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Lukiferos Helel, Angel of Light, formerly known as Adam

Tue Aug 30, 2005 11:46 pm
by Helel
This post is VERY out of date. Refer to the newer Helel thread for the more accurate/up to date version of the current Helel I role play as.
Lukiferos Helel, Angel of Light, formerly known as Adam
Opening File on Unknown Angelic Being:
Classification: Highly Concentrated Light Manifestation
Codenamed: "Angel of Light"
Alias: Lukiferos Helel, "Light of God"
Visual Analysis
Height: 1.9 meters (6 feet, 2 inches)
Wingspan: 7.4 meters (24 feet)
Mass: Indeterminant, being's physical composition lacks true mass.
Build: Lean and Athletic
Hair Color: Silver
Hair Length: Varies from short and spikey, to as long as to its feet. Current gender often affects the length of the hair.
Eye Color: Bright Red
Complextion: Light Tan
Wing Color: Gray
Gender: Androgenous, though as shown capability to phase between either gender at will, depending on the necessity.
Physical Age: Late Teens
True Age: Unknown due to inconsistencies of physical composition
Dress: Clothing that seems to match with the styles of those around him, but often featuring silvers, reds, and blacks. Is often wearing an unknown robe that molds to Helel's will, and reshapes into a variety of clothing. Shown to be helpful with stealth.
Physical Makeup: Subject is composed of a form of condensed solidified light, and therefore, its body has texture, yet lacks mass. Further analysis is necessary for a determination of how light can be solid, and act like normal physical matter. Very existence seems to trascend modern physical laws.
OCC Inspirations for Helel: Evangelion, , Exalted: The Solars, Metroid, Final Fantasy VII Advent Children

Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:19 pm
by Helel
Opening File on Subject Helel...
File found.
Affiliation: Dirty "Rogue" Angel
Allies: "MSFers"
Contacts: Xia, Aeris Ishida, Sachael, Kara, Duck Ishida, Aires Drake
Historical File, Part 1:
The subjects origins have been traced back to before the fall of Lucifer from the Host's Grace. Believed to be very young at the time of the rebellion, most angels its age would've been directed from the conflict, and sheltered. Given the circumstances of its origin, Helel was hurled into war, and became a natural warrior. Sadly, it was embroiled into the loosing side- Lucifer's side.
At this point, details are uncertain, but it is believed that the subject was spared the full trauma of being cast down into the lot of the Fallen, but still endured a great deal of spiritual suffering as retribution. Sealed away into an object which became known as a "Core," the subject disappeared from existence for eons. In its place, was the unstable angel which became known as "Adam."
Enlisted as a "trash man" for the host, Adam was dispatched down to Terra, with the singular purpose of hunting down, and extinguishing extraneous factors from the rise of humanity. Various unknown events in human prehistory are believed to have been affected by this grossly powerful being, which is said to be related to the confined energies of Helel within the Core. Until modern times, his last appearance was during the sack of Roma, in which sorcerous barriers that had defended the age old city from barbarians were torn asunder by a "great nova of light" and opened the way to the end of the Imperius Romanus.
Gone for over 1500 years, the next assumed appearance of Adam would be in New Mexico, where "a flash of light, brighter than the sun" was released upon the desert, as the first "atomic bomb testing." Further evidence has shown that Adam, sealed away hundreds of year earlier, had been discovered during the Second World War in Italy, and transported to the United States for research. This research, said to aid the "Manhatten Project" would help develop the arming mechanism of the first atomic devices. During this time, Adam was carried to Antarctica, and set into a quiet rest among the icy wastes, where he would remain until his final awakening on Terra in AD2000.
The direct cause of the event known as "Second Impact" Adam released enormous amounts of energy upon Terra, wiping out a quarter of the world's population within an hour. Following the wars that would ensue, Terra's population would be cut in half. A total of three billion souls were slain, and cast into the void with Adam as he disappeared from Terra, forever.
It is at this time, that the being known as "Adam" and the angel within him, "Helel" were brought to the realm identified as "emesseff."
Closing Link... Data Corrupted, retrieve data? Y/N?

