Millie's Character Thread

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Millie's Character Thread

Postby Millinescence » Sat Feb 27, 2010 4:03 pm

Vanessa Clairmont (Field Trip/Muffinville)
Age: 15
Height: 5'4"
Gender: Female
Species: Human Magical Girl
Hair: brunette, shoulder-length
Eyes: brown
Zodiac: Capricorn
Character Description: She's somewhat tomboyish, but doesn't always dress like it. She has a cute exterior, but can be tough if the situation calls for it. Vanessa has several friends, but tends to keep to herself. In her spare time, she studies the occult but keeps it a secret from her parents. Currently, she can only cast low-level magicks when in her normal form. But she has special powers when transformed into Miracle Maiden Yukari.
(see the bio for Tsugi for how she became a magical girl)

Miracle Maiden Yukari
Hair: lavender, it goes halfway down her back
Eyes: green
Clothing: a black and dark purple dress, black and white platform boots, and a purple ribbon with white tribal designs
Powers: Psi-ball -- she can produce glowing white orbs of psychokinetic energy that she can throw at her foes. Whatever gets hit by them would get thrown back and the enemy would end up hurting itself with the things it gets thrown up against.
Magic strings -- she can materialize thin, yet strong wires that can use to wrap around an enemy and she can throw them around and things.

Tsugi (Sue-Gi)(Field Trip/Muffinville)
Age: Unknown/non-living
Gender: Female
Species: Shikigami
Homeworld: Unknown
Hair: green
Eyes: obsidian (buttons)
Character Description: Tsugi is a doll that Vanessa had since childhood. Tsugi has always been a good luck charm to Vanessa, so she likes to take it with her when she can. Tsugi is a 9in tall plush doll with green hair and a gray dress with white trim. One night however, Vanessa was shocked to see that her doll came to life and declared herself Vanessa's Shikigami (familiar). Tsugi told Vanessa that she has been chosen by the Gods to fight demons as a magical girl. Tsugi isn't a very skilled fighter, so she has a tendencey to stay on the sidelines during a fight, but will occasionally help her master out when she needs it.
Powers: Transformation -- Vanessa's transformation into Miracle Maiden Yukari is triggered by Tsugi with Vanessa's consent.
Demon Identification -- Tsugi has the ablilty to identify any demon and knows what type they are just by looking at them.
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Re: Millie's Character Thread

Postby Millinescence » Sat Feb 27, 2010 4:05 pm

Julia Rayne (The Nexus)
Previous form (Josh Rayne)
Age: 22
Height: 5'4"
Gender: Female (formerly male)
Species: Human
Hair: purple
Eyes: burgundy
Zodiac: Aries
Character Description/History: Josh is a brave and adventurous soul, and he pretty much has to be! A paranormal investigator by trade, he has seen alot of things go bump in the night. But underneath it all, he's got a soft side to him as well. However, he gets more adventure than he bargains for when him and his team of ghost hunters set out to a small city in New Mexico to investigate a mysterious building that is equidistant to five sites that represent the elements of fire, water, air, and earth where legend has it that once in a full moon at midnight people go missing...and are never seen again. The team arrives at the location on just such a day. Their magnetometers lead them to the basement. Anxiously yet cautiously, Josh leads his team down towards what they think is an entity. Suddenly, the temperatures drop and a swirling mass of light blinds the team...when Josh comes to, he finds himself in a strange place, his fellow investigators are nowhere to be found.
---The Arrival---
When he arrived in Nexus, he met a girl named Karen. As if being worlds away from home wasn't enough, a mysterious mosquito-like bug bit Josh in the back of the neck, causing him to change into the girl you see now. She has been later named Julia. Now she has one goal in mind; to solve the mysteries of the Nexus and to unlock it's secrets.
Last edited by Millinescence on Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:28 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Millie's Character Thread

Postby Millinescence » Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:29 am

