17:07 David Should I just leave?
17:07 Ryu My lady, might we have the pleasure of knowing who you are?
17:07 Borealis Possibly, Comrade David. I might be using violence soon.
17:09 DowagerEmpress turns to face Ryu again. "A land you will know not, a title long ago forsaken to the Western Winds by a heart of fire...you know of me."
17:09 Ryu Borealis, is that really necessary?
17:10 David Huh?
17:10 David Violence? Why?
17:10 Borealis I only act when I think it necessary. Annoyances tend to generate appropriate responses, like yourself.
17:11 David I'm not sure if I'd react to "annoyances".
17:11 Ryu What? What have I done?
17:11 Ryu And...milady...I know not your scent. Tell me your name.
17:11 Borealis *A sudden humming sound is being emitted from within the cloak.
17:11 Borealis **
17:13 David Uh... What is that sounds?
17:13 David *sound
17:13 Ryu ...
17:13 Ryu Borealis...
17:13 Borealis Ah! That would be my answering machine!
17:13 Ryu Somehow, I think not.
17:13 David Bit loud for an answering machine.
17:14 David scratches his head.
17:14 Lupus ...
17:14 Lupus Man, she didn't answer me...
17:14 Lupus grumbles.
17:14 Borealis shrugs, causing a long antenna spring out of the back of the cloak.
17:14 Emily` ....It's an answering machine.
17:14 David moves a hand over his Colt 1911, not drawing it just yet.
17:15 DowagerEmpress Kyuu Atama No Ryu.
17:15 Borealis Yes, why everyone find that hard to understand?
17:15 Ryu crouches, thinking...
17:15 Ryu Yes, Lady?
17:16 Borealis messes with a few clamps behind his back, causing the antenna to fall out and the humming to stop.
17:16 Borealis You hear? I disconnect it!
17:16 Ryu straightens up, waiting for the Empress to say something.
17:17 David Look, can't someone just give me a simple synopsis as to what is going on?
17:17 Emily` Kyuu Atama No Ryu....reminds me of that dragon fox whatever clan.
17:17 DowagerEmpress seems to be considering something...as in sizing him up.
17:18 Ryu What?
17:18 Borealis walks over to David, and begins quietly whispering the preceding events to him.
17:18 Ryu Dragon Fox clan?
17:18 *** Fox|Cold joined #magicalsailorfuku
17:18 DowagerEmpress I seek a..and he appears. Praise to the Star be.
17:18 DowagerEmpress well well.
17:19 Lupus walks over to David. "What's up?"
17:20 Borealis moves back somewhat, seeming to fade rapidly in the lack of attention to him.
17:20 David lookds down at Lupus, supposing it is a feral Lupus "Hey..."
17:20 DowagerEmpress returns to appraising Ryu, sensing a lack from what she expected.
17:21 DowagerEmpress Who I am matters not, really. I seek a bounty hunter.
17:23 Ryu A bounty hunter, you say?
17:23 Borealis chuckles darkly.
17:23 David sighs "Mercernaries..."
17:23 DowagerEmpress Aye.
17:23 DowagerEmpress My information said he was to be found here, and he is. Just not...
17:24 David shakes his head and walks away from the group a bit "I'm not interested in this crap anymore."
17:24 Lupus Oh... Bye, D-man!
17:25 David isn;t gone gone, just a bit away from the group
17:25 Ryu Sou ka.
17:25 Ryu What's this about Lupus then?
17:25 Lupus ...Wha?
17:25 DowagerEmpress I like him.
17:26 Lupus ...
17:26 Borealis Unfortunately, Comrade...
17:26 Lupus stares blankly at DowagerEmpress.
17:27 David leans against a tree, staring out at the horizon.
17:27 DowagerEmpress I would like him to accompany me home.
17:27 Ryu laughs
17:27 Borealis ...You seem to have annoyed the oldest and probably greatest mercenary here.
17:27 Lupus ...Where's home?
17:28 DowagerEmpress I-what?
17:28 Ryu Borealis...?
17:28 Josie I know a mercenary...though he's kinda....
17:29 DowagerEmpress No, I seek a certain bounty hunter.
17:30 Lupus ...Answer me! Tell me where your home is!
17:30 Borealis is grinning widely beneath his face mask. "I shall be certain to put in a few negative comments about you with those hunters I know."
17:32 DowagerEmpress Hm.
17:32 DowagerEmpress As you see it, sir.
17:32 David as if burning off stress, aims his Colt 1911 at the horizon and fires a couple of shots. Taking the magazine out, he seems to inspect the smoking gun as if looking for imperfections.
17:32 Lupus blinks and stares in David's direction.
17:33 DowagerEmpress is startled
17:33 Borealis walks off, letting the gleaming golden symbol on the back of his cloak say the rest. The symbol is, of course, the sigil-mark of the Steel Talons.
17:34 David slots the magazine back in and fires off the remaining 5 shots till the slide locks back, signalling the magazine is empty

17:34 DowagerEmpress Ohh...!
17:34 Lupus ...Empress! ><
17:35 DowagerEmpress Y-yes?
17:36 Lupus Where. Is. Your home??
17:36 DowagerEmpress H-home?
17:36 DowagerEmpress Home is...a long way from here.
17:36 Lupus ...And you want to take me there.
17:36 DowagerEmpress I like oyu.
17:37 DowagerEmpress I need a travel companion for the journey home...
17:37 *** hal joined #magicalsailorfuku
17:37 Lupus ...What if i don't want to go with you?
17:37 hal hello, folks
17:38 DowagerEmpress Then you needn't. I wish you would, however.
17:38 David takes the empty magazine out and checks the gun again.
17:39 Lupus ...Well... I guess i could go with you...
17:39 Lupus ...But you better feed me lots of meat!
17:39 DowagerEmpress laughs. "But of course."
17:39 Ryu frowns...something not quite right
17:40 Lupus grins. "Sweet!"
17:40 DowagerEmpress By the Star, we align then.
17:41 Lupus ...Uh... o.o
17:41 Ryu "By the Star"...?
