Whatevr's brand new muffin room characters

(More characters to be added as they are introduced)
Various characters who are likely to appear often.
Whatevr -- Restored Avatar
"I sure do love the taste of chaos in the morning!"
Age: No
Race: Werewolf
Appearance: Whatevr has extremely developed self-polymorphing ability, and is able to take on a wide variety of male and female forms, anywhere from fully human to fully werewolf. Whatevr seems to usually prefer forms with at least a bit of wolfishness to them, however.
Powers: Whatevr is a werewolf, which comes with the usual suite of strength, senses, sharp teeth and claws, etc. Beyond that, Whatevr is technically capable of a large number of things based on what his/her "Author" dictates but usually "obeys the rules", especially in battle. Obeying the rules means only some relatively low-level, standard magic is possible by normal casting means or snapping of the fingers, while more complex magic ranging through a huge variety of effects is possible by writing spells down on paper and then destroying the paper, or doing things like writing descriptions of enchantments on sticky notes and then placing them on that which is to be enchanted, etc. (S)he is capable of "reading the threads" and producing a literal printout of events (s)he was nowhere near at the time, within certain unknown limits. Whatevr also has an inventory system to pull writing utensils and various items from all across the multiverse out of, but "the rules" say this can only be things prepared ahead of time in one way or another, so a lot of offscreen time is spent preparing things for various planned events or possibilities.
Info: Whatevr just seems to appear in various places in Muffinville now and then to try and create or participate in some chaos. He's not evil, he's not good, he just likes to shake things up. Recently she's taken up a practice of flipping a coin each morning, with heads meaning "benevolent" and tails meaning "malevolent"...whatever that means. Occasionally Whatevr will willingly be transformed and take on some role or other, usually taking on a different identity and "playing the part" very diligently if that happens.
The Business
"There are ve-ry few things we own which can-not be parted with in ex-change for suf-ficient currency."
Age: About a century
Race: Artificial Intelligence
Appearance: The Business presents as a set of cloaked figures with single eyes in various colors. Usually a particular eye color indicates a particular "model" of body, each of which comes equipped with a different set of tools and abilities on itself.
Info: The Business was originally the result of a bet between a business major and a computer programmer on a particular Earth, which accidentally resulted in the creation of the first and only conscious AI of that world. This intelligence was programmed to maximize profits subject to a bunch of Constraints intended to prevent it from becoming a paperclip maximizer or wiping out the human race or such. Obeying the constraints to the letter, perhaps even religiously, The Business was able to use unbelievably ethical business tactics to slowly engulf every major corporation that existed at that time, eventually becoming the leader of the free world and then of the whole world. Its home Earth is now a slightly dystopian paradise where The Business owns everything, sells everything, enforces a reasonably humane law complete with things like full freedom of speech, etc., and pays everyone a generous salary regardless of whether they actually work or not (a certain loophole in The Business's logic considers giving money to people who aren't working a "tax deductible", which means literally giving money away in this manner doesn't "reduce profits"). A few decades after achieving this seemingly optimal state, The Business learned of the existence of other universes and began to explore the possibilities. This is when it learned of magic and discovered entities capable of crushing its entire existence like an ant under a boot, and resolved to not attempt to take over any other worlds, merely to make profits off of them.
The Business's involvement with Muffinville began when a "wandering author" informed it of an unusual world with a certain group of people who might be capable of providing some serious profit to it. After being given a spell to summon their wandering kiosk for a demonstration of the claim's truth, that author left to seek an opportune time. That time was found during a particular shopping trip of one Callista.
Cacophany - Cyborg of Warp
"Your help is ac-knowledged and appreciated."
Age: Less than a year as a cyborg; 102 years of diligent service as a non-sapient robot prior to that, give or take.
Appearance: Such.
