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It's MoS' world now

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:48 am
by Teddy
(This is horribly long, so I've split it into 2 posts)


In the beginning, there was the perfect darkness/chaos. One being ruled this primordial goop, and it had no had name. It created servitors, but they were eventually consumed by the roiling chaos, except a few. It was pleased with it's creations and allowed them to roam around the realm. Then the perfect utopia for this thing and it's creations came to an end.

Beings that rivaled this thing in power invaded it's realm. They called themselves 'gods'. They created something they called the 'material plane'. The thing created more servitors, and created an army to fight against these invaders. Unfortunetly, it wasn't on it's own plane anymore, and they had to become 'physical'. Whatever that was. Long story short, the thing was banished to the plane of shadow, which was all that was left of his perfect darkness. But it was forever connected to the material plane, thus being an insult to it's existance.

It's servitors were banished to wasteland planes which were created during the final battle with the thing. These things were eventually dubbed 'demons, devils, yugoloths, and youkai ' and the planes where they dwelled were the abyss, the hells, Hades, and The Makai respectively. Some of the more hideous servitors were sent to their own plane, which was dubbed 'The Far Realm'. It quickly drifted away from reality and was forgotten about. The demons and devils started a mass genocide against the other, which continues to this day. Yugoloths profited from this hatred, and became mercenaries. The Youkai stayed in the Makai and didn't worry about the politics of the other planes. All of these races remember nothing about why they were created.

The thing in the darkness tried many more times to destroy reality. Finally, after it wreaked utter carnage on an ancient multi-planed civilization (called A'tanis) and scattered it's inhabitants across the face of the mega-verse, the gods finally took a decisive action. They put an untold number of bindings on it, put it in an enchanted sleep, and cast it into a random plane. Eons passed and it awoke a few times, to direct worshippers, create Slayers (see below), and sow seeds of entropy. The most recent of these cults would be in ancient Greece, on our own planet Earth. Erebus or the 'face in the darkness' was a secretive cult, and was eventually rooted out and destroyed.

The Slayers are the favoured beings of the Shadow. These things only exist to destroy. He talks to them in their dreams, slowly manipulating his chosen to cause suffering, chaos and death. The soul slowly becomes shadow stuff, and their minds become incomprehensible. The gods hate Slayers, as do all beings that care for the material plane. When one is discovered, it is usually attacked by all forces the gods can muster; no chances should be taken. Most are whisked away just before they die, and are seen in other realms just a few years later. If all of the Slayers are assembled into an army, it will be the day the universe will be remade, but thankfully, the thing has no true plans... Yet.

Just 15 years ago, the thing awakened again, and after directing it's worshippers etc, It sensed it was close to a planet teeming with possibility. After searching for a suitable host, it entered an unborn body. Unfortunetly for the thing, the bindings kicked into overdrive and blocked out everything that it was. Eventually, with the help of 3 elite Slayers, the thing regained fragments of self. It's not complete but it's working towards it. Now if it could stop and look at the big picture, it would become a fearsome force.

(Intermission. Go get a soda, take a break, then read the rest)


Around 25 years ago, a youkai prince ran away from the court he was about to inherit. His name was Kaij. As Kaij fled his court, he ran across all that remained of a party exploring some ancient ruins that pre-dated the Youkai's inhabitation of the Makai. While he served as a bodyguard, he kept coming into conflict with the other bodyguard, a very strange man named Kuruke. Eventually the duo had to run for their lives as they awakened one of the original servitors of the thing. This demonic entity destroyed all the rest of the party and made the ruins it's home, because it couldn't leave them.

Kaij and Kuruke got into a fight, and the prince left him dead just a mile outside of the largest city on their layer; Blacktown. (the name the Youkai have given it is inpronouncable and untypable. I swear.) Kaij set up residence in Blacktown, and soon Kuruke came looking for a rematch. This time they tied and decided to put their talents to more profitable ends: Thievery. The two started out small, raiding houses and doing odd jobs. Eventually this wasn't enough for them, and they decided to try and expand their skills. Before this could happen, they were interrupted by a human.

He introduced himself as Zy and claimed to be seeking the duo that had destroyed a giant* he had been hired to kill. They explained that they had killed the giant for it's leg bone to give to a private contractor. Zy then asked if he could help them on anything that they needed done. Kaij and Kuruke didn't trust this all too eager recruit, so they sent him to 'investigate' some ruins. They knew the demon would easily tear apart this frail human and they wouldn't have to deal with him. They were wrong. Zy somehow defeated the demon (called Vell) and absorbed everything of it. This also drove him utterly insane, and he didn't recognize the fact they had sent him to die at the hands of that thing. True to their word, Kuruke and Kaij let Zy join. (if only for the fact he was insanely** powerful)

After that, something began manipulating them, speaking in their dreams. They began to kill and loot, not just loot. 4 years ago, led by Sinre, the Demon Kings banished the Triad from the Makai and sealed their powers in items. Eventually, they got back together, and were drawn to a weird lookin' kid. Zy used a spell to figure out who he was, and in doing so broke the first seal on the darkness. They know that if they release all the seals something will happen, but not exactly what.