17:41 Borealis *A small glint of light shimmers from a nearby hilltop, almost as if it were being reflected off of something like a mirror....*
17:41 DowagerEmpress Kyuu Atama No Ryu, if I am not mistaken, you and your Doguenians believe in the Wind Goddess.
17:42 *** Borealis is now known as CaptainLibertas
17:42 Ryu My lady, please call me Ryu.
17:42 Ryu And yes, what-wait, how would you know of that?
17:43 CaptainLibertas shifts ever-so-slightly beneath his camouflage coverings.
17:43 Fox|Cold (great, sniper.)
17:43 Ryu ((...)))
17:44 DowagerEmpress Ryu it is then. I know because I studied there as a girl.
17:44 Ryu You lie
17:44 David ...
17:45 CaptainLibertas adjusts the magnification of the lenses in the scope.
17:46 David crouches down and pulls out a Lee Enfield, adjusting the scope and aiming at the speck of light

17:46 DowagerEmpress You doubt me?
17:46 David *Said rifle is loaded with anastethic rounds but you can;t tell!*
17:46 CaptainLibertas *There's a mirror partially concealed by a camouflage blanket.*
17:47 David ( Remember what I told you, lad. Keep the aim steady and take into account the corealis effect with the wind, watch the flag on the jeep...)
17:47 Ryu ...I do. I would smell our air on you, no matter how long you had been out of my land
17:47 David Hm...
17:47 DowagerEmpress ...
17:47 David keeps his aim steady, crouched and watching. "Oi, you lot. Move into cover, NOW!"
17:48 Ryu ?
17:48 CaptainLibertas mutters extremely lightly under his breath. "Range...eight hundred meters. No wind."
17:48 Lupus ...Ah, crap.
17:48 Lupus hides under the couch!
17:48 Ryu What the...
17:48 David Just bloody move, you've got a sniper aiming at you... I think.
17:49 Ryu takes a flying leap at the Empress, tackling her to the ground! "Get down!"
17:49 hal , having no idea what's going on, heads out
17:49 *** Blaze joined #magicalsailorfuku
17:49 *** hal left #magicalsailorfuku
17:49 CaptainLibertas looks down the scope to view his target. "Compensate for the slight altitude difference."
17:49 DowagerEmpress OW!
17:49 DowagerEmpress is tackled
17:50 David fires a warning shot at the mirror, cycling the bolt. If it hits, the dart will crack the mirror.
17:50 Ryu shields her with his body, having sensed the other presence at last
17:50 *** hal joined #magicalsailorfuku
17:50 CaptainLibertas "Target confirme-Wait. The decoy has been shattered. They're going into cover."
17:50 *** hal left #magicalsailorfuku
17:51 DowagerEmpress Get..off..me!
17:51 DowagerEmpress struggles
17:51 David goes to where Ryu and DE are "On your feet or they'll get their bearings again! Move!"
17:51 Ryu Right
17:51 CaptainLibertas pulls back the action to load the custom-made round into the barrel. "Loaded. Awaiting final confirmation for weapon-unlock."
17:52 David is immediately crouching again, scanning the area with his scope.
17:52 Ryu stands, hauling the empress to her feet. "Come on."
17:52 David would be quite visible next to the target too, his own scope glinting in the light.
17:52 DowagerEmpress Wha
17:52 CaptainLibertas *Three other glinting lights can be seen.*
17:53 DowagerEmpress is hauled to her feet..."You...!"
17:53 David Bloody hell...
17:53 *** Ami joined #magicalsailorfuku
17:53 Ami Kumi-chan...
17:53 CaptainLibertas detaches the scope smoothly and silently. "Confirmation received. Final firing preparation underway."
17:53 DowagerEmpress By the Darkened Light, what is going on here?
17:53 Ryu Damn...no time
17:53 David shifts the rifle from each light "I don't want to alarm you but there are at least 3 people out there wanting to give you a 7.62 shaped hole."
17:54 CaptainLibertas *There's still only three other sources of light glints.*
17:54 Ryu transforms into a royal blue dragon and roars.
17:54 Ami ?
17:54 DowagerEmpress Oh...gods.
17:54 Ryu <On my back NOW!>
17:55 CaptainLibertas tilts his head slightly as he lines up and adjusts the iron sights. "Secondary has shifted. Primary is still exposed."
17:55 Lupus ...That's interesting. o.o;
17:55 David has no time to be freaked by the dragon, he just waits for a sniper to make a shot, the muzzleflash will reveal all.
17:55 DowagerEmpress No!
17:55 DowagerEmpress What in...No!
17:55 David is still looking out at the lights "Are you lot bloody going or what? I don't mind being shot for your sake but it sodding hurts!"
17:56 CaptainLibertas "Don't annoy the Old Man. He has ways of getting you back."
17:56 DowagerEmpress climbs up, speechless.
17:56 Lupus ...
17:56 DowagerEmpress Wolf!! What about the Wolf?!
17:57 Lupus blinkblinks. "Is she talking about me?"
17:57 Ryu <Lupus, come on, get on!>
17:57 David How many other wolves are there? *Still looking for a gunshot.*
17:57 CaptainLibertas pulls the trigger, initiating the activation of the rifle's magnetic coils, sending the 0.50 caliber round at speeds unmatched by any conventional firearm straight for its target: DowagerEmpress.
17:57 Ami ...Uh...what's going on?
17:58 Ryu takes off, his wings covering her, hiding her the split second the shot goes off
17:58 David Oh bloody hell... Get down!
17:58 CaptainLibertas *A blinding flash of light streaks across the landscape for its target.*
17:58 DowagerEmpress OH!
17:58 Lupus erks and shrinks to the ground from the sound of a gunshot! Go, supersensitive hearing!
17:58 David looks frantically about for the origin of the gunshot but can;t seem to find it "Bugger! Where the hell was that?!"
17:58 Ryu streaks off into the night
17:59 DowagerEmpress Wahhhhhhh! *clings to Ryu*
17:59 Ami begins to focus as she tries to branch out her powers.