Sally Taylor (The Nexus)
Previous Form (Greg Taylor)
Age: 12 (formerly 24)
Height: 3'10" (former 6'3")
Gender: Female (formerly male)
Species: Human
Hair: blond
Eyes: blue
Zodiac: Gemini
Character Description: Greg has been Josh/Julia's friend since s/he was 12. He worked as a computer tech, as well as alongside Josh as a paranormal investigator. Outside of work, Greg liked to go girl-shopping and hanging out at the bar. He was basically a wannabe ladies man with a passion for computers and the occult. He is also a loyal friend.
History: After losing Josh to the mysterious vortex, he was the one to convince his brother Tom to come back to the site with him during the next full moon to see if they can look for Josh. After taking some more of their equipment with them, they were ready for when the vortex opens itself up once again.
--The Arrival--
Shortly after Tom and Greg arrived at the Nexus, he stated he had a theory that they could somehow get back to their homeworld on the next full moon. They met a teacher who gave them a lead on Josh's whereabouts. Then Greg tried to ask the teacher to have coffee with him, she refused saying she "didn't go out with girls." Confused and a bit angry, Greg leads Tom to Nexus Plaza where seconds after Tom told Greg about his vision, he changed into the little girl you see now. Calling herself Sally, she no longer remembers being Greg. And sees what was once her best friend as her adoptive mother. Until Sally remembers who she was, her theory on how to get back remains a mystery...

Tabatha Rayne (The Nexus)
Previous form (Tom Rayne)
Age: 21
Height: 5'1" (formerly 5'11)
Gender: Female (formerly male)
Species: Catgirl (formerly human)
Hair: pink, with black ears and tail
Eyes: dark blue
Zodiac: Scorpio
Character Description: Tom is Josh/Julia's brother who has been with Josh since s/he could walk. When Tom turned 13, he discovered his hidden talent as a psychic medium. Tom was the youngest (before arriving at the Nexus) and is a bit shyer than Greg. Two years ago however, Tom had the idea for his friends to team up for a common interest in the studies of ghostly activity.
Powers: Unseen Sense -- Tom has the ability to see the dead and can have visions if he touches certain items of historical significance.
History: Josh's disappearance had taken it's toll on Tom, who had a bad feeling from the start about visiting that strange building. Despite the negative energy within said building, Greg was still able to convince him to go along with his plan to find Josh and bring him back safely. He was his brother after all, and he was certain that Josh would've done the same thing if it happened to him.
--The Arrival--
Greg and Tom arrived in a classroom on the second floor on the north side of Nexus Academy. The vortex that brought them to the Nexus left the classroom in a total mess! After searching the second floor of the school for their lost brother Josh, they go down to ground level. This is where they met a teacher named Gracey, who gave them a lead on Josh's whereabouts. However, Greg managed to scare her off after inviting her to a date. She called Greg a girl and ran off. They go to Nexus Plaza where Greg suspects Gracy is located, but she wasn't found. Tom is told by his friend to touch the center pillar of the Plaza, where he sees a startling vision of what happens to any male newcomers who enter the Nexus. Just seconds afterward, Tom starts changing into a catgirl waitress named 'Tabatha' (as Sally calls her). But unlike Greg/Sally, Tabitha was lucky enough to maintain her memories. At Sally's request, her and Tabitha goes to the mall where they eventually find Josh/Julia and discovers the Nexus changed him too.
Until all three make it back to their homeworld, they will investigate the Nexus together. Tabatha keeps a daily video-journal on her camcorder.
Last edited by Millinescence on Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:02 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Millie's Character Thread

Postby Millinescence » Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:24 pm

Akari Akatsuki (Muffinville)
Age: 17
Height: 5'2"
Gender: Female
Species: Yokai Magician
Hair: blond, with a hint of green
Eyes: blue
Zodiac: Tiger
Character Description: Akari has an outgoing and cheerful personality. Born and raised in the Yokai Realm, Akari decides to go to Muffinville to try to make something of herself. She knows just enough about humans to get by, but isn't very techno-savvy. When it comes to anything else, she's a pretty fast learner. With her small wings, she is only able to fly short distances.
Powers: Shape-changing hair -- Akari's hair can band together and change to any form she wishes, and she can even change the length of it at will. Tentacles, arms, and spears are her hair's most common changes. The only thing she can't change about her hair is it's color...not that she would want to. It physically hurts her when her hair is cut, but it's able to quickly heal.
Last edited by Millinescence on Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:58 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Millie's Character Thread