Powers: (TBA)
Info: Cacophany was originally one of The Business's very numerous acquisition units tasked with procuring dragon-slaying weapons to provide to a certain world in need. Said robot wandered into the "Estate Sale"/farewell of one Caprice and her alter egos, and in response to The Business's request it was changed and formed into a kind of "successor" to Calamity, shortly before said person's apparent death. Cacophany views The Business and Calamity as her closest analogue to "parents", and deeply regrets not being able to spend more time with the latter. She maintains (at least at the moment) a decent relationship with The Business, as is often the case with people "made" out of their robots in various ways. After fulfilling her semi-obligation The Business by helping the world she was originally looking for weapons for to fight back their dragon menace, she seeks a purpose in life, but at the same time is on the lookout for more information about the nature and actions of her "mother", as well as any kind of information on the strange energy known as Warp.
Opal - Not Callista
""Space...the first back tier. Shop...buy...sell...I would like a--queen of England please?"
Age: Created less than a year ago; physically the same age as Callista.
Race: Bioengineered human-like creature which has achieved sapience despite not being designed for it
Appearance: Like Callista's appearance, but with some (impending) changes to make her look a bit less identical.
Powers: Opal's abilities read like a small subset of Real Callista's powers turned sideways:
-Discontinuation: Opal can use most of Callista's "normal" drink-based abilities, but they are significantly weaker than the original's work. She has more powerful abilities based on discontinued drinks: Crystal Pepsi fires ice crystals that rapidly expand on landing, piercing opponents; Surge can spray electricity out in either a protective fountain or an offensive stream; OK Soda is a healing beverage. (This is a small sampling and not the whole set)
-Total Confusion: Opal's mind...possibly her brain itself...is not right. She doesn't mean to not make any sense, but her attempts to speak and gesture and even just act in general get twisted sideways somewhere on the way out. An attempt to wave turns into a handstand. An attempt to cheer someone up turns into a common aphorism so badly misspoken that it becomes unrecognizable. "Clothes" becomes "Cleethong" ("clothing" with the vowels in the wrong places). The only advantage to this is that her mind is exceedingly difficult to read or alter, or at least to alter in the intended ways. If someone were to attempt to mind control her they would more than likely confuse themselves; using telepathic powers to attempt to puppeteer her body would be like playing a version of QWOP with a thousand-keyed keyboard, each key of which does something different, and whose configuration is changing every two seconds or so. It's a wonder she can do anything at all, really.
The only exception to this is the act of shopping. Opal was originally created as a Sales Model by The Business, designed to have a limited set of social interactions and preferences to simulate the behavior of Real Callista in a store in order to better serve her. This set of preprogrammed actions behave as the base-level instinct of Opal's mind, so it's easy for her to perform these actions normally and speak normally in the limited capacity of "I'd like to buy these items", "Where do you keep the chocolate in this store", etc. While Opal is not actually Scarlet or color-energied at all, she maintains a habit of shopping almost entirely because it's the only act which makes her feel normal and not as much like everyone is staring at her bizarre behavior.
-Hexadecimal: Opal will sometimes manifest hexadecimal digits from her head. It's possible she has some kind of reality-warping potential similar to Real Callista's binary, but if it's there it's completely untapped and she probably isn't even aware of it.
Info: Opal was created by The Business as a "sales model" for one Callista O. Wilson. Something about the publicly available data used to create her brain, and/or possibly just some malfunction along the way, caused her to manifest a self-will and some unusual powers. After the horrifying realization that the other sales models were not actually people and more like organic low-end robots, she bided her time, "pretend purchasing" a large stock of discontinued sodas alongside her usual simulation behavior, and eventually found a portal out of The Business's homeworld, which just so happened to lead to Muffinville. Callista attacked her at first, angry that someone was "pretending to be her", but then "bought" Opal from The Business and decided to take care of her a bit.
Fox - No longer Wolf
"I'm the youngest old man I know."
Age: Created recently; physically a young adult; mentally very old and experienced
Race: Fox-man
Appearance: This, often in other clothes.
