by ElanaSilvereye » Thu May 04, 2006 12:18 am
I am really not very active on the forums, and I have all but completely disapeared from IRC, but like I was lookin round n stuff, n like I have been around almost as long as musa and lotsa other peoples ^_^
I think maybee I'm just not very popular hehe '-_^ but I thought I'd do a poll cause I loves everyone and feel like a part of MSF heart and soul, just I'm always sad when I think I post allot, but still see it say "Newbie" next to my name, even tho my joining date doesn't make sense with how many posts I do TT__TT
So yeah, a Poll on if people know me, or how well they do, please post who you are after you vote! and leave me a personal note, cause some of you I won't forgive if you say you know me but don't post a message too! cause I know ya do! >_>