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ashuros's characters

PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 5:00 pm
by ashuros
alias: Alaunus
real name: David silrin
Species: Human
Gender: Male
IQ: 120
Marital Status: Single?
DOB: 17/10/1589
Birth Place: England
Alignment: Good
Personal facts
Friends: Who you're on good terms with
Rivals: Who are you competing with?
Known relatives: unknown (understandable since its been over 400 years )
Likes/Favourite activities: training, sleeping bird watching.
Dislikes/Least favourite activities: working in the night
Gourmet of choice: roast turkey
Beverages of choice: water
Favourite colour(s): bronze, orange
Personality: Alaunus is a honest person who keeps his word although he can get a bit arrogant at other times he can be very gentle. he has a very strong since of right and wrong and would never take another’s life no mater what.
Physical Appearance
Skin Colour: white
Eye Colour: orange (originally brown)
Hair Style: often short and uneven (at other times long)
Hair Colour: red
Attire: What does your character wear? some times brown and orange robes but usually armour
Back Story: Back when he went by the name of David, Alaunus was a young knight hoping to live up to his fathers memory (he had recently died in a battle). During his first mission he had grown tired and stopped at a near by church however during the night he was attacked by strange creatures fearing for his life he tried to escape but found the door locked and that all the prestos were no where to be found so David had no choice but to search the church alone. he soon discovered that the church was a front for a insane cult who planed on summoning a sun sprit to empower themselves with but David interrupted the ceremony and became trapped within the sun sprit for many years until one day he woke up and found himself in present day and with strange new abilities and the odd felling to from now on call himself Alaunus.
powers and abilities: As a side effect of bounding with a sun sprit Alaunus can now manipulate sun light into any solid material he can think of however anything he makes will become light again after a hour and constant use of his abilities will cause Alaunus to feel tired also exposure to moon light will cause anything he makes to return to normal. Alaunus also is a expert swordsman.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 5:53 pm
by P-tan
Yo I haven't seen you for ages!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:39 am
by ashuros
Yeah well my comp broke down and my school comps block all forums so i had to wait until the computer could be replaced.