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Nikkou: the character that isn't.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 6:11 am
by Mitera Nikkou
(Ah, what the heck... If it's no good, people can tell me so.)

Hanshabutsuno Nikkou

Origin: Unknown. It just is. But it often thinks of itself as a figment of the imagination, as it is multi-dimensional and can exist anywhere. It has just always been, and it will probably continue to be until the end of existence.

Nature: Since "good" and "bad" are perceptions and can be designated to mean anything, it doesn't particularly care about it and just follows its impulses. For the most part, it wants to be beneficial to others and generally wants to have positive relations with as many sentient beings as possible. It does like to have fun, tease and joke, but doesn't mean any harm by it. But on the very rare occassions where it shows malice... It will be apparent. Otherwise, it can be quite whimsical, and even it doesn't know what it will do sometimes.

Also, it likes to travel, explore, and experience new things. And due to this activity, and its ability to adapt and exist anywhere, what it wants to do (and its interests) often changes.

Appearance: Due to its adaptive and adventuresome nature, as well as not having a firm grasp on what the importance of stability and "order" is, it will often change appearance (often on a whim). However, it is most likely seen as what's considered as a human "female", though in actuality it is sexless. This being because it can only exist alone by being whole, and thus does not need a partner to make itself complete: it can manage reproduction on its own. Otherwise, it is a natural at "shapeshifting", likes change, and will most likely enjoy any transformation brought on by an outside source.

Skills: It doesn't really have any skills that it excels in. It does pick up on many things, however; and sometimes there will be things it will just not get (mostly because of not wanting to devote too much time to understanding). All in all, it has the capacity to do many things, though usually easily forgets some things while focusing on other things. So, more or less, it is a "Jill-of-all-trades" and will often have different skills that it is good at while in others it will be able to manage or be too rusty at.

Power: Unknown. There is no telling what it can do, or if there are any limits. However, it is safe to say that it is never the same, depending on where it is. In some places, it has shown a considerable amount of power... While in other places it doesn't show anything impressive at all. There is a belief that it has a basic power that never changes no matter where it is at or what it is, but it has yet to be seen.

Focus: It doesn't really see a purpose in life, other than to exist and experience many varying things. So, if you look at it that way, learning may be its focus. Otherwise, its focus may change too often to really say that it can focus on anything for long.

(Okay, you can hurt me now. ^_^; But, you have to admit that it's a well-rounded character... Seeing as there aren't many definitive qualities. There's just anough there to give it a shape without the drawn boundaries: I mean, we want well-rounded, not well-squared, right? XD;; )

The Bug Bites

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 5:06 pm
by Mr. Critick
@_@, In all my years.....I have to say....I never seen.....such a thought out yet random....Character....My hat is off to you madam.

While you have left yourself open to adapt to the situation. There is sometihng to say about having a main persona, that Identifies who you are and give sometihng people can relate to. your main character flaw seems to be attention span which seems to be true for most shapeshifter races

besides there nothing wrong with being square or triangles or dodecahedron

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:08 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
You actually thought it was alright? O.o; Well, you're the critic, Mr. Critick. XD But I appreciate it. *Poke-pokes your left nostril* I think... I'll have to get back to you after the two hemispheres of my brain agree on something. ^_^;

And I was just using a pun with the circle thing. ;p But for all that anyone knows, I could have meant a triangle by referring to a circle since an equilateral triangle's three points form a circle.


And I don't know why I said that. @_@; It's all your fault! *Baps you over the head*

(Still, adding a bit more information sometime shouldn't hurt... If I can remember to do it. ^_^; )

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:29 pm
by Mr. Critick
I never said your character was alright just I never seen anything like it before. I hate to say it but no GM would allow a character like that into a campaign that could change at a moment notice and I don't think an aritst would as well. Even if the person playing the character can do so without abusing the freedoom.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 3:04 am
by Mitera Nikkou
Then it's a good thing I'll never use such a character in any serious roleplay. XD Not that I get to roleplay, mind you... It's more or less my character self for anywhere where there is roleplay and no organization of a game. Which works out fine, I guess. *Shrugs* But for RPGs, I'll have to make a more defined and rule-laden character (even though I'll probably never get to use it). It'll give me something to do, anyway. ^_^;

PostPosted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 12:36 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
Bane of MSF

Origin: What was once Hanshabutsuno Nikkou, it has been perverted into an entity that is despised by MSF. Its good nature was misunderstood so much that the collective thought that it was bad and thus warped its nature to match.

Nature: It now has a clear goal in mind, and that is to be bother and oppose all MSF-loving folk. There is not a caring piece of existence in its being, at least not for anyone among those who claim themselves as a part of MSF. It good-natured pranks and behavior in the past are now imbued with not-so-good intent. Its adventuring days are over; it only wants to haunt MSF, drawn to it by those that created it.

Appearance: Appealing on the outside, but with the intent of drawing people into a false sense of security. When the time is right, it will cast away its guise and assail an MSFer with its wretched and grotesque ugliness.

Skills: It can only focus on learning anything that would benefit its nature, which is to perturb and annoy MSFers, to encourage the hate that they already have for it. Everything else it has completely forgotten.

Power: It appears to wield whatever power it needs to succeed in its cause. But it hasn't had the need to use much power for its tasks, so it is unknown just how much power it can wield.

Focus: Fulfilling its existential duty: to ensure there will be reasons to hate it, or else it risks becoming a non-entity and estroyed in oblivion.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 1:31 pm
by Beyond
I doubt Nikkou or Bane will ever be despited by everyone.

Remember that Beyond sweared total loyalty to Nikkou long time ago no mather what happened.

Nikkou still has minions, even if she is now Bane.