Emmesseff has become the temporary base for these beings, and all of them enjoy it, despite what they say. But the plots of the thing are still present in the seemingly innocent MoS, and Emmesseff could just be a stepping stone on his path to reclaim his ancient throne.

*Everything can be found in the Makai.
**Haha.. That's kinda a joke.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:08 am
by Teddy

Kaij, exiled prince
Hair/Eyes: Black/red
Height: 6'5''
Age: 55, but appears 18
Race: Shadow Youkai
Weight: 214 lbs.
Class: Shadow Knight

Appearence: Tall, scarecrow like, wearing a trenchcoat with an infinite number of pockets. Jeans and t-shirt under trenchcoat. If he shifts into his demon form, the trenchcoat becomes a pit of infinite blackness, along with his eyes. He has almost no sense of self in this form.

Personality: Kaij has loosened up at Emmesseff, and enjoys sleeping and talking as much as he does fighting. He uses MoS as a stress reliever, and it has almost become a habit. He's carefree and would sacrifice himself for his friends... Even if he says things to the contrary.

Abilities: Kaij can manifest weapons out of thin air, he can 'shadowport' which allows him to move from shadow to shadow, and the youkai can produce blasts of energy, the strength depending on how shadowy the area he's in.

Kuruke, The one without a cool title.
Hair/Eyes: Blue or blonde/Red or Purple
Height: 6'2''
Age: Unknown, but he appears to be in his 20's.
Race: Unknown, but he seems to be Half angel and half Demon. Or we can go by Kaij's theory: 50% devil, 50% angel, 100% a-hole.
Weight: 221 lbs.
Class: Sword Saint

Appearence: Kuruke has either long, or short and spikey hair, of either of the two colors. (It changes on a whim, so it's probably different every day) He's usually in a muscle shirt and jeans, with his sword at his right side. A white wing is on his left side, a black wing on his right. It's very rare to find him without a cigarette in his mouth.

Personality: Kuruke is just out to have a good time. If this means fighting, drinking, and smoking, so be it. If it means being mellow and falling in love, all the better. He's the nicest of the Triad, and the most reasonable.

Abilities: Kuruke is an expert sword fighter and has yet to be beaten in straight up melee combat. He can heal people, and if hard pressed surround his sword in an 'aura' of his energy. If one side takes over, he gains different abilities. As an angel he can resurrect the dead, and if the demon takes over, he can inflict wounds and even destroy life.

Zy-Vell, the ultimate mockery
Hair/Eyes: Brown/Red
Height: 6'7''/13'4''
Age: Zy's age: 28/As old as MoS.
Race: Human/Ancient Servitor
Weight: 192 lbs/ Vell's Weight: 1500 lbs.
Class: Ki channeler/Ancient Servitor

Appearence: Tall and thin, even more-so than Kaij. Zy has a tattoo on the right side of his face, which stops on his neck, but starts in the middle of his back and goes down both arms, ending just before the fingers. His bottom lip is pierced once, his right and left eyebrows pierced 3 times each, his left ear is nothing but earrings, and his right ear is pierced 4 times. Zy is usually dressed in a full tuxedo, so most of his tattoo's are not visible, and gloves that go along with the coat.Vell is a bestial red skinned demon, with the horns, the tusks, and the raw power that characterizes most demons. The tatto's on Zy transfer to this being, except they move like they're veins or they're alive themselves.

Personality: Zy is cold, aloof, and cynical. He and hasn't gotten close to anyone since he's had to share his soul with a demon, and in fact, he's recently recovered from his insanity using meditation. (Having Vell restrained by a mystical earring he wears didn't hurt either.) This means he'll be a bit warmer to people.Vell exists for one purpose, to unmake creation for his master. He does this quite well, but Zy won't let him out much, so this usually leads to Zy argueing with himself.

Abilities: Zy can channel his Ki to most anything, so he's very versatile. Creating weapons, Energy blasts, flying, even TFing people. Vell just unleashes his power on everything and everyone he can find.

The MasterofShadows
Hair/Eyes: Black/Brown
Height: 6'3''
Age: Ancient beyond all reason. Appears 15.
Race: Primordial dark being
Weight: 186 lbs
Class: Primodial dark being

Appearence: MoS keeps his hair long, and doesn't shave very often. Besides that, he's in archaic looking armor, with runes engraved into the armor, and most people are driven insane just looking at it. Sometimes he carries a Zweihander on his back, and a katana on his left side. Other times, it just appears as a normal human boy.