Postby Millinescence » Sat Apr 03, 2010 6:59 pm

Kaitlyn Masato (Muffinville/Nexus)
Age: 406 (looks 22)
Height: 5'6"
Gender: Female
Species: Oni Mage
Hair: blond
Eyes: purple
Zodiac: Aries
Character Description: Kaitlyn is one of the few Oni born into the realm of humans. Just as the folktales say, she has two horns on her head that symbolize her oni heritage, and enough physical strength to throw large boulders single-handedly. Combine that with Kaitlyn's skills as a mage and she can be formidable foe. Her personality is jolly but somewhat ditsy at times. She's very competitive, likes to drink and loves to party with all her heart. She has a pet cat named Saux.
Powers: Oni Strength -- As an Oni, Kaitlyn is really strong despite her appearance.
Attack Magicks -- Since she's a mage, Kaitlyn has a variety of magic at her disposal, such as teleportation, fireballs, and telekinetic attacks. She uses her Floating Sapphire Staff for even higher magicks such as her signature move...
Signature Move -- Whenever a rival loses to her in battle, instead of killing said rival, Kaitlyn likes to turn her foes into small children for however long (occasionally permanent) she sees fit! She is even rumored to make her former rivals her apprentices.
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Re: Millie's Character Thread

Postby Millinescence » Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:21 pm

Spoken Text Color Table
Vanessa Clairmont & Julia Rayne
Tabatha Rayne
Sally Taylor
Akari Akatsuki
Kaitlyn Masato
Elder Toria
Millie Lancater Anidrea (my Avatar)
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Re: Millie's Character Thread

Postby Millinescence » Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:43 pm

Elder Toria (RP - Snake's Embrace)
(2ft long tail not shown)
Age: Undetermined, looks 13
Height: 4'7"
Gender: Female
Species: Aeternalisk
Hair: Black
Eyes: Crimson
Zodiac: Unknown
Faction: The Beautiful Sunrise
Character Description: Elder Toria is the esteemed leader of the East Donatello Colony, known to the Ovalisks as Don-town Colony. It is located in the heart of the city's downtown district. She is responsible for sanctioning raids that have 'huggled in' thousands of Sisters in the city alone. She is revered and loved by the Ovalisks, and feared by the ningen who know about her. She remembers as much about her old life as she did before she was turned due to an agreement she made with the Aeternal that gave her the Touch. ((For story purposes, more will be revealed as the RP progresses))
Powers: The Touch -- As an Aeternalisk, Elder Toria has the power to turn a ningen into either an Ovalisk, or a species of Yokai know as the Aeternalae. When she uses this power, her hands glow with a blueish color.
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Re: Millie's Character Thread

Postby all_knowing_frog » Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:35 am

wow, I have to say, I like you characters from just reading this.
I particularly liked the idea of Sally having an idea of how to get back, but getting changed so she forgot. (not to mention she's cute)

Are most character threads formatted like this?
All Glory to the Hypno Suwako...
I know quite a bit, but it's mostly useless info.
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Re: Millie's Character Thread

Postby Millinescence » Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:23 pm

Wow thanks, I'm glad you like them~! ^_^
About half of the character threads here are formatted like this. Although having a picture of your characters isn't a necessity, it does help the reader visualize your character better.
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Re: Millie's Character Thread

Postby Millinescence » Mon May 03, 2010 2:27 am

Millie Lancaster Anidrea (Avatar character, Muffin Room)
Age: 24
Height: 5'11"
Gender: Female
Species: Aeternal
Hair: Brownish-red
Eyes: Blue
Zodiac: Aries
Faction: The Beautiful Sunrise
Character Description: Millie is the spunky Anina and lover of Andrea Anikerina. Since recieving the Touch, "Andie" and Millie have been virtually inseparable. Millie loves role-playing, Touhou, videogames, cosplay (whenever she can), and enjoys seeing boys turn into cute girls just as much as her best friend Kerina. :3
Powers: The Touch -- As an Aeternal, Millie has the power to spiritually change a ningen into a species of Yokai know as the Aeternal. When she uses this power, her hands glow with a lavender color. She is unaffected by the potent touch Ovalisks (in fact, she's quite friendly towards them).
Equipment: Sci-Mage Staff -- Millie acquired this technological wonder from Rei's stand in the "Power Ups" thread. It is made of stainless steel and has a red crystal on the tip, held together by metal claws. The magic contained in this staff makes it capable of standard magical attacks, as well as emitting color energy at her foes.
Scoped Magi-pistol: -- It is unknown how Millie got her hands on this semi-automatic pistol, but this gun can fire a wide variety of .45cal ammunition. From silver and mithril-tipped bullets, to high-impact elemental shot. Elemental rounds can make this gun shoot fireballs, blasts of water, and high winds.
Alternate forms: ((I'll put some in as they come))
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Re: Millie's Character Thread

Postby AshK » Tue May 18, 2010 8:18 pm

Great characters Millie!

If you happen to see a post in the RP Nexus from an Erika/Neo Mew Mint that is also me. Just thought I would let you know.
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