17:59 DowagerEmpress By the Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!!!!
17:59 David ... I think that woman is gone.
17:59 CaptainLibertas probably blasted straight hrough Ryu's wings, mostly likely crippling them due to burns and the high-velocity of the round.
17:59 Lupus WHAT??
18:00 David stands up, lowering his rifle.
18:00 Ryu flies zigzags and twists, making it hard to keep an aim on
18:00 CaptainLibertas *After a few moments, the sonic boom catches up, ripping limbs from trees.
18:00 David Christ.... That's one piece of Gucci kit*
18:00 DowagerEmpress is frightened and clings to Ryu
18:01 CaptainLibertas "Secondary has primary. They are attempting to escape. Reloading and setting coils for maximum charge."
18:01 Ryu <easy! You're fine!>
18:01 David *Gucci kit is what SAS soldiers refer to customised or otherwise high tech weaponry.
18:01 Ryu growls and rolls on the clouds
18:01 Lupus squirms out from under the couch, looking quite dazed...
18:01 DowagerEmpress The Wolf!!!! Go back and get him!
18:02 Ami looks around for whatever was firing at them.
18:02 David Oi, wait!
18:02 Ryu <I can't, got to keep you safe. Just shut up and keep as close to my body as you can!>
18:02 Jayme
http://www.pvponline.com/18:02 CaptainLibertas works the action, putting the next round in and re-aligning the sights.
18:03 David holds his rifle up in the air "Friendly! We're friendly!"
18:03 CaptainLibertas "Team Two, stand by."
18:03 Lupus ...I CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING! X_X
18:03 David isn;t sure if he is actually heard or not.
18:03 Ryu <David, NO!>
18:04 CaptainLibertas pulls the trigger, loosing another round directly into where Ryu's next evasion would take him. "Firing."
18:05 David blinks, looking in Ryu's direction "What?"
18:05 CaptainLibertas *Another, faster streak of light lances out for Ryu, with no time to evade it.*
18:05 Ami takes out her spear.
18:05 Ami then begins to chant to herself.
18:05 Lupus acks and falls to the ground, now unconscious.
18:06 CaptainLibertas (Sorry Lupus, but....)
18:06 *** DowagerEmpress quit (Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
18:06 *** Ryu quit (Ping timeout)
18:07 CaptainLibertas (Wow, death by Ping.)
18:07 Lupus (...Nice shot.)
18:07 CaptainLibertas (Thank you.)
18:08 David (Great shot lad, I saw his arm fly off there!)
18:08 CaptainLibertas (HAAHAAHA!!!!!)
18:08 CaptainLibertas (You win with that.)
18:08 Ami (Now do an Ocelot Shot)
18:09 CaptainLibertas (What's that?)
18:09 David (Fire a Makarov round off a girder)
18:09 David (And hit a soldier in the ehad)
18:09 David *head
18:09 CaptainLibertas (...With this gun? The girder would cease to exist.)
18:10 David (XD)
18:10 Lupus (Ah, richochet shot. I love doing those.)
18:10 *** Ryu joined #magicalsailorfuku
18:11 *** DowagerEmpress joined #magicalsailorfuku
18:11 Lupus (And now, back to The Empress Assassination, Part II)
18:11 Ryu ((<EXPLICATIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!>))
18:11 David grumbles, lowering the rifle and working the bolt 9 times to extract the remaining bullets.
18:12 CaptainLibertas (XD)
18:12 David raises it again "Look! No ammunition! Peace!"
18:12 CaptainLibertas (I would be content with you two being badly wounded.)
18:13 Lupus (Ping check)
18:13 Lupus (Bloody 'ell.)
18:13 *** DowagerEmpress quit (Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
18:14 *** Ryu quit (Ping timeout)
18:14 Ami David...I think I can find him
18:14 David Hm?
18:15 Ami Want me to?
18:15 David looks at Ami "You're talking about our sniper friend, right?
18:15 David "
18:15 *** DitzPatrol is now known as Caprice
18:15 Ami Yeah...Which direction is he coming?
18:16 David Uh... Hang on.
18:16 David looks through the scope again "I see three refecltions but it could be mirrors like the last one I shot."
18:16 David *reflections
18:17 Ami Are they in a general area?
18:17 Ami I just need one of eight directions
18:17 CaptainLibertas taps three times on the hull of the IFV he's resting on top of. "Time to move. All teams are to proceed to rally points. True-Blood Six will remain on sight to confirm hit or kill." "Acknowledged. Packing up."
18:18 CaptainLibertas *The three light glimmers disappear suddenly.*
18:18 David ...
18:18 CaptainLibertas (Heh.)
18:18 David lowers the scope "They're well... Gone."
18:18 Ami ...Wha?
18:18 David In short, whoever it was, they're not there now.
18:19 *** Becca joined #magicalsailorfuku
18:19 +++ ChanServ has given halfop to Becca
18:19 David At least they were polite enough to to shoot me though.
18:19 Ami Crap...and I spent all this time on this calling.))
18:19 David shrugs, dropping the rfiel to the ground for a bit as he gathers up the 9 ejected bullets, no point wasting them.
18:20 CaptainLibertas (Two shots and move. It's not the best doctrine, but it usually works for Steel Talons' Recon or assassination teams.)
18:20 David *rifle
18:20 Becca Right well so much for that. Roads got bad so we headed back and ordered takeout.
18:20 Lupus (Well. As they say... "One shot, one kill".))
18:20 David (:o)
18:20 Ami sighs and lowers her spear. She was still stuck in strapless purple dress, hair in a bun, gloves and heels.
18:21 Becca So no Psychonauts or Dragoon Age tonight...but hey. We have Dark Knight, Ingloious, German chocolate cake and food is being delivered.
18:21 Becca ^_^
18:21 Emily` (You shouldn't even need that doctrine unless you cheated into the ranks)
18:21 CaptainLibertas (They shoot twice, just on the general principle of the matter.)
