokodan, the L.K.B. is fully dependant on an emotion: Ambush's happiness, which is almost always in abundance. Does double damage to anyone who frequently uses dark energies, as well as anyone with "Destruct" or "Doom" materia.
Twilight Sphere --- Large, black, and extremely explosive. The radiation from the blast does additional damage later on. If he's willing to spend some extra time preparing, Ambush can utilize his extra power sources to let him spam this attack.
Phase-In Max-Out --- A.C. disappears, gathers all the weight that he's absorbed together at once, teleports directly underneath the target, propells himself upwards, and phases back into being in the process. In doing so, he delivers a solid impact by using his entire body as a projectile. Rarely ever used twice in succession.
Ray of Darkness --- Ambush spits a black beam that strikes one fighter, then bounces around and hits the rest in succession. Requires preparation.
Shadow Ball --- Simplified form of the Twilight Sphere. Cuts the target's defense by one-fifth for the next few minutes. Can't be used for several minutes afterward.
Total Static Discharge --- Ambush turns himself into a conductor and zaps all targets with an electrical field. Does hefty damage to all targets and drastically slows down anyone who had a certain amount of health prior to the attack, but serves as an automatic KO to Ambush himself.
Dark Sun --- Ambush focuses his energies and creates a monstrous solar flare, blinding even those who are unable to see. Then, while everyone is occupied, he exales a solar beam at the opposition.
Confusion Beam --- A bit costly to use, and it's heads or tails whether the attack will do damage or not. Ambush fires a discolored ball of energy at an opponent; in cases where it doesn't do damage, it will confuse and addle the senses of whoever it hits.
Mako Missile --- At some point in the past, Ambush absorbed part of a Mako reactor. By temporarily tapping into its energies, he temporarily becomes a lot more volatile. Costly to use.
Poison Miasma --- Tiring to use, but worth it. This technique has a 50% chance of poisoning anyone with more than half their total health.
Mega Evolution: Shadow Tag --- When Ambush absorbed his Gengar to assume Gengreavus's form, the ghost-type Pokemon's Mega Stone went with it. While he cannot fully Mega Evolve, he can use the extra eye that appears against the enemy and remove any thoughts of fleeing from his next attack. Can only be used once per transformation.
Nightmare --- Requires some preparation. Ambush Cat disrupts the "fear" center of his opponents' brains, enhances his "scare" center (as he calls it), and frightens all enemies out of their minds. For the next few rounds, those targeted will lose some of their health; if Ambush isn't dealt with by the end of that time period, the "Doom" effect---equatable to the Pokemon games' Perish Song move in terms of function---will be set on all opponents.
Oblivion Orb --- Ambush hurls a large sphere of energy into the air. This attack will draw in anything that's not bolted down. Anyone who has less than a certain amount of health by the time this attack runs its course will be trapped in the void for the rest of the battle. Requires preparation.
Eebon Harrison
"I'll do my best, but I can't promise anything. Gaw."
Species: Black Maine Coon felinoid
Age: About seven years
Abilities: Forthcoming. Can teleport, but aim is almost always thrown off. Freely breaks the fourth wall. Can swallow projectile weaponry, including energy beams, and turn them against another target. Is continuing to experiment with darkness manipulation.
General description: One of Amber's five kids. Rather naive and has a tendency to backtalk, but has grown out of irritating her mother for the most part. Has the habit of uttering "Gaw" at the end of most of her sentences.
Theme: "Waluigi Pinball", Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Echo Harrison
Species: Black Maine Coon cat
Age: About seven years
Abilities: A variation on the shadow-port, minor telepathy
General Description: All-in-all, the most normal of the group... although that's not saying much. Being a cat, he knows next to nothing about the world around him, other than some of the food that exists. Telepathic, although not strong enough to hold long-winded conversations. Has a tendency to turn up in odd places via his shadow-port. Has finally gotten the hang of vocal speech, thanks to Raleigh's familiar Ebony, and this has unlocked a gradually increasing intelligence in him. His aging has been drastically slowed down to the point where he could potentially live as long as the average human.
Theme of Echo: "Labo", from Megaman Zero 2