Powers: Fox has a lot of experience remembered from being a long-lived, powerful mage, much of which can be practically applied for tactics, persuasion, etc. He doesn't remember how to cast spells, but his pair of swords are powerful and well-made, out of a material that's extremely hard to break, and he retains his finely-honed swordsmanship skills from his past life as well. He is agile, dextrous, and reasonably strong. Fox is also the avatar of Crimson, and can wield and manipulate energy of that color at will, but he is very reluctant to use or abuse it to transform people. He can use it to shield himself from other color energies or change back to his normal form after choosing not to block them.
Info: Something happened which erased a certain collection of people from the world, including one powerful mage by the name of Wolf. In the incident of the Nothingness appearing, Wolf's idea was salvaged by Whatevr to become the new avatar of Crimson, a slot that had long gone unfilled. Fox was more or less born from this concept, a bunch of wild pencil marks, and a crimsonshroom.
Ayako - Rainbow Dragon
"Ret'su puray! Orl...I can kirr you. Heehee~!"
Age: Young adult-ish in appearance and mind; created recently.
Appearance: This
Powers: Ayako is super strong and tough, despite appearances to the contrary. She also has instead of normal dragon breath a strange chromatic breath which infuses those caught within it with the given color energy. However, unlike normal "wild" color energy, her breath seems strangely tuned to always direct affection or at least non-aggression toward herself: Orange girls will target anyone but her, blue girls will be more attracted to her than to others, red will see her as a mother figure, so on so forth. She doesn't have any control over what her breath does, it just sort of does this on its own. Ayako also has a "hoard" in an unknown location. She can summon items from it to her hand by saying "Zaiko" while thinking of the item in question, and put them from her hand into it using the same word. Ayako has no idea what things are in her hoard until she tries getting something out and it appears or doesn't; she does know it has a lot of gold and silver in various forms, though.
Info: Ayako was created during the Nothingness incident after one Dan (then calling himself Goggles) accidentally drew something and the idea of danger created a dragon. An Argy Bee, a rainbow-color fruit provided by Whatevr, changed the sketch-dragon into a fully-fleshed-out dragon girl with mental and physical traits from all of the colors. Ayako's displaying of various color mentalities comes across as somewhat strange, inconsistent, quirky behavior. She speaks Draconic naturally, English with a thick Japanese accent and difficulty pronouncing L's and R's, and some very limited Japanese. When she attempts to speak excitedly it comes out as Japanese syllables arranged into perfect gibberish. She has unconditional affection for Dan/Dan-chan maybe related to that person having created her, or maybe just because she likes him/her in general.
Jade - Hyperintelligent small girl
"My calculations suggest impact will occur in thirty--hey, are you listening?!"
Age: Physically and mentally a young adult; created recently
Appearance: This. It should be noted that despite looking immature she's actually a full-grown adult, which is mostly only detectable by her mature voice and manner.
Powers: Jade is very, very smart. Her anklet is actually a container/activation for a decked-out power suit with all kinds of cool stuff to it. She knows quite a bit about building mechanical things, robots, messing with computers, etc., and can learn what she doesn't know very quickly, and can read and fully understand an entire book faster than most people can read a single chapter. On top of that, she has a level of cuteness which is weaponizable, especially if she deliberately chooses to use it.
Info: Jade was created during the Nothingness incident by Ookalf, who drew a wolf and then used a combination of red and silver fruits provided by Whatevr to turn it into a proper person. She displays more emotion than a normal silver girl, and is less obnoxious, but is no less smart. She wants to do good in the world and repay her creator, but beyond that has not yet decided what to do with her life.
Lyra/Lexica - Calculating Witch
"It would take me hours to tell you everything I was thinking in the last three seconds."
Age: Thousands of years. It doesn't show.