18:21 David (A double tap)
18:21 David (:o)
18:21 Blaze (Becca, the fact you play Psychonauts makes you twice as awesome.)
18:21 CaptainLibertas (Considering they deal with supernatural threats on daily basis, two shots to kill it dead is the least they should do.)
18:22 Lupus (My god! Her awesome level is higher than ever!)
18:22 Becca [Technically I haven't played it yet. We found a a local games and comic book store that was able to track down a copy though.]
18:22 Lupus is still unconscious. And stuff.
18:22 David (If your PC can handle it, it's super cheap on Steam)
18:22 *** Cleio joined #magicalsailorfuku
18:22 Becca [We were gonna see if it had arrived...but then weather intervened.]
18:22 Cleio (yeah)
18:22 CaptainLibertas (And yes David, a double tap is an important rule to have.)
18:23 Becca [David: Cleio's PC is a powerhouse. it can handle it. But I prefer console gaming.]
18:23 David (It works for just about every spec ops team out there.)
18:23 Becca [Never felt comfy gaming with a keyboard.]
18:23 David (You know you can hook up a gamepad to a PC, right?)
18:23 David (You can even get controller adapters from consoles

18:24 Cleio (Yes.)
18:24 CaptainLibertas is riding a heavily-camouflaged and nearly-invisible Drebin IFV over to where his targets last were.
18:24 Blaze (Ah. You'll love it.)
18:24 Cleio (But if I am anything...its cheap)
18:24 Becca [Yes, I know.]
18:24 CaptainLibertas (I'm surprised no one has gone to check on them...)
18:24 Ami goes to check Lupus.
18:24 Becca [I used to have a program that let me use my PS3 controller for emulators.]
18:24 Ami Hey...Lupus! Wake eup!
18:24 CaptainLibertas (In character at lea-....*Tries not to laugh now.*)
18:25 Becca [But I don't have a gamepad, thus I'm ordering it on a console.]
18:25 Lupus doesn't react.
18:25 David Huh?
18:25 Becca [And anyways I'd prefer to have an actual solid copy.]
18:25 Ami ...
18:25 David was too occupied to really notice Lups getting KO'd
18:25 Becca [I prefer something physical over a download.]
18:25 Ami pokes him with the blunt end of her spear.
18:25 Ami ...Hello? Lupus? Do I have to tazer you?
18:26 Blaze (Me too.)
18:26 Becca [Something I can add to the stack of games that covers Cleio and I's bureau]
18:26 David walks over to the two "What happened? Is he hit?"
18:26 Cleio (Yay! Game!)
18:26 Ami I think he was.
18:27 Cleio (Not counting my box-o-NES)
18:27 Ami ...What's going on, David? I walk in to find Kumi and we're under attack by David Hayter.
18:27 Cleio (and the crate-o-SNES)
18:27 Blaze (XD)
18:27 Cleio (and the 5 pizza hut boxes-o-commadore 64
18:27 Cleio )
18:27 Cleio (and the bunk bed-o-Sega)
18:28 David David Hayter, right.
18:28 Blaze (I think I get it now.)
18:28 David Well, he should've used more diazepam.
18:28 David kneels by the fallen wolf.
18:28 Cleio (and the record player of dispair)
18:28 Cleio (despair*)
18:28 Lupus isn't bleeding, so.
18:29 David Looks OK, physically. Maybe just get some smelling salts?
18:29 CaptainLibertas "Targets are confirmed down. Well done to all teams. First round is on me once we return to base."
18:29 Becca [I remember the day I saw her snes collection and freaked out cause she had Chrono trigger.]
18:29 Ami If he was dead, I don't know if I have to take him or not.
18:29 CaptainLibertas disappears into the nearby foothills, separating from the IFV and moving towards the remaining people.
18:29 David Take him? Ah... Valkyrie.
18:30 Ami shrugs.
18:30 Becca [But yeah Blaze. i've wanted Psychonauts for ages, but had never managed to find a copy.]
18:30 Lupus isn't a viking, so n- wait, i'm norwegian. ...Hmm, conundrum...
18:30 David gives Lupus a pat on the belly "C'mon, get up you lazy wolf."
18:31 Becca Lupus isn't cool enough to be a viking. Also he lacks a hat with moose antlers
18:31 CaptainLibertas steps out of nearby concealment. "Greetings."
18:31 Lupus (D:)
18:31 CaptainLibertas is still in ALL of his sniper/Recon gear.
18:31 Lupus groans a bit and opens his eyes, looking around...
18:32 David stands back up "There we go."
18:32 Becca [Then we heard there was a new game store opening that sold old games and they found a copy for us.]
18:32 Becca [They sell REALLY old games. NES, SNES, Genesis, commodore 64...]
18:32 David (Atari 2600?)
18:32 CaptainLibertas Apologies, Lupus. I didn't realize those rounds would have that sort of an effect on non-combatants.
18:32 Ami looks at the newcomer. She was an attractive young woman, green eyes. Black hair up in a bun with a purple ribbon. A strapless silk purple dress, gloves and pumps. Obviously, she had just come from an event or was going to one.
18:32 David (Spectrum ZX?)
18:32 Becca [David: Yes.]
18:32 David (:O)
18:33 Lupus (Turbografx?

18:33 David Hmmm
18:33 Lupus ...Why is everything so quiet...?
18:34 David turns to face the Captain.
18:34 CaptainLibertas is looking like a two meter tall, elite mercenary sniper. Which is to say that he looks terrifying.
18:34 David ...
18:34 Lupus *One might notice the fur around his ear looks a bit wet. Probably hard to tell on black fur. I dunno.*
18:34 CaptainLibertas Yes?
18:34 David adjusts his stance, again his hand hovering over his Colt 1911.
18:35 Ami ...And you are?
18:36 CaptainLibertas has his rifle slung behind his shoulder as steam still emits from the end of the barrel. "Captain Aires Libertas of the Steel Talons. Former Recon platoon leader."
18:36 Ami Was that you shooting at people!?
18:36 Becca [In there the other day we saw Earthbound, in it's original box, with manual and all.]
