Name: Muurido
Appearance: Muurido has two forms one looks human with the appearance of a noblewoman. Muurido has white gloves which cover her fingers and rise half way past her elbows before giving way to a few inches of skin. The skin is then covered up by the falling short sleeves of her pink ball gown. Both of the gown’s shoulders have partial spheres around her shoulders which shortly give way to a line of gold that travels at a heavy slope downward before changing to a much gently one shortly after crossing onto her breasts. Muurido’s breasts are large but not too much so and give her chest a buxom appearance.
The golden lines rise below and above where they meet right between her breasts to form the shape of a diamond and viewed from the front or back the lines resemble half of a hexagon. The area within the golden lines is light bluish and rises all the way up to the collar of her dress an inch or two before her neck which possesses the traditional upside down triangle of space. There is a golden diamond of color in the center of the light blue area. Her tiara begins at both ends with a small slope that rises upward before dipping down a bit and then raising back up again. It then goes downward and makes two near complete circles before both ends meet at a large rounded point. The center of the tiara has a light bluish coloring in the shape of a triangle.
Muurido has light pink waist long hair with curls at the ends. She wears pink lipstick and has blue eyes. Muurido’s waist is covered in light blue which stretches farther down both sides of her than it does front or back and has golden borders.
The borders peak at either side of the center of her dress before falling down again to meet in the center. The side portion reaches as far down as her thighs. The bottom golden lines at the left and right of her dress cross each other and go for another inch or two before ending. They each have a golden diamond sandwiched between them separated by an inch light blue fabric. There is a partial circle of light blue in the center of the bottom golden border with an opening at the top. The border of the top portion of the lower light blue section has an upside down crown design with a diamond of blue in the middle. There are two golden prongs curved inwards reaching down to either side of the crown with light blue on the inside of them with a small opening at the points where the crown and prongs almost touch. Where the golden borders end two partial ovals of white stretch down to cover the front sides of the dress and then curve back up.
Between the two ovals is the same pink that covers her shoulders and chest area. The pink slowly spreads out as the white ovals pull back until it meets four long yellow triangles of even lengths spread out evenly across the front of her dress that wedge themselves into it until the dress reaches the floor. Her dress is symmetrical so the back looks just like the front.
Muurido’s second form looks like a doll dressed in a somewhat provocative dress. She now wears purple lipstick and possesses yellow-green eyes. The upper white layer of her dress is now gone leaving the lower layer revealed continuously. The yellow triangles on her dress are now black as are her gloves, as the area around her breasts, the blue part of her tiara, and the area below her neck which has a triangle of skin jutting into it and red borders. Her tiara is now red and looks like the crown of a demon with pronged horns jutting out of it.
There are three black diamond shaped patches on the purple part of her dress spaced out evenly. There is a black diamond situated between her breasts on the red part of her dress with black lines leading straight down in the center with the lines angling to either side like a string being swung back and forth. They lead to another horizontal patch of black a few inches down. An area of purple juts upward into what used to be a blue area of her dress and ends with the lower half of a red diamond jutting into it surrounded by two upside down red prongs. On the sides of her dress are two more black diamonds halfway above the prongs but not directly above. There is now a white disc around Muurido’s neck and her elbows now appear to be sphere shaped joints. Her mouth has a piece cut out of it that moves when she speaks and stretches down her face.
Personality: Muurido is not excessively cruel to those who are her subordinates and slaves. At the same time however she expects her subordinates to carry out their missions to the best of their abilities. She rewards success and punishes failure if she sees no reason why her minion should not have succeeded. She uses her mind to help her outsmart and defeat her opponents. If she deems it necessary she will fight and/or kill her opponent to keep them from interfering with her goals. Muurido is always looking to increase her powers and abilities as well as acquire new servants. Muurido would rather turn an enemy to her side than kill them.
History: Muurido was a yoma of the Dark Kingdom/Negaverse charged with draining the energy of people who visited the amusement park Dream Land, specifically those who attended the show held at the candy house. The mass disappearance of so many people however drew the attention of the press and from them the Sailor Soldiers. While she initially drained Ami Mizuno of her energy in her untransformed state and dominated Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars with her illusion the intervention of Tuxedo Mask and timely awakening and arrival of Sailor Mercury turned the tide of battle against her. She was destroyed by a combo Moon Tiara Action and Fire Soul attack.