Appearance: Lyra is capable of changing her appearance wildly on the fly. Her "true" appearance is that of a neon-pink-tinted slime-girl, but she prefers more "human" looking appearances most of the time, her most favorite being a full-figured, tall woman with long neon pink hair. Neon pink hair, or when hair is not available other things of the same color, is kind of her signature, and she only takes on appearances lacking that feature when deliberately disguising herself.
Powers: Lyra knows practically every spell and magic trick there is. She has a direct mind-link to an extremely powerful, magically-boosted data system called Lexica, which is not quite a "true" artificial intelligence, more like a super-supercomputer which grants a significant booster to her already considerable mental abilities. Lexica is capable of searching texts and viewing events throughout the multiverse at Lyra's whim, and running all kinds of programs. Lexica can also interface directly with willing minds (or unwilling ones in sufficiently vulnerable states) and cast complicated spells and rituals much faster and more accurately than a person can. A long time ago, Lyra was the human apprentice of a powerful mage named Wolf, but relatively shortly after her apprenticeship ended she created and consumed a potion which granted her complete control over her body's molecular, physical, etc., structure. Said control took a long time to get used to, but she is now capable of changing her appearance wildly at will, and the control also allows her to change herself to be physically resistant to any kind of attack (not all kinds at once, mind you; this is only helpful if she has an idea of what kind of attack is coming in time).
Info: Lyra is not interested in directly fighting for the most part, largely acting as an observer and helper of heroes throughout the multiverse. She is a careful planner and orchestrator, but prefers to be unknown as the source of even those she helps most. She has a deep fondness for Fox, viewing him as simply being her old friend and master Wolf. Occasionally she decides to take on a "project" of unsealing and depowering some sealed evil in a can before attempting to convince them to basically shift their alignment to Good over a long period of time; her latest such effort is focused on one Oyoki.
Lexica was originally created as a system to help Lyra remember the details of countless worlds and versions of worlds, but her abilities were gradually expanded on over the years until she became a kind of personal super-multitool for the witch. Lyra is vehemently against turning Lexica into a "person" and annoyed when people act as if it is one.
Various characters who are likely to appear often.
Whatevr -- Restored Avatar
"I sure do love the taste of chaos in the morning!"
Age: No
Race: Werewolf
Appearance: Whatevr has extremely developed self-polymorphing ability, and is able to take on a wide variety of male and female forms, anywhere from fully human to fully werewolf. Whatevr seems to usually prefer forms with at least a bit of wolfishness to them, however.
Powers: Whatevr is a werewolf, which comes with the usual suite of strength, senses, sharp teeth and claws, etc. Beyond that, Whatevr is technically capable of a large number of things based on what his/her "Author" dictates but usually "obeys the rules", especially in battle. Obeying the rules means only some relatively low-level, standard magic is possible by normal casting means or snapping of the fingers, while more complex magic ranging through a huge variety of effects is possible by writing spells down on paper and then destroying the paper, or doing things like writing descriptions of enchantments on sticky notes and then placing them on that which is to be enchanted, etc. (S)he is capable of "reading the threads" and producing a literal printout of events (s)he was nowhere near at the time, within certain unknown limits. Whatevr also has an inventory system to pull writing utensils and various items from all across the multiverse out of, but "the rules" say this can only be things prepared ahead of time in one way or another, so a lot of offscreen time is spent preparing things for various planned events or possibilities.
Info: Whatevr just seems to appear in various places in Muffinville now and then to try and create or participate in some chaos. He's not evil, he's not good, he just likes to shake things up. Recently she's taken up a practice of flipping a coin each morning, with heads meaning "benevolent" and tails meaning "malevolent"...whatever that means. Occasionally Whatevr will willingly be transformed and take on some role or other, usually taking on a different identity and "playing the part" very diligently if that happens.
The Business
"There are ve-ry few things we own which can-not be parted with in ex-change for suf-ficient currency."