Sun Sep 04, 2005 2:23 pm
by Helel
Retrieving Data on Helel...
History (Cont.)
Information derrived from survilience upon subject over last 19 months.
Upon his arrival in emesseff, Adam was apparently sealed in embryonic form in a suitcase. Though still aware of his surroundings, he enlisted the aid the the psychaotic Celestial Dragon known as Aires Drake, whom had been an aquaintance of his during Roman antiquity on Terra. Upon being freed, Adam made his way to Eirien's study in order to make an offer of some help around the Library. Specifically five souls that have since disappeared, as well as a silver hawk, named Sachiel that has been seen on various occasions since then.
Leaving the study, Adam set out to familarize himself with the locales while he recovered from being sealed as an embryo. One individual whom he had several run-ins with, was the fire mage known as Coruscate, and his nekomata "companion" Kuroneko, and with the coming of the Nekomata invasion, he, Coruscate, and the newly arrived Duck, found themselves turned into nekos themselves. Not just that, but males, and at war with the mainly female population of Nekos at emesseff.
As fights were incited, Coru and Adam went on a bold mission to infiltrate Coru's captured estate, which had been uprooted by an airship. As they did so, Coru was somehow transformed into Kougetsu, a vampire who promised to return Adam to his original form. He was taken to Kougetsu's tower, and there, she unsealed his angelic form. There, the first mention of "Helel" was brought forth. According to Kougetsu, Helel was Adam's descendent. However, the Helel she was referring to, was the one more well known as the Fallen Archangel: Lucifer.
In Kougetsu's debt, he made a vow to repay the favor, and then disappeared into the night. When Adam next appeared, he came upon the familar face of Hikari Oblivion, who had been involved with the conflict between the Nekos. These two, had a great many arguments, but neither could come out on top of the either, though Hikari did take great pleasure in bringing Adam's female "alter ego" Eve out from time to time. Eve, being dubbed onto her by Coruscate a month before.
While Adam continued his wonderings, word reached him of Kougetsu having a ritual in a forest, and he hurried off to find out what the ritual was about, eager to test out his unlocked abilities, as well as possibly use the new "Gloves of Helel" to his advantage in battle. Unleashing a great deal of energy, he created a powerul lunar seal throughout the area, and cast many of the intruders away. However, some remained and Adam hunted about, looking for the stragglers. One such straggler, Black Dragon James was talking with a girl, and then turned into a girl.
Amused, Adam made no effort to hide his amusement, while the girl noticed him. The girl, Sakura, bound Adam in the air, rending him helpless to resist. Sakura's knight, Seiji, appeared, and between the two, they altered Adam into the cheerful young angel, Aeris. Sakura charged Seiji with instructing Aeris, and with Seiji's twin's help, Seiko, Aeris was adopted by Seiji. Seiji, though displeased with the turn of events brought by his twin, began to instruct Aeris. During on exercise, one of Seiji's charges, the Ovalisk Surimya, came in contact with Aeris, and thus placed the seeds of an Ovalisk within Aeris.
Eirien and Amber, upon discovering this, quickly acted by entering Aeris' mindscape, seeking to remove the Ovalisk influence with the young angelgirl, who still had no immunity from the Ovalisks. The crises averted, questions were raised about Adam's Core, which still remained within Aeris, locked away with Adam as well. Signs of an Ovalisk still within Aeris began to emerge, and with those, Adam was unsealed in order to protect the Core from the Ovalisk that had branched from the Core, known as Aira...
...Following numerous periods during which Aira nearly broke loose, an operation headed by Kimiko, amber and Eirien set about removing the Ovalsk from Aeris' body. Upon Aira's removal, and being sent to the Third Realm, Aeris continued to interact with her friends as any cheerful young girl would... albeit more energetic than most, and also sporting great potential power. Seiji adopted Aeris soon after as he began training her (under a great deal of pressure from Seiko, however) and their relationship grew.
Later on, Aeris became the sister of Duck, as well as a cousin to Kimiko, Hikari, Amber, and Musashi. As Aeris' ties with others around MSF grew, Adam began to extract himself from Aeris, and in time, became an utterly different entity. However, in the process, Adam's Core was slightly damaged as signs of cracks began to appear over the surface of it as the months wore on. The wheels of fate had begun, as the time until Adam's final encounter with Hikari grew closer.
It is unknown how it occured, but Hikari managed to destroy the Core, that sealed Helel away, and set it free. In doing so, the mask that was "Adam" faded away. Aeris remained, because she was a clone of Helel's soul, making her independent by this time.
Despite Helel's new freedom, its soul was weak and was in a state of starvation. To alleviate the situation, Hikari imbewed Helel with her energies, and in doing so, adopted it as her child. Stablized, Helel and Hikari would set off the beginnings of a celestial saga which to this day remains unfinished...
Load Next Selection on Subject? Y/N?
(Note: For those who want an idea for how far back this entry would cover, the history would cover the first 10 months I was at MSF, so about March 2004 to January of 2005.)

