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My own little universe. (Earth Rebirth)

PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 1:33 am
by Lucky
This here discribe things from my little universe. I don't know if I want to make storyies about it, or what but here it is.... I wasn't sure were easl to put this, I'm not too good at running my own RPG's and I was realy hope someone whould like to ues it. >__<

The world is self is at a post war, and is ravaged. Tentions still run high. It takes place long after the worl we know know was dystoryed by resones unknowen.

The races of this world are the Humans, Cracktoka and dragtokan since we all and love Humans here is the other two. The is also the "Lost Ones"


The Dragtoken look like the cross between a Dragon and a sort of mammal in anthropomorphic forum. This long ears and long tails being distinctive traits. There race was created by the leading scientists on the central powers of Atlantokan. They were employed as scouts and support troops from the main human armies of the central Atlantokan powers. After this 1st great atlantokan war they were given there freedom.

In latter years with science became more advance and nano bots were invented and new ability was discovered for them. Because of there artificially nature there strucher was very simple and easy to work with. This meant billions of nano bots could be injected into there system, and live in a symbolic relation ship with there body. There body is host and helps give the nano bots the materials the need to keep there number in check and ECT. For the Dragtoken they receive amazing healing abilities along with being able to transform parts of there body and if give the time and energy can change there hole body.

They can also "infect" people with nano bots under there control. This means they could use there body as a puppet and even transform the victim’s body. Of course though there is many draw back. For starters "infecting" people takes much concentration and much energy. While there puppetearing the body there original body is vulnerable and ECT.

And even though these nano bots give them amazing healing abilities. They still feel pain and blows of extreme force will knock them out. Let's also not forget only high ranking Dragtoken's, Assassins, of offspring of the former have these nano bots in them.


Let's also not for get the Cracktoka! The Cracktoka are the exiles of the major Atlantokan powers during and after the 1st great Atlantokan war. These people are mostly political threats, traders, and the most dangers to solidity. Families of these people are give the option to go with there loved ones and more times then not they will.

What happened was during the great war Admaireto has hasty for a quick victory and used an atomic of grand scale (even though the treaties forbid any atomic weapons). This bomb cause high radiation levels in about an area of land as large as your world's California. After the war with the influx of people that were deemed responsible for all the broken treaties, War crimes, and starting the war, were gathered up to be exiled. They needed a place to send them, so this bomb site was the place were sent to.

The Cracktokians population is dived mostly from the exile leaders, there loyal followers, even hole sections of armies and there families, alone with some criminals all went to live there, following the great leaders they trusted and scared of how the rest of there people would treat them if they knew there loyalty to them, there was also the fact there was no more jobs for the retied soldiers and with out there great leaders felt that things could only get worse in there homelands. But this land quickly scared the people and there children. To survive the quickly created there own government and started becoming self sufficient.
The scares of the hardships there were endured was great though. After generations of living in these conditions they grew stronger. They now look like things from horror films. Usually characteristic to them is a forehead the comes down low over there right eye and a flab of skin that covers the left. Some of a noise while other have too holes were it should be. There is also the strange lips there known to have. There top lips come down very low while the lower lip only comes about half way past there teeth. There are also other face and bodied deformations that vary from person to person.

There facial deformities very greatly from individual, and because of there deformities are sometimes cumbersome many chose to have crude plastic surgery done to keep there body more manageable.

The most common practice is having the left eye flab removed, stapled back, or a combination of the two. Another is having any partly developed noses removed. Like deformities the surgery and scares from it very Person to person. Some even have permanent stitches and stables that have been connected to the bone. Like said this is crude plastic surgery, and the scares and stitches have over time become something beautiful to them (yet is ugly to us)

It should also be noted that because of the radiation they have evolved amazingly wild. Because of only the strongest surviving they have become unaffected by radiation, and have even devolved super human strength and reflexives. In the way of brains they are the same as any average human though.


Stuff about the geographicry of the world.

Atlantokan is the main continent were every thing happens. It has many western Themes and the characters have western states of mind. But remember Atlantokan is not the only contented.

To the west of Atlantokan is the great storm belt. No one has crossed it alive, or if they did they haven’t made it back. Rumors are that pirates know a way threw this belt but no one knows if it’s true. What is known is they bring back amazing and never before seen gold statues. Some say these care coming from the unknown parts of the Afnack Plaines. Others say from a fabled land behind the storm belt. No one knows for sure.

To Atlantoken’s south is Afnack, the large mostly dire continent with living dotting around any rivers and such. Mostly unexplored and people living there considered savages.

To Atlantoken’s east is the Myron continent. Considered exotic and has many oriental themes. The south is controlled by an empire that was been in power for hundreds if not thousands of years. A large chain of islands off the coast of it is a similar empire with many of the same costumes yet still very different. The north is controlled by Mosstock which also stretches into Atlantokan.

There a strange not quite a "race" too. "The Lost"
Mosre or less there was once a ancent cilivaztion of greatness that was lost. The only citiy knowen to still sand is in there polar region and is extremly hard to reach. It is also supected that there are still cities on the other side of the storm belt. "The lost" amd strang androids and robots of every shap and size. Some looking almost human, others being primitive or animalistic looking. Some have skin almost real to the touch while others are cold hard steal and hydrolics. They know what happend to the anchients but they whould rather stay in there citiy and be left alone. They also are far-more advanced in tecnoligy and Magic then anything anyone eals knowes. Even things the melt the two together and blures the lines. It is also rumerded that there are some that are "brains in a jar" from this long ago time. It's said they comand and still lead there mecinized servents.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 2:18 am
by Lucky

Think Britsh, uniforms, wepons, ect. will be spinned off from them. Wepons and Vehicles bassed on tecnoligy.
-Central Atlantok Empire
Think empieral Germany and Austera. Wepons and Vehicles bassed off tecnoligy.
Think itlaly. They ues tecnoligy with a dash of magic. So for example there wepons be it gun or blade has "blessings" casted on it to make them stronger, faster, ect. They are a chain of islands and and strench of coast in the sea seperateing Atantokan from Afnack.

---Off far coats of Atlantokan---
Think America. Wepons and Vehicles are bassed off tecnoligy.

Think Russia. Tecnoligy&Fantsey bassed. They fly furry dragons, Shot guns, and got wired musox/raindeer things that pull carts/artillery, ect.

-Think China Soliy fansey basssed. They got muskets but are uesing fansey animals, spellS, LIKE LIKE.
(nothing to dramitic for magic thow, just things like magical explosive arrows, and ect. No bull like "ZOMG DIS SPELL KILLES 10 GUYS AT ONCE LOLOLOZ!")

-Think Japan. Mostly fanstesy and with abit more tecnoligy then Konia. In this time they just recently made there 1st metal ships. So think awcword strang of them leaveing magic behind for tecnoligy.

-Dineka.Think persia. They got a even mix of tecnoligy and fantsey, yet they don't adbandon the fantsey-ish stuff and ther "warror spirite".

-Afnack Tribal Union
Extremly Fantsey and magic based. With "voodoo" theams. Each tribe has it's own "garason" and are independent. But will help the other if in need. Thow few there warroriers are strong and brave.

Think egypt, More fantsey than tecnoligy then what the Dineka are.

I know there isn't much here right now, but there is alot fo me to go threw. Anything about animals, tatics, uniforms, ect of this universe I can tell you off the top of my head
putting it together thow is a pain.