18:36 David Stell Talon, huh??
18:36 David *Steel
18:37 CaptainLibertas inclines his head forward slightly in an abbreviated nod.
18:38 CaptainLibertas is quite calm for someone who just made two other lives quite miserable.
18:38 Ami What the hell!?
18:38 Ami Why were you doing that?!
18:38 David A contract.
18:39 CaptainLibertas In a manner, you correct.
18:39 CaptainLibertas you are*
18:39 David Hm... Mercs.
18:39 Cleio (just had to marvel at it)
18:39 Cleio (*wow*)
18:39 CaptainLibertas Orders do form a sort of contract, I suppose.
18:39 David eases off his stance and shrugs.
18:39 Lupus stares at the people talking and just sighs, letting his head fall to the ground.
18:40 David Just so you know "Captian", I'm a civillian despite what you may have saw, consider it a 2nd amendment right here.
18:40 Ami ...Mercernary...hmph...
18:40 Ami crosses her arm.
18:40 CaptainLibertas What is a Second Amendment?
18:40 CaptainLibertas tilts his head to the side.
18:41 David blinks "Uh, nevermind. Excuse me, I have a wolf to check on."
18:41 CaptainLibertas Understood.
18:41 David kneels beside Lupus "You awake now?"
18:41 Ami Seems to me that Hitman and Mercernary changed.
18:42 Lupus stares at David and just huffs. "I can't hear you, David..."
18:42 David ...
18:42 David looks at his ears and nods "Ruptured eardrums."
18:43 David I know you can't hear but hold still.
18:43 CaptainLibertas My apologies then.
18:43 Lupus just stares at David, puzzledly.
18:43 Josie ...
18:43 CaptainLibertas looks off into the distance over his non-rifle-slinging shoulder.
18:43 Ami What if you killed him?
18:43 David places a hand on Lupus and focuses, those who can see such things may notice some kind of essence flowing into the wolf.
18:43 *** Mischa joined #magicalsailorfuku
18:44 Ami is able to notice.
18:44 CaptainLibertas I would have likely reported the incidence to my commanding officer and subjected myself to whatever form of punishment they deem necessary.
18:45 David *Lupus will feel an excruciating pain! But his hearing is at least returning.*
18:45 Blaze (It's a Mischa!)
18:45 Mischa (( *wavewaves* ))
18:45 Ami And those other two you hit?
18:45 CaptainLibertas They were my targets.
18:46 Ami And why is that?
18:46 Lupus erks and clenches his teeth.
18:46 Blaze (Well at least there are no more pests... hopefullly.)
18:46 Ami ((Nope. Only pest now is Mischa))
18:46 CaptainLibertas Because I was assigned the mission by the highest-ranking officer within the Steel Talons. Their founder, to be exact.
18:47 David *It ends quickly and as soon as it does, Lupus is back to hearing things again!*
18:47 David stands back up, sighing "That should help, sorry for the pain if there was any."
18:47 *** Ryu joined #magicalsailorfuku
18:47 CaptainLibertas Any more questions then?
18:48 Lupus ...OH, COOL! ...Ah, too loud.
18:48 David Yeah...
18:48 *** DowagerEmpress joined #magicalsailorfuku
18:48 David blinks.
18:48 Ami had an annoyed look on her face.
18:48 Ryu ((<explicative>.))
18:48 Lupus ((Good times? ^^))
18:48 David looks at the Captain, shrugging.
18:48 CaptainLibertas (We have concluded that you two are lying in between some hills, badly wounded.)
18:48 Lupus (Oui.)
18:48 Ryu ((BS)
18:49 *** DowagerEmpress quit (Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
18:49 CaptainLibertas (Do you want the sniper to shoot you again, or would you prefer a tactical airstrike?)
18:49 Lupus (Ooh! Pick the airstrike!)
18:49 Ryu ((Would you prefer to be torn apart limb from limb, or dragon <explicative> to drop on you from the sky?))
18:50 CaptainLibertas (I could let you try, especially since the sniper is now out in the open where you were originally.)
18:50 *** Cleio quit (Quit: )
18:51 CaptainLibertas (Your call.)
18:51 Ryu ((it's my damned signal problems. I was going to have it attributed to cloud cover, but my signal decided to be <explicative>ly.))
18:51 *** DowagerEmpress joined #magicalsailorfuku
18:52 DowagerEmpress [Finally. A pox on mibbit and signals)
18:52 CaptainLibertas (Obviously, the first shot severed your connection.)
18:53 Ryu ((That's crossing the line, buddy. I'm OOCly pissed off as it is.))
18:53 CaptainLibertas (So, what will you have?)
18:53 Lupus ((Oh, bah. I ping all the time, you don't see me raging about. ...much.))
18:53 CaptainLibertas (That's a shame, because I'm quite calm and pleasant on my end.)
18:53 Ryu ((Dropping Dragon <explicative> on you you from the sky sounds like fun!))
18:53 CaptainLibertas (Good luck....)
18:54 Ryu ((Lupus, I was in the middle of an RP that was actually intense and NOT initiated by ME for once. It was getting good and triti decided to be a...something. so, not happy.))
18:54 DowagerEmpress ((Ryu, quit. No point in belly aching about this. Good Lord.))
18:54 Lupus ((Hayball. I KNOW.))
18:55 Lupus ((If anything, i am the one who should know this the best.))
18:55 Lupus ((All you can do is suck it up and try not to take it out on other people.))
18:55 Ryu ((You at least can reconnect and you don't miss anything much! I missed a whole freaking chapter.))
18:55 CaptainLibertas (Possibly followed by me, since I can hardly get a signal on my desktop on a great day.)
18:56 DowagerEmpress ((Can't we just pick up from where he and I disconnected?))
18:56 DowagerEmpress ((Please?))
18:56 CaptainLibertas (*Shrugs*)
18:57 CaptainLibertas (Your call, like I said.)
18:57 Lupus ((Might i recommend listening to the Moonlight Sonata?

18:57 Ryu ((What?))