Fri Sep 09, 2005 4:07 pm
by Helel
Disruption of Historical Analysis... Loading Present Combat Data
Material Composition: Solidified Light
-Solidified Light appears to lack any sort of "mass" considering the actual being is made up of energy, rather than normal matter. Despite this unconventional composition, this solidified light seems to be able to "capture" matter from the surroundings, and thus attains a more conventional physical texture and appearance.
-In prescence of artifical "dark" matter, Helel's physical composition begins to breakdown, unless force of will is used to channel more energy towards maintaining the current physical form.
-In presence of concentrated light, Helel will draw in light, much like a plant, and store it away for metabolic reasons, or to expend with various energy based techniques.
-In presence of water, Helel seems to have a more difficultly maintaining its physical form for extended periods of time. For clarafication, this includes combat underwater, or being damaged and thrown into water, not necessarily swimming. This is dependent upon the matter drawn in by Helel inorder to create his "physical" shell which, when not under extreme stress (such as combat, or inhospital atmospheric conditions) requires a miniscule amount of energy to maintain.
-In presence of extreme heat, Helel is rarely affected, given heat has little affect on light energy. However, should Helel be affected, conditions of extreme heat increase his overall energy, while extremely cold conditions weaken him. Taken note, fire deals little to no damage to Helel, whereas ice has an heightened chance of freezing him or inhibiting his movement.
-In presence of electricity, Helel quickly reenergizes, while draining energy from the electrical source, resulting in blackouts in urban areas, which has occured on more than on occasion.
-In presence of intense winds, Helel is rarely affected, aside from dramatic effects, while wind based techniques affect its physical shell normally. Without its physical shell, Helel withstands no ill effects from wind upon his solidified energy state.
New Data from Recent Conflicts:
-Helel is capable of surviving in environments that lack an atmosphere since its metabolism is completely self-sufficient. Furthermore, sonic-sound attacks prove to have little effect on him unless in the presence of water or extreme environments.
(In Progress)

Fri Oct 07, 2005 11:14 pm
by Helel
Note: This Section is out of date, but I'm leaving it here for now.
Detection of New, Unknown Lifeform within Subject Helel... Investigate? Y/N?
Analysis of Concentrated Darkness Manifestation
Codenamed: Angel of Dark, Angel of Abyss
Alias: Nokel: "Night of God"
Visual Analysis
Height: 1.9 meters (6 feet, 2 inches)
Wingspan: 7.4 meters (24 feet)
Mass: Indeterminant, being's physical composition lacks true mass.
Build: Lean and Athletic
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: Varies from short and spiky, to as long as to its feet. Current gender often affects the length of the hair.
Eye Color: Dark Red
Complexion: Pale
Wing Color: Gray
Gender: Androgenous, though as shown capability to phase between either gender at will, depending on the necessity. Gender can be independent of Helel's. Seems to prefer the male gender, however.
Physical Age: Late Teens
True Age: Unknown due to inconsistencies of physical composition
Dress: Clothing that seems to match with the styles of those around him, but often featuring silvers, reds, and blacks. Is often wearing an unknown robe that molds to Nokel's will, and reshapes into a variety of clothing. Shown to be helpful with stealth.
Origin: Nokel appears to be the "negative" of Helel, but is by no means Helel's complete opposite. Nokel's existence seems to be deeply rooted within Helel's own, suggesting the demise of one will result in the downfall of the other.
Demeanor: Nokel is calm, composed and calculating. Ruthless in battle, and nonchalent to threats, his sheer force of personality often belittles his opponents, winning the battle before it has even begun. Only known to speak through mental communication, his voice is projected as being forward and powerful, commonly shaking "listeners" to the core.
OCC Inspirations for Nokel: Hellsing, Vampire Hunter D, Exalted: The Abyssals, Castlevania

