by Mitera Nikkou » Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:37 pm
I consider fate to be every single choice that you have available to you, and your destiny is just a result of your choices in general. For instance, if you were born, say, two-hundred years ago as a paraplegic, then your fate would be that you could do anything except walk under your own power, with your legs. If you choose to try, you're destined to fail. Even in this day, while there are ways to walk on legs that don't work, they are few and far between, and about as effective without some other form of aid. Let's also say that you have a test. Now, if you choose to study and learn in class, your destiny will more likely be that you'll get a passing grade. If you had chosen to not pay attention in class and not study, you're more likely to be destined to get a failing grade. But, if you were a vegetable (mentally), then your fate would be obvious (though not to you, because that's a part of your fate as well).
So, yeah, that's what I think. Fate is every choice that we have available for every circumstance, and destiny is a result of the options that we choose. However, to an extent, we are all guided by outside sources and/or have to accommodate for the circumstances that others (as well as things beyond anyone's control) impose upon us. None of us can make a new tree grow just because we want one to grow. First, if there are no seeds/bulbs/whatever, you can't have your tree. And you'll be destined to never have one if you never choose to get what is required for one. For a knight in the dark/middle ages, it would be his fate to never defeat a dragon and rescue a princess because there would never be a circumstance available for him to choose to do so.
Okay, I'm done rambling. ;p
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned because only women can give two tits for every tat.