18:57 Lupus ((Youtube it.))18:59 David Alright...
18:59 David I'd better get going.
18:59 DowagerEmpress (no)
18:59 David Uh, later all...
19:00 Ami See ya, David
19:00 David eyes the Captain for a moment before walking off.
19:00 Ami continues to watch the Captain.
19:00 Lupus Thanks for healing me, David!
19:00 David Yeah, sure.
19:00 CaptainLibertas nods to David. "May you have safe travel."
19:00 Ryu ((see ya))
19:00 *** Kira` joined #magicalsailorfuku
19:00 Ryu ((kinda not the same if David's headed out))
19:01 David has to sleep at some point D:
19:01 CaptainLibertas Now, I just need to confirm the impact...*Muttered*
19:01 Ryu ((I know that.))
19:01 Ami Might as well join you...
19:01 Ryu ...
19:02 DowagerEmpress ...
19:02 CaptainLibertas follows the path of devastated trees from the second shot.
19:02 Ryu <be quiet>
19:02 Ami Stationed in this area so I might have to write up paperwork
19:02 *** Kira quit (Ping timeout)
19:02 Josie ...
19:02 DowagerEmpress *whispering* How do I do what you're doing with your mind?
19:03 Ryu <I can't speak in human's tongue while in this form. It comes out in a roar if I try otherwise, but be quiet!>
19:03 CaptainLibertas quietly pulls out a moderately-sized assault rifle...thing.
19:04 Ami follows with difficulty due to her nice dress and heels.
19:04 CaptainLibertas creeps up silently and quickly to where the path ends.
19:04 DowagerEmpress nods.
19:04 Ryu *Nothing there*
19:05 CaptainLibertas "Six to teams, targets are still active. Be advised."
19:05 CaptainLibertas checks the surrounding area for any signs of landings or impacts.
19:05 Ami What was it? Dragons?
19:05 Ami finally catches up.
19:06 CaptainLibertas raises a lone finger to indicate silence.
19:06 Ryu *There is nothing around the area. Signs of impact, but nothing else*
19:06 DowagerEmpress *There is a single ornate shoe*
19:06 CaptainLibertas checks above himself for any additional signs.
19:07 Lupus sighs and just lies down on the couch...
19:07 Ryu *Nothing but clouds*
19:07 Ami looks around. In a small flash, her purple and black spear was in her hand.
19:07 CaptainLibertas flicks 'ON' the IR toggle for his goggles, allowing him to see trails of heat left where they might have been.
19:08 *** Cronocke joined #magicalsailorfuku
19:08 +++ ChanServ has given voice to Cronocke
19:08 Ryu *There are none*
19:09 CaptainLibertas *Mutters* "No heat trail. They're not very human, are they? Makes them legit targets then, for that criteria."
19:09 Ami gets behind him.
19:09 Ryu *Ryu is not human.*
19:09 Ami So...what are you hunting?
19:10 CaptainLibertas slowly and smoothly swaps the AR for his rail-gun sniper rifle.
19:10 CaptainLibertas simply raises his finger again to indicate silence.
19:10 DowagerEmpress *Perhaps there are no heat trails because they are not in the same area?*
19:10 Ami sighs, fustrated with the man.
19:12 Ryu <nod yes or shake your head no to answer me. I will feel your movements>
19:12 CaptainLibertas is used to doing that to the opposite gender. Regardless, he begins moving out of the immediate ending area to check for traces of the pair.
19:12 DowagerEmpress nods, to say she understands.
19:12 Ami follows.
19:12 Ryu <Are you hurt in anyway?>
19:12 Ami I could find them, you know...
19:13 CaptainLibertas looks Ami from the side and tilts his head.
19:13 DowagerEmpress shakes her head, opening her mouth, but realizing she has to be silent.
19:13 Ami steps up with spear in hand. She then holds it horizontal in front of her and begins to chant.
19:13 DowagerEmpress *closes it*
19:13 CaptainLibertas *The howl of a dire wolf echoes throughout the area.*
19:14 *** Lupus quit (Ping timeout)
19:14 CaptainLibertas looks into the sky and its clouds. "Your move..."
19:15 Ami I can't find them...
19:15 Ryu <I am hurt. The first bullet nicked my wing, but I can still fly and it doesn't hurt too bad.>
19:15 Ami ...But I know who can.
19:15 DowagerEmpress gasps softly.
19:16 Ami then throws her hand forward as a magic circle appears in front of her, revealing a young man with bow and arrow. He looked like something from the old days as he began to look around the area, finding the tiniest thing that could be a trail.
19:16 CaptainLibertas *A normal gray wolf appears nears the hiding spot of the dragon...sniffing and following an incomprehensible trail.*
19:16 Ryu <hush. I'm fine. I had to make the crash site convincing...I just wanted to know if you are ok.>
19:16 CaptainLibertas *The wolf looks up and snarls at Ryu.*
19:17 Ryu <I did throw you around a bit more than I would have liked>
19:17 DowagerEmpress concentrates hard and thinks...
19:17 DowagerEmpress <CAN YOU HEAR ME?>
19:18 *** Lupus joined #magicalsailorfuku
19:18 CaptainLibertas (Nope, I can only read what you say.)
19:18 Ami watches as the man she summoned jumps off toawrds the hideout of the dragons.
19:18 Ryu <Ow yes, by the Goddess! Tone it down, Empress!>
19:18 CaptainLibertas raises an eyebrow at the summoning, before he gestures questioningly about following the man.
19:18 Ryu <Everyone will have heard you and I dont know how good they are at tracking a mental voice!>
19:19 Ami follows him as well. At her best, really, in those clothes and heels which made it difficult.
19:19 CaptainLibertas is quite good at that. His familiar is even better at tracking than he is.
19:19 DowagerEmpress places a hand over her mouth, then sheepishly takes it away.
19:19 CaptainLibertas shrugs slightly and follows the other two.
19:20 Ryu <Argh, a wolf...he'll have my scent.>
19:20 DowagerEmpress <A wolf? My wolf?>
19:21 Ami tries to keep up as the man lands in front of the dragon's lair, looking at them.