Wed Feb 01, 2006 4:36 pm
by Helel
Note: This Section is out of date, but I'm leaving it here for now.
New Analysis of Angelic Weapon Completed
Code Named: Seven Bladed Heaven's Sword
User: Helel
Weapon Class: "Tsunagi" Daiklave
Composition: Particle analysis indicates a high concentration of Orichalcum, with small portions of Jade, Moonsilver, Starmetal, and traces of Soul Steel alloyed with organic-metal compound.
Description: This one of a kind weapon is composed of seven individual daiklaves, each with different cybernetic devices fixed into the blades and hilts of each. Individual analysis is as follows:
Lumoth "Gabriel" - The main weapon the SBHS, this daiklave serves as the primary blade due to its slightly larger size compared to the rest, and more distinct magic aura. Th blade itself is capable of splitting into parts, allowing the other six daiklave to be "fused" with Lumoth, thus increasing the overall magical power of the blade. At the base of the hilt is one white hearthstone, and six setting are apparent on the hilt, the storage place for the other daiklaves' hearthstones once they have fused with Lumoth.
Plasmos "Michael" and "Zadkiel": Twin daiklaves, the hilt of these straight edged daiklaves is within the blade themselves. Burning hot with energy, strikes from these blades corrode and melt away all those whom they bite with their reddish blades.
Arctos "Jophiel" and "Uriel": Twin serrated daiklaves, each cause those whim they strike to freeze up with paralysis and ice, inhibiting motion in those wounded by their blades. Each of these weapons are surprisingly effective at parrying blows, as well as tearing enemies apart.
Thoros "Chamuel" and "Raphael": Daiklaves with positron rifles built into them, these weapons are able to release charged bursts of energy at enemies, or fire normal projectiles when modified. The cutting strokes of these daiklaves are as quick as they are deadly.
Post Analysis of Daiklaves indicates unknown seal within blades, possibly a means of a special technique employed by being Helel. Please investigate further.
(And there's the description of Helel's main weapon :O)
Primary OOC Inspirations: Exalted, FFVII: AC, Evangelion

Sat Jul 15, 2006 12:06 pm
by Helel
New "Human" Manifestation of Helel Lukiferos Detected
Subject codenamed "Sora"
Visual Analysis
Height: 1.6 meters
Mass: Unknown
Build: Thin
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Length: Long
Eye Color: Light Blue
Complexion: Light
Gender: Female
Physical Age: Late Teens
True Age: A few days
Dress: Whatever is available, she has no means of obtaining clothing except for those she's borrowed.
Demeanor: Timid, and nervous, she is easily excitable, and has a fear of demons which is applified by the fact she can sense them by unknown means.
History: Resulting from the altering of Fate by the Celestial Angels, Helel Lukiferos' "Alpha Soul" has been torn from its body, and formed into a human girl's body. The nature of the magicks used by the Angels to rend Helel Lukiferos' Soul, and seal it into a human form is believed to be the result of various astrological effects that are able to rewrite "Destiny." For the interim, Sora lacks any spiritual abilities, or even angelic aura despite the presence of Helel Lukiferos' Alpha soul. Because of this, her health is poor and unstable at best. Search for means of stabilizing health, or the connection between Helel Lukiferos' Soul and Sora's body.

Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:36 pm
by Helel
Unusual manifestation analyzed...
Analysis: Subject Helel has been found to have manifested alternate "souls" while sealed in Heaven as subject "Sora." The exact number of souls which Helel is able to manifest is unknown at the present time, but as of late, at least three additional "Helels" have been observed.
Designations for the Helels are as followed by observations and gather conversations with those whom they interact with.
"Alpha": The alternate souls of Helel have consistently referred to the original Helel as the "alpha", hinting that the soul within Sora is the original.
"Beta": Easily the most free spirited of the observed Helels, "beta" was the first of the alternate Helels and perhaps the second soul of Helel to manifest. His abilities seem balanced, but he has been observed to always be in a male form, and is a bit of a narcissist at times.
"Psi": A largely unknown manifestation, it is believed that Nokel "corrupted" this manifestation of Helel. Psi, also male, seems to exhibit supernatural flexibility and agility, with martial abilities the likes of which have never been observed before. He has been seen to move at the speed of light at least once.
"Omega": A hotheaded, quick to anger manifestation of Helel, this soul seems to exhibit amazing physical and spiritual power, but lack control of her emotions. Irritable, sensitive of her personal space, and arrogant at times, she is fairly easy to take advantage of, as has been demonstrated time and time again. When working in conjunction with Beta, she appears to be a far superior warrior.

Sat Jun 02, 2007 12:35 pm
by Helel
Updating Logs on Subject "Omega"
Recent reports point that the Omega soul of Helel has been growing emotionally and intellectually at a startling rate as of late, perhaps catalyzed by the death of "Beta." The exact cause of Beta's death is unknown, but trace amounts of primordial energies were detected on Beta's corpse and the surrounding area.
Since Beta's death, the ever angry Omega soul has taken great strides in her emotional development, coming to exhibit an almost full range of human emotion. However, Omega's interaction has been confusing due to the vast numbers of people she has come to acquaint herself with.
Zeiss, the Wyvern Knight and future King of Bern was likely the most intimate person with Omega, such that she would even allow him to touch her at times. Furthermore, reports state that Zeiss requested Omega's hand as his queen of Bern, but no information points towards her acceptance or refusal.
The 'Shade' manifestation also got fairly close to this pugnacious angel, and the two would often feud. Both seemed to aid each other in times of need, despite their strained relationship, apparently. They have been counted to have fought together several times, with Shade saving Omega many times as well in one situation or another.
Tyr, "the Horseman of War," developed an almost a sibling relationship with Omega, despite his frequent assertions of Omega "PMSing" (much to her ire), and Omega calling him a whiny brat. Tyr at times seemed to have the strongest friendship with Omega of anyone.
David, a human that Omega had a great deal of interaction with, constantly bewildered her, and often greatly annoyed her due to some of his actions. He is probably the one human she has come to understand at some level, and had set out to aid him and keep him alive, if possible. She also seems to know something of David's fate.
Slide, an immensely powerful angel, with his daughter Mayako, appear to have taken Omega away to some unknown realm after making an offer of showing her purpose to Omega. Although this has resulted in many of the above people banding together to search for the "kidnapped" angel. Information points that Omega went willingly with Slide, however, but no sources are able to determine where the angels have disappeared to, or how to reach said place due to the complications of Omega's disappearance.
Further Updates on Data...
Helel (Omega) has recently returned from having spent time with Slide and his family in training of some sort. By the time operatives located her, it seemed that her personality had become decidely more controlled than before. Omega apparently owes this to finding her purpose which at the present is hard to determine from mere personality changes or by alterations in her mannerisms.
During Omega's disappearance however, a being masquerading as a male Helel appeared, but exhibited no inclination towards which soul he was posing as. Sources point to the belief this being is one of the "Sages", but other than Shade, Shard, or Shadow, no one seems positive. Shortly before Omega's return, he disappeared curiously.