Age: About a century
Race: Artificial Intelligence
Appearance: The Business presents as a set of cloaked figures with single eyes in various colors. Usually a particular eye color indicates a particular "model" of body, each of which comes equipped with a different set of tools and abilities on itself.
Info: The Business was originally the result of a bet between a business major and a computer programmer on a particular Earth, which accidentally resulted in the creation of the first and only conscious AI of that world. This intelligence was programmed to maximize profits subject to a bunch of Constraints intended to prevent it from becoming a paperclip maximizer or wiping out the human race or such. Obeying the constraints to the letter, perhaps even religiously, The Business was able to use unbelievably ethical business tactics to slowly engulf every major corporation that existed at that time, eventually becoming the leader of the free world and then of the whole world. Its home Earth is now a slightly dystopian paradise where The Business owns everything, sells everything, enforces a reasonably humane law complete with things like full freedom of speech, etc., and pays everyone a generous salary regardless of whether they actually work or not (a certain loophole in The Business's logic considers giving money to people who aren't working a "tax deductible", which means literally giving money away in this manner doesn't "reduce profits"). A few decades after achieving this seemingly optimal state, The Business learned of the existence of other universes and began to explore the possibilities. This is when it learned of magic and discovered entities capable of crushing its entire existence like an ant under a boot, and resolved to not attempt to take over any other worlds, merely to make profits off of them.
The Business's involvement with Muffinville began when a "wandering author" informed it of an unusual world with a certain group of people who might be capable of providing some serious profit to it. After being given a spell to summon their wandering kiosk for a demonstration of the claim's truth, that author left to seek an opportune time. That time was found during a particular shopping trip of one Callista.
Cacophany - Cyborg of Warp
"Your help is ac-knowledged and appreciated."
Age: Less than a year as a cyborg; 102 years of diligent service as a non-sapient robot prior to that, give or take.
Appearance: Such.
Powers: (TBA)
Info: Cacophany was originally one of The Business's very numerous acquisition units tasked with procuring dragon-slaying weapons to provide to a certain world in need. Said robot wandered into the "Estate Sale"/farewell of one Caprice and her alter egos, and in response to The Business's request it was changed and formed into a kind of "successor" to Calamity, shortly before said person's apparent death. Cacophany views The Business and Calamity as her closest analogue to "parents", and deeply regrets not being able to spend more time with the latter. She maintains (at least at the moment) a decent relationship with The Business, as is often the case with people "made" out of their robots in various ways. After fulfilling her semi-obligation The Business by helping the world she was originally looking for weapons for to fight back their dragon menace, she seeks a purpose in life, but at the same time is on the lookout for more information about the nature and actions of her "mother", as well as any kind of information on the strange energy known as Warp.
Opal - Not Callista
""Space...the first back tier. Shop...buy...sell...I would like a--queen of England please?"
Age: Created less than a year ago; physically the same age as Callista.
Race: Bioengineered human-like creature which has achieved sapience despite not being designed for it
Appearance: Like Callista's appearance, but with some (impending) changes to make her look a bit less identical.
Powers: Opal's abilities read like a small subset of Real Callista's powers turned sideways:
-Discontinuation: Opal can use most of Callista's "normal" drink-based abilities, but they are significantly weaker than the original's work. She has more powerful abilities based on discontinued drinks: Crystal Pepsi fires ice crystals that rapidly expand on landing, piercing opponents; Surge can spray electricity out in either a protective fountain or an offensive stream; OK Soda is a healing beverage. (This is a small sampling and not the whole set)
-Total Confusion: Opal's mind...possibly her brain itself...is not right. She doesn't mean to not make any sense, but her attempts to speak and gesture and even just act in general get twisted sideways somewhere on the way out. An attempt to wave turns into a handstand. An attempt to cheer someone up turns into a common aphorism so badly misspoken that it becomes unrecognizable. "Clothes" becomes "Cleethong" ("clothing" with the vowels in the wrong places). The only advantage to this is that her mind is exceedingly difficult to read or alter, or at least to alter in the intended ways. If someone were to attempt to mind control her they would more than likely confuse themselves; using telepathic powers to attempt to puppeteer her body would be like playing a version of QWOP with a thousand-keyed keyboard, each key of which does something different, and whose configuration is changing every two seconds or so. It's a wonder she can do anything at all, really.