19:21 CaptainLibertas *A massive dire wolf appears from the underbrush, clearly someone's friend or ally with the armor covering his body.*
19:22 Ryu <No, not Lupus.>
19:22 CaptainLibertas *from the underbrush after the normal wolf**
19:22 Ryu <I wish it was...>
19:22 Lupus has dozed off on the couch...
19:22 DowagerEmpress <Do what you're doing to me. Talk to him.>
19:22 CaptainLibertas *The dire wolf lets off an ear-piercingly loud howl to shatter the quiet.*
19:23 DowagerEmpress <Yeek!>
19:23 CaptainLibertas quietly mutters..."He's already found them."
19:24 Ryu <Be quiet! I can't do that or they will all hear me! I can only lead them so far astray...I can only fool them so many times before I must use force and fight.>
19:24 Lupus blinks and perks up.
19:24 CaptainLibertas begins dashing at a surprising speed, well in excess of what normal humans are capable of, even Olympic athletes.
19:24 DowagerEmpress <Oh...Lupus is his name?>
19:24 Ami My guy did as well. I can feel it.
19:24 Lupus ...The hell? Another wolf?
19:24 Ami blinks and rushes. "Hey! Wait!"
19:25 Ryu <Yes. Enough questions. I have work to do.>
19:25 DowagerEmpress nods and watches him.
19:25 CaptainLibertas *The dire wolf grins at the pair. It is a decidedly disturbing sight.*
19:25 Lupus starts to run towards the source of the howl.
19:26 Ryu shudders a little and a small white light comes out of the top of his head...what the wolf sees mirrors this action and flies towards the wolf itself.
19:26 CaptainLibertas (How much running would you say this might take...or distance it might cover?)
19:26 Ryu ((What?))
19:27 *** Blaze quit (Quit: HydraIRC ->
http://www.hydrairc.com <- IRC with a difference)
19:27 CaptainLibertas *The dire wolf suddenly snarls as the normal wolf flees in terror and a pair of blades deploy from the sides of the larger wolf.*
19:28 CaptainLibertas (From the 'crash site' to where your characters. How far apart are they?)
19:28 Ryu *The white light from behind as well as the one from above land on his forehead. The wolf falls over...twitching.*
19:29 Ryu ((It's an illusion. Dragon magic made an image in a cave, but the real Ryu and DowagerEmpress are hig above them. Do you really expect me to reveal their location?? ))
19:29 CaptainLibertas suddenly becomes enveloped in golden energy, making him literally tear the ground apart as he dashes at an even faster pace. "Now, it's personal."
19:30 DowagerEmpress <Brain damage! I( have only ever dreamed of magic like this!>
19:30 Ami stops. "...Fine..." she said as she jumped up as a pair of black raven wings appeared on hher back which began to fly her after the Captain.
19:30 CaptainLibertas (Seeing how Libertas isn't affected by illusions because of both who he is and of what he's equipped with, yes. I do expect you to reveal your location.)
19:30 Ryu <Shut it! He's coming...I need to concentrate!>
19:31 Ryu ((Pfft, nice try. You are looking at an illusion in the cave.))
19:32 CaptainLibertas works the action of the rifle to load the next round as he continues his dash. "Targets located, will paint laser. Requesting tactical airstrike or artillery bombardment at that time."
19:32 Ryu <Damn it...>
19:32 Lupus ((Yeeeeeaaaah. I wanna sleep now. It's 2.30 am.))
19:32 CaptainLibertas (Then the illusion dies.)
19:32 Ryu ((nooooooooooo))
19:32 Ryu (Ok fine. no harm to me. Tear it apart.))
19:32 Lupus ((...Why not?))
19:33 Ryu (See PM)
19:33 CaptainLibertas (Seeing as how you attacked the character's familiar, he's quite angry with you now.)
19:33 CaptainLibertas comes across what appears to be a cave.
19:34 Ryu (yeah. shall we stop analyzing and get on with it? PM me if you want to talk specifics.)
19:34 Ami was lost now. Her tracker's time was up and he vanished.
19:35 CaptainLibertas balls up his gloved hand before punching it into the rock surrounding the cave, creating a gaping hole beside the cave's opening as well as generating a large amount of noise for Ami to follow. "Knock Knock."
19:36 Ryu RHADARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! (Midoriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!)
19:36 CaptainLibertas *The dire wolf twitches slightly.*
19:36 Ami hears and eventually catches up. She lands as her black wings vanish as if shadow. Clearly, she wasn't a normal human if she was human at all.
19:36 CaptainLibertas looks about for the source of the noise....
19:37 Ryu *The imitation and the real dragons roar at once, and fire shoots out of the hole in the side of the cave*
19:37 *** Lupus quit (Quit: This guy... He's un-f***ing believable...)
19:37 Ryu <By the eyes of my beloved, he is one persistent fool!>
19:38 CaptainLibertas shimmers slightly as the flames rage over his form before disappearing in them. Apparently, he didn't have enough time to react before being engulfed.
19:38 Ami yelps and dives out of the way.
19:39 CaptainLibertas also still had a hand embedded in the rock, So yeah.
19:39 Ryu <That's not the end of him. I know it...I sense a displacement of being...>
19:39 CaptainLibertas "No displacement at all."
19:40 DowagerEmpress <What was that?>
19:40 CaptainLibertas *His voices echoes around the Empress and Ryu.*
19:40 CaptainLibertas voice*
19:40 Ryu <A decoy...of course.>
19:41 CaptainLibertas "I simply wasn't there. I enjoy my field trade, after all."
19:41 Ryu ((afk))
19:41 CaptainLibertas (How long afk?)
19:41 Ami ....?
19:41 Ami was lost again.
19:46 CaptainLibertas *The wolf twitches again as his eyes blinks rapidly.*
19:46 Ryu shifts slightly from his perch, wondering...
19:47 CaptainLibertas *The dire wolf staggers back to his paws in front of Ryu and Dowager and snarls viciously at them.*
19:48 Ami looks at the wolf.
