by Mitera Nikkou » Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:22 pm
But it still doesn't seem to work, like MMORPG does. Original would have to be a noun, so then it's a matter of whether animation video or video animation makes more sense. See, video is a medium of animation; it's pictures brought to life. So it's like saying original animation animation. ;p Just original video would do. Basically, the same could be said the other way around, now that I think about it. What really needs to be done is have animation changed to anime. Duh! Animation is too general, which is why it clashes with video, which is also a general term. But then it would only sound right if it's called an original anime video. Or, OAV. Cha-ching! XD
(Yes, I find this amusing. ;p)
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned because only women can give two tits for every tat.