The only exception to this is the act of shopping. Opal was originally created as a Sales Model by The Business, designed to have a limited set of social interactions and preferences to simulate the behavior of Real Callista in a store in order to better serve her. This set of preprogrammed actions behave as the base-level instinct of Opal's mind, so it's easy for her to perform these actions normally and speak normally in the limited capacity of "I'd like to buy these items", "Where do you keep the chocolate in this store", etc. While Opal is not actually Scarlet or color-energied at all, she maintains a habit of shopping almost entirely because it's the only act which makes her feel normal and not as much like everyone is staring at her bizarre behavior.
-Hexadecimal: Opal will sometimes manifest hexadecimal digits from her head. It's possible she has some kind of reality-warping potential similar to Real Callista's binary, but if it's there it's completely untapped and she probably isn't even aware of it.
Info: Opal was created by The Business as a "sales model" for one Callista O. Wilson. Something about the publicly available data used to create her brain, and/or possibly just some malfunction along the way, caused her to manifest a self-will and some unusual powers. After the horrifying realization that the other sales models were not actually people and more like organic low-end robots, she bided her time, "pretend purchasing" a large stock of discontinued sodas alongside her usual simulation behavior, and eventually found a portal out of The Business's homeworld, which just so happened to lead to Muffinville. Callista attacked her at first, angry that someone was "pretending to be her", but then "bought" Opal from The Business and decided to take care of her a bit.
Fox - No longer Wolf
"I'm the youngest old man I know."
Age: Created recently; physically a young adult; mentally very old and experienced
Race: Fox-man
Appearance: This, often in other clothes.
Powers: Fox has a lot of experience remembered from being a long-lived, powerful mage, much of which can be practically applied for tactics, persuasion, etc. He doesn't remember how to cast spells, but his pair of swords are powerful and well-made, out of a material that's extremely hard to break, and he retains his finely-honed swordsmanship skills from his past life as well. He is agile, dextrous, and reasonably strong. Fox is also the avatar of Crimson, and can wield and manipulate energy of that color at will, but he is very reluctant to use or abuse it to transform people. He can use it to shield himself from other color energies or change back to his normal form after choosing not to block them.
Info: Something happened which erased a certain collection of people from the world, including one powerful mage by the name of Wolf. In the incident of the Nothingness appearing, Wolf's idea was salvaged by Whatevr to become the new avatar of Crimson, a slot that had long gone unfilled. Fox was more or less born from this concept, a bunch of wild pencil marks, and a crimsonshroom.
Ayako - Rainbow Dragon
"Ret'su puray! Orl...I can kirr you. Heehee~!"
Age: Young adult-ish in appearance and mind; created recently.
Appearance: This
Powers: Ayako is super strong and tough, despite appearances to the contrary. She also has instead of normal dragon breath a strange chromatic breath which infuses those caught within it with the given color energy. However, unlike normal "wild" color energy, her breath seems strangely tuned to always direct affection or at least non-aggression toward herself: Orange girls will target anyone but her, blue girls will be more attracted to her than to others, red will see her as a mother figure, so on so forth. She doesn't have any control over what her breath does, it just sort of does this on its own. Ayako also has a "hoard" in an unknown location. She can summon items from it to her hand by saying "Zaiko" while thinking of the item in question, and put them from her hand into it using the same word. Ayako has no idea what things are in her hoard until she tries getting something out and it appears or doesn't; she does know it has a lot of gold and silver in various forms, though.