However when the candy house disappeared with the remains of Muurido instead of arriving back to the Dark Kingdom they fell through separate dimensional rifts that each lead to the Muffinverse. Muurido’s remains landed in a pond in old Muffinville that had been polluted with color because a large amount of color fruit being shipped by truck had fallen in when the truck had been destroyed during one of the apocalyptic events that so commonly plagued Muffinville and its successors. The truck had been shipping a mixture of uncarrots, moonberries, and tomananas.
The driver was killed in the battle and the trucks remains flung to the the Sand Academy for Young Women so no one remained that knew what had become of the delivery. The fruits slowly decayed and released their color energy into the water saturating it over time. When Muurido’s remains fell in the Black color energy revived Muurido to life while the Charcoal color energy enhanced her magical and physical powers to the strength of Queen Neherenia of the Dead Moon Circus. The White color energy however gave Muurido the qualities of a fair leader and ensured she would not mistreat or violently oppress anyone who became her servants or subjects. Her enemies are still fair game though.
Abilities: As the Avatar of Charcoal Muurido can turn anyone she wishes into a demongirl of somekind. It is worth noting that that this does not work on those who are already Yokai females of some kind or are close to it. By adding a portion of her energy to the blasts of Charcoal Muurido can make the victim of her blasts a loyal servant. Muurido's enhancement by the Charcoal energy she was exposed to in the lake has also granted her more generic powers like flight, teleportation, shooting blasts of negative energy and the ability to drain energy from her opponents directly whereas before she was forced to rely on her apple. Her ability to create illusions has also been enhanced. Muurido is now capable of making illusions with her powers directly instead of needing to use the red mist from her mouth. She is still capable of using the mist but often chooses not to because she can create very convincing illusions without it. The red mist's ability to create lifelike illusions has been enhanced to the point that any illusions it creates are impossible to dispel unless a being is equal in power to Muurido. Also any illusions created by the red mist can now become reality to the recipients of Muurido so chooses.

Name: Yume
History: Created when Muurido entered Raleigh's Costume Shop in search of a sorceress costume that would give her the abilities to transform others without the use of color. Muurido got what she wanted and a power boost as well.
Personality: Yume acts more lady-like than Muurido and will not loose her temper as often. If something or someone annoys her enough she will transform them into something useful to her. She likes to experiment with her transformation spells to see what happens when they are used in combination and is always looking for new magic spells to learn.
Abilities: In this form Yume is significantly stronger. She is a powerful sorceress and knows both offensive and defensive magic. Yume also has a general knowledge of transformation spells.
Items: 7 adaptech organic augmentation kits-stolen from hidden compartments in a crate of microwaves owned by DrakeCorp in Black Pearl Harbor. These are designed for a one shot evolution on someone as needed. Say you land on a planet that doesn't produce oxygen just use one of those units and you will evolve to a state that can use whatever is the primary gas of the local planet.
5 authorization permits for traveling through a regulated dimensional gate to Hub-stolen from a hidden compartment in a crate of microwaves owned by DrakeCorp in Black Pearl Harbor. These permits say Muurido belongs to the Guild which is a specialized organization of bounty hunters on Hub that travels through multiple realities to do pretty much anything and everything. For that matter they mark the person as having a high enough rank to not have limiters activate to keep them from using magic in tech heavy worlds or tech in primitive ones. Each permit can be used an infinite number of times.
Book about the Sailor Soldiers-This book was given to Muurido by Raleigh at the Color Polluted lake shortly after her arrival in the Muffinverse. It contains all the information about the Sailor Soldiers with the exception of who they are and where they live.
Energy draining Apple-this item was carried over with Muurido when she arrived in the Muffinverse. It can drain the energy of any being and Muurido has upgraded it so it is also capable of storing and using many other varieties of energy including Color energy.
Matter materialization module for organic lifeforms-stolen from a hidden compartment in a crate of microwaves owned by DrakeCorp in Black Pearl Harbor. You implant this in someone and they can materialize items that they conceive of. This is especially effective in the hands of an obsessive collector type gamer or a writer as they have lots of ideas for items to create for combat.
2 nano-hive clusters-stolen from hidden compartments in a crate of microwaves owned by DrakeCorp in Black Pearl Harbor. These are small nanomachine colonies. They have several uses but the primary intent is to set them to act as an AI unit. In essence you get a machine that will follow your orders but can self repair and adapt counter measures quickly.