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Raijin the Earthen Spirit Dragon

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 1:36 pm
by Raijin
Name: Raijin
Age: Unknown, appears 25
Height: 5'6
Race: Earth Spirit Dragon
Home: Japan
Weight: 165 in human form
Hair: Light Aqua Green, short slightly above the shoulders rather wild.
Eyes: One-Yellow one Red
Gender: Female
Clothing Raijin always wears a silk emerald green with gold trim kimono and traditional tabi socks and sandals.
Build: Elegant, athletic build
Racial Abilities: Raijin has the ability to control the earth around her. Her clan was assigned to keep Japan's plant life and land healthy. Long Life. The abilitie to morph into a human form and Magic sense, the ability to see if an object holds some form of magical property. Able to breath fire. Flight. Due to being a Dragon compared to a human Raijin would have super strength.
Other known Abilities: Tf Breath, Mallet-fu Grand Master and Founder.

Brief History: Raijin arrived in MSF with clearly no real goal other then due to her past caused to become a nomad. Back then Raijin was male and had a family and friends. Raijin comes from a long line of Earthen Spirit Dragons who tribe was assigned the honorable duty to preserve the lands of Japan. For thousands of years Raijin and his tribe guarded and protected the lands of Japan. Life was good for Raijin, he was fairly young for his race and life was prosperous. He had not care in the world until one day. A band of Dragon hunters who did not believe that Raijin’s tribe protected the lands. In-fact all they wanted was the scales and horns which they could sell for their greedy needs. They set loose poison in the tribes water spring and soon after each dragon of the tribe became ill. This gave the hunters an advantage and easily dispenses Raijin’s tribe. Luckily for Raijin, he was out on a hunting mission with his Mother to caught meat and other types of food for the tribe.

Returning to the cave where their tribe had stayed, to see corpses of their family members and friends burning skinless and boneless drove Raijin mother into a fury. She flew off into the distance catching wind of the hunters scent. She arrived at their camp but these hunters may have been greedy but they were no fools and had a trap set for Raijin’s Mother, ensnaring her in a trap but not before she was able to due a hefty toll against their numbers. Raijin knew something was wrong and followed his mother scent to only watch her death. The leader of the Hunters smile wickedly as he did way with Raijin’s Mother. The leader was not ready for Raijin so there was no trapped laid. In fear of his own life he began to use a spell which was given to him to incase of an emergence. Due to having no knowledge of magic outside of a few tricks to capture Dragons the foolish Hunter miscast the spell and giving Raijin a much different curse then what the original spell had in mind.

the bug Bites

PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:13 am
by Mr. Critick
hmmmm, Eastern dragon orgin...interesting. From my take, the Curse made Raijin female but is that all that it did as it's not really much of a curse if it did, though for the time it can be seen as a curse as females aew seen as second class citizens. Second does Raijin want the curse remove, did she accept the curse and continue her life. What are her thoughts about this curse?

The TF breath confuses me a bit as I fairly knowledgable about dragons and can't think of where this would come from, appart from a spell. Do you have a pearl perhaps?

If it's not to much trouble how about something about raijin personality and what she does around here around MSF?

you have the look of a decent well balance character there but you still need to develope, different aspects of her such as history, personality and her goals.

Re: the bug Bites

PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:41 am
by Raijin
Mr. Critick wrote:hmmmm, Eastern dragon orgin...interesting. From my take, the Curse made Raijin female but is that all that it did as it's not really much of a curse if it did, though for the time it can be seen as a curse as females aew seen as second class citizens. Second does Raijin want the curse remove, did she accept the curse and continue her life. What are her thoughts about this curse?

Raijin was actually cursed with the none-orignal Ranma 1/2 style curse. Untill she arrived to MSF where she was tranformed to female full time due to be well under the influence of candy long story. But after awhile Raijin felt it was probably best to stay female. Due to females of Raijin tribe past on most traits to the young. So Raijin intends to "one" day settle down and save her tribe and continue on the chain.

Mr. Critick wrote: The TF breath confuses me a bit as I fairly knowledgable about dragons and can't think of where this would come from, appart from a spell. Do you have a pearl perhaps?

TF breath came from a roleplay involving an Sia and Raijin so it was a dorment abilite that she learned throught the roleplay.
Mr Critick wrote:
If it's not to much trouble how about something about raijin personality and what she does around here around MSF?

raijin tends to be rather "spunky" and will always stand up for what she believes in. The Strange thing about Raijin is the more her form is of her orignal Dragon form the more Mature she acts. She feels its best while in her human form to act more relaxed even though everyone in MSF knows shes a Dragon.


PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 7:08 am
by Guest

Well as brief as your comment is it explains alot.