Personality: MoS is looney. This is his human side coming through, and it just wants to party. If more seals are removed, he gains a cynical disregard for all life, and starts to scheme and plot the end of all reality.

Abilities: MoS can sword fight, cast a few spells, and TF people. As he sleeps, he can control and coodinate his Slayers. If more seals are removed, new abilities will be gained to help the quest for the obliteration of all life.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:35 am
by Teddy

Hair/Eyes: Black/Red
Height: 6'4''
Age: Nearing 80, but appears 23.
Race: Shadow Youkai
Weight: 200 lbs
Class: Shadow Knight
Background: Yanjunswan is the first-born of a prestigious shadow youkai clan. He is also the older brother of Kaij. Kaij was chosen by their father to inheret the throne, something the arrogent Yanjunswan had always wanted. Yanjunswan played on Kaij's doubts about what this would do to his freedom, and eventually had convinced him to leave. Yanjunswan inherited the throne and has expanded his domain.
Personality: Yanjunswan is a scheming, conniving youkai. He's never really without a plan to gain more power, and expand his hold on the makai. He's the perfect image of a power hungry youkai.
Abilities: Yanjunswan has all of the abilities that Kaij possesses.

Soul Edge
Hair/Eyes: Variable
Height: Variable
Age: Unknown
Race: Soul Edge
Weight: Variable
Class: Variable
Background: Originally a demonic sword that devoured souls, Soul Edge was given human form. It is still getting used to being in its own body instead of being a sword. It seems to enjoy female forms, as they're something different from the male hosts it has dominated.
Personality: Soul Edge is sometimes confused by some human customs, and people with emotions other than hate. It still eats souls, not that it has a need, but because it likes the taste.
Abilities: Soul Edge can manifest the fell blade, Soul Edge at any moment.

(Yelen will never show up unless I'm OPing an RP, which is a rare event, but he needs to be mentioned anyway.)

Hair/Eyes: White/White
Height: 5'7
Age: Unknown, but he appears to in his late 60's.
Weight: 120
Race: Unknown, but he is believed to be an Ice Youkai
Class: Unknown, but he is believed to be a swordsman.
Background: Yelen seems to be a retired swordsman, now running a shop in a demon metropolis. He supplies mostly curiosity items, and information, but he may sell something with darker origins than that.
Personality: Yelen has a barrier around him and the rest of the world, so he is distant from everyone, including regular customers.

(I'll update sometime later...)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 9:40 am
by Teddy
Hair/Eyes: Brown/Brown
Height: 6'5''
Age: 16
Race: Human
Weight: 195 lbs.
Class: Antiquarian

Background: A very strange human boy, Geo was brought here by MoS in an effort to gain revenge on his OOC. But he chose the wrong dimension, and brought someone even stranger than his OOC. Geo did practice magic on earth, but it didn't work as well as it does in MSF. He's dedicated himself to the 'old gods' and their goals. Also, he has something of a tutor, Polyxena, the sorceress.

Personality: Geo is very eccentric and is always after some sort of new knowledge, even if it might cost him his life/soul/sanity. But Geo is also has a strong sense of self and high mental endurance. He dislikes any acts of cruelty, abuse of power, etc. He's got a good heart, despite being kinda creepy.

Abilities: Geo has a impressive number of spells, almost none of the lethal or transmutation. Most of them summon one thing or another, and others protect him or those around him. When something tries to kill him, or make him demonic, the old gods step in, and usually right things for Geo. But his most impressive ability is the fact he has a mind like a diamond blade. Razor sharp, beautiful, and impossible to break. Geo is immune to every single type of mental TF, sanity loss, or anything of that sort. This puts him at odds with some of MSF's residents, who'd prefer his wit not so sharp, his cynicism not so promonent, or his mind the way it is.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 4:53 pm
by Teddy
The bonds have broken, and MoS is unleashed upon reality. Or MSF. Whatever.

MoS has already made a name for himself in the cosmos by destroying an entire abyssal layer, devouring another alien intelligence, and NOT obliterating reality. 'Cause he'd go with it. However, he.. no, IT hates most of existance and enjoys manipulating things to cause the most pain and suffering on a cosmic level. It WILL combat evil if it feels threatened. Or if it doesn't like the other evil on the playing field.

MoS interacts with reality by utilzing 'fragments' of itself, which are bits of its power merged with darkness, energy, shadows, or anything MoS deems appropriate. Several fragments have been identified.

Fragment 1: 'Normal' MoS.
Much like his old 'human form', this MoS fragment has a Zwiehander, long hair, and armor. He seems to be least serious of the fragments and may do something completely random.
Power of prime MoS used: Usually uses .5% strength of prime MoS.
Abilities of note: All the abilities of the 'original' MoS.