19:48 Ami kneels before it. She had an odd aura that was soothing to wolves in particular.
19:48 Ryu *The real and fake dragons growl back as one
19:49 CaptainLibertas *Ami would notice that the wolf has some sort of a link that goes towards a nearby mountaintop.*
19:49 Ami ...Care to take me?
19:50 Ryu slithers out a tongue...the copy does the same. It latches around Ami's waist and drags her into the cave
19:51 CaptainLibertas "Range, eleven hundred meters. No wind blowing."
19:52 CaptainLibertas "Magnetic coils set to maximum output."
19:52 Ryu <time to move. I sense a slight stench in the wind. hang on.>
19:52 DowagerEmpress nods and holds on tight!
19:53 Ami follows the wolf up to the link.
19:53 Ryu *Ami is in the cave, the copy's tongue latched around her.*
19:54 Ami yelps.
19:55 Ryu <hang on...>
19:56 CaptainLibertas "Confirming target presence...."
19:56 Ryu *A white light envelops them and Ryu and the Dowager find themselves in the cave...with Ami trapped in Ryu's (the real one) tongue*
19:57 Ryu *The fake is now on the mountainside, eyeing Libertas.
19:57 CaptainLibertas *The wolf and Libertas blink in unison at the switch, before both grin at Ryu and Dowager.*
19:57 Ryu <Ami!?!?>
19:57 Ami ...
19:58 Ami You dare to hold me?
19:58 Ryu <What the hell are you doing helping him?! He's trying to kill me!>
19:59 CaptainLibertas adjusts his aim for his target's location. "Not originally."
19:59 Ami ...
19:59 Ami ...I just...got caught in that.
19:59 CaptainLibertas "Safety off."
19:59 Ryu <...come on.>
19:59 Ryu lets her go.
20:00 DowagerEmpress <wha...what are you doing that for> she's the enemy!!>
20:01 Uraj|workangaems >_>
20:01 CaptainLibertas gently pulls the trigger, releasing a brilliant lance of light to drill through the side of mountain...that stops short of the cave chamber by several dozen meters.
20:01 CaptainLibertas (*Waves to Uraj.*)
20:01 CaptainLibertas "Reloading now."
20:01 DowagerEmpress shrieks at the unexpected noise!
20:02 Ryu <ami, can you stop him>
20:02 Ryu *?>
20:02 CaptainLibertas "Target confirmed for incapacitating shot."
20:03 DowagerEmpress No!!
20:03 DowagerEmpress No, no no no no!
20:03 Ami ...Fine...
20:03 DowagerEmpress is frightened, but she slides off Ryu's back
20:03 Ami If you can get my clothes off, I can stop him.
20:03 *** Becca quit (Quit: )
20:03 Ami was sealed into her dress.
20:03 CaptainLibertas (What?!?)
20:03 Ryu <What? there's no time for that!>
20:03 Ryu ((Ami, wtf.))
20:04 CaptainLibertas "Firing."
20:04 Ami Do it!
20:04 Ami Do you want to live?!
20:04 Ryu releases dragon magic into the pores of the dress-it covers her and her clothes...fall to pieces
20:04 Ryu <Empress get back here!>
20:05 Ami smirks as she looks to where the shot was coming and jumps in front of it.
20:05 DowagerEmpress runs out of the cave! "Don't shoot!!!"
20:05 DowagerEmpress No!!!!!
20:05 Ryu <AMI!!!!!>
20:05 CaptainLibertas pulls thee trigger once more, sending another bolt of energy into the previous hole, ripping through the mountain, through cave and just by Ryu's left wing. While it hits no one, the pressure and shock waves would throw everyone around inside.
20:06 CaptainLibertas *Everyone probably got knocked down, at least.*
20:06 Ami takes the hit. There was a bright flash as it hits her naked body before the energy ricocheted off Ami as she slams into the ground. She was no longer nnaked .
20:06 DowagerEmpress is outside of the cave...knocked over..
20:07 Ryu is ok...a little shaken, but he held his ground.
20:07 CaptainLibertas *The wolf snarls at Ami.*
20:07 Ryu <AMI!!!>
20:07 DowagerEmpress looks up into the mountains. "You! Whoever you are, this is not the way to settle things! What the hell are you after?!"
20:08 Ami doesn't move at first but stirs and crawls out, wearing some dark purple and black armor with a black skirt, heeled metal boots and a headress with black wings coming from the back of it.
20:08 CaptainLibertas suddenly looks to the North.
20:08 Ami Unh...that packs a punch.
20:08 *** Chris joined #magicalsailorfuku
20:08 Ryu <Ami, you're allright!>
20:08 CaptainLibertas "Cereberus, we have new orders. Meet at Alpha Rally Point with Team Two. Let's move."
20:09 DowagerEmpress ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!! YOU FIEND!!!!
20:09 CaptainLibertas *The dire wolf quickly races out of the cave and disappears into the undergrowth.*
20:10 Ami stands up, a bit shaky. The front of her armor was shattered, revealing burnt skin.
20:10 Ryu ...
20:10 CaptainLibertas picks up his rifle and smirks slightly. "My mission." *He then slides down the opposite side of mountain and likewise disappears.*
20:10 Ami ...
20:10 Ami lets out a sigh of relief.
20:11 CaptainLibertas (And now, I need to go. My stomach beckons for food.)
20:11 CaptainLibertas *There is no response.*
20:11 DowagerEmpress ((Do come back))
20:11 Ryu ((are you coming back?))
20:11 CaptainLibertas (Mebbe. Mebbe.)
20:12 CaptainLibertas (I'll discon because I'll be taking my lappy with me.)
20:12 Ryu nods OOCly
20:13 Ami ))Was fun))
20:13 CaptainLibertas (Moral of the Day: Don't annoy Borealis when he starts to cross the line into the Insanity territory.)
20:13 DowagerEmpress ((hell, I didn't know.))
20:14 CaptainLibertas (But now you do!)