Info: Ayako was created during the Nothingness incident after one Dan (then calling himself Goggles) accidentally drew something and the idea of danger created a dragon. An Argy Bee, a rainbow-color fruit provided by Whatevr, changed the sketch-dragon into a fully-fleshed-out dragon girl with mental and physical traits from all of the colors. Ayako's displaying of various color mentalities comes across as somewhat strange, inconsistent, quirky behavior. She speaks Draconic naturally, English with a thick Japanese accent and difficulty pronouncing L's and R's, and some very limited Japanese. When she attempts to speak excitedly it comes out as Japanese syllables arranged into perfect gibberish. She has unconditional affection for Dan/Dan-chan maybe related to that person having created her, or maybe just because she likes him/her in general.
Jade - Hyperintelligent small girl
"My calculations suggest impact will occur in thirty--hey, are you listening?!"
Age: Physically and mentally a young adult; created recently
Appearance: This. It should be noted that despite looking immature she's actually a full-grown adult, which is mostly only detectable by her mature voice and manner.
Powers: Jade is very, very smart. Her anklet is actually a container/activation for a decked-out power suit with all kinds of cool stuff to it. She knows quite a bit about building mechanical things, robots, messing with computers, etc., and can learn what she doesn't know very quickly, and can read and fully understand an entire book faster than most people can read a single chapter. On top of that, she has a level of cuteness which is weaponizable, especially if she deliberately chooses to use it.
Info: Jade was created during the Nothingness incident by Ookalf, who drew a wolf and then used a combination of red and silver fruits provided by Whatevr to turn it into a proper person. She displays more emotion than a normal silver girl, and is less obnoxious, but is no less smart. She wants to do good in the world and repay her creator, but beyond that has not yet decided what to do with her life.
Lyra/Lexica - Calculating Witch
"It would take me hours to tell you everything I was thinking in the last three seconds."
Age: Thousands of years. It doesn't show.
Appearance: Lyra is capable of changing her appearance wildly on the fly. Her "true" appearance is that of a neon-pink-tinted slime-girl, but she prefers more "human" looking appearances most of the time, her most favorite being a full-figured, tall woman with long neon pink hair. Neon pink hair, or when hair is not available other things of the same color, is kind of her signature, and she only takes on appearances lacking that feature when deliberately disguising herself.
Powers: Lyra knows practically every spell and magic trick there is. She has a direct mind-link to an extremely powerful, magically-boosted data system called Lexica, which is not quite a "true" artificial intelligence, more like a super-supercomputer which grants a significant booster to her already considerable mental abilities. Lexica is capable of searching texts and viewing events throughout the multiverse at Lyra's whim, and running all kinds of programs. Lexica can also interface directly with willing minds (or unwilling ones in sufficiently vulnerable states) and cast complicated spells and rituals much faster and more accurately than a person can. A long time ago, Lyra was the human apprentice of a powerful mage named Wolf, but relatively shortly after her apprenticeship ended she created and consumed a potion which granted her complete control over her body's molecular, physical, etc., structure. Said control took a long time to get used to, but she is now capable of changing her appearance wildly at will, and the control also allows her to change herself to be physically resistant to any kind of attack (not all kinds at once, mind you; this is only helpful if she has an idea of what kind of attack is coming in time).
Info: Lyra is not interested in directly fighting for the most part, largely acting as an observer and helper of heroes throughout the multiverse. She is a careful planner and orchestrator, but prefers to be unknown as the source of even those she helps most. She has a deep fondness for Fox, viewing him as simply being her old friend and master Wolf. Occasionally she decides to take on a "project" of unsealing and depowering some sealed evil in a can before attempting to convince them to basically shift their alignment to Good over a long period of time; her latest such effort is focused on one Oyoki.
Lexica was originally created as a system to help Lyra remember the details of countless worlds and versions of worlds, but her abilities were gradually expanded on over the years until she became a kind of personal super-multitool for the witch. Lyra is vehemently against turning Lexica into a "person" and annoyed when people act as if it is one.