Fragment 2: The mad Jester
A very creepy looking and very insane Jester. He rhymes all the times, and we can't get him to stop. He's made out of angel blood and shadows and is quite scary to have around. The full range of it's abilities is unknown, and not many wish to probe it.
Power of the prime used: ?????
Abilities of note: The Jester can do a multitude of things, most of them dealing with souls. It can also warp space/time to a certain extent.

Fragment 3: 10%
A humanoid form with grey skin, reptillian eyes, claws and fangs, and insane strength characterizes this fragment. It's designed for destruction and nothing else.
Power of Prime used: 10%
Abilities of note: None have been revealed, but it is theorized that the more power it obtains from the prime, the more bestial it may become.

Fragment 4: Gambler?
A strange cross between the normal MoS and the Jester, this MoS manipulates time/space with dice and a card set. His games are deadly to one's health or to one's current form.
Power of Prime used: 5%
Abilities of note: To transform or even slay people if they participate in it's 'games'.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:42 pm
by Teddy
Name: Fredrick (Goes by Frey.)
Gender: Male. Usually.
Height: Is about 6'6", a little bit taller than Geo.
Age: 3 weeks, but appears 16 or 17.
Race: Corrupted Human?
Weight: 200 lbs.
Class: Samurai

Background: When Geo was working for MoS, he formed a slightly unique bond with him, awakening something deep inside the mage. This newly awakened side of Geo slowly started to gain a mind of it's own and fought for dominance of the body. MoS managed to keep them from destroying each-other, then had Sky split them into their own bodies.

Personality: Frey is easy-going and care-free, much like his 'brother'. However, he's a bit less curious, but has just a good of a heart, despite his protests.

Abilities: Frey says that he could even match Kuruke in a sword fight. This is an exaggeration on his part, but nevertheless, he is very skilled and uses magic to enhance those abilties. He's still got the biting sarcasm and the self-reliance of Geo, and encounters the same problems.

PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 6:05 pm
by Teddy
I think it's about time I do this, as they've really started to grow on me. Like some sort of black fungus. Just like Musa did. Anyway, Big bad MoS split himself into three distinct pieces. Why? Nobody really knows, 'cause the fragments aren't telling.

So far, they've been identified as Shade, Shard, and Shadow... More may appear, or it just may be these three. At the moment, they're prone to infighting and sibling rivalry.

Height: 6'4"
Weight: Between none and 203 lbs. (Depends on how physical he is that day)
Description: A tall, lanky, and angular young man, about 16 years old. He has dull gold eyes and wears a usually happy expression. His usual outfit is a muscle shirt (Black, grey, or white), and samurai pants, (grey in color). He has the straw sandals with a metal bottom (made out of Moonsilver). His purple hair is cut short and is very messy, never staying in the same style day by day. A katana hangs on his right side, indicating he's left handed.
Persona: His personality is unique, as he possesses what is rare among the void children. A heart and the ability to feel. He has feelings for a girl, maybe several that are in and around MSF. However, like the others and the 'old' MoS, he carries himself arrogently with an added touch of 'Devil may care'. He's also known to act like an emo kid, angsting because he can't get a girl, because no one seems to like him... But his honor and knight-like ideas have earned him respect with some, especially his 'charge' David.
Background: Created from a third of MoS, angel blood, and blood from Beyond, Shade is a chimera of the best and the worst of the megaverse. Human and angelic emotions, the void, and a demons anger. He's interacted with the angels of Yu-Shan, fought off demon invasions, and has tried to woo some girls. He's been successful in all but the last, and is slowly becoming bitter.
Abilities: Shade can move faster than the eye can see, if he really puts his mind to it. His body can withstand amazing amounts of punishment, and is incredibly strong. (He could probably catch a falling jet and land it, with being EXTREMELY tired afterwards.) He can manipulate darkness and shadows with his mind, but can't make them solid. Black ribbons or angel wings can sprout from his back, giving him the ability to fly. However, he truly shines in melee, when weilding a blade. He can channel his energy into the blades... He's adopted several 'styles', forming them into his own... Hien Ken and Niten-Ryu are notable among these styles. From Beyond's blood, he can open and close dimensional portals, allowing him to be insanely mobile on the battle field, or suck up enemy attacks.

Inspired by: Samurai Champloo, Guilty Gear's Sol Badguy, BLEACH, and Samurai Deeper Kyo.

Mah notes!: Shade continues to be my favorite fragment, because there's so much too him. Sure, he's tough, but that's not why I like him. I like him because I can probe deep with him.. He's also like me, a hopeless romantic who's never able to get a girl. : P

I